A Royal Assassination (on hol...

By Avylinn

18.4K 1.4K 472

Cassius enters the palace with the intention of killing the Emperor-to-be, but somehow he finds himself with... More

Part 1 - a failed attempt
Part 3 - blood
Part 4 - deliberate silence
Part 5 - seduction

Part 2 - Diversion

3.3K 290 73
By Avylinn

With dawn came the full realization of just how stupid he'd been. Cassius should have killed and left the palace. It would have meant that he had to leave the city, the country even, but it would have been better than to stay in this viper's nest. It was a ridiculous notion to think that he could protect anyone's life within these walls, much less his own.

The young heir had slept like the dead, one hand resting on a down pillow, the sheets sliding along his limbs to expose unmarred skin. It had been a taunting image, a kind of reckless act to show how the foolish heir controlled the situation.

A servant slipped inside without a word, arriving with a basin of warm water. Steam rose from the surface in slow gyres that somehow created the illusion of a tranquil atmosphere. The man appeared startled for all of two seconds until he had regained his poise. "Who are you?"

It was a good question. Fully clothed in dark leathers and an assortment of blades on his belt, Cassius looked the part.

"The new bodyguard," he answered.

The servant made a short bow as if he would rather not know, left the basin by the washstand and scurried out. This would have been the perfect moment to open the closest window, scale down the wall and never look back. The tale of his presence would spread fast, and guards would barge through the door within moments. He moved the thin curtain aside and peered out onto the courtyard below. The bricks surrounding the window had been polished smooth as a precaution, preventing anyone from climbing either in or out of the heir's residence.

Sheets rustled behind him. Cassius stepped back and crossed his arms, waiting for the sounds of heavy boots outside the door. It was only a matter of time.

Takeeo sat up and eyed him, one shoulder exposed where the nightshirt had slipped during the night. "You may excuse yourself," the heir said, pushing the sheets away.

Bristling with badly contained anger, Cassius weighed his words. "Where to? The guards will pay us a visit."

"Ah, you wish to keep your life then." The heir spoke in a way that suggested that Cassius life had no worth. "Very well, I will keep the dogs off your heels."

Cassius didn't move, instead he watched the heir stretch and bend in what could only be described as a performance. It escaped him what purpose it had, but he would never lower himself to ask.

A full minute passed while Cassius pretended not to care until the door flew open. A royal guard with a drawn sword came with his entourage of similarly clad figures. It was a spectacle of blue and brass details—little that would protect them from steel. Cassius squared his shoulders and placed his hands where he could swiftly reach his weapons.

"What is the meaning of this?" Takeeo spoke, draping a velvet robe around his body with a measure of agitation he had not displayed before.

"I may ask you the same, your grace," the guard said. The man's dark eyes glimmered with anger and lacked any sliver of servitude. This was not the heir's men, then. Perhaps they belonged to the faction that wanted Takeeo ten feet underground.

"A misunderstanding then. Surely, you would not want to harm my bodyguard."

A brief moment of absolute silence settled until the man found his tongue. "Of course, your grace, forgive us." The man was quick to sheath his blade and beckon the others to do the same. "We will leave you to your morning routine."

"So you shall. Show the bodyguard to the mess hall. He will eat with you. Also, guide him to the grand hall within the hour."

"Your grace." The guard bowed but was quick to rise. Eyes flashed in Cassius' direction, filled with foul promises. However, the only option he had was to follow these prancing spectacles.

They exited the room and as soon as the door had closed behind them, Cassius was under scrutiny. The guard found a dagger and pressed the tip to Cassius' throat. "You are no bodyguard. I've heard of you, listened to descriptions of your scarred face and dead eyes."

Cassius smiled. Scarred face was a bit of an exaggeration. The thin line that ran from his temple down his cheek had been a small price to pay for survival. He had earned it as a young boy, stealing bread from an angry baker—a mishap long-forgotten. The baker had later paid with his life, but for another offense.

He raised his hand and moved the blade from his skin, feeling a trickle of blood run beneath his collar. "Then you should have killed me before the boy said a word."

The guard spat, disposing saliva on Cassius' chin. He wiped it off and countered with a swift scraping of his sharpest dagger. Half the man's mustache fell to the floor. He would have smiled, but he didn't want to give these guards the satisfaction. He wore his mask, which wouldn't come off until he was alone behind a door that he could bar from inside.

"If he ever hears you call him 'boy', you will find yourself in the dungeons."

That he believed.

The guards walked in procession, keeping him surrounded with distrust. He didn't mind. He would be able to take out the lot if necessary, but it was too soon to make more enemies than necessary. He had proved his point enough with the mustache. The other half was incessantly petted by a man who wasn't able to hide the signs of vanity.

Servants hurried out of the way, staring wide-eyed. He had no doubt that the entire palace knew of the new arrival. Gossip traveled like wildfire within these walls, something he had taken advantage of on more than one occasion. He wondered if some of his ears would approach him or if they would be too afraid. None of them had met him in person.

The hallways turned from opulent to simple, oil lamps were exchanged with torches that burned at odd intervals. There were no windows, making him wonder if they were taking him to the dungeons against the heir's wishes. It was possible.

He did a quick count of his weapons and prepared an idea of an attack. The man in front would be simple enough, a quick jab with a dagger toward an unprotected kidney would be sufficient. His plans continued to develop until he heard voices rise from a nearby room. There were echoes, indicating a larger room with barren walls. A clatter of cutlery betrayed both the room's location and its purpose.

Sounds died down as soon as they stepped inside. Heads turned and a chair fell to the floor as someone rose. The seated men were all dressed in livery, blue but without the brass details. Someone shoved him forward, possibly expecting that he would fall and make a spectacle of himself. When he didn't, a second harder push followed. It met the same resistance. Cassius was not a man to be caught unawares.

Sure on his feet, he moved into the room lit by narrow windows, discarding his followers as if they had been just that. A quick survey of the room revealed an elongated side table with plates and scraps of bread. The best pieces had already been claimed. He stepped closer and placed his hand against the large bowl filled with porridge that smelled offensive. It wasn't even warm. It had been years since he'd eaten a meal of this kind. Money tainted with blood afforded him the luxury of decent breakfasts.

He scooped up some of the slush, grabbed a spoon and sat at the long table, making space for himself where none was offered.

"What is the meaning of this?" A man walked into the room, fully dressed in something that at least resembled armor. Sturdy leather and metal plates had replaced flimsy fabrics and decorative fluff.

"Our young master has found a pet." It was the guard with half a mustache that spoke up, still standing where Cassius had left them.

"What happened to your face?" the armored man replied.

"The pet is not yet tamed. He is to be taken to the hall within the hour. Hopefully, the emperor will see the fault of this decision and put this man where he belongs." Mustache man bowed with more grace than he had before the heir.

The new arrival stalked forward, his boots heavy against the stones. "Know your place," he said, dismissing the guard with a wave of his hand. He stopped beside Cassius. "Rise."

Cassius rose and turned, pleased to notice that he was a fair bit taller than the man.

"Explain." The man's gaze revealed years of experience and surprising intelligence. This was not someone to cross without good reason.

"The heir has requested my service as a bodyguard."

The man eyed him from head to toe. "Well, you appear dressed for the task. I will fetch you shortly and take you to the hall." Without another word, the man turned and stalked back to where he came from, disappearing from view. The tension inside the room vanished along with him.

* * * *

A tall golden throne dominated the grand hall. Tapestries hung from the ceiling above, showing scenes of battles fought in the past, and large windows allowed the sunshine to dance along the marble floor.

Cassius steeled his expression and approached the dais, refusing to look down until he absolutely had to. He kneeled when the man in armor did, a suitable distance from the ruler of the country.

The emperor tapped his fingers along the gilded spear that pointed toward the skies. "My son vouches for you and tells me your name is Cassius."

Unschooled in the ways to address the emperor, Cassius clenched his fist and lowered his gaze. "Yes, your grace." He hoped it was the right response.

"Takeeo, join me." The emperor waved his free hand.

The heir appeared from the side and stepped onto the dais, dressed in enough fabric to hide all those delicate limbs. "Yes, father."

"A new diversion, is it?" The words were spoken with fondness, possibly tinged with a mild reprimand.

"Ah, you have seen through my scheme, father." Light words, a voice filled with humor. It was nothing like the young man he had met last night or this morning.

"Very well. I pray your judgment is sounder than last time. It was a shame to kill the son of a friend." The emperor waved his hand again, causing the man in armor to rise and back away. Cassius followed his example, ignoring the voice inside his head that asked too many questions.

Diversion. A strange title for a bodyguard.

A/N I'm so happy with the response I got last week when I posted. I'm so grateful to you all. I hope you enjoyed this part as well. <3

Still not feeling very creative when it comes to what I should be doing, but at least I wrote this. xo

What do you think of Cassius so far?

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