Forbidden Heart - The Secrets...

By ElaineWhite

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Two people, never destined to meet. Two hearts, who cannot resist. Three children...two brothers...two... More

1: Caspar's Family , 2314
2: Damian
3: Emmett's Call
4: Briant
5: Emmett
6: Damian
7: Trey
8: Caspar
9: Emmett
10: Damian
11: Lilian
12: Aimes
13: Damian
14: Briant
15: Emmett
16: Damian
17: Emmett
18: Damian
19: The Call
21: Damian
22: Emmett
23: Damian
24: Emmett
25: Caspar
26: Joyous News
27: Simon
28: Emmett

20: Sweet Sorrow

39 7 0
By ElaineWhite

For three weeks Briant stayed with Emmett and Lilian at their camp site. In that time, he tried to find out all he could about Lilian, Emmett's plans and the child they would soon bring into the world. Nothing of what he learned was good. He was surprised to find that Emmett and Lilian had actually managed to get to knew each other pretty well throughout their first three days together. When he quizzed Lilian on her life, trying to be discrete, Emmett showed no surprise over any of the answers she gave. She was recovering well and the more she recovered the more he could see the chemistry between them building. Briant considered it time he should be moving on and heading back to Aveira.

He was worried Emmett's fears over his son were true, that it was only keeping Lilian alive until its birth and then it would kill her. If that was true, he wanted them to have some time alone together before she died. It was only fair. Besides, all those lingering kisses and longing stares he caught passing between them, when they thought he was off hunting, were getting a little too much for him to bear. They needed privacy and he could do with some himself, with Aveira.

It was late into the night when Briant dropped the bomb that he was going to leave the camp. Lilian was sleeping, snuggled into Emmett again and her sickness seemed to be kept at bay though she was visibly growing before their eyes. The baby was already in an advanced stage of pregnancy. He didn't believe it would be long before it was brought into the world.

"I shall take my leave, brother. I believe the danger you are in cannot be cured by any other than our own people. Each day Lilian grows stronger...and I fear, also does your child." Emmett gave Briant a warning look as he reached that part of the conversation. He hadn't told Lilian of his fears that their child might try to kill her. He was afraid it would upset her. He wasn't sure what he would do to his brother if Briant told her his suspicions and made her believe there was no hope. Thankfully, he just sighed and said something else.

"Our people will not cast you out. They will aid you when you need it the most. I am returning to take Aveira as my mate. I will remain with her people until you return to her clan or I feel the loss of your death. Then I shall return to our people and tell them of your fate...and how you had love before you died." Briant feared that he would feel Emmett's death long before he ever knew of his child being born. He was sure that it was so strong and evil that it would attempt to kill all those it should show loyalty to. He couldn't imagine it being tied to anyone, least of all a whole family network.

"Thank you brother. Indeed if help is required, I shall turn to you first amongst Aveira's people." Emmett thanked Briant for his concern, but wanted him to know that it wasn't needed. He was sad to see his brother leave, but also relieved. He hadn't been able to keep his opinions of his son to himself and it grieved him to know his own brother, his own blood was afraid of his son.

He watched with a heavy heart as Briant stood back from the camp fire and transformed into his wolf form. He nodded once to his brother then took off into the woods, running off into the distance in the hope of returning quickly to his mate. Emmett sighed as he looked down at Lilian sleeping, her head rested upon his chest, the cover over her growing stomach. He was surprised when she spoke.

"Will he be returning?" She wondered, in a soft voice.

"No, my love. He is returning to his mate. It is not healthy for our people who have mates to be apart for long periods of time. There is a constant grief in our hearts until we are reunited." He explained thoughtfully. He thought she'd been asleep, though he was relieved she wasn't. There were many private things they had to discuss before their son was born and they hadn't been able to do so without Briant amongst them. Now they could talk freely.

"Did you grieve while we were apart?" Lilian wondered in a whisper, unsure of whether she should have asked or not. Emmett smiled down at her and turned his body into hers. It seemed like he approved and that made her happy. Their attraction had only grown since he had rescued her from the vampire clan house. She had been hopeful that with Briant gone, they might get the change to explore their feelings for one another once more.

"I did. From the moment I reached the cliff top, even before our meeting, my heart has been filled with grief. From then until we met and from our parting to when I held you in my arms again. I have felt no grief since that moment." Emmett promised her he would always grieve while they were apart, no matter for what reason. His confession made her heart light and she couldn't help but ask, a little scared of the answer.

"Then perhaps as your brother is no longer here, you may kiss me without feeling the need to stop?" She wondered quietly. So many lingering, sweet kisses had been ruined by Briant returning from a hunt. Lilian just wanted to know that Emmett still desired her and didn't see her as only the mother of his child and someone he had once adored.

"Perhaps." He agreed in approval of her request. It was nice to be able to have a moment of privacy and intimacy without worrying that his brother was going to ruin it by appearing out of nowhere. When Emmett kissed Lilian lingeringly, there was no thought in the back of his head that they weren't going to be able to enjoy the moment. Instead they took the opportunity of reacquainting themselves with one another. For the rest of the night, they allowed their feelings to over come them until the night grew dark and Lilian was able to sleep in the safety of Emmett's arms.


It took Briant only a few days to reach the meadow where he had parted ways with Aveira. He had traveled flat out to reach her sooner rather than later. He was not in the least surprised to find that when he set foot on the meadow, emerging from the trees as a man, he found Aveira lying in the long grass, enjoying the sun. Not a moment after he took his first step towards her, she sat up, with her back to him and turned to look in his direction.

Briant presumed the call that had told him he would find her in the meadow as she had promised, had also told her he was there with her, finally returned from his trip. Aveira got to her feet the moment she saw him and ran straight into his arms, smiling to herself and closing her eyes in relief as he held her close. She hadn't been dreaming. He had really returned to her. Briant gave her the best greeting he could muster at such a time, having traveled non-stop since leaving Emmett and Lilian, despite his weariness and hunger. He kissed her. For a moment that was all they did until grudgingly, they parted.

"There is something I must speak to your father about. Emmett is not out of danger yet." Briant wanted Aveira to know that although he had returned, it wasn't going to be easy for them. Nor was Emmett safe. The instant he spoke, Aveira's smile faded as she took a step back from him, afraid that he would leave again soon.

"You are not staying?" Aveira was afraid to say anything, other than ask that one, potentially dangerous question. She was scared she would fall to her knees and beg him never to leave her again. She didn't want to be seen as weak, but she also didn't want him to leave and risk getting hurt. They had heard the call and she couldn't imagine the heartache she would feel if he suddenly left again and was killed, leaving her to suffer alone.

"I will stay with you forever. I have heard the call for you...I will never leave you unless I must. I cannot help Emmett by being with him, but there may be hope if your father can hear my words." Briant explained, calming her worries as he took her hand. He asked her to trust him in that he would not leave her, but his task of making sure Emmett was safe was not over. He had a lot to do if he expected Malik to hear him out and understand the situation Emmett and Lilian had got themselves into.

"Then speak with my father you must. He will be very happy to see you returned. I heard the call for you as well." Aveira decided, making her small confession with a smile as she led Briant by the hand, towards the clan territory. They had gone barely a few paces before Briant stopped her. He realized Malik wasn't the only one who would have to know the full truth of Emmett and Lilian's situation if he expected to get the result he wanted. If he and Aveira were to be united they would all be part of the one family. She would need to know the truth before she decided whether she still wished to be related to the first lycan to ever have fallen in love with a vampire.

"I have been gone weeks, but the call has been heard and it must be obeyed. I do not ask lightly, there is much you should know before you decide we should be united. Emmett...he has also found his mate, but there is much danger for them. I wish you to also be present when I speak with your father so you may hear his troubles and decide if you still wish to be united." Briant asked, surprising Aveira with the invitation. Whenever anyone took council with an Elder, it was only the clan leader or his most trusted adviser who was allowed to be present.

To ask her to be there as well meant that whatever business he wished to discuss was serious enough that it might affect their union. But she didn't care what he thought, she wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in the way of their union.

"I will let nothing stop us from uniting, Briant. I cannot bear to suffer this grief any longer just because we are parted." She confessed. Besides she knew Emmett well enough to know he would never allow Briant to be involved with a situation that would reflect badly upon him. No matter what he had to do to keep it a secret from his brother. He would never let harm come to Briant, if the cause of the danger was his own mistakes and choices. So Aveira had no hesitation about where or not she and Briant would be united.

Aveira had convinced Briant so well that he allowed her to guide him back into the clan territory and straight to her fathers tent. It wouldn't be easy to get council with him at such short notice, but it would have to be done. He hoped as his daughter, Aveira could get access to him just log enough to explain that he required his help to save Emmett and Lilian's lives.

Briant tried to explain Emmett and Lilian's situation to Malik and Aveira. It wasn't easy and he wasn't sure they could fully understand without seeing them for themselves, but he tried to cover the most important parts. Lilian's vampire blood, the child who was growing as rapidly as a well developed lycan child. Emmett's fears and the signals he had spotted when Emmett had known, without being told, that Lilian and the child needed food or rest or to move around. There was something going on that Emmett hadn't confessed to, but Briant had witnessed it all the same, working right before his eyes. When he was finished his explanation, Malik sat quietly, thinking things through for a few moments before speaking.

"This is grave news indeed. I should not have let the boy leave had he told me the extent of his worry. Not knowing of a child would have made no change. I could have advised him and given a small remedy to the sickness." Malik cursed himself for not seeing the truth of Emmett's questions and the worry in his eyes. He had noticed it and thought it nothing more than the worry of a lycan who had fallen in love with a vampire. He should not have spoken so thoughtlessly. He should have advised Emmett about every possibility.

"The woman...Lilian, is she well?" Aveira asked, more concerned with how Lilian was coping than the panic her father and Briant seemed to be in over the unborn child. After all, it was a child. An innocent baby that wasn't even born yet, how much harm could it be?

"She is. Emmett is afraid the vampires will expect her to die and will not tell anyone of her pregnancy, but that one man cannot be trusted. I am afraid of what may happen if he talks." Briant was thankful at least that Lilian was safe and healthy again. But he knew there were other worries that would preoccupy Emmett's mind. The vampire who had turned Lilian was one, but there were many others also that could still affect the outcome of their relationship and the birth of their child.

"I know this Damian, the leader of the vampires. He has come to our aid in hard times and asked for aid when you were but a child yourself. He is a man who can be trusted. If as your brother fears, there is one who cannot keep a delicate matter secret, he will deal with him appropriately." Malik spoke wisely, calming the emotions within his tent that were beginning to rise. Briant was panicking, not needlessly but without the right knowledge. The responsibility was not his but Emmett's and whatever happened from then on, was his doing. But Briant didn't see it that way.

"Let us pray he does." He asked, hoping Damian took the right precautions against Aimes, the man who had turned Lilian. "Will you help Emmett if the time comes?" He asked, nervously.

"I will. Lilian's fate will be kept secret from the rest of the clan unless we cannot find a cure. The baby will have to be monitored for its own sake and Lilian's. I fear that perhaps part of your brothers fears may be correct. That the child may turn out to be nothing like either of his parents. The one curse our women have in pregnancy is they never only have one child." Briant had known all along that lycan women had more than one child, but he had never thought about how different Lilian truly was. He hadn't thought once about her 'son' with Emmett or how she knew she was only having one child.

"Even your father was born before two sisters, though they died young. It has been a long time indeed since we have seen a single child born of our people. It may not be the blessing our women would expect, if the child is indeed unnatural to our laws." Malik thought to himself for a moment, thinking about all the possible endings to Lilian's pregnancy. He barely realized that he had started drifting off into expressing his thoughts aloud. Briant and Aveira understood nothing of what he said.

"Though, hope remains as our people are young in this world. We have seen religion, technology. The growth of our world to a soaring empire, machines that allowed people to communicate. All this has passed, beyond the realm of dinosaurs and prehistoric beasts that are now nothing more than folklore to our young." He pondered to himself.

"The world is older than we alone and it may be that she yet holds secrets to our future. Perhaps our dwindling numbers can be improved by a new species...a hybrid as your brother fears. If he has heard the call for this vampire, perhaps it is mother nature's desire for them to begin a new race. To begin a new species that will inherit the earth when we are old and dying?" Briant had never heard tales of technology because it had long become legend within the lycan clans. As only Elders knew the histories of lycans and vampires, Briant and Aveira left Malik to his thoughts and disappeared for a romantic walk through the meadow as they caught up on all they had missed over the last few weeks.

For the rest of the night, Briant and Aveira were able to spend their time together in peace. They sat around the fire, listening to Elders telling the children tales and legends that would guide them as they grew up. They sat and planned their union ceremony, deciding they would not unite until it was clear whether Lilian would survive or not. Then they would have a joint union ceremony with his brother and his mate. Briant couldn't give his life to anyone without knowing if his brother was safe or if he might be required to leave Aveira again, to help keep Emmett and Lilian safe.

All the time they talked, Malik remained within his tent, putting together the potion that he hoped would help Lilian's sickness and allow her to deliver her baby naturally. He was hoping to prevent any complications that could arise if Emmett was right and his son was not a natural lycan or vampire. A hybrid had never been seen before, no-one could know what would harm or heal it. He was going to have to be careful and take vampires and lycans into account. It wouldn't do if he added a herb or plant root that could be fatal to a vampire but helpful to a lycan or the other way around. Malik had to take every eventuality into account to make sure he didn't just make matters worse.

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