Chasing #34 || Auston Matthews

By epithymy_

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**On Hiatus; I apologize for the inconvenience** One fateful night, a random turn of events finds Alyssa Mill... More

Chapter 1 // The Prelude
Chapter 2 // The Elevator Excursion
Chapter 3 // The Morning After
Chapter 4 // The Gala
Chapter 5 // The Chase
Chapter 6 // The Rescue
Chapter 7 // The Hockey Stick Conundrum
Chapter 8 // The Quest for Auston's Gift
Chapter 9 // The Gold Chain Reaction
Chapter 10 // The Birthday Party
Chapter 11 // The First Game
Chapter 12 // The Mother/Daughter Displacement
Chapter 13// The Mitchell Marner Enigma
Chapter 14// The Halloween Haunt
Chapter 15// The Awkward Sister Inquiry
Chapter 16// The Porch Swing
Chapter 17// The Friendsgiving Surprise
Chapter 18// The Night Everything Changed
Chapter 20// The Babysitting Experiment (part one)
Chapter 21 // The Babysitting Experiment (part two)

Chapter 19// The Setup

3.6K 58 14
By epithymy_


I woke up to the feeling of lips being pressed up against my cheek and Auston's arm lain across my stomach. Auston kept placing kisses all over me; my cheeks, my nose, my forehead, my neck, everywhere except my lips. I tried to stay still but I began to giggle and squirm at the feeling of his lips brushing up against my skin.

Realizing I'd woken up, Auston stopped and pulled himself up and hovered over me. Holding his weight up with his arms, I watched as his tight muscles flexed and his gold chain dangled above me. My lips curled upwards at seeing the necklace. I was glad that he never took it off, because it meant the world to me.

"I love you," Auston spoke, causing me to dart my eyes up to meet his.

I grinned, "I love you too,"

Smirking, Auston leaned down to meet my lips in sweet-hearted kiss. I was feeling a new side to Auston, as I hadn't ever experienced him being so gentle with me. Pulling away softly, Auston held his position, hovering over top of me. He stared at me, with the faintest of smile, and I felt my cheeks heat up over his watchful gaze.

"Do you think anyone else is up yet?" I questioned, causing his brown eyes to dart towards my bedroom door.

"Doubt it," Auston answered, shrugging a bit.

I jumped in fright when a loud bang went off from downstairs, and Lexi's loud screech filled the home,

"Nylander! For fuck sakes!"

Then the sound of my smoke detectors went off, with the continuous beeping calling for a cause of concern. Looking back towards Auston, I raised an eyebrow and he sighed, and shook his head before rolling over and getting off of the bed.

"I'll be right back," he spoke, heading to the door.

"I can come," I said, sitting up and pulling my comforter off, but Auston halted me by putting his hand up.

"It's fine babe, I'll come get you in a second," Auston told me with a smile, before opening the door and closing it behind him. I frowned but decided to obey his request. I didn't understand why he wanted me to stay.

About ten minutes later, Auston came back into the room, and walked back over to me. I had sat up and was currently situated on the edge of my bed. Auston bent down to place another kiss onto the crown of my head, and placed his hand onto my shoulder, squeezing gently.

"Everything okay?" I asked, looking towards him suspiciously.

"Everything's fine," he replied, as he walked towards his overnight bag and pulled out some clothes. I inwardly sighed, disbelieving him but I didn't say anything.

Pulling his grey hoodie on, and slipping into some black jeans, Auston quickly combed through his hair and grabbed his phone, placing it into his pocket. He then looked back at me and smirked,

"As much as I'd love for you to walk around in just that shirt today, I suggest you get changed," Auston spoke and I felt my cheeks heat up at his words.

Finally standing up, I walked to my dresser and pulled out one of my favourite floral blouses and grabbed a pair of black leggings to go with it. Noticing Auston was still staring, I stopped what I was doing and turned back to him, "you can go downstairs if you want, I'll be a couple minutes."

"Nah, I'll wait. Just keep doing your thing," Auston replied, taking a seat back onto the bed and getting comfortable.

Sighing, I tried to ignore his presence while I got dressed for the day. I could feel Auston's eyes burning into me while I stripped down and got changed. He asked for it. Once I was changed, I grabbed my hair brush and pulled my bun out, letting my now wavy hair cascade down my back. Quickly running my brush through just to smooth it all out, I determined I was then ready for the day.

Silently taking my hand in his, Auston led me down the stairs and I gasped when I saw what the others had done. The dining room was set up like the previous night, except this time, a mountain of different breakfast foods lined the table. I was shocked.

"This isn't the best part," Auston told me, and I looked up at him in confusion. There was more?

Taking me into the kitchen, several arrangements of white daisies were scattered all around the room. A few scented candles were going and what was even more impressive, you'd never know anyone had been cooking because the kitchen was spotless.

"Surprise!" I heard Lexi's voice cheer and I turned to face the older brunette.

"You guys didn't have to do this," I said, referring to my flowers and them making breakfast.

"But we wanted to, and to be honest, we all had fun doing it." She replied with a smile, before pulling me in for a hug.

"You should've seen us Alyss', Lexi, Will, Kappy, Brownie, and I went to Walmart at like two in the morning, it was hilarious," Care told me, as he'd entered the kitchen behind his girlfriend.

"I'm sure that was a fun adventure," I giggled, just thinking about it.

"Hey can you guys stop your chit-chat so we can eat already, I'm starving over here!" Will's voice echoed.

"Yeah because you're totally going to starve to death if we don't eat right this second," Lexi shot back, rolling her eyes.

"We're professional hockey players Lex! We need to eat," he bit back, grabbing a donut off the table and I smirked,

"Well since you just pointed out that you're a professional athlete William, do you really think eating that apple fritter is the greatest choice?" I asked, just as the blonde was about to bite into the luscious pastry. He sent me a look and pouted, before rolling his eyes and biting into the fritter anyways.

As everyone made their way to the table, I noticed two specific people were missing, "where's Mitch and Steph?" I asked.

Everyone else seemed to then take notice and Zach smirked, "they're still upstairs, and from what I could hear through the wall, those two were up all night with each other,"

My mouth made an 'O' shape and I just nodded. Auston furrowed his brow from beside me, "they slept upstairs together?"

"Well I don't know if I could consider what they were up to as sleeping, but they definitely shared the room together," Zach replied with a chuckle and Alannah swatted at him.

I couldn't help but smile. I was glad they were getting along and things seemed to be getting back to normal. I knew they missed each other and I was ecstatic that they recognized that too.

After breakfast was finished and everything was cleaned up, slowly everyone started to leave. The boys had their morning skate and a game the next day so the sooner they got back to Toronto the better. But I knew I'd see them all the next day.

By the time lunch rolled around, the only visiting cars remaining was Steph's and Mitch's, leaving Auston, Morgan, Kelsey and I downstairs, while Mitch and Steph had still failed to make an appearance.

"Should we check on them? Make sure neither of them killed each other?" Morgan asked.

Kelsey agreed, "I'm thinking because they still haven't moved that this was a murder suicide."

I laughed, "I don't think they would do that,"

"I don't know babe," Auston started from the seat next to mine, lazily wrapping his arm around the back of my shoulders, "this is Steph and Mitch after all. Stranger things have happened."

I couldn't disagree with that.

It was around one when Morgan finally sighed and stood up from my couch. "Not to be a drag, and not that I want to leave anyways but we have to get going Auston. We have our meeting tonight and then we need to make sure we get ready for tomorrow."

Auston sighed too, and gave me a sad smile before nodding at Morgan. "Babs will kill us if we're late tonight," the older boy quickly added.

"I know," Auston replied.

"Do you want me to go check on them?" I asked, and both boys looked towards me, with Morgan nodding, "you'd probably be the best candidate,"

Taking a deep breath, I popped up from off the couch, and made my way upstairs. Since there was only bedroom door still closed, I came to the quick conclusion that the pair must've been located in there.

Knocking twice, I waited for a reply. When I didn't get one, I tried again and called out to them, "Mitch? Steph? Are you guys in here?"

I heard a bang followed by a laugh and Steph's voice followed, "you can come in Alyssa,"

Opening the bedroom door hesitantly, I stuck my head in to see Mitch laying on the floor, struggling to unravel himself from the comforter, while Steph was watching him with an amused smile on her face.

"I'm not trying to bother you guys, and interrupt whatever's going on, but Mitch you apparently have a meeting tonight that you guys need to head to, and Morgan and Auston want to get going," I explained.

"Ah crap, I forgot about that," Mitch sighed, shaking his head, as he finally stood up.

"Why what time is it?" Steph questioned.

"After one," I replied.

Her eyes bugged open and then an apologetic look made its way onto her face, "I didn't realize we slept that long,"

"Well we only slept like six hours Stephy if it's after one." Mitch retorted, "and I'm the one who has a game tomorrow.

Steph rolled her eyes at him and sighed, "Yes Mitchell, we both know you have a game tomorrow,"

"Good," he replied, "then I'll see you both there,"

My eyes darted to Steph's and she seemed to nod hesitantly. I couldn't help the Cheshire-like grin that made its way onto my face. They were totally back on.

"I'll just be downstairs," I spoke out and Steph gave me the, "don't you dare leave me," look. But I ignored her, and turned around to quickly to head out of the room. I wanted them to have more alone time. They needed it and I really wanted them to work things out, and so far, things were looking good.

Walking downstairs and back into the living room with my hands held together behind my back and a knowing smirk on my face, Kelsey sent me a grin. "Everything good?" She asked.

I just nodded, "Everything's great,"

Making a pact to interrogate both of them separately once we got them alone, we didn't mention anything about their night together once Mitch and Steph finally came downstairs. Mitch didn't seem to notice but Steph was definitely suspicious. She kept giving Kelsey and I the side eye and I did my best to ignore her.

"Alright well we should head out now," Mitch sighed, as he placed his bag by the front door.

I smiled and pulled Mitch into a hug, which he returned immediately, and placed his lips onto my forehead, giving me a friendly kiss. I had come to the conclusion that Mitch did love me, but I loved him too. The love shared between us though wasn't romantic, it was a caring almost sibling like love, and I was more than thankful to have developed these feelings for him over the last few months. I was glad I had Mitch, and I was glad he had me.

Steph smiled at our embrace and I was glad she had finally come to understand that too. As I pulled away, I noticed Morgan and Kelsey whispering to each other.

"I'll call you," I heard Morgan promise, and Kelsey's cheeks turned a light pink and she just nodded.

Oh boy.


I felt Auston wrap his arms around my waist from behind as his front side came into contact with my back.

I sighed happily and leaned back onto him.
I didn't want him to leave but he had to go back to Toronto. But I'd see him tomorrow.

"I'll talk to you tonight," Auston said, as he spun me around to give me a proper hug.

"Okay. And I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled.

He nodded with a grin, "I'll see you tomorrow,"

Leaning down to press his lips to mine, Auston gave me a quick kiss and hugged me tight.

"I love you," he whispered and I smiled.

I clutched his sweater tighter in my hands, "I love you too,"

Pulling away, I noticed Steph and Kelsey looking at me with shocked faces. Oops, I guess they had heard. The boys didn't seem to hear or they just didn't care.

As the boys vacated the area, I sighed as the house was finally empty, safe for Steph and Kels. Waving at Mitch's car as they drove off, I turned back around to walked into my kitchen when Steph and Kelsey booth stood resolute, both with their arms crossed against their chests.

"What?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at the two.

Steph scoffed, "don't what us. What was that?!"

"What was what?" I asked, and Kelsey threw her hands up in frustration, "when did you guys start saying the 'L' word?!"

I chuckled awkwardly, "oh that,"

"Yeah Alyssa, that." Steph bit back, her foot tapping impatiently.

"He told me last night," I explained, "he told me he was in love with me,"

Kelsey's body relaxed as she stood back properly. Her lips closed and she calmed right down. She then began to smile. "He said it first?"

I grinned with a nod in remembrance, "he said it first,"

"Aww I'm so happy for you 'Lyss! That's great!" She giggled, pulling me into a hug. Steph smiled slightly but she still didn't seem overjoyed. I decided to ignore it and she decided not to bring it up after. If she wanted to talk about it again she would.

The next day came quicker than I thought it would. The girls and I decided to head into Toronto in the early afternoon to hang out and explore the city prior to the game.

We walked down King Street West, which was a known shopping destination in downtown Toronto. It was getting quite chilly, as November was right around the corner, and we had to stay bundled up to keep the chill away.

Spotting a Victoria's Secret down the street, Kelsey gripped my arm tight and pointed, "we should go in there!"

"Why?" I questioned, not liking the idea at all.

"Because silly, we have to get you some sexy lingerie, spots bras and boy shorts aren't going to cut it anymore," Kelsey replied, and I rolled my eyes, "Auston doesn't seem to care,"

"No, but why not surprise him?" Kelsey said back, looking towards Steph for support.

The smaller blonde sighed, "I honestly don't care about surprising him, but you should treat yourself Alyssa. Make yourself feel good,"

I pursed my lips. What had Auston done to piss her off so much?

"Anyways are you sure you want to go in there for Alyssa, Kelsey? Because I noticed you and Morgan getting quite cozy Sunday night," Steph added causing my teammate's face to turn tomato red.


I turned back to Kelsey with my arms crossed and she immediately shook her head at me, "nothing happened, I swear! We just talked,"

I raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed, "I would've told you anyways,"

That was true. Kelsey would probably tell everyone within a ten-mile radius if Morgan tried anything with her.

"Although, I mean maybe I could just prepare myself, because you never know right?" She giggled and I groaned.

Deciding not to head into the high-end lingerie boutique, we instead headed over to the arena. We were allowed in a bit early and I wanted to see Auston before the game.

Opting not to go visit Mitch, because she wasn't one hundred percent sure what was actually going on between them, and because Kelsey wanted to grab some pre-game dinner, I ventured down into the player's area alone. The two promised they'd come down after the game.

Noticing me right away once I exited the elevator that took me down in front of the Leafs area, Auston held one finger up to me discreetly telling me to just wait, as he was currently doing a pre-game interview. I nodded in understanding.

"Long time no see Princess. I swear it's almost as if I see you everyday now,"

I smirked as William came up from behind me and pulled me into a friendly hug. "How's it going Will?"

"Well, it could be worse," he replied, "I'm just tired to be completely honest,"

I snickered as I pulled away, "don't let your coach hear you say that,"

"Don't let your coach hear you say what?" A deep voice asked from behind us. Will's face paled and I smiled awkwardly once Mike Babcock came into view.

With both his eyebrows raised at us, he waited for our answer. "It doesn't matter coach. It's nothing that'll affect my game," William quickly replied.

"It better not Nylander. I need your legs tonight," he replied. Will just nodded.

"And who might you be? I've seen you around here a few times." Mike asked, turning his attention back onto me.

"Umm my names Alyssa," I explained, not knowing what else to say.

"And you're Willy's-?"

My eyes widened and I waved my hands back and forth, "oh no, we're not together,"

Will laughed at my reaction, "do I really do nothing for you?"

"I'd hope not," I heard Auston's voice counter and I smiled at him as he returned from his interview.

"Ah okay, you're with Matty," Mike spoke, and Auston nodded and I rolled my eyes, trying to keep myself from laughing. Auston was very protective.

"Do you play hockey for Western?" Their coach suddenly asked me and I felt thrown off guard, how did he know that?

"I recognized your jacket. I coached in the Canadian University System before I came to the pro's. It's a great program." He explained and I nodded. I'd forgotten I'd thrown on my hockey jacket before we left the house this morning.

"Yeah, we had a pretty successful run last year and we're hoping to repeat," I told him and he smiled.

"That's because you've got a great coach behind your bench. Tom Keller is one of the best in the business." He replied, and I was surprised he knew who my coach was.

"Yeah he's been amazing. He's taught all of us a lot," I explained and Mike nodded, "he also has a keen eye for scouting. So, if he hand picked you, which I'm assuming he did because Western's program is highly elite, he must see something in you."

I smiled slightly.

"She's no slouch. I've seen her play and she has a wicked shot. You should watch some of their tapes coach. You'd be impressed." Will explained.

"Really now? Maybe I should get you out here to practice with the boys. You could show them how's it's supposed to be done," Mike chuckled.

I laughed awkwardly as the two boys seemed to grimace, "oh that's okay, I wouldn't want to be a distraction."

"Oh no, not at all. Maybe I'll call 'ole Keller up and we can see if we can put on a little scrimmage or something. Maybe not against these guys but the Marlies program does stuff like that all the time," he told me.

I nodded, that sounded fun actually, "that would be really cool. I'm sure the team would love that,"

"I'll make the call then," Mike smiled, "and good luck on your season,"

"Thank you," I replied curtly, sending the older man a smile.

"15 minutes til' game time boys," their coach announced, before walking into the dressing room.

Well that was weird.

"Getting us in trouble already huh?" Auston asked me with a chuckle, pulling me into a side hug.

"If you want to blame someone, blame William," I retorted and Will snickered.

"Oh no, not today Princess. You can't blame me for everything, that was all you,"

I rolled my eyes, "whatever,"

Auston smirked at our interaction. I was glad he didn't seem too bothered by Will and I's blossoming friendship, if you could call it that.

"Well I'll let you two love birds say your goodbyes, and I'll see you after the game Alyssa," Will said, and waved as he jogged into the dressing room to get ready.

"You better get in there too," I spoke, nodding my head towards the dressing room.

Auston nodded with a sigh, "I know, I just wanted to come see you quick before I had to get ready." He explained.

I smiled up at him, "and I'm glad you did,"

Auston's lips curved upwards before he pulled me in for a proper hug. Wrapping my arms around his centre, I gripped his skin-tight shirt into my hands. Auston placed his chin onto the top of my head and rocked us back and forth. I sighed happily. I loved the feeling of being in Auston's arms. It was indescribable, I felt warm, I felt safe, and now more than ever, I felt loved.

"Good luck Auston," I said, leaning back to look up at him.

He grinned, "thanks babe. I love you," he told me, before pressing his lips against mine.

"Matty! Game in 10!" I heard someone yell.

He pulled away, and smiled slightly, "I'll see you after the game,"

"Yes you will," I confirmed with a nod, before Auston ran off into the dressing room to get ready.

Deciding to quickly use the washroom before heading upstairs to meet the girl, I walked over to the trainer's area where there was a much quieter washroom.

After finished up, I began my trek back towards the elevator, but I stopped and blinked when I heard the sound of giggling.

Hearing it again I turned and noticed a little boy running towards me. He was wearing a Leafs jersey and had a little beanie on his head. But he was small. Like as in he was still a baby.

Looking around confused, I found it quite odd that such a young child, a toddler no less, was running around here unsupervised. This specific area underneath the building wasn't as busy. The lights were more dim, the floor wasn't kept as polished, and only the occasional security guard would walk by. The only reason I had been over here was because I was using a relatively unknown washroom.

Realizing there was no way a parent would knowingly allow their toddler to roam the empty corridors of the Air Canada Centre, I lunged out to pick up the child when he went to run by me. Squealing in delight and giggling again, I placed the child up against my hip and used both of my arms to support him.

"What are you doing here all alone?" I asked him sweetly, but he just laughed and reached out to try and grab my nose. When that didn't work, he instead grabbed my hair, and began giggling as he twirled it around in his hands. I was relieved he wasn't a puller.

Getting a better look at him, there was no way this kid was even two years old yet. He wouldn't be able to tell me much information as I knew his word processing and vocabulary skills were still in development.

"Dadda," he suddenly cooed out, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you know where your Dadda is?" I asked him.

This time he blinked and obviously thought about it. He then quickly stuck out his arm and pointed in the direction he came from. That made sense, I guess I'd have to try and follow his footsteps.

Re-adjusting him, I then noticed the back of his jersey bore the number forty-two, and the name read, "Daddy,"

That's when it clicked. This was Tyler Bozak's son. No wonder he had gotten down here. He must've ran off. I was surprised security wasn't looking everywhere for him.

Walking back in the direction of the Leafs locker room, the toddler in my arms kept giggling and cooing to himself causing me to smile. He was a cutie that was for sure.

Turning around the corner, I noticed an hysteric looking woman screaming at three security guards, with tears streaming down her face. Tyler Bozak himself stood beside her, and looked just as concerned, but he was in full equipment and the game was supposed to start in less than five minutes.

"Molly we'll find him, he couldn't have gotten far," I heard Tyler tell her, as he was rubbing her back.

"But I've looked everywhere! What if someone took him?'!" She cried out.

"Ma'am no one can get down here other than security and team personnel, I doubt anyone would take him," one of the guards to her, "we're bound to find him."

She nodded and wiped her tears away. Mike Babcock than came out of the dressing room entrance and looked towards the couple, "any luck?"

Tyler shook his head no and Mike sighed, "Game starts in five," he told him, and the assistant captain nodded in understanding before the coach headed back into the dressing room.

"Hi! Does this little guy belong to you two?!" I called out, and the couple, along with the security guards all turned their heads towards me.

"Kanon!" The blonde called out, and bolted over to me.

Kanon presumably, giggled and reached his arms out towards his Mother, as she came barreling towards us, and began crying again once I passed the toddler to her. She clutched him tight in her arms, and she placed multiple kisses onto the top of his head.

Tyler made is way over to us and Molly passed their son to him. Giving his son a tight hug, Tyler took a big sigh a relief. "Where did you go buddy?" He asked the little boy. But just like he had to me before, Kanon didn't answer, he just pointed.

"Thank you so much," Molly said, and shocked me by pulling me in for a hug. "Where did you find him?" She asked, and I nodded back behind me, "near the washrooms by the Trainer's office," I replied.

She shook her head, "he's always running off on me,"

We both looked back towards Kanon when he began babbling and I was surprised that he was reaching out towards me, and not his Mom. Tyler smirked at his son and went to pass him back to me, and I hesitantly took the toddler back into my arms.

"He seems to really like you," Tyler said with a smile.

I smiled at Kanon and he laughed again, placing his small hands onto my shoulder and leaning his head down to rest on my chest.

"I guess so," I chuckled, as the little boy struggled to keep his eyes open.

"He's a lady's man, that's for sure," Molly commented with a smirk, as she reached out to rub his back.

"I've seen you before," Tyler looked at me quizzically, and I smiled, "oh probably, I'm around sometimes,"

"You're Mitch's friend from London, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"But aren't you Auston's girlfriend? You're Alyssa?" Molly added, and I nodded, "that's me."

"I'm sorry we haven't really met before. When I come to the games I'm usually occupied with this little guy here," she explained, smiling towards her son.

"That's alright," I told her, "I haven't been the most social either."

"Well since Kanon seems to have fallen in love with you, let's sit together, it'll be nice," Molly suggested, and I grinned.

"Bozie! Game starts now!" We heard Mike's booming voice echo down the hallway, and he turned back to nod at his coach.

"Looks like you found him," Mike noticed, as he looked towards Kanon.

"Yeah, Auston's girlfriend spotted him," Tyler chuckled, before saying goodbye to both Kanon and Molly, and heading back towards the dressing room.

"Kanon's been found! Auston's girlfriend caught him!" I heard Mike's voice again announce into the dressing room. I flushed.

Waiting for the team to head out before heading upstairs to our seats. Molly, Kanon, and I watched the Leafs walk out towards the ice. As the players walked by one by one they each cheered for me, causing me to laugh and roll my eyes. But when Auston walked by, he quickly went off route and came over to us.

"Looks like you saved the day," Auston muttered, looking down towards the sleepy toddler on my hip and I smiled, "it was just a coincidence,"

Auston chuckled before leaning down to kiss me on the cheek. "Go get them Auston," I said, referring towards the other team and he grinned.

"I'll do my best. I love you," he told me and I folded my lips together in a smile and blushed.

"I love you too," I said, placing my free hand onto his arm and squeezing it before he had to leave. Auston looked over again before heading down the corridor to the ice and smirked, sending me a quick wink while I just waved with my free hand as Kanon was still curled up in my other arm.

"That was just adorable," Molly cooed to me and I laughed.

"Yeah, he's definitely something,"

"So how long have you two been together?" Molly asked as we made our way over to the elevator that would take us up back into the spectator area.

"Umm honestly, we met over Labour Day weekend, and the rest is history," I told her and she nodded. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment. I know that sounded bad, I mean really I'd only known him for two months and we were already saying the 'L' word.

"Everyone moves at their own pace, so don't be embarrassed about it. You guys make a cute couple," she added, almost as if she read my mind, and I smiled. "Yeah, I like to think so," I giggled.

"If it's any consolation, I told Tyler I loved him like two weeks in," she laughed and my eyes widened slightly, "oh wow,"

"So I wouldn't be too worried about it. Love's weird," she giggled and I laughed. Molly suddenly grinned and spoke again, "Don't take this the wrong and I don't know why but for some reason I almost pictured Kanon like he was your son when Auston came over to say goodbye," she chuckled, "you guys looked like the picture-perfect family,"

I blushed, I'd never even thought of the idea of Auston having a kid, let alone one with me. But we were young, like super young to be thinking about that stuff. "Maybe one day," I said, "like when I'm finished school and have my career all set up,"

"What are you taking in school?" Molly questioned, as we made our way down to our seats next to the waiting Kelsey and Steph. We'd gotten some good ones tonight, as we were placed about halfway up the section when usually we were near the top.

"I'm studying to be a teacher," I explained to Molly as we sat down and got comfortable.

"Wow that's amazing. You seem like you'd do really well! What grade were you thinking?" She asked again.

"I want to keep it to primary, so anything from kindergarten to around grade three," I explained.

"Well I can tell by the way Kanon's taken to you already that you'd be perfect for that," Molly smiled.

"Honestly, I think I've taken to him just as fast," I admitted, looking down towards the toddler. Kanon was absolutely adorable. He was hard to resist.

Molly laughed, "he's good at doing that."

By the time the game got underway, Kanon had woken up from his little power nap, and I passed him back to Molly. He was her son after all and I didn't want to be stepping on her toes. We chatted throughout the period about my schooling and I asked her about her career and whatnot, while Steph played absentmindedly on her phone and Kelsey cheered her heart out.

"I know this may sound out of no where, but my birthday is coming up about halfway through November, and as much as we love Kanon, Tyler and I wanted to have a weekend all to ourselves. We haven't had any alone time since we've had him. I was wondering if you'd maybe be up to babysit him?" Molly asked, and I felt surprised. I hadn't been expecting that and I'd literally just met her about an hour ago.

"You can stay at our place which is completely baby-proofed, and you'd have all of Kanon's toys and his crib and everything else you could possibly need. The boys have that weekend off, so Auston could even stay with you. It might give you a good idea of what living with a baby is like. I mean, he's not an infant so you're not going to be up all night and Kanon rarely screams his head off now, you'd just have to keep him fed and entertained basically," Molly explained, and I nodded.

"I guess, I mean I'd have to get back to you to make sure I don't have anything planned for that weekend but I honestly don't see it being a problem. I'll also have to talk to Auston," I told her and she nodded.

"Oh absolutely. That's no problem."

"I'll let you know at the game on Saturday, if you're going?"

She nodded with a grin, "I wouldn't miss it,"

The boys ended up winning their third game in a row, beating their opponents five to three. Auston had scored twice and I knew he was going to be pumped up after the game. By the time everyone was settled and ready to head out, I found myself driving back to Auston and Mitch's apartment, and heading upstairs into their condo.

"So are you guys sleeping over?" Mitch asked us as we made our way into their home.

"Uhh," Steph sounded out, looking towards me, and I shook my head, "Kelsey is staying with me, and I don't want to force her to sleep on the couch, so I think we're going to head back," I explained, "but you can stay here Steph if you want, we won't mind,"

"Now I feel bad," Kelsey muttered and I sighed and patted her on the back, "don't feel bad Kelsey, it's fine,"

"Well I mean, she could always stay with me,"
Morgan voiced as he had followed us in, shrugging his shoulders, and we all looked towards him. "I have an extra room and well I mean I was hoping to do this privately, but I was wondering if you wanted to go grab some dinner or something," Morgan asked Kels, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

Her cheeks turned bright red and she looked surprised. "I mean yeah, okay," she replied to him, finally finding her words.

He smiled, "awesome, well we should probably get going then,"

She just nodded and gave me a quick hug goodbye before following Morgan out of the apartment.

"He works fast," Mitch laughed, and I rolled my eyes, "it helps that she was already smitten with him the day they met."

"Are you going to stay then?" Auston asked me, placing his hand onto my lower back.

I looked back towards Steph, who just shrugged. "I don't mind," she spoke.

"If you're okay with it, then that's fine," I told Auston, who nodded, "of course, you're welcome anytime,"

Stifling a yawn, I decided I wanted to go lay down. Auston seemed to agree, as he was dead tired from the hockey game. I figured it would be best to leave Steph and Mitch alone as well, because I knew they were still trying to work things out.

"Can I borrow a shirt?" I asked Auston, as he got undressed while I took a seat on the edge of his bed.

He smirked back at me, "no,"

I gave him a look, "why not?"

He chuckled, "I was hoping you'd just sleep naked to be honest,"

I scoffed at him and he laughed, before pulling a shirt out from his dresser and throwing it to me, "just kidding babe,"

"Liar," I grumbled, as I undressed myself and pulled his t-shirt on.

Folding up my clothes nicely, as I'd have to wear them tomorrow too, I placed them onto the night stand next to my side of the bed.

"You really need to keep a bag here or something with extra clothes." Auston suggested as we both climbed into his bed.

I nodded, "now that would be the smart thing to do,"

"It's not like I don't have the space babe. Just bring some stuff to keep here next time and we'll find a spot for it," Auston added, as he wrapped his arms around me while I got comfy laying on his chest.

"I have a question," I asked him, and he nodded, allowing me to go on, "did you have any plans for the weekend you're off in three weeks?"

He pursed his lips in thought, "I don't think so, I mean it's only three days so there isn't really enough time to go anywhere,"

"How would you feel about babysitting?"

He sat up slightly and looked me in the eyes, his eyebrow raised, "babysitting?"

"Yeah, Molly asked me if we wanted to babysit Kanon while her and Tyler went away for her birthday that weekend." I explained.

"That sounds like a lot of work babe," Auston commented and I nodded, "it will be, but luckily Molly said we could stay at their place so all of Kanon's things are around and so that we know everything's baby-proofed. It's just two nights,"

"Two nights with a baby," he said and I laughed.

"He's more like a toddler now Auston. He won't act like a newborn if that's what you're worried about," I mentioned.

Auston sighed, "and you want to do this?"

I nodded, "I think it'll be fun. It'll also be a good learning experience,"

"You know what I think? I think that kid got you wrapped all the way around his little finger today," Auston chuckled.

"Oh probably," I admitted. "I won't deny that I fell in love with him tonight,"

Auston smirked, "just wait until he's crying his head off,"

"Well let's make sure we don't do anything to make him cry his head off then Auston," I snipped back.

He laughed, "fine, I'll help you. But don't be going and getting any ideas,"

I looked back at him confused, "what kind of ideas?"

"Like having a baby. Because if you get that in your head, my Ma is bound to get that into her head too, and that's something neither of us want to have happen." He explained.

"Auston we're way too young," I told him, and he let out a sigh of relief, "well I'm glad you recognize that,"

"And your Mom won't?" I questioned and he sighed, "my mother is obsessed with babies so let's not even let her entertain that idea okay?"

I nodded, "deal,"

He smiled thankfully.

"It shouldn't be too bad anyways, like you said, he's basically a toddler. What's the worst that can happen?"

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