dark souls

By darkangeldreams

112K 2.5K 909

this a Severus snape x reader you are abused and raised in a cell you start off a little rock at hogwarts bu... More

you are safe for now
making a friend and injures
please dont die
very late dinner with snape
stars little attack
snapes new room mate part one
snape new room mate part two
i want the truth
hey everyone
end of the year part 1
your chance to ask
end of year part 2

meet bennu

4.9K 151 35
By darkangeldreams

i was standing next to a dead tree it branches where falling off and wood began to crack it was leaned to the side as if it was about to fall.
i looked at the grass that grew around it  the grass began to slowly die.
"whats going on?" i asked i looked around
"welcome" i heard a womens voice it was a bit scratchy it echoed all around me i continued to look around but i saw no one

"your early" the voice echoed
"i wasn't excepting you for another three years" the voice added
i still continued to look around the land around me kept dying

"what going on?" i asked again
"this is the tree of your sorrow" she answered
"you have endured so much in your past but now the tree of happiness is growing and your sorrow is dying" she explained
i stopped to think about what she said.
"so the tree of sorrow dies when im happy?" i asked
"yes in life there are two trees that will grow in ones life sorrow is grown by misery, jealousy, greed, lies, self pitty, anger, arrogance, ego,  false pride, superiority, regret, envy, guilt then there the tree of happiness it grows by love, joy, kindness, peace, hope, sincerity, humility, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith but even though both grow in everyone life in the end only one will grow strong while the other turns into nothing more that fire wood" she explained more
i heard a heart stopping roar
and the sound of something big hit the ground.
"and i am your faithful guardian who shall never leave your side no matter what i am bennu" she said giving herself a entrance a giant black panther with yellow eyes came infront of me.
i jumped back

"woah!" i yelled tripping back
the panther walked around me
"there no need to fear me child i will never harm you i am here to help you along any journey life may take you on" she bowed to me i sat there wide eyed

"ummm bennu? i dont understand is this normal?" i asked confused

"yes for your kind" she replied
i raised a eyebrow
"my kind?" i asked
"yes your protector will explain everything" she said

"my protector?" i asked
"see this is why your kind should never be forced to awaken so early" she grumbled
i opened my mouth to say something but she stopped me

"now here the deal kid im your guardian i was by your side at birth and ill be by your side at death i will never leave you even if at time you wish i would when i appear to you go hide or you will reveal what you are AND DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS ON THAT MATTER!" she roared at the end i sat there in silence.
"now dear girl before i send you back i must warn you if you allow yourself to kiss your boy friend your emotions will be to much and youll reveal yourself faster than you can blink" she continued
i picked myself up

"if your referring to proffesor snape he not my boy friend i dont know what happened back there but it wont happen again" i ranted
she walked around me realsing a snicker

"you can keep telling yourself that until the end of time but what happen there was love and it will happen again just hopefully when it does you can control yourself" she said her now lock on to mine

"i cant love him not after what he tried to do to harry" i explained
a roar built in her throat
"if i tell you things are you willing to believe me or will you just think im just something of you imagination?" she asked
i hesitated for a moment
"i beginning to think everything i see and hear true but im not sure about things anymore" i replied
she purred
"well child i can tell you a professor tried to hurt harry but it was not him" she said

"even if wasnt him im to young" i replied
"life is to short to take age in to count" she whsipered to me

"love has no age but im not telling to do anything with him im just telling you what your feeling you love him" she purred

"ok dont think im right well kid be perpared to be blow away in a moment you will wake up and he will be over you placing a present under your pillow and by the way your gonna smile at it and nothing you will do will be able to stop yourself from smiling" she spoke at the end she disappeared

A/n: well you guys im end it here you'll just have to wait to see what happens next btw you guys are truely awesome im not a touchy feely peson but i swear i get teary eyes when i see your guys comments i love you my amzaing readers

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