Chapter 20// The Babysitting Experiment (part one)

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(A/N: just a warning for those who aren't big fans of smut, there is some mild "mature" material)


I looked up suddenly from the sound of Auston's voice ricocheting throughout the Bozak's condo. I had been in the kitchen cutting up vegetables for our dinner, when I asked Auston to go check on Kanon, who had been napping since we had gotten here a few hours before.

Placing the knife into the sink and pushing the cutting board up against the wall, I made my way over to Kanon's nursery. Walking in, my eyes widened, as Auston was holding a giggly Kanon up high, and far away from his body, as Auston's shirt was now covered in a pale green looking substance, and Kanon's cheeks along with the front on his onesie also had some of his spit up on as well. Auston looked absolutely mortified while Kanon just looked happy
to be awake.

Noticing me, Kanon reached his little arms out towards me, and Auston looked over, "Please take him, I need to shower, like now," Auston said, or rather demanded and I sighed.

"One second," I spoke, walking over to Kanon's changing table and grabbing a few wipes. I quickly wiped Kanon's face clean and got the small amount of bile off of his onesie before I claimed him from Auston.

"This was a new shirt too," Auston complained, as he carefully pulled the fabric off, trying to not get more of Kanon's throw-up anywhere else.

"I'm sure it'll come out," I told him but Auston shook his head, "but that's not the point. We've been here what, like three hours, and the kid's already puked on me,"

"He probably just got over excited and it messed with his stomach," I said, hoping to get Auston to understand.

"Well I get excited when I see you Alyssa, but I don't vomit all over you," Auston replied.

I held back a giggle but my breath hitched as I watched Auston's abs contort and pull as Auston moved around. "Like what you see?"

I blinked and flushed once I realized I'd been caught staring. Auston was smirking at me, and I laughed, "maybe, but that smell sure isn't helping,"

He rolled his eyes, "I'll be back, you'll be okay alone with him?"

"As long as your shower isn't like an hour," I replied and he nodded, "I'll be quick," he promised.

I headed back into the living room while Auston went into the spare room, where we were staying, to take a shower.

Setting Kanon onto the carpeted floor, where all of his favourite toys were located, I kept a watchful eye on the toddler while I sat and listened to the local news channel.

Hearing my phone buzz, I pulled it out of my sweater pocket and saw that it was Molly.

"Hey, did you guys everything straightened out?" I asked. Tyler and Molly's flight had apparently been delayed.

"Yeah, we're supposed to board in around five minutes, but I just wanted to make sure everything's going okay," Molly told me.

"Kanon just woke up from his nap so we're just hanging out in the living room," I informed her, "he seems to be in a super good mood. I'll probably feed him in an hour or so,"

"Alright, sounds good. God I miss him so much already," Molly sighed and I giggled, "I'm sure he misses you just as much,"

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