Yes or Nah

By Jersie_Styles

546 34 21

lacie is an 18 year old girl with big dreams of becoming famous by auditioning for the X- factor in Ireland... More

Yes or No
school. √
what is going on--??
explaining our secret chapter 5
how?? 6
as time goes..
the night
'lock down'
trying to forget
things that go boom!
Utah ....
time to pick?!

Niall's house

42 3 0
By Jersie_Styles

lacies pov.

we walkk to niall's, three houses down!!!!!!!!

once i get to niall's he guieds me to a room, i guess the guest room.. i place my things on the bed and walk back to the living room with the boys.

'' so what are we going to do , for the night ?'' i asked

'' we could play 20 questions?"  louis sujested i cant say no to the carrot queen i mean like its louis!!

'' yes!'' i shouted and all the boys stared at me, i laughed and they just started to laugh with me.. well.

'' ok! naill you first" louis said.

niasll looked like he didnt even want to play but he staill asekd a question...

'' lacie who is your celeberty crush?" no no no no no ! yes yes yes yes ... shizz i just no.

'' you'' i whispered to nniall and he looked as he knew who i said.

zayn who was sitting right next to me had a small smrik played  on his lips.

''who is it?" niall asksed again.

'' niall its you'' i said and looked down at the floor.

'' yeah i know, i saw how your room mirror, i will be nialls princess.''

i gasped.  he wasnt supposed to see that..

'' welll ive been i nialls goirl for three years niall'' i said. i smiled and looked into nialls eyes.

'' lets move on'' liam said as niall gave me a piece of paper. i unfold it and it read

text me babe:)  (nialls number)

he gave me his number dear love of heaven niall horan gave me his number!

my eyes go wide. i looked up at him and smiled at his beautiful face.

i punched his numbe rinto my iphone C. its green nialls favorite color.


hey, whats up?


.. im so lame.  liam asks louis, louis asks zayn zayn asks harry, harry then asks nialll a question then niall asked louis.... THEY KEEP SKIPPING ME!

sooner or late ri get a text from niall.

from nialler

hey babe:) sorry i didnt answer sooner, do you want to go out side??

~ niall

instead of replying him i stood up nad so did he . i looked down at zayn before i left nad he winked.

i silently laughed, and left the room.

when i opened the outside door to the back yard i saw niall walk ou of, so i did the same.

he grabbed me from behind as soon as oi set foot out on the deck. and oh boy was i happy, niall horans arms are around my waist and his head in my neck. i couldnt be happier.

'' lacie?" niall asked

"hmm?" i replied looking out at the city..

'' i know we just met but, i really really like you'' he pauses '' i know you like me beacaus im NIALL HORAN  from one direction, but  i dont know i guess im not good with this. i felt like i should asl you this sence the second we met. but lacie will you be my girlfriend?"

did he just



'' niall i dont love you beacuse your famous i love you beacuse your you, you never want anyone to get in your way of being you... if anything ever happened in the future ie we get maed.. im jut saying .. i wouldnt love you for your fame and money id love you for you... niall id be honored to be your girlfriend. " i finshed and kissed nialls lips.

it was a long loving kiss our lips fit perfectaly. our lips moved in sync fo r a while. i askd for enterence and he allowed. best kiss ever..

"niall your amazing" i say

" you are too" he replied then kissed my lips again.

THE END!!!!!!!! OF chapter 4..

hope you guys liked it..

email me

love you gusy thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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