Secrets (TVD)

By Ana_Idou

247K 5.4K 791

||"Wounds heal, but they will always leave a scar."|| . . . Natalia Lucifson. That name holds many secrets. ... More

Secrets (Kol Mikaelson FanFic)
Natalia Lucifson
An Original
What Is Wrong With Me
Mikaelson Ball
On the road
The Beginning
Miss Natalia
Dance Back From The Grave
Crescent City
Le Grand Guignol
Mystic Falls
Moon over Bourbon Street
The Big Uneasy
An Unblinking Death
A Closer Walk With Thee
Battle of New Orleans (Part 1)
Battle Of New Orleans (Part 2)
From a Cradle to a Grave (Part 1)
From a Cradle To a Grave (Part 2)
Alive and Kicking (Part 1)
Alive and Kicking (Part 2)
Every Mother's Son

Long Way Back From Hell

7.1K 158 16
By Ana_Idou

You will never know true pain. All you do is cause pain....

Flashback, Mystic Falls (Late 10th Century)

The newborn original vampire stands on a high tree branch by her family's cottage. Her bloodlust is strong but her love for her family stronger. She stares at them, they had started grieving today, they discovered she disappeared and went looking for her but all they found was a puddle of blood. They believe she's dead and they all cry. Her father tells them she should have known better.

She cries and releases silent sobs for a day, watching them and realizing this will be her last time seeing them for an eternity.

With a deep breath and one last look, she smiles a sad smile before flashing away from her entire life.


Flashback, France (1185)

"Where are we going mama" the cute little girl with blonde hair and button blue eyes asked her mother.

"We must collect flowers for your baby brother's burial....when someone leaves this world darling we must honor their existence in a beautiful way" the older woman with the same blonde hair but green eyes replied and smiled down at her daughter

"Will we have one of those too mama?"

Before the woman replied a laugh echoed from behind them, a laugh heard in nightmares, whipping around the mother's eyes widen and she gasps at the sight of a young lady, very beautiful in a dress, covered in blood.

"Oh dear are you okay madam?" She questions worriedly.

The other woman smiles a sickening smile "oh I'm okay, but you on the other hand are soon going to have one of those pretty little burials"

The older woman doesn't even have time to register what's happening before all the blood is drained from her body. When the mothers body is thrown roughly on the floor the little girl screams bloody murder but before she can make another move to run her neck is twisted to the side with a sickening crack and her body falls on the forest floor, fairly close to her mothers.

The vampire looks at her work before smiling and walking away "good hunt Natalia..."

You're a beast with no heart

Flashback, Bulgaria (1418)

Walking passed the town villagers they all look and have to double look to make sure they are seeing right.

A women no more than twenty, with a beautiful fitting dress and a thick head of wavy hair trailing behind her. She wears a smiles that doesn't reach her eyes but they don't know that. She stops by a merchandise tent looking at the jewelry. A gold bracelet catches her eye, it is separate from the rest, normally supposed to be hidden but she sees everything and so she tries it on.

"Ah very beautiful on you miss" her eyes snap to the man's. Well built no older than twenty, brown hair and brown eyes. He reminds her of a viking and she cherishes his appearance for a moment before smiling at him.

"Thank you, how much?"

He looks surprised for a moment "uh with all do respect my lady, I cannot sell you that it belonged to my wife, she passed away." he mumbled sadly at the end.

The woman gave him an amused smirk before taking slow steps towards him "oh you poor thing" she says caressing his cheek softly.

"Why don't we go to your home and make an arrangement?" she compels looking deep into his eyes and he has no choice but to nod and begin walking, the woman trailing behind him.

When they arrived he immediately offers her anything. "A drink perhaps?" She lightly asks.

He nods pouring them both wine before he sits down and sets her cup in front of her "So what shall we discuss my lady?"

The woman looks at the drink in distaste before walking over to and standing in front of him, she touches his cheek, feeling him tense "w-whh-"

"Shhh hush now." She tells him softly caressing his neck "You remind me of people from my past, a long, long time ago, you see I'm a vampire." She looks at him noticing his reaction "Over four hundred years old, I'm also a very bad person who always gets what she wants and doesn't care about others, people are always scared of me and attempt to kill me even if I cannot be killed and since they know what I am, they then have to die...fools."

At this point she was staring right at him, her nails dragging against this skin of his cheek producing blood.

"So you see I am never merciful, and a dangerous thing." Were the woman's last words before she drank the man dry and ripped out his throat.


Flashback, Spain (1605)

"You bore me" Niklaus looks up and laughs at the voice.

"Do i now?" he asks amused.

The woman with shinning eyes gets up with an uninterested look on her face "Yes, you do." She walks towards him and straddles his lap, his hands find her waist and he looks up at her.

"And what shall we do about that?" He whispers.

The woman smirks "This." she says kissing his neck "And this." she kisses his jawline "And this." She says kissing him slowly on the lips.

They found themselves on the bed fairly soon.

No good

Flashback, Mystic Falls (1864)

"You really are an evil bitch aren't you Katerina." Katherine whips around finding the source of that voice being an old frenemie of hers.

"What brings you here Natalia, I thought you hated this place and I told you I'm Katherine now."

"I do hate this place" Natalia explains with a shrug "and I do not care what you changed your name to, anyways I'm just coming through I've barley been in Mystic Falls more than two minutes, I wanted to see what you were doing to these boys."

"If you interfere-"

"What? What will you do Katerina, we both know I can end you in the blink of an eye." Katherine remains silent.

"Or would you like me to bring Niklaus here?" at this the younger vampire's eyes snap to hers in fear.


Natalia smirked "Oh I won't....until I might need too" she laughs and turns around preparing to flash away "i get my way no matter what Katerina."


Flashback, Titanic Ship North Atlantic (1912)

A woman from first class wearing a beautiful black dinner gown steps onto the deck of the ship, her hair whips due to the wind. Her second class friend by her side. She made a friend. Red hair and big brown eyes. She was human of course and that was the problem since she rarely makes human friends.

"What are we going to do all the lifeboats are being swarmed, we waited too long!" Elisa said with worry lacing her voice and wide eyes.

Natalia stands quiet for a second, she did not have to wait long she is after all first class, but her friend asked for assistance getting steerage passengers that were trapped out. She looked in the distance before seeing one more lifeboat at the end of the ship "Come, this way" she tells her friend and they make their way over, when they get there and are prepared to hop on board they are stopped by a man.

"Ladies, I am so sorry there is only one place, only one of you may come on, we already have too many extra passengers and even that is a push, we can only squeeze one more." When neither of them got on he looks guilty and turns away preparing to pull the ropes down.

"Come on Natalia, if we cannot go together then we will not go at all."

Her friend is noble and loyal, she'll admit. But she is also human. Natalia is a vampire and even if they drown she cannot die, when they will all freeze, she will not even be the slightest bit cold. When ice grows on their skin, hers will be at a perfect temperature.

It will grow speculations if she survives after remaining in the water without even a coat.

She gets on the last spot of the boat after just about two rope pulls. The man stops and looks at her before nodding and continuing to pull it down.

Elisa is hurt betrayed and in anguish, she can see it in her eyes even if they are running with tears.

"How could you!" She screams over the railing as the boat is now not in reach.

Natalia looks her in the eyes with an emotionless face "I always look out for myself Elisa."

Selfish and a traitor

Flashback, Chicago (1939)

She walks the streets at night with her good friend, Haven. Well besides Rebekah who she has not seen in a while. And no, Haven is nothing like Elisa, in fact not even close. Haven is her only current vampire friend that she met in the 1300s after her boyfriend turned her. They spend many years together.

"I'm bored" Haven says slightly whiny.

"And hungry" Natalia adds.

"Soooo, why don't we get a snack?"

She smirks "Perfect idea."

They walk amongst the humans looking for their prey. Soon they spot a couple going down an alley way. With one glance at each other they flash and pin one of them against the wall. She gets the man.

"Aw pretty girlfriend" Haven coos.

"Please don't hurt her" he begs already shedding tears.

"I apologize, but I am hungry" Haven says before drinking the girl dry while muffling her screams and then lets her body fall to the ground, the boy attempts to break free to no avail and after kicking for a while more he gives up, his energy wearing down, she has her hand on his mouth and as soon as he stops she removes it.

"I loved her" he whimpers and she smiles a scary and sickening smile.

"Pathetic" is what she whispers before drinking from him and ripping him limb by limb.


Present day (New Orleans)

My eyelids flutter as I start waking up, I'm groggy and my head is pounding. When I opened my eyes fully I was confused until I remembered what happened and sit up quickly which resulted in a massive head pounding and a groan from me. My eyes widen at my surroundings, I'm in some short of abandoned hospital. It's then that I realize I'm in cold sweat, all those memories of mine coming back to me, and the voice...there was a voice whispering.

"Glad to see you're up." The same voice said and I get up as fast as I can with my body feeling weak, the woman is the same one that snapped my neck, but a snapped neck should not feel this bad, I would know.

"What did you do to me!" I try to hiss out but failed.

"Oh I've injected you with a generous amount of vervain, enough to kill a normal vampire your age, this along with the fun I've been having in your mind..." Just then it clicks.

"Celeste" I gasp out

She chuckles "Wow you're smart, nice job, this also means that you've heard of me and my...un liking towards the Mikaelsons, yes?"

I glare at her hard before replying "Yes, I've also heard that by Klaus's orders you were drowned in a very lovely Victorian bathtub."

Her face loses all emotion "Well I'm doing something about that, Rebekah happened to be the one that got Mikael in town and drove them out, I decided Klaus needed to know the truth, and when he finds out Rebekah will wish she never betrayed him, or Genevieve."

I gulp "And this has to do with me how?"

She smiles "You see along with tying Rebekah's mind to his, I have done the same to yours, I'm sure he would want to know the truth about the things you've done. I'll praise you guys, you and Rebekah are excellent liars."

I realize what she's talking about "No!"

Flashback, England (1492)

Katerina runs as a new born vampire, her emotions and senses running high. She runs to survive as fast as she can so she is not slaughtered by Klaus and the man she thought she loved, Elijah. Panting she makes a turn only to run into someone, a woman whom she is weary of.

"Relax Katerina, I am Natalia, Lord Niklaus's friend."

Katerina's eyes widen and she try's to run but Natalia simply appears in front of her "Katerina he will get revenge I hope you know, I am willing to help you simply because I have taken pity on you and have seen that Elijah cares for you, but you must follow me, now!" Natalia whispers to her. The newborn vampire is hesitant but nods.

"Do you trust me?" Natalia asks.

"No" Katerina replies all too fast.

She smirks "Good, now let's go."

Present day

"Stop" I gasp out knowing that Klaus had just seen that memory, how I had helped the girl he had tried to capture for centuries, run for centuries.

"Oh but that's not even the best part is it, as I said before, you and Rebekah are excellent liars, I'm surprised you kept the whole act up."

My eyes widen "No! Plea-"

Flashback, New Orleans (1919)

The blonde Original walks the dark streets until she feels a presence behind her, turning around at vampire speed, she comes face to face with her best friend.

"Natalia" she says out of breath and ready for a fight, she then looks towards the other girl finding her in a beautiful dress and obvious expensive coat with her dark hair up and curled, just in fashion.

"What are you doing here? Elijah does not know of you, remember? And Nik is not supposed to know I know about you."

Natalia nods and chuckles "You're still going to call him Nik? Even after you are planning to betray him?"

Rebekah looks shocked "Natalia, you must not say anything, please, I love Marcel and I will never be truly happy, we will never be truly happy, you know that! He's been in control for the past thousand years while we have been in a box every time we want one ounce of happiness to ourselves! What if you fall in love one day, he won't let you he's manipulative and wanting an-"

"Rebekah! Sush, I will not tell him...I will help you."

Her shocked face becomes even more baffled "But yo-"

"You are my friend as well Rebekah, and you are right, everything you said is right and even though he's like my brother you are also like my sister...I will help you."

Rebekah let's out a breath and gives a grateful smile.

Present day

"You bitch!" I snarl but regret as I soon feel a stinging pain in my head and fall on my knees.

"Maybe I should show Kol some of those steamy memories between you and Klaus, I'm sure he'll love that."

I growl and attempt to lung at her only for the pain to increase.

"We will win Natalia." Is all she says and with that I pass out, again.


I feel someone shaking me, too fast for my liking currently and I groan.

"Natalia!" A harsh whisper says "Get up!" And the person shakes me again "UP!" I jump up only to bump heads with the person in front of me making us both hiss in pain.

"Why was your head there!"

"Why is your head so hard!" Rebekah says to me and then I take in her appearance, she looks terrible, even if I can't say much about myself either considering my grey crop top from yesterday is now ripped and my jeans are just all muddy.

"What are you doing?" I ask her slowly standing up.

"Saving you, now c'mon!" She yells and pulls me along before I tug her back.

"Saving me from what?" I ask with an exasperated look on my face.

"REBEKAH! NATALIA!" A voice roars from down the hall and I turn to see Niklaus coming at as with a deadly looking blade.

"From that!" Rebekah says as we begin running together from him, we are both weak and Klaus not so much currently. At one point we are both confused and split ways without even realizing it until I couldn't hear Rebekah's labored breathing anymore and turned to see that she was gone.

"Rebekah!" I call/whisper but get no response and don't want to risk Klaus catching me so I turn back around only to run into something. I prepare to scream but the person's hand finds it's way to my mouth and I look up only to see Kol's disapproving eyes looking back at me, he takes his hand off and I try to speak.

"Kol..I know-"

"Forget it." his voice is strained and he picks me up and flashes out of the hospital.


About ten minutes later I feel my feet touch the ground properly and look around noticing we were in a room I was not familiar with.

"This is where Davina lived when Marcel said he wanted to keep her safe, there's a shower and..." He hands me a bag "Here".

I open the bag, inside was a change of clothes that looked too much like my style for Kol to have chose. I look at him and arch a brow "You picked these out?"

"Vampire I found. Iannia didn't want to help." He said bluntly, I realized his tone was clipped and with one last nod I turn and head for the shower.

After about twenty five minutes I step out and get dressed, I leave my hair down to let it dry, stepping out Kol's eyes scan over my body and he nods and licks his lips.

"I'm sorry too."


"Listen!" he growled and I stopped whatever it was I had planned to say.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you anything but to be honest I was getting even, i thought you were dead for centuries and then you just come back not to add that you're an Original, it hurt Natalia. It hurt and so I decided not to say anything, when Iannia came back I knew I had to lie, she was mad and I could tell, the thing is even if she was mad I was still going to defend you until I found out Elijah was her father, she was my niece and I never knew. So then yes I was mad and I let you get daggered and the truth is I shouldn't regret it because I believe people get what they deserve, although it is the first time I let someone get what they deserve and regret it...." He sighs running a hand over his face "I care for you, god dammit" he mumbles to himself at the end.

I stand there taking everything he just said in before going and standing right in front of him and leaning up, kissing his cheek, when I pull away I smile sadly.

"I don't know what to do Kol." I whisper to him and he looks at me with confusion.

"You're right and you had every right to leave me daggered, in fact I deserved it, even if I was mad and ready to rip your finger off, when I was in that hospital that damn bitch showed me flashbacks, horrible things that I've done. I've killed and lied and betrayed just to get what I want. Im a monster and so are you, but there's a difference, the difference is that I actually believe you're a much better soul...."

"Our souls have changed over the years." He says.

I look him "You talk of souls as if i had one." I then look down "I don't know what to do."

He looks at me long and hard before nodding and extending his hand to me, I look at it and garb it and we both flash home. When we arrive at the compound I'm a little reluctant to enter in fear of being daggered or worse. Kol sees my nervousness.

"Elijah got Nik with Papa Tunde's blade, he will be pissed when he's better, especially at you and Bekah, you might have to leave. But I won't let you do that yet, first you might want to see something".

He starts walking and I follow until were at the center of the home and I see four men and Iannia sitting in chairs, as soon as they hear my heels they look up and I stop a little after the door way staring at them. Neither of them have changed since the day I left a thousand years ago, I might be shocked, or in a state of definite shock. They on the other hand I can tell are disappointed, mad, but shocked and somewhere inside grateful, maybe that I'm alive. After a few minutes of silence I open my mouth first



Ok guys here's this chapter, you finally get to see some of Natalia's past and some of the things she's done over the years, and how she's not all that better after all.

And yes in some of the more beginning chapters I said Natalia hadn't been in mystic falls since a thousand years ago, I'm still keeping it since technically she was there for only about four minutes.






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