Perks Of Being A Wallflower...

By immortalpanic

389 12 9

Based on The Perks of Being A Wallflower created and written by Stephen Chbosky ** Starting at a new school... More



59 3 0
By immortalpanic

Welcome to our new kind of tension, all across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay...
Green Day - American Idiot

I woke up this morning feeling a lot better about today. Usually I can't bring myself to get out of bed, not today, today I felt great for once.

The sounds of Green Day's American Idiot filled my ears, as got ready for a possibly eventful day ahead.

"Maddie could you turn that down a bit please?" I heard my mom shout from the other side of the door.

Really? She moans when I'm quiet she moans when it's too loud... I can't win...

"Well I say turn it up!" The door opened and guess who walked in and sat on my bed. "Have you ever heard of knocking?"

"I live here... I do what I want..." I just roll my eyes and carry on tying my tie."I'm glad you're in a better mood today."

"Me too..." I nod back in agreement. "And I bet you can't wait to see Blake."

"What?" I turned and looked at him and he was sat there smirking. "You totally have a crush on him."

"I do not!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really... So shut up." I frowned back, turning away from him. "Yeah okay... I believe you..."

I didn't say anything back to give him the benefit of the doubt.


So I had to follow Levi again today... but I wasn't complaining.

It was second lesson and it was English.

"Romeo and Juliet... A Shakespearean tragedian classic... What you may not know is that it wasn't written by Shakespeare. He actually took the idea from an Italian poem The Tragical History of Romeus and Juilet by Arthur Brooke. Obviously he adapted it into the play it is today, and added other characters such as Romeo's best friend Mercutio and Paris." Miss carried on talking and I just completely zoned out.

So English turned into a History lesson instead...

"So what I'm going to do is to put you in groups of 6 and you can do a read through... Group one we'll have Levi, Brooklyn, Zoe, Maddison, Blake and Matthew. You can work in the small room..."

I got up and followed Levi into this so called 'small room' and the others followed behind. It was basically some room with a table a few chairs and filing cabinet or two scattered around.

"This is stupid..." Matthew, I'm assuming, frowned pushing the book away from him. "Yeah... I mean we've gotta work with this lot." Zoe muttered.

"And what's that meant to mean?" Brooklyn countered glaring at them both, but they didn't say anything. So Levi spoke. "Yeah, if you don't wanna work with us then leave. The doors right there!"

They both just looked at each other and back at us. "So I'm guessing Matthew and Zoe right? Look you two obviously you have something against us... but for the sake of this let's just put it to one side." Matthew scoffed, so it was my turn glare at him.

"Look ass ache, don't dish out empty comments if you can't even defend yourself."

"Oh please." Zoe scoffed and I looked at her sat back in her chair looking at me coldly. "If you want that face of yours to stay that way, I suggest you shut the fuck up and get on with this, the sooner it's done the sooner you can leave!"

That wipes the smug look off her face and both her and Matthew take the copies of their play. "I'm so proud" I glance at Levi who's smiling at me whilst wiping away a fake tear, I just smile back and then notice both Brook and Blake smiling over at me as well. I just quickly pick up my copy and start reading though it.

"So there's the Prologue, Gregory, Sampson, Abraham, Tybalt, a citizen, Lady Capulet, Capulet, Montague, Lady Montague, Prince, Benvolio and Romeo... and that's just scene 1."

"Okay... So there's 6 of us. 13 characters. We do two each?" Blake suggested. "That's only 12. Someone has to do three..." Brook corrected, then looked around at us. "Anyone got a piece of paper?"

So we wrote down on paper who was who:

Matt: gregory, tybalt
Zoe: lady c, citizen
Brook : sampson, capulet , romeo
Blake: abraham, montague
Levi: benvolio, prince
Maddie: prologue, lady m

"Right let's do this..."

It turned into a very interesting half hour that's for sure...


Obviously at break I sat with Levi and some the others. The others being Blake, George, Mikey, Austin, Drew and Rye.

"Flakey Blakey!"

"Don't call me that..." He frowned at me, so I just stuck my tongue out at him. In return he threw some of the Oreo he was eating at back me.

My mouth dropped and he just smirked. "You'll pay for that..."

"Ooh I'm scared..." He mocked waving his hands still smirking. So I wiped that look of his face by doing the same. 

"Stop! You're wasting perfectly good Oreos here." Drew took the packet off me, so I pouted at him.

"Don't look at me like that."

"But Droo... I wanted to get involved..." I just smiled at Mikey's comment and Drew rolled his eyes, "Fine... But you can use anything else except the Oreos..."

And so began the food fight me and Blake single handedly started.

During it George was just sat there holding his own food for dear life so we wouldn't touch any of it. "Back away from the Haribos!"

It was quite funny watching him cling onto bags of Haribos and Doritos for dear life like they were his children, declaring: "George doesn't share food."

We eventually had to stop when we got caught by a teacher, and ended up in detention. Whoops-a-daisy...

* * *

"I can't believe we got detention.." Reece sighed, leaning with his head on the desk. "To be fair we were having a food fight right in the middle of the courtyard."

"Yeah... no thanks to Malake." I looked over at Levi who was grinning like the Cheshire cat, glaring at him. "Malake?"

"Yeah you see-" I quickly got up and put my hand over his mouth, before he said anything else. The others were just looking at us completely confused.

"Are you hiding something Maddie?" I looked at over George who was grinning at me. "What? No."

"She.-" I quickly put my hand back on Levi's mouth. "Shut... up..." I whispered and he just raised his eyebrow at me, I knew he was also smiling but you couldn't tell because my hand was in his mouth.

"Okay, we're seriously missing something here."

"You're really not Austin." He gave me his famous 'I'm not falling for that' look and I just sighed. "Fine... Levi here is under the impression that I like Blake."

"Okay... I wasn't expecting that."

"And er... do you?" My eyes widened slightly, as I looked over at Blake.

"What? No..." I answered way too quickly, instantly regretting it, which caused a few smirks my way.

"There's nothing wrong with having a little crush..." I looked over at Mikey who was smiling.

"Shut up Michael." I frowned back. "Ooh... sassy..."

"I don't like Blake dammit! I just met the guy yesterday!" I let out, getting frustrated. Everyone just looked at me, panic started rising in my chest, so I ran out of the room.

I heard them call after me, but I ignored then and carried on until I was outside. My heart was still racing, my breath was quickening. I think I was about to have a panic attack.

I heard someone shout my name, so I started running again. I wasn't looking where I was going, last thing I remember is colliding with something and everything going black.

* * *

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