(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- a...

By catturner7007

16.9K 692 189

Nagisa falls backwards during PE class due to his flying octopus teacher... well in short he switches bodies... More

Intro- All I did was fall over
An Unexpected 'Camp'
Making things interesting
'Truth or dare'
What I like about you...
Were photos taken?
The spilt drinks...
Blown cover
Give me an explanation
New clothes
Stolen notebooks
Reading the notebooks
The rest of the class
School event
More challenges
You fainted?!

Beginning the challenges

447 16 3
By catturner7007

Okay, welcome to chapter 17. When did I make so many chapters! 17 is a lot. But I was going through me previous chapters and realised I made a huge error. I was going through the school days that I have written and I realised I haven't included any weekends so I have written too many days of them going to school in a row so it's not accurate.

I'm really sorry. From now on I'll pay attention and not just write school days for this story. I'll finish this event first then pay closer attention to details. I'm really, really sorry, I'm still new to writing so I knew I was going to make mistakes in my story but I didn't want to make such a big one. I'm really annoyed and frustrated with myself right now, but there is no way I'm going to stop writing this. So don't worry.

Sorry for the gap between chapter updates, I made this chapter longer than usual. Anyway on with the singing competition.

Kanzaki did not want to be participating in this event, she smiled as she always did and hid her discomfort. Kayano noticed this and felt sorry for Kanzaki, 'the main building students just want to see one of the pretty girls of class E sing.' Slowly the people in the front of the line finished their turn one by one, and one by one Kanzaki got more and more nervous.

Nagisa, Karma and Sugino were sitting together in the audience, Sugino was having trouble hiding his bloodlust, "Why did they have to pick Kanzaki? Can't they see she doesn't want to?!"

"Are you really expecting them to care?" Karma said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not looking forward to these next couple of days."Nagisa sighed.

Sugino anxiously watched as the people singing slowly made its way done to the end of the line where Kanzaki and Kayano were. He clenched his fists as the person before Kanzaki started her turn.

Kanzaki glanced to her right the person had almost finished her turn and then it would be her own turn. She gulped, she was still smiling though so she wouldn't let anybody else see that she was worried. The girl finished her turn and it was now Kanzaki's turn, she started to sing her part. She got an easy part but her voice was still really soft. Kanzaki stared into the distance as she sang she didn't want to lock eyes with anyone and see their faces of amusement.

If she had looked at the audience she would have seen everyone from the main building watching her with interest. Even though she was in E class, the other students still thought she was beautiful and that was why she had been nominated. Her turn ended and the people in the audience were disappointed, Kanzaki's voice was lovely and they enjoyed listening to it even if it was soft.

Kayano started her turn, she got the ending of the song so she got quite a boring part. She did it perfectly though, she sang fluently and everyone in the audience could hear her. She was smiling as she sang. The E class students watching smiled as she sang, Kayano was very proud of her singing voice and loved singing for her friends. Kayano finished the song and the audience (except for class E) was speechless. Everyone in the line bowed and went back to their seats.

The principal announced that Kaede Kayano and some other A class student had tied as winners. Kayano sat next to Kanzaki and smiled at her, "You did great Kanzaki."

Kanzaki lightly hugged Kayano, "Thank you, I was really nervous. Congratulations on winning."

Kayano grinned, "I'll teach the main building students that we are best!"

The principal came back out to announce the next challenge, "The next challenge will be drawing. Can all contestants please come out to the court." Sugaya got up and left the audience stands to compete. "For this challenge, there was no nominations for class E."

On the court, they had set up a canvas and chair for each contestant. There was also paint and other materials. "For this challenge, each person must construct a scene on their canvas. Art materials have been supplied for all people involved."

Sugaya sat down at his spot, he noticed that his materials; paint, pencils and pens, all looked old and worn out. Even the paint colours given to him were bad, nothing he could really work with. He started nevertheless and tried to make it the best he could using the things he was given. But even with his skill, it was hard. He had to make a scene with colours that didn't go together and nothing brought the whole thing together.

He sighed as he was adding the last touches to his work. It was still great but the other people competing were obviously better with the new and expensive materials given to them. When the results were out Sugaya was near the bottom and he was ashamed. He was only good in art and the school had even sabotaged that to make him look bad. He felt depressed.

Of course, the art competition had taken a while for each person to finish so the people in the audience were pretty much bored by the end of it and didn't care. It wasn't until it was announced that an A class student had won that the crowd went wild. Sugaya went back to his seat and kept his head low as people snickered at him. His friends Mimura and Kimura told him that he had tried his best and that the school wasn't being fair.

The whole class supported Sugaya and they had to turn around when the principal came out since Sugaya was trying to hide at the back. "We will now have a recess break, the break will go for 20 minutes. We expect you all back before that. You are dismissed."

The E class stuck together in the crowds if they were separated they would have to deal with bullying and 'intimidation' on their own. Nagisa stuck his hands in his pockets to act like Karma and Karma kept his head down to act like Nagisa. Nagisa wanted to look down and stop acting carefree and Karma wanted to chill and look down upon some main building students. They put up with it and kept walking in their classes group. Karma looked up a few times out of curiosity and noticed some of the main building boys staring at him, Karma looked down again and thought, 'Did Nagisa always get stared at like that? Had I just never noticed it?'

Their class group found a sort of nice spot away from most of the crowds and they all sat down and ate their snacks. Even from there they could still see the other students pointing them out and snickering between themselves.

Nagisa and Karma sat together along with Kayano and Maehara. "I really don't want to do this." Nagisa as Karma sighed. "None of us do," Maehara replied. Karma as Nagisa was relaxing and suddenly spoke up, "I heard from another student that the next challenge is the relay race." Nagisa sighed, "I'm in that one." Kayano swallowed some of her snacks, "How did the other students know?"

"I'm guessing the principal told them earlier to let them get the upper hand." Karma sighed. Nagisa got up, "I'm going to tell Isogai, Okajima and Kimura that the relay race is next, Maehara you already know." Nagisa got up and went to inform all the other relay racers. Kayano looked at Karma as Nagisa with a curious gaze, "So, Nagisa is competing in the relay because you're good at running?"

"Yeah. It would look weird if I didn't compete because the main building students already know I'm pretty fast and I love competitions."

"You can't just have Nagisa say he has a hurt leg or something."

Maehara interrupted, "Then the other students might think 'Karma' was weak at the moment and everyone who Karma has pissed off might try and attack him."

Karma as Nagisa glared at Maehara. He just chuckled. Kayano sighed.

Nagisa came back and sat down again. He continued eating his snacks, "I can't believe we're not allowed to use the school canteen." Kayano looked down at her sandwich miserably, "Yeah, it sucks." All of class E finished eating and started to head back to the gym when there was suddenly an announcement over the P.A system. The principal's voice boomed over the school from speakers on the sides of the buildings, "All classes are to meet at the track for the next challenge."

Nagisa glanced at Karma, "You were right."

Karma smirked, "I'm always right." Nagisa scoffed and they walked to the track.

Chairs had been set up around the track for the audience, everyone sat down and the principal came out and announced that it would be the relay race next. Nagisa, Isogai, Maehara, Okajima and Kimura stood up representing class E. The principal also said that no class E students were going to be nominated since there was a certain amount of people allowed for the race. Everyone took their spots on the track, Maehara would start, then Isogai was next, then Okajima, then Nagisa/Karma and finally Kimura to finish the race. There were 5 teams on the track, A, B, C, D and E. One for each class.

The person with the starting gun yelled, "Ready."


"Get set."


Then he fired the starting gun into the air, Maehara sprinted.

He was coming 2nd behind class A and class C surprising close behind. Maehara clapped Isogai's hand and then he ran. Isogai was still in 2nd with A class in front, but class B had moved to 3rd. Isogai came up to Okajima they clapped hands and Isogai stopped. Okajima was slower than the first two boys and B class got in front of him. Class D got in front of class C for a moment before pulling behind again.

Okajima came up to Nagisa and Nagisa took off in Karma's body after hitting Okajima's hand. Nagisa realised how fast Karma could run and was catching up to B class. As Nagisa got beside the B class runner, the guy glared at him and moved one leg over a bit in an attempt to trip Nagisa over. Nagisa's great observation skills helped him notice it before it got him and he dodged it, but it still slowed him down. The B class student stumbled and fell behind as Nagisa kept running and he couldn't help but smirk, 'Karma's a bitch.' He thought to himself as he chuckled. He made it to Kimura and he took off sprinting and he made it real close to the A class runner but fell short as the A class student ran past the finish line.

Class E still came in 2nd. C class had overtaken B class when that person had stumbled and D class came last.

The class E team went to each over and high fived. They were happy with 2nd. They walked back to the audience chairs and went to their classmates. They all cheered and celebrated. Nagisa sat down and caught his breath, Sugino came up behind him, "Did that guy try to trip you?"

Nagisa as Karma weakly smiled, "Yeah..."Sugino looked furious and Nagisa freaked out, "B-but it's okay we still came 2nd!" Sugino shook his head slightly, "I can't believe them."

Karma came over as well, "Hey, I saw that thing with the B class guy, you okay?"

"Yeah, I am."

Nagisa stood up, "We should get ready for the next challenge."


All the classes had been told to go back to the gym and wait for the next challenge. The principal walked out, "The next challenge before lunch will be basketball shooting all participants please come down to the court." Chiba, Kataoka, Nakamura and Terasaka went to the court. Along with all the other classes participants. The principal had a sheet of paper in his hand, "The E class nominated person is Okuda Manami" Okuda got up nervously and walked out to the other people in her class competing.

Everyone was given three shots and you had to shoot the ball every time they got it in the class got a point. Terasaka went first for class E, he grumbled that he didn't want to participate in the first place and got two out of three shots in. Nakamura went next she also got two out of three in. Kataoka went next and got all three in, all the audience watched hers and couldn't believe it. Nakamura fist bumped her and smirked to the crowd.

Okuda went next and her arms were shaking as she went to throw the ball, she missed the first two and then Nakamura told her to relax and told her to calm down and focus on the hoop. Okuda took a deep breath, she looked up and threw the ball. It went a lot better than all her other shots and it circled around the hoop before rolling off the side. Okuda looked at the floor in disappointment. Nakamura came up and told her that she had done her best and to not worry, between them they had gotten 7 points and that was great.

Okuda looked a little better and smiled. Everyone had to go back to their seats and once they did that they waited for the principal to speak again. "Next will be a 40-minute lunch break."

Everyone exited the gym and had lunch.

So how was that? I'm pretty sure that was a boring chapter. I'm sorry.  Anything would be helpful. I hope you guys enjoyed! Please comment and vote!

Bye bye~

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