Dark Side~Setolox

By xKorinx

24.6K 710 292


Chap 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
BLOOPERS(April fools day special)
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap. 13
Im done
Chapter 15

Chap. 4

1.3K 41 7
By xKorinx

SETO'S POV(still flash back sorry trying to get this over with :P)


I sighed, it had been a month since Soro came back.He was probaly waitting for me to gain another friend and become close to them so he can kill them.I currently live in another town far away from the one me and Brice lived in.I am usually force myself to be quiet and shy so I don't catch any attention.

I was sitting in the park reading a book on magic junk.I was really into the book I guess since I just notice someone trying to get my attention.I looked up from my book to see a boy looking at me."yes?" I asked curiously since noone had talked to me when I first got here."oh um so semmed quite lonley so I though I come provide some company"he said."um im fine being alone"I said."oh well my name is Tyler but you can call me Ty"He said with a grin."Well im Seto"i said then went back to my book.I really didn't want to talk to anyone or to become their friend since he would do something to them.



This Ty person keeps trying to get my attention but I kept ignoring him but it is quite humores to see him try.If only he knew what he is getting himself into.He introduced my to a group called The Crew or Team Crafted.They are really funny but I just stay quiet with my book.I really hate to say this but I think i'm starting to open up to them.



I really open up to these guys.I found myself to laugh at their jokes and even start to hang out with them more.Like whenever I hangout with them I feel all my worries dissapear especially when I'm with Ty.I think I like Ty.I shook my head at that thought.No I can't fall for anyone,I can't risk them being hurt and plus Ty is with Adam.

I am heading towards TC's house right now,They told me to go to their house around 2 but they didn't really give me a reason....oh well.I finally reach their house I knocked on the door."it's open" I heared somone yell.I open the door and head into the house.The room was pitch black,then suddenly the lights turn on to reveal all my friends and birthday decorations." HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETO"they all said at the same time but Adam yelled the loudest almost bursting my eardrums.I smiled as I walked up to them we talked and did normal party stuff.It felt like it was the best day of my life until I heard his voice.

"Nice friends you have here Seto,too bad that they are doing to DIE" Soro said.My eyes widden I havn't heard his voice so long.I quickly dropped to the floor whispering no no no and then bursted out crying.He paralized my body I tried to run but it was no use.Everyone ran towards me with confused and worried looks.They were saying something but I ignore them and I focoused on Soro's voice.

"so sad that they are going to die on your birthday" Soro said

I stared to cry even harder and I finally got enough strength to get up and run out of the house.



I snapped back to reallity when I felt tears coming out of my eyes I looked over to Nyx to see her worried face.She started to rub my back in circles to calm me down."I'm sorry for your lose, for your friends, and for Brice"Nyx said.Wait how did she know about Brice?I was going to ask her.."I can read minds Seto...I saw your flashbacks"she said quietly.



Sky:hey what happened to TC !!!!

me:I'm going to write about you guys calm down

Sky:no UNTAMEABLE * runs in circles*!!!!!!

me:........ok who gave him sugar*stares*

Ryan: im sorry he at the rest of my cookies plz dont hurt meh*runs away*

Anyways thx for reading I have to kill Ryan and calm down Adam now KORIN OUT PEACE! *runs after Ryan* IMA KILL YAH RYAN YOUR SUPPOSE TO SAVE THE COOKIES FOR MEH!!!

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((AMU Completed! Go to book 2 to ask questions!))