what is going on--??

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there's gunna be nialler in this chapter!!!

Lacie's POV

as I turn the corner I see my mom standing over a body? yes a male body covered in blood and a gun in his hand.

'' mom who's tha-"  that's the man that tried to kill my dad. he's the reason we moved to Ireland, why is he here?

'Lace call the police" my mom said with a shaky voice and she fell to the floor.

i called the police immediately . Put it n speaker so i could text Aubrie.

''Hello this is the police what is your emergency?"

the woman on the phone said with the fakest Irish accent I've ever heard I tried not to laugh in my serious problem

'' umm there's been an attempt of murder and or homicide''

yeah that's right I know what's going on I watch way to much crime T.V.

''Alright police are on there way, I ask you to please stay at your home and don't leave ''

the lady says again

''thank you ma'am'' I said attempting an Irish accent. I laugh at my attempt

Aubrie the man that tried to kill dad shot him self in our home get here now. I don't care if you bring sage. pick up our brothers.



seconds later I get a text from Aubrie

really!!! on my way with sage and the kiddos


I pick up my mom and bring her to the living room just as I hear police sirens coming up our street. with a blanket on my mom I run to the front door.

to let the police in.

'' hello *pulls out badge* is this the home where the reported attempt of murder and or homicide??"

the officer with blue eyes,brown hair, and about two heads taller than me..

'' yes umm come in please '' I said oddly fast

as the police officer walks in there is Aubrie. I run to her car.

''Aubrie the boys can't come in there lie I said what happened umm.'' I spoke before the boys got out of the car more police officers have arrived along with an ambulance and fire truck.

'' OK. sage can we take the boys to your house?" Aubrie asks sage her new boyfriend who likes exactly like Justin Bieber!?!?!

'' um yeah I'm sure my brother and his friends can do something with them '' sage said taking aubrie's hand. its a extremely weird site.

'' I'm going to go see if they will let me get them some clothes?" I said/ asked while walking the other way towards the house

Niall's POV

me and the lads just got to my house and we tried to take a nap cause of jet-lag. but all we can hear is sirens. I talked down stairs to see the lads just sitting on the couch

'' Niall should we go see what's going on it just down a few houses?" Liam asked in a very concerned voice

'' yeah lets go'' I sad pulling on my addiads shoes.

as me and the, ad walk down three houses we see a body bag go into an ambulance

we walk over to a car two teenage girls around  our age are sitting on the hood.

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