So Glad You're Mine (From the...

By GabbyPresley

58.8K 927 408

Sequel to From the Future? Elvis and Marie are officially Mr. And Mrs. Presley. The entire nation knows and... More

So Glad You're Mine (From the Future? Sequel)
Chapter 2: Pain?
Chapter 3: Wait a Minute
Chapter 4: Fast Forward
Chapter 5: Honey
Chapter 7: Just For Two
Chapter 8: For Old Time's Sake
Chapter 9 What a Wonderful Life

Chapter 6: Two Loves

6.3K 102 70
By GabbyPresley

• Marie's POV •

I force my eyes to open wide. I glance around, the sterile smell of a hospital fills my nostrils. I get dizzy and sigh. Great, now I'm a patient, probably at the mental ward. I stare down at my arms, they're covered in tubes and patches. I feel an excruciating pain shoot through my stomach. As I rub my stomach, it stops, slowly but thankfully. I glance back up, why am I here?

My eyes wander around the room, losing hope of anyone accompanying me in my room. Suddenly, I hear a loud, obnoxious snore that I'm so familiar with. I gaze down at the white tile and notice Elvis lying on the floor, with a pillow and a few blankets over him. I can tell he's uncomfortable, but I'm glad he managed to get some shut eye. I glance down at my belly, with remorse.

"... Elvis..." I mutter softly, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

Elvis' snoring stops abruptly. I hear him wrestle with the blankets before he sits up from the floor. I look up from my stomach to watch as his dark, bag-filled eyes look up at me. His hair's a complete flop, he has a five o clock shadow and his shirt isn't even buttoned right. He throws himself closer beside me and my bed. He kneels down, making both of us meet each other's gaze by force. I sigh, trying to avoid his gaze. He slips his fingers with mine. I fight back tears, I have to keep my strength up.

"I never ment to hurt you, or my little one. Please--just please... Don't leave me." He softly begs squeezing my hand.

He hangs his head low with his voice beginning to shake.

"It was all a shitty joke for the press. To get them off our backs, for the baby shower." He whispers aggravated at himself.

He shakes his head and covers his eyes with his free hand. He begins to sob quietly. He messed up. And here I go, wanting to forgive him. What the hell man.

I gaze at him, tears slip down his tired, worrisome, angelic face. I weakly lift up my right arm and cup his cheek. He watches me fascinated.

"I'm sorry." I mutter beginning to feel drowsy.

He shakes his head frantically, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest.

"Don't you dare be, I'm sorry." He whispers hoarsely.

As I start wrapping my arms around his chest, I wince having both Elvis and I place our hands on my stomach. He slams his hand on the nurse call button as I lean back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I bite my lip as the door opens.

"She's awake now. Do something." He orders furiously.

I glance at the new comer, it was my doctor, Phil. With a concerned look, he slides on his black framed glasses and stares at the scanners beside my bed.

"The level of stress this baby's taking is too risky. We're going to need to do a C-Section... I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Presley." He informs us with a serious tone.

I feel Elvis' arms cradle me again, he sobs on my shoulder as Phil leaves my room.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm a jackass. I'm a bastard. I'm a damn shame. I'm sorry Marie. I'm sorry for everything I've done that's made you cry. Everything. For the misery and pain I can't bear to see you in. But damn it I cause so much of it."

He chokes out tightening his grip on me.

I glance around, tears start to form in my eyes. But this time, I let them fall down my hot cheeks. I made the baby stressed, I did this. I can't help Elvis this time, because I'm breaking down just as bad.

A nurse knocks on our door, making both of us fix our composures. She consoles us with a light smile. I give her my consent to take off all the crap on my arms, sadly my iv stays. The nurse hands the sad eyed, Elvis PPE. He slowly puts on the protective gown,mask, and head protection. As he finishes putting everything on, he gazes at me and sighs. He comes to my side and grabs my hand.

Another nurse knocks and walks in. They both handle my bed as they transfer me to a surgery room. Elvis walks by my side holding my right hand. He glances back at me and rubs my stomach with his other hand.

"Our little one's gonna grow up big and strong, alright satnin?" He assures leaning closer to me.

I nod as he kisses my forehead with his mask. We make it to the room, I squeeze his hand as the nurses turn my bed. The lights are bright as we enter. The room felt sterilized and eerie. I breathe in deep one last time as I see a surgeon carefully sliding his gloves on. The nurses help turn me as my doctor, walks in with a huge syringe. I grunt as I realize that's the epidural, Elvis takes both my hands in his and he makes me keep my eyes set on his icy eyes. I shut my eyes taking in the pain as the needle goes through my spine. Elvis' head hangs low as I snap back into reality. I lie on my back with an uneasy feeling. The numbing already takes a hold of everything below my waist.

Next, the nurses cover my view on my soon to be gory stomach, I look up at Elvis as his eyes grow with worry. He strokes my hair as the surgeon and my doctor are side by side and in front of my stomach. I feel the cold scalpel hit my skin but don't feel any pain. I breathe in easy as I smile up wearily to Elvis.

"I don't feel a thing." I whisper as his eyes grow glossy.

He nods and kisses my forehead.

"You're doing amazing, satnin." He whispers back looking behind the little cover between me and my stomach. He sighs and his eyes grow wide.

"I see the little one!" Doctor yells happily.

Elvis looks down at me with his eyes beaming. I smile small as I feel a weight being removed from my belly. Suddenly, the air fills with a soft cry.

• Narrator's POV •

The air fills with a soft cry. The nurses clean up the little one as the cry becomes louder. Elvis' tense muscles begin to relax, Marie wearily laughs making use of all the energy she has.

"Congratulations! It's a bouncing baby boy!" Doctor Phil calls out.

Marie sheds tears of joy as Elvis is called to cut the cord, he happily obliges. After cutting the little one's cord, Elvis takes his son in his arms, proud as he presents him to Marie. Marie's eyes light up and takes him into her arms. She lightly kisses his cheek and smiles wide as the boy calms his crying.

"My boy, my boy." Elvis cooed as he strokes his son's black, thick, soft hair.

Marie kisses him again as the baby stops his soft cries and yawns.

"He's already just like you." She whispers in glee.

Elvis smiles small, his mask covers his happiness. He cups his sons' chubby cheeks beaming and kisses his forehead.

"He's beautiful, just like his mother." He cooed glancing at Marie's stunning face.

Even with a miserable, tired face, she manages to look breath-taking in Elvis' eyes. Just as the baby is silenced by his mother's kisses, the doctors finish sewing up Marie. The nurses lead Elvis and Marie back to their room, with their son wrapped in Marie's arms. Before entering with the love of his life and son, Elvis dashes out the big double doors to his family and mafia. He pushes the doors, glancing at everyone in the waiting room. Everyone he knows and cares for is sitting down, staring up at him hoping for any news.

"It's a boy." Elvis exclaims removing his mask to show a beaming, proud smile.

Vernon runs up to him first, hugging his proud son, as an official proud grandfather. Elvis' Memphis Mafia crew came next. Joe, Red, Jerry and the rest gave him right bear hugs, regardless of the fact they're angry at him. Everyone is thankful for a healthy baby and a safe pregnancy. Patsy and Dodger follow up after the men, they assure Marie and the baby would be welcomed to their Bel Air home with a late baby-shower planned by them.

Elvis happily agrees as he nearly jumps up and down from anticipation. He says his goodbyes to everyone and thanks them for coming as he makes his way back inside Marie's room. Elvis' mind races, he's been away from his beautiful family for too long. He opens the door to Marie's room, gently.

Marie looks up with her eyes gleaming. She's cradling the sleeping baby boy. Elvis struts in, gratified. He kisses the top of Marie's head first, then kisses his son's forehead. He kneels down beside Marie's bed and gazes at both his new loves.

"What shall we name him?" Elvis asks in a soft tone without his eyes moving from his son's view.

Elvis takes in all of his sons' features. His pitch black hair, covers every inch of the top of his head, Elvis smiles thankful of Marie's genes. His tiny nose is upturned, making Elvis smile wide. 'Just like mine' he says in his mind. His eyes travel down the baby's cheeks and stop. Those chubby cheeks remind him of his own and he shakes his head chuckling.

Marie watches him, pleased. A smile forms as Elvis' eyes light up when he places his index finger inside his sons' hand. Elvis kisses his sons' cheek and smiles up at Marie.

"Emilio Alexander.." She softly whispers, beaming.

Elvis caresses her cheek, her wish is his command.

"Emilio Alexander Presley it is." He whispers kissing her lips. He missed them, so much.


• Elvis' POV •

On April 18, 1965 at 11: 35 p.m., Emilio Alexander Presley was born. A healthy 7 pound baby boy. I recite this in my head, over and over again as I gaze at Marie peacefully sleeping. I glance over to Emilio in his incubator. I smile small gazing at his sky blue blanket. Marie wrapped him up like a burrito. I run a hand through my hair, from now on, I'm thankful for every breath they both take.

I lean on the wall, on the floor as I smile up at the window in the room, the moon is shinning bright. I check my watch for the time, it says 3:40 a.m. but my mind says it's celebration time. But my eyes start to droop, I give in to my sleepy eyes and lie down on the floor. I cross my arms and drift into a heavy, worry-free sleep.


• Marie's POV •

I wake up to the bright sun shinning. I look up at the clock, it's 7:33 a.m. I get up from my bed and stretch my arms, glad nothing's hooked up to me anymore. My hospital socks hit the the cold tile as I make my way to Emilio. I carefully take him in my arms as his eyes flutter open.

I kiss his nose and gaze at his adorable face. I expect him to cry, but he just watches me with his striking, bright blue eyes. Taken back by his surprising eyes, I smile at him. He's the spit image of his father. I rock him in my arms, he silently watches me with his curious, big eyes. I slowly make my way to the nurse call button and press it. Within seconds, the nurse walks in with a smile growing. She closed the door again and returns with a bottle for Emilio. She walks over to him and I, amazed.

"He's not crying." She whispers watching Emilio with wide eyes.

I nod smiling at him, then the nurse and I glance back at Elvis. We softly laugh as he continues his roaring snores. The nurse hands me the bottle of formula and watches as I feed Emilio.

"Doctor Phil advises you give him the best of the best, since he's a few weeks early." She explains as she hands me a sticky note with the name of a baby formula.

I nod as the baby burps. I smile at him with his eyes lighting up. The nurse giggles.

"You'll be home free after a few days, we need to watch you and Emilio just to make sure he's fine and plus he's the cutest baby the entire staff has seen in ages!" She whispers making me laugh.

"Thank you! We won't mind it, after all it's for his own good." I say giving Emilio the bottle again.

The nurse nods with a wide smile and heads out the door. I carefully climb up my bed with Emilio in my arms. I continue to feed him when I see Elvis flinch in his sleep. I laugh out as he shakes his head awake.

Elvis' eyes grow wide as he gets up from the floor. He slowly treads his way to me and Emilio with a bright smile.

"He's eating...." He exclaims in disbelief.

I nod giggling at him.

"And he didn't.... cry?" He questions confused.

I shake my head no, and his face grows astonished.

"Is he ok?" He says stroking his hair.

"I mean, his parents love eating..." He softly says as Emilio burps again.

Elvis chuckles making me smile.

"Is everyone home?" I ask glancing up at Elvis.

He's taken back by the question, he smiles small.

"I think they're still in the waiting room." He whispers with a guilty tone.

My eyes grow wide, "Get them in here, no!?" I demand laughing.

He rubs his eyes and nods running out the door. I giggle kissing Emilio's forehead. Suddenly, the door flies open. I see nothing but bright flowers and enormous blue balloons. I smile wide as I see Vernon and Joe's heads pop out. Everyone comes in with amazed eyes as they walk to my bed. I show then Emilio and their faces say everything. Smiles form and they're completely awestruck. I smile small as I hand Vernon the baby.

"He's beautiful, sweet pea." He says sniffling.

Patsy, Dodger, Delta and the mafia crew surround poor Vernon with bright smiles. Some of the guys even sniffle a bit making me giggle. Elvis sits beside me on the bed and wraps an arm around my shoulders. He kisses my cheek and leans his head on my shoulder.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear before kissing it.

I pat his leg, still feeling guilty.

"I-I.... Please don't leave me." He whispers with his voice shaking.

I nod and rub his leg, I can't leave him even after the many times of trying.

"I wouldn't dare to leave." I softly say turning to his hurt expression.

A small smile grows making his tired eyes light up. He kisses my cheek again and wraps both his arms around me.

"Because I love you." I exclaim nervously giggling.

He chuckles relieved, "Thank The Lord." He mumbles.

I pat his chest and mash my lips with his. I love this big ol' goof. Beaming, he gets up and makes his way to his dad taking Emilio out of his hands. With such fragile care, Elvis holds Emilio with such patience. I giggle as Elvis kisses his cheek. Red and Vernon laugh out.

"The boys' got your chubby cheeks there E!" Joe exclaims making Elvis laugh.

Patsy pats Elvis' shoulder taking Emilio in her arms. She giggles glancing up at Elvis.

"He sure looks like a Presley alright." She giggles making everyone laugh.

Dodger wags her finger at Patsy and takes the baby from her. Patsy chuckles walking to me.

"Doesn't he!?" She asks with a smirk.

I nod agreeing with her 100%.

"I think the only thing he got from me is my hair." I laugh out shrugging.

She laughs taking the empty baby bottle from my hands. She shakes her head laughingly.

"A few years ago we were shopping what lingerie you were gonna wear for your wedding night and now, look at ya, with a baby bottle in hand." She exclaims making Elvis over hear us.

He wiggles his eyebrows chuckling. He puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head.

"And before that, she was sneaking out with me to a party in the middle of the night when we barely met." He exclaims in a cocky tone.

I roll my eyes laughing. Thank goodness everyone's distracted with Emilio. Patsy turns to me shocked. I shrug and laugh. I'm finally caught.

"Man you guys are crazy!" She laughs out astonished.

Elvis comes by my side and kisses the top of my head. I playfully push him away and glance at his smug face.

"I think I've civilized the guy." I say smiling up at Patsy.

She crosses her arms and raises a brow.

"Both of y'all civilized each other!" She exclaims laughing.

Elvis and I look at each other. I shrug and he smirks.

"Maybe." He mutters before walking back to Emilio and the family.

My heart melts as Elvis kisses Emilio's forehead in Dodger's arms. Where the hell's a camera when ya need one.

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