So Glad You're Mine (From the...

By GabbyPresley

58.8K 927 408

Sequel to From the Future? Elvis and Marie are officially Mr. And Mrs. Presley. The entire nation knows and... More

So Glad You're Mine (From the Future? Sequel)
Chapter 2: Pain?
Chapter 3: Wait a Minute
Chapter 4: Fast Forward
Chapter 5: Honey
Chapter 6: Two Loves
Chapter 8: For Old Time's Sake
Chapter 9 What a Wonderful Life

Chapter 7: Just For Two

7.4K 86 34
By GabbyPresley

Early morning, Saturday April 26, 1965

• Elvis' POV •

After a week of staying in the hospital, today is the morning Marie, Emilio and I go to our Bel Air home. I managed to keep the surprise baby shower a secret, thankfully. Mrs. Investigates didn't mange to find out. As I tie my black shoes, I glance up at her; she adjusts her Mod, magenta YSL dress I bought her a few months ago. She walks to the corner of the room where the mirror is and puts on her makeup. I stand up and fix my sports coat, a dark turquoise color with pants to match and a black button up. I walk to the incubator and take Emilio in my arms, I raise him up to my face and kiss his nose.

"My boy, my boy." I mutter to him as his eyes flutter open.

From the corner of my eye, I see Marie watching me, giggling. I chuckle and gently place Emilio back inside the incubator. I cross my arms and turn to look at Marie. My heart stops as I finally see her happy. With her little make up bag at hand, she walks over to me and wraps her arms with my right arm. I love her, so much, with every will of my body. She's beaming as she kisses my cheek. I gaze at her, longingly into her eyes.

"You look stunning." I whisper making her giggle.

The sound makes me breathe in easier. It's been awhile since I've made her laugh. I kiss the top of her head, making her light up.

"Now you won't be running off with my son after we go outside right?" I whisper wrapping my arms around her tiny waist.

She giggles and places her hands in my hair.

"I can't, there's going to be a lot of press there.... They'll be in the way." She whispers in a flirty tone.

I growl and kiss her neck. She giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck. I groan.

"Better not." I mutter smirking.

"I can never leave you. " She says in a serious tone.

I stare into her eyes. She truly does love me. I kiss her, as passionately as I can. Her hands clench at my hair, both of us smile in the kiss.

"Better." I mutter as she leans her head on my chest.

She scoffs playfully pushing me away.

"You's tied to me forever woman." I say with my deep southern accent.

She lets out a laugh making her way to Emilio. She takes Emilio in her arms and she strokes his hair. She glances up at me with her bright, brown eyes.

"I's can take the train and call my daddy on ya. You's don't know what a shot gun can do!" She exclaims with her weak southern accent and a wide smile on her face.

I howl out, shaking my head. I walk to her and my son, she's beaming as she glances down at Emilio. I kiss the top of her head as I wrap my arms around her from behind. I smile down at Emilio as he yawns and stretches his arms up. I chuckle as Marie kisses his cheek.

"He's already got you wrapped around his finger." I chuckle.

She scoffs.

"Shut up." She whispers kissing him again.

Suddenly, a knock on the door makes both of us stare at the door. A nurse politely smiles at us as she rolls in a wheel chair. My arms drop down from Marie's waist as I examine the wheel chair.

"What's this for?" I ask pointing to the wheel chair.

The nurse glances at it and giggles.

"It's hospital rules, Mr. Presley." She says in a light tone.

Marie comes to my side, nudging my arm.

"It's fine Elvis." She exclaims in a cheery tone.

Before sitting on it, Marie stops as another knock is heard. I sigh and open the door. Our wedding photographer waves at Marie and I. I let him in as Marie lifts a brow.

"I hired him again for pictures." I proudly say crossing my arms.

She laughs and shakes his hand.

"Smart move, Presley." She says in a sarcastic tone.

I roll my eyes and kiss her cheek. The photographer leads us to how the pictures should look. The nurse shy's away to a corner of the room as Marie and I smile bright at the camera showing off our newborn. We take hundreds of photos and finally it was time to leave.

I help Marie in the wheel chair as she cradles Emilio in her arms. This time, he has a white plush blanket wrapped around him as his eyes glance around the room, curious. We all leave our room, Joe would be checking us out for the time being. Marie glances up at me as we make it inside the elevator, police I hired surround us just to make sure the press don't try anything. I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes with a smile. I feel at ease as we make our way to the entrance. From the corner of my eye, I see Marie preparing herself for the mob of press as she kisses Emilio on the forehead. The level of safety I feel somewhat grows as more policemen surround us.

As I stare at the clear, double doors, I see my Rolls Royce parked a few feet from the entrance. I smile wide thankful for Joe and the guys. The doors open wide for us as photographers begin to click their cameras. Flashes blind us for a few seconds when the door to my Royce opens, I help Marie out of her wheel chair and into the car. With smiles bright, we wave goodbye at the press as we enter the car.

Emilio softly begins to cry. Marie shushes him gently kissing his cheek. I stroke his hair as he glances around the car. Joe laughs out from behind the wheel.

"This kids' an angel! Are you sure he's your kid!?" He shouts out laughingly.

Marie and I glance at each other before glaring at Joe.

"Just shut up and drive." We say in unison.

Joe shakes his head laughing as he speeds up. I kiss Marie's cheek and she smiles bright. She gazes at Emilio and brushes his black hair from his face.

"We made him..." She mutters in disbelief.

I kiss her cheek again making her smile small.

"You made him, satnin." I whisper stroking his cheek.

Emilio's bright, piercing eyes gaze at me. I chuckle and gently pinch his cheek. He yawns and looks back at Marie. She starts her baby talk with him. I chuckle shaking my head. I watch her the entire way home.

As Joe pulls in the the driveway, I distract Marie from all the cars parked along the driveway. She stares at me with a raised brow as I ask her if she'd like me to paint the nursery room.

"You? Paint? Ha." She says glancing down at a peacefully sleeping Emilio.

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"I can do it. Watch me. What color ya want it?" I ask her as she looks up at me again.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Pink, what color do you think?" she laughs out.

I roll my eyes and howl out.

"Fine, but when the kid grows up and asks us why I painted his room pink it's all on you." I exclaim making her laugh out.

"Paint some cute zoo animals in there. Nice ones too." She chimes in.

I sigh and shake my head.

"I ain't no Andy Warhol damnit." I mutter making Marie and Joe laugh out hysterically.

As the car stops in front of our home, Marie surprises me with a kiss on the cheek. I glance back at her smiling before I open the door. Once I get out, I help Marie out. She smiles fixing her dress as I hold Emilio in my arms. He's sound asleep. Marie smiles up at me as she opens the front door. I smirk as Judy, Ashley, Patsy, Dodger and Delta surprise her with everyone else behind them. Marie laughs out and hugs Judy, Ashley then Patsy.

"It's your baby shower!" I shout out smiling.

Marie turns back at me with glossy eyes. I shake my head and point to Dodger and Patsy. I smirk as she hugs them tight. Judy and Ashley run up to me, gazing at Emilio. I hand him to Judy and a tear sheds down her cheek. Ashely raises a brow.

"Are you sure he's yours? The boy looks like an angel." Ashely questions with a sly grin.

I shrug innocently and laugh.

"He's exactly how Marie was before she met him." Judy chimes in.

They both let out a giggle as I roll my eyes. I smirk at them as I kiss his forehead.

"Funny, funny you two." I exclaim walking to Marie's side.

I wrap my arms around her from behind. She giggles as she tries fighting it. I kiss the top of her head and lean by her ear.

"Happy?" I ask whispering in her ear.

She turns to me and cups my cheek.

"I'm happy I got your dopey self." She sweetly whispers kissing me.

I chuckle as Delta yanks her away from me.

"It ain't no time to be making more youngins'!" Delta shouts making Marie and I laugh out.

She takes Marie by the arm and leads her to the buffet. I chuckle and make my way to the guys in the kitchen. They watch me as I confront them, for the first time since the little rumor.

Joe's missing since he's picking up all our stuff from the hospital. I glance at Red, Jerry, Charlie, Sonny and the rest. I stare down at the tile as I clear my throat.

"How the hell do you still manage to keep her?" Red asks angrily.

I shake my head glancing up at him.

"I don't know..." I mutter ashamed.

"She was hurtin' real bad man. She doesn't deserve the shit you throw at her." Jerry snaps.

I run my hands through my hair. I wanna hit the sonsofbitches, but they're completely right. I don't deserve her, I know. She doesn't deserve to cry unless they're tears of joy.

"I messed up.... I wanted to hide the fucking shower from the press!" I shout furious at myself.

The men shake their heads.

"She called her man... Twice." Red spits out, in a stern tone.

I look up at him in disbelief.

"Why the fuck would she do that? She don't got the number!?" I shout out aggravated.

Red takes a sip of his beer and glares at me.

"For fucks sake, E. Quit the act." He exclaims taking another swing at his beer.

I exhale, trying to calm myself down.

"This ain't no fucking joke, Red. I wouldn't dare to mess my life up. She's my life." I sternly say.

Charlie shakes his head.

"Why don't y'all believe me!?" I ask furiously.

"Because we've seen you with them broads and bitches on movie sets!" Jerry shouts angrily.

He leans close to me with fire in his eyes, I push him away furious. Suddenly, we all freeze. I hear a glass drop to the floor. I turn to see Marie watching us in horror. She runs to us making her heels click loudly on the tile. Jerry sighs and shakes his head.

"What the hell is going on?" She demands glancing at me and the guys.

I shake my head.

"Nothing." I mutter.

She sneers and stares at the guys.

"We were just talkin', Mary." Red and Jerry say in unison.

Marie sneers again and walks back to the broken glass. She sighs and picks the pieces up as all of us hang our heads low in shame.

"I hope you all don't forget how close you've become with one another." She sternly says before walking back into the living room.

I sigh, she's right, as usual.

"I'm sorry... I apologized to her, more like begged. But she really does love me. She isn't like the other girls. She's- she's a hell of a woman. She probably wouldn't be here if she didn't love me." I mutter making the guys look up at me.

Jerry runs a hand through his hair, Red takes another sip of his beer and sighs.

"You guys are like her big brothers. She'd tell you if she wasn't happy. I love her. Man, do I fucking love her. If I had to decide what to keep, between her and my fame; I'd pick her in a heartbeat."

Red gulps the rest of his beer. He lifts a brow with a sly grin.

"What about the kid?" He questions making everyone laugh.

I smile, I have my guys back.

"Him too."

The guys surround me, patting my shoulders and back, proud. Joe finally walks in the kitchen with a wide smile. He chuckles and scratches his head.

"The one time I miss shit and y'all back to normal." He laughs out.

He hands me a cigar and lights it's for me. I breathe it in and smirk.

"Y'all some sonofabitches. But I keep y'all around for Marie." I mutter chuckling.

They all shake their heads laughing. We head back to the living room with our teeth clenched with a cigar and a cocky step. Marie smiles at me and wraps her arms around my right arm. On her tippy toes she kisses my cheek. I smile at her as she giggles. I glance around the room, I see smiles across everyone's faces. Proud, I smirk and look for Emilio. As if reading my mind, Marie points to a wooden, round, convertible crib. I chuckle and look at her.

"You're prepared Mrs. Presley. I'll give you that." I mutter chuckling.

I kiss the top of her head as she wraps her arms around my chest, lovingly. For the rest of the afternoon, we laugh the day away, opening gifts and showing off little Emilio.
Sunday evening, May 20, 1965

• Elvis POV •

I slip on my black sport coat and slick my hair back. I gaze at Marie from the mirror as she zips up a tiny, white dress with black trimming. I smile as she lets her small bun loose. She cut off her hair a few weeks back, her raven hair barely surpasses her shoulders. I slip on my wedding ring, and my favorite owl ring. I turn to Marie as she fixes her eye makeup. I slowly make my way behind her and kiss her neck gently, making a smile grow on her lips.

She hands me her heart shaped locket I got her for our wedding day, I chuckle and wrap the fragile necklace around her sweet smelling neck. She's beaming as I click it on for her. I kiss her cheek and she giggles.

"Just as divine as you were walking down that aisle." I whisper in her ear.

She turns her head to mine and cups my cheek.

"I don't feel like it." She mutters shrugging.

I grab a hold of her hips, I lift her up with ease. She squeals adorably as I twirl her in the air. She kisses me and I smirk, lifting her back on the ground. She must be crazy if she doesn't think she can still make a grown man cry. She laughs out and pats my chest.

"Come on Batman, let me get my shoes and say goodnight to Emilio." She laughingly says passing by me.

I spank her sweet bottom and she laughs out again. I smirk and watch her sweet ass disappear. I shake my head laughing as I spray cologne all over me.

Just as I finish, Marie walks back with her heels thumping on the white carpet and cradling Emilio. With wide eyes he glances up at me, I take him from his momma and raise him to my face. I peck his nose and he giggles softly. Marie laughs and takes him back. She strokes his jet black hair and kisses his forehead. A thought sets in my brain, we're a family now. I smile wide as she gazes at Emilio's bright blue eyes. I gently pat her back and kiss the top of her head. We're a beautiful family.

Marie gazes up at me with a bright smile. I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows.

"Maybe it's time for another nungen." I mutter making her laugh.

She playfully punches my chest and rocks Emilio in her arms.

"He's the only one we need for now." She whispers kissing his cheek.

"You're right, the boy doesn't even wake up in the night." I mutter rubbing my belly.

Marie giggles and glances up at me.

"That's from me." She mutters smirking.

I roll my eyes and scoff.

"I was a good baby!" She laughs out defending herself.

I scoff again rolling my eyes.

"I was potty trained and could walk within a year." She proudly says.

"I even spoke Spanish first." She says shrugging.

I laugh out. Little show off. I plant a wet kiss on her cheek, she sneers and smacks my chest. I growl making her roll her eyes.

"I love it when you's rough." I growl at her.

She sneers and walks back to the nursery. I chuckle and put on my watch.

"He's gonna be intelligent, satnin! I'll tell ya that!" I shout making her scoff.

She knew she was right. When she came back, I smile at her. I wrap my right arm with her left and walk to the living room in our Bel Air home. All eyes are on us as we glance around the room. The Memphis Mafia watch us intently. I smirk and look for Judy. Amongst all the testosterone, she patiently sits in the middle of the round, cream colored sofa with her legs crossed. Marie giggles as she spots her, Judy smirks and gets up walking to us. I specifically ordered, well more like begged her to come and babysit for our wedding anniversary back at the babyshower.

She hugs Marie tight and smiles at me. I chuckle and wrap my arms around her, squeezing her tight, after all, she is somewhat of my sister-in-law. She laughs pulling away.

"Alright, where's the angelic sweetheart?" She asks fixing her yellow cardigan.

Marie giggles and points to the nursery.

"If he's any trouble. Just make him laugh." Marie sweetly says.

"Or feed the boy." I add smirking at Marie.

Judy smiles, rolling her eyes.

"He is your kid!" She exclaims astonished.

Marie and I glance at each other. I chuckle and shake my head. She pats Marie and I's shoulder and heads to the nursery.

"Don't worry lovelies! Aunt Judy has everything under control!" She shouts in glee.

I howl out, Marie wraps her arms around my right arm.

"If the guys give ya any trouble, send them off to buy ya something!" I shout laughingly.

She laughs out and agrees. Marie and I reluctantly walk to the door. The guys watch us, laughing out.

"Can't touch the door or somethin'?" Red questions lifting a brow.

We glare at him, he scoffs and eats a chip.

"It's hard!" Marie exclaims protesting.

She stares at the guys and back at the nursery in the hallway. I cup her cheek and smile at her. She smiles warmly at me making my heart stop.

"He's in good hands.." I whisper making her sigh.

She smiles and nods. Then a few chuckles are heard within the guys.

"Thanks. " Joe mutters.

I scoff and give them the finger, they all howl out as I open the door for a giggling Marie. The evening awaits.
• Marie's POV •

I'm not sure what time it is, but driving in the sunset is breathtaking. I glance at Elvis, he carefully watches the road following every driving law. Impressed, I lean my head on his shoulder. I feel him chuckle as he drives by the ocean. I smell the salty sea in the air and exhale. Elvis chuckles again, pecking the top of my head. Suddenly, he makes a harsh u-turn. I sneer and smack his arm. He howls out with a smirk. I roll my eyes and stare out at our view ahead of us. I hold my breathe as I realize the beach is empty. I stare up at Elvis, his lips curl into a bright smile. He must have reserved the beach, just for us.

He stops the car and turns to me with a sly grin. He wiggles his eyebrows as he takes out a picnic basket. What the hell is going on? Am I in the twilight zone? Gazing at my shocked face, Elvis tilts his head back, howling out in merriment. I lift a brow.

"How did I not find out about this?" I question him suspiciously.

"No more like, when the hell did you get this sappy?" I question again interrupting his train of thought.

He smirks and kisses the tip of my nose.

"Only for your sakes." He whispers in my ear.

Chills go down my spine as his sweet, deep voice fills my ears. I glance at him smiling small. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, making him drop the picnic basket in the back of his Rolls Royce. I feel him smirk as our tongues fight.

"Maybe we should just skip dinner." He mutters chuckling.

I push him away and giggle.

"Hell no. I wanna see what you got for us." I laugh out.

He chuckles as I quickly get out of the Royce. He howls out yanking out the picnic basket and a few towels from the car. I kick off my heels as I feel the sand seep my heels down. I wiggle my toes feeling the sand cover my feet. I smile back at him, beaming. He chuckles slowly following behind me. He throws a towel at me and I catch it with a sly grin. He scoffs and walks past me closer to the ocean. He sets the picnic basket a few yards from the sea. I slowly tread my way after him, unzipping my dress.

Elvis turns to look back at me and his eyes bug out as his eyebrows raise. My dress falls down to my feet as I make a run for the ocean. Elvis hollers at me cursing and calling my name. I laugh out and swear back, calling him a wimp and persuading him to join me. The cool water hits my legs and I dive under the water. I rise up from the water and stare back at the shore, smirking.

Elvis watches with a horrified face. He runs his hands through his hair, lost. I notion him to join me, his puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head laughingly.

"The shit I do for you!" He yells as he strips off his black outfit.

I evilly laugh as he glances up at me. I teasingly take off a strap of my bra. His eyes light up and he throws his pants in the air. Then, I unhook my bra with his eyes gazing at me. I throw my bra at him and he catches it, smirking up at me. He lets my bra falls from his hands as he dashes to me and the water. He dives in making a huge splash. I laugh out as he growls taking me in his arms. I kiss him again and he slips off whatever I had on left. I shrug smirking at him.

"You only live once, right?" I shout out before pulling off his undies.

"Marie!" He cries out in shock.

I laugh and throw them at shore. He chuckles and kisses my neck. I tilt my head back enjoying the pleasure and he tightens his grip on me.

After our little bonding time in the ocean, Elvis and I made a bonfire and had our dinner. To my surprise, he had pasta and all sorts of goodies. As we finish, I kiss him thanking him for such a night. With a sly grin growing on his goofy face, he takes my hand and leads me for a walk by the ocean.

Our feet seep in the wet sand as we walk hand in hand down the shore. He kisses my cheek and I rub my hand on his chest. He chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you." He whispers kissing my temple.

I glance up at him and smile warmly.

"I love you more." I whisper back giggling.

He squeezes my shoulders and chuckles.

"Happy one year anniversary, satnin." He murmurs in my ear....

And I'm thankful for still having you by my side, after all these hellacious years I put you through." He whispers in a serious tone and hanging his head low.

I glance up at him, with sad eyes I pat his chest consolingly. He looks at me, his eyes light up.

"You don't know how much I love you, baby." He whispers in my ear.

"You don't know how much I love you either, Pelvis." I whisper brushing his fly away hairs from his face.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek. We keep walking down the shore until the moon rises high in the sky. Elvis stops, faces me and takes my hands, he kisses the top of my head and chuckles.

"Tell me dear, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" He asks whispering in my ear.

I giggle and peck his lips.

"I think it was a year ago today, actually." I mutter giggling.

He chuckles and kisses me roughly. I run my hands through his hair as he pulls away and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Happy wedding anniversary, baby." I whisper stroking his hair.

He nods and kisses my neck. We both stare up at the sky, the stars and the pale moonlit night together.

*Disclaimer; as a Vegas girl, I have never been to a beach. So bear with me if the beach part seems weird :) hope you guys like it!

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