Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

130K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six

Chapter Eight-Part Two

1.6K 40 22
By ApplePie0097

"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them."

(Bruce Lee)

   Myeong Joo stepped out of her father's office, closed the door in a proper manner before she walked away through the hallway towards the clinic. She took slow, baby steps as she walked, crossing her arms along the way as she brooded about the conversation with her father not long ago. The hallway was downright quiet as she walked, making her feel totally alone in that seemingly empty hallway, lit brightly by the fluorescent lights above. It was as quiet as the night outside, except that the sky was overcast. The lady First Lieutenant in her army greens and hair tied up could feel no less comfortable with the mission given to her, and her expression was so dull and gloomy that only the Gods can understand her inner conflicts.

   It's not that she disliked being given the mission. It was just that she had to do this solo, for her father couldn't risk sending anymore men as the mission would be compromised if more men were involved. She would be the coordinator of the rescue plan, but the problem was that she's well-trained to be an army doctor, and planning strategies wasn't her thing. She knew for sure that she would screw the entire mission up, but her father somewhat insisted her to take, giving claims that he trusted this secret mission to no one other than her only.

   The reason why she took it in the first place was simple–primarily, she wanted to see Dae Young, whom she learned from her father that he was sent to aid Si Jin following the disastrous incident. Secondly, she was deeply worried about her senior, whom she hadn't heard any news from the senior doctor for a long time. She recalled only twice the senior called her ever since Mo Yeon left for the volunteer trip. For one month after thay, she heard almost nothing. It was only through Dae Young that she eventually knew what was going on.

   The last reason was that she had already knew everything, including what Dae Young did during the mission with Si Jin five years ago against Sun Yang. It was her intense curiosity that drove her to find out what was really happening behind her back, and she managed to 'bribe' a Staff Sergeant from Foxtrot Team to help her out. That officer happened to be a hacker when he was in his teens before a juvenile case made him join the army to reconcile. It was lucky for Myeong Joo that the officer's skills were still in good shape. However, little did she know that she would discover something this secretive, and as a result, she was left in a state of distraught.

   It wasn't until one day when Dae Young was finally fit enough to return for duty that she decided to make him come clean. She purposely led him to an isolated area somewhere in the base, and then when he was about to talk for he thought that he could at least convince her, she passed him the file of her research rudely. As expected, as soon as Dae Young opened the file and read its contents, the sky immediately turned dark. He was surprised, out of his wits, that Myeong Joo had finally found out about his mission.

   She was deeply upset by the truth Dae Young was trying to keep away from her. It was so brutal, the outcome of the mission, that she broke up in tears when she saw his name in it. Her heart broke into dust instantly, and her anger towards him grew. On that dark day, she willingly told him that they should break up, for she believed that this relationship could go on no further. She couldn't find herself living with a murderer. She couldn't just sit and act as if nothing had happened while Dae Young showered her with his love.

   Dae Young obviously couldn't let her go, but he knew that the truth was out. He reluctantly came clean, shedding tears in the process. Retelling every detail of that event was like opening a Pandora's box of sorrow, regret and grief.

   It was her father that made her understand what Dae Young was going through, for when her father was still in active service, he too committed the same thing. Her father accidentally shot his own comrade out of confusion during a night raid near the DMZ, and he still held that sense of regret for a long time. He understood that it would be hard for Myeong Joo to accept the fact that Dae Young had committed such a thing, even though it was truly an accident, and even told her that it was her own decision to make on whether or not she was willing to let it go for the sake of her relationship.

   Although still not fully forgiving Dae Young, she made up her mind to kiss and make up, with one condition that she would always be there to help Dae Young, whether his mission was dangerous or not. This time, to prove that he was indeed remorseful, or rather, innocent, she decided to put herself on the line. It was an unnegotiatable decision, and Dae Young gave in.

   Fast forward to the present time, Myeong Joo finally had her chance, but she suddenly realised that her first crucial operation was also her first doing it solo. She had to travel to Uruk all alone, and can only meet and coordinate with the crew once she arrived there. The mission was so secret that she was told to never spill it to anyone until she reached the UN camp. As far as she knew, even Colonel Park Byeong Su knew nothing about it. Calculating the risks, there's a certain chance that the mission might fail too, and if it did, that might mean the end of their lives too.

   However, there was something else in her mind that greatly overruled her worries.

   One was Dae Young, and the other was Mo Yeon.

   The two people had created a big impact in her life. One was a loving boyfriend with a loyal heart, while the other was her senior during internship days. To put it all together, they had actually been through thick and thin in that troubled country. They had formed a kind of bond that was unrivalled and unbreakable, and Myeong Joo herself knew that she would be greatly devastated if either one never made it back home. She felt responsible. She too wanted to bring them back home. She wanted to share Dae Young's burden, whilst protecting Mo Yeon at the same time.

   There's no way she's going to desert them.


   Colonel Kim Tae Ha was deeply furious about the matter. He was all but gloomy when he dropped by, and he ordered Si Jin and his fellow joint counterterrorist team to the tent that evening, and the team was with the Colonel's fearsome fury that can shake even the toughest of men.

   "One month ago, I agreed with the Command back home to allow your team to operate and capture Sun Yang. Is this the result that you've promised, Soryeongnim?!" He scolded, venting his frustration to the only man standing in front of his subordinates, who was none other than Si Jin. "Look at the rubbish that you and your so-called team had caused–a major catastrophe! Now, not only we are facing a possible threat of war, we are also being squeezed by the Uruk Army! Tell me, Soryeongnim, can you explain all this?!" He threw a stack of paper directly at the Major's face.

   Si Jin could only stand with his head down, obviously not expecting this kind of situation to happen to himself. He remained silent nevertheless while his men looked on with empathy.

   The Colonel placed his hands on his hips, looking at the Major at a frustrated manner as he turned his body to the side. He exhaled heavily, probably to calm himself down. "You have one mission–ONE mission, and you've messed up the men in this camp. I bet that you and your men are more dangerous than these rebels killing our soldiers, because you don't seem to be going anywhere and are just beating around the bush! What stupidity is this?! Do you think that our assets are made for fun?! Have you considered the taxpayers' money, not to mention, the lives of our boys who had to separate from their parents for this?!" He pointed his finger at Si Jin. "You pathetic brat! What for you hold that post?! You will only make a mess of things!" He spat to the floor below.

   The Colonel's words had a profound effect on Si Jin's heart, and the men too. The Colonel was downgrading Si Jin to a humiliating level, but due to their military constrains, they had to keep quiet. In that state, the Colonel can literally do anything to make sure that the men totally abide his commands. That's the risk they wouldn't want to take, even though their conscious hearts told them to do so.

   "You know, before you arrived, I have heard a lot of stories about you. How you save Kang-sonsaeng previously, was a great feat. However, since the command said that you are unpredictable, they told me to keep an eye on you. At first, I thought it was utterly rubbish, but now, you indeed proved to me that you are indeed unpredictable–a witty, dangerous fox!"

   "Mianhamnida, sir! I will pay these mistakes with my life!" Si Jin replied back with a militaristic tone, his head held up high and facing the Colonel.

   "Pay with your life?! Well, well you better pay this! As of this moment, this joint operation is over!" He yelled in a loud roar.

   This time, the news caught them unawares. Every men in rank glanced at each other in puzzlement, while Si Jin gave a weird look of confusion. He had not believed what he had just heard. The joint operation, over? Testing the waters, he went on. "Sir....what do you mean it's over? We haven't got him yet."

   "This is an agreement between our government and the Chinese. They both feel that this operation is causing way too much harm than good. Since the Chinese had pulled back its peacekeepers, they wanted their own men in the team to return as well. I'm here to deliver this message to you, that effective 1800 hours today, all operation to find Sun Yang are to be ceased effective immediately." The Colonel, this time lowering his tone, announced commandingly. He stared eye-to-eye with the Major, whom the man and his men had an utterly disappointed expression on their faces. It was obvious that they could not believe that this was happening. "As for you men..." He paused, taking a deep breath but at the same time shaking his head. "Pack your bags and go home. I'll give you three days to leave." The Colonel then left the tent without looking back, leaving Si Jin and his men in a state of bewilderment.

   When they were certain that the colonel had left the tent, his me surrounded Si Jin, who had his head lowered. It was Dae Young who made the first move, by giving a friendly pat on the shoulder. "luck's not on our side this time."

   "What are we going to do, Soryeongnim?" First Lieutenant Baek asked. "Now, we are officially disbanded, and we're ordered home."

   Si Jin found himself unable to answer that question, for he too, was at a lost for options. It seemed that everything they had done for all this while had been gone to waste. With Sun Yang on the loose in the country that was on the brink of war, their operations had gone harder. The Uruk Government had already gone uncooperative, and even the foreign intelligence services like the FSB, CIA and MI6 had partially pulled back from sharing vital information. Not only that, their respective intelligence units-the NIS and the MSS, had also began to restrain their network of intelligence. It was clear that the operation had reached its expiration date. Although the team had managed to get this close to getting Sun Yang, Si Jin and the men had to accept the fact that the mutual cooperation between the two countries had exhausted its worth.

   Sun Yang's attack on the City Hall had caused another effect the team had not anticipated, and they had to pay the heavy price for their carelessness. Sun Yang had successfully lowered the morale of the joint coalition until it forced them to make such a drastic move. They found it wasteful; because despite all the crafty planning and a bountiful of intelligence, the team, in their eyes, had failed to utilise it to the fullest, which resulted in Sun Yang still roaming free to create more havoc.

   Now that Uruk was on the brink of war, even the respective governments had began emergency withdrawals. It was obvious that the United Nations peacekeepers had worn off the welcome of the host, and they no longer served any value.

   And that could mean too that the volunteer mission to Uruk led by Mo Yeon might suffer the same fate as well.

   It was a disaster, a complete disaster Si Jin failed to see, and he blamed himself for it.

   As a leader, he should have seen this coming, but he didn't. he was too focused on catching Sun Yang while protecting Mo Yeon that he failed to see the bigger picture. He could have stopped Sun Yang before the wanted terrorist launched his attack on the City Hall. He could have stopped Mo Yeon from becoming a bait when he knew it, and he could have stopped Mo Yeon from going to Uruk in the first place. In that way, she wouldn't get hurt, she wouldn't be bruised, and most importantly, she wouldn't be stabbed until she was on the brink of death. He should have seen where this was going from the start, but Si Jin, with all his damn wisdom, never did that. As a result, Si Jin had to bear the terrible consequences of his horrible actions. Not only did he let his lover suffer, he had also exhausted his men to the point where frustration had fever-pitched.

   If he were to place himself in the world, he could have been the worst leader in the world, equivalent to the likes of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. He had unintentionally forgone the most important advice in military strategy-which was to never let personal feelings get the better of strategic developments. Situational developments had disturbed his strategic thinking. The worst part was, he had read Sun Tze's Art of War when he was young. Si Jin could have deeply understood that meaning, if he took it by heart, but once again, he never did. He assumed the part of the historical yet influential military text was just another addition to the already long and complex art.

   Regret consumed Si Jin as he realised his greatest mistake he had ever done. The effects might be slow, but it was disastrous. Worst of all, he had used Mo Yeon as a bait for nothing. So cruel he was that he couldn't bear himself to face her again. He was so utterly ashamed of himself. "Follow as ordered." Si Jin responded. "This whole thing is pointless now." Dejected to the core, Si Jin simply left.

   And the clueless men could only watch him leave on a state of distraught.


Uruk Capital Hospital
   The effects of anaesthetics still remained in her head as Mo Yeon slowly blinked her eyes open. Her eyes tried to refocus itself, for it had been comfortable without lights for some time. When she opened her eyes, rays of light pierced through the lenses like a thunder, but it was painless. A few blinks was all it took to get her eyes working again, greeted by the familiar surrounding of her room. She slowly turned her head to the left.

   She did not expect Aleya to be sitting next to her. Behind Aleya, was Yoon Mi and Ja Ae.

   "Are you alright, doctor?" Aleya asked in a caring tone in English.

   Mo Yeon, still holding some grudge-no, regrets, after all that had happened to them, decided not to acknowledge Aleya's presence. Maybe it was better that way. Instead, she looked at Yoon Mi, prying out a soft smile on her face. "Oh, Yoon Mi-ah, Ja Ae-nim, you are here." She spoke in a tired voice.

   The evening light filled the room, creating an orange-looking atmosphere in the room. It was fortunate that the blinds were on because if it didn't, Mo Yeon would feel the evening heat from the setting sun disturbing her rest. The window was facing directly to the western direction.  It was Aleya who had closed the blinds out of care for Mo Yeon's condition, since she needed ample rest after her surgery. However, despite her caring efforts, Aleya was still being ignored. The moment Mo Yeon turned her eyes to the people behind Aleya and then spoke as if Aleya's not there, Aleya's heart broke. Looks like she was being ignored after all.

   "Ye, we are." Ja Ae replied. "Gwaenchanayo, Kang-sonsaeng? Still feeling dull?" Ja Ae sat on the side of the bed as she spoke. She was wearing a collared tee with and black trousers, while Yoon Mi was in her usual wear–a striped tee and a pair of blue pants. Unlike Ja Ae, Yoon Mi's hair was tied to a ponytail. As for Aleya, her clothes were dull, coincidentally similar to her current state of emotion, a grey long-sleeved sweater and a pair of blue jeans.

   "Anaesthetics are still in my blood, so yes, I still feel dull." Mo Yeon replied. Slowly, Mo Yeon tried to get up, grunting as her muscles were weak from the dose. There was still some slight pain on her wounded region. As she tried to get up, Aleya instinctively held her left arm and back, ignoring the uncomfortable stare Mo Yeon was darting at. Yoon Mi and Ja Ae could only look on at the uneasy tension between the two of them. Neither the two had any idea what was actually going on between the two doctors.

   Finally settled to a sitting position, while Mo Yeon's back lied on her pillow, Aleya simply gave a caring smile at her despite the cold treatment. Aleya sat back on her chair. That made Mo Yeon greatly hurt inside, even though she never showed it. Her heart cried and pleaded for her to just kiss and make up. After all, Aleya's still innocent. What she did, was just in response to the current situation, and she understood too that Aleya might not have much of a choice back then. Still, Mo Yeon refused to show her inner emotions just yet, for unknown reasons. However, when Aleya kindly helped her up unexpectedly, Mo Yeon felt the urge to make things right. Somehow, Mo Yeon felt that this was the right time to end the cold war once and for all, because it was making both sides suffering.

   "Yoon Mi, Ja Ae, can you please leave us alone?" Mo Yeon asked the two of them. "I have some things to say with Dr Athena."

   The two ladies exchanged glances, but soon complied. They nodded their heads. "Alright, but if you need anything, let us know." Yoon Mi spoke.

   "I will." Mo Yeon showed a smile.

   And with that, the two ladies left, leaving Aleya and Mo Yeon alone in the room to have some private time.

   Mo Yeon stared directly at Aleya, and that caused Aleya to turn away. Aleya was still bearing the guilt of lying to Mo Yeon, and until now, despite twice saving her life, Aleya still feel ashamed.  There was a long silence between the two ladies, each trying to see who would start the conversation first, in fact, it was so silent that their breaths can be heard. It was like the bloody stalemate in the battles of World War One, where neither sides gained or lost. Seeing Aleya turning away from her stare actually made Mo Yeon emotionally hurt as well. They had been suffering in silence for way too long, and Mo Yeon felt incredibly stupid for letting herself, and Aleya, to suffer such torment. The torture wasn't worth it. It was a waste of time and energy.

   This should have been settled a long time ago, but Mo Yeon refused. What a fool she was. Mo Yeon felt like she's the worst person in the world by doing this.

   Now that the chance had presented itself, why don't she just make things right and settle the senseless mind conflict once and for all? It would benefit both parties.

   And so, Mo Yeon decided to start first.

   "Aleya..." She called out softly.

   Aleya was obviously caught by surprise by the sudden calling of her name, and what's more, in a friendly tone. She instantly glanced at Mo Yeon with a surprised expression.

   "I'm sorry, for everything." Mo Yeon expressed straight away, not wanting to beat the bush anymore. "I'm sorry for treating you this coldly."

   Aleya couldn't understand what she was trying to say. "What do you mean? Why do you have to apologise? It's me, who should apologise."

   "No, it should be me." Mo Yeon held Aleya's hand, much to Aleya's astonishment. Mo Yeon pursed her lips. "I actually had forgiven you already that day, when I left you like that. However, I was think that you are still distrustful." Mo Yeon let out a sigh of regret. "I know that you've saved me three times already. That, I am most grateful to you. I owe my life to you, and I am so sorry for my ignorance."

   Aleya began tearing up, seemingly touched by Mo Yeon's sincerity. It was a good sign, but there was one thing that Mo Yeon said that quickly caused her mind to think. "And how did I save you three times?" She asked, wiping away her tears at the same time. "You might have known that I was by your side twice when you are in surgery, but what do you mean by a third time?"

   Mo Yeon simply gave Aleya a big smile of gratitude, before she turned her head to the direction of the shelf next to her bed to the right. Curiosity filled Aleya's mind as she watched Mo Yeon turning her body carefully to get something from the shelf, the sound of things being fumbled in one of the compartments clearly heard. Some seconds later, Mo Yeon finally turned back to Aleya, holding a device Aleya was all to familiar about. Seeing that device in Mo Yeon's hands was totally unexpected for Aleya.

   The device, was none other than Aleya's own handphone.

   "Si Jin had told me everything, including how you've managed to record the conversation." Mo Yeon passed the mobile to the owner. "What you did, really saved my life. If it wasn't for you, I would have died without anyone knowing." She expressed. " how you saved me, the third time."

   Aleya simply didn't know how to answer. She was grateful, and regretful too. She was torn between her conflicting emotions. Aleya slowly took back her mobile, looking at it as if she had just received a new version of her phone. A tear fell on the black screen as she began crying hard, probably affected by Mo Yeon's kind and honest words. The truth was, Aleya was not prepared for such words, and those words hit home. After all the lies and deceit, she did not expect somebody to ever forgive her, much less an apology. By right, it should be her who should apologise to Mo Yeon, not the other way around. "I....don't know what to say..." Her voice choked as she glanced at Mo Yeon. "After everything that I've done to you, do you really want to forgive me?"

   Mo Yeon somehow began crying too, but not as much as Aleya did. She grasped Aleya's hand hard, ensuring Aleya that she was there for her. "I've forgiven you, Aleya. Let bygones be bygones. There's no point for us to continue this pointless conflict between us, when we ourselves can't change our fate that had been destined to us." She smiled. "So, let's forget all this, and continue being friends, okay?"

   Once more, Aleya couldn't say a word. There were no words that could express the way she felt right now. In response to this sincere act of kindness, and forgiveness, Aleya simply stood from her seat and then, to Mo Yeon's surprise, gave her a big sisterly hug. Her chin lying on Mo Yeon's left shoulder, she let out all of her inner sorrow as she closed her eyes, as felt the soft pat on her back. Mo Yeon hugged her back as she too began to tear up. "I'm so sorry, Dr Kang." She choked. "I'm so sorry. I am a bad friend. It's all my fault."

   "Forget it, Aleya." Mo Yeon advised. "Let's move on from here."

   And the two ladies continued to hug, sharing sorrow and grief that had been enveloping them for so long. Their conflict had finally been over. What's more important to the two of them, was that they can move on from their mistakes, and continue being great friends.


Agios Nikolaos Church

   Sitting in the hall all alone in the blue-roofed church that faced the coast, this rather small yet isolated church brought some respite to Si Jin's conflicted heart. Being close to God wasn't his thing, for he was born, raised,and trained to fight. For sure he had created a lot of sins in his life, killing people in the name of the country he served in. It's not that he never believed in God's power, it's just that he didn't feel that all of his wishes can come true anyway.

   Mo Yeon's the only exception.

   It was weird, that ever since he get to know her, things began to come to his favour. It seemed that he had obtained the whole world. A moment without her, was like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle, where a missing piece can never be found. She was the person he found solace, and a person whom he could share his inner thoughts. She understood him ,and he understood her. The inner link that bonded them so closely together was so strong and unbreakable that only the Heavens can undo the knot, but even then, the Mighty One would have to wait until it was time for them to leave.

   So, if the knot that the two had build was so strong, why wasn't he appreciating it? Instead, he nearly trashed everything apart with that foolish act of his. Use Mo Yeon as a bait-yeah, right. He had made the most 'magnificent' decision in the world that can even put Confucius to shame. Although Mo Yeon had forgiven him, the overall outcome devastated him. Not only did Sun Yang managed to escape despite elaborate planning, he had also put Mo Yeon's life in great jeopardy. Now, the operation had ceased to exist, and they were ordered home. It seemed that everything he had done had all gone to waste.

   And he even dared to ask for her hand. What a fool he was. How could he ever be a great husband, when he had caused grievous hurt to her? How could he live with that fact? And why, of all moments, did he fail to see the overall outcome of his actions? Why was he so blind?

   Perhaps what Yeung Joon asked him before during that day resonated very accurately-what did he actually matter most-Sun Yang, or Mo Yeon?

   He thought he knew.

   However, he actually never did.

   And I thought that I have found the answer..... What a fool you are, Yoo Si Jin. You should be shameful of yourself.

   The hall was purely white, with brown benches filling the rows. The church, in fact, was rather simple in design. Yet, its location near the coast gave it a warm feeling. The scenic beauty of the coast was good enough to elevate the glow of the Holy shrine, where when the sun rose, it symbolised the awakening of the Gods, and when the sun set, it simply fortelling that another day had passed, along with all the evil in this land. Si Jin found this place some time ago, and he only stopped by once. He had the intention of bringing Mo Yeon there to relax, but because of his tight schedule as well as hers, he never had the time. Now, here he was, brooding over the painful choices he made.

   He swore never to cry again, but a single shed of tear fell onto his right hand. That's when he realised that he was tearing up the moment he blinked his eyes and noticed that it was watery. He, however, did not bother to rub it away.

   Perhaps, it would be better to just shed those tears now then never. He would rather cry for the Gods to see than to let Mo Yeon know and then suffer together with him. He lifted his head up, facing the statue of Virgin Mary in front of him. Sitting at the very front row somehow brought him closer to God than ever before. "What are you, God?" He questioned depressingly. "You are supposed to show me the light, and yet, why do I see darkness along the way?" He took a deep breath as he teared. "Is it so hard, to grant my prayers even once?"

   Silence was the only answer to his question. His voice was the only thing that was echoing in the hall. There was no one, but silence.

   "Don't tell me that this is is, Oh Lord." He agonised. "Why can't you just give me a chance?" Si Jin faced down, shaking his head in total dejection.

   "God isn't someone you should question, young man." A male voice, which sounded like someone old, echoed throughout yhe hall in English from Si Jin's right. Instantly, Si Jin glanced over to his direct right, and he finally knew that the source of the voice came from a priest, the caretaker of the church. The priest, who was old yet had a wise look on his face, smiled at the Major as he approached the distressed child as Si Jin stood up out of respect. "Life is unpredictable, like it always is."

   Si Jin felt curious instantly. How did the priest know what he was talking about? Did the priest by chance knew Korean as well? " do you know what I'm talking about, Father?" Si Jin wiped his tears away. "Do you happen to know Korean as well?"

   The priest simply chuckled as he stopped right in front of Si Jin. He invited Si Jin to sit, in which he complied, before the priest sat down next to him. Si Jin could see that his knees were weak, probably from old age, from the way he tried to sit. Si Jin helped him down. Once again, the priest chuckled. "An old man I am." He spoke, looking at Si Jin with a friendly smile. "So much so that I have to trouble this youg man in distress to help me."

   Si Jin smiled, but it faded instantly.

   "I don't even have to understand Korean to know what you're thinking about, dear son. Your face showed everything, as bright as day." He patted Si Jin's shoulder. "Whatever the case is, this is the test of God, to see whether you are strong enough to deal with the troubles of life. Please, don't question His wisdom."

   Si Jin stayed silent for a moment, allowing the words to be absorbed into his heart. Si Jin felt the urge to ask the priest everyrhing. He glanced at the priest. "Sir, you are a priest. How do you actually able to live a life like this?" He asked. "Please guide me, dear Father. I'm at a loss."

   The priest let out a sympathetic sigh, pursing his lips. "At first, I'm also like you–a person with great honour and responsibility. I was a Colonel in the army many years ago. I understand how you feel, young man." He faced the Holy figure before pinpointing a cross of prayers. "We humans, are none other than just normal beings of His creation. No one is higher than the other, and no one is lower than the other." The priest's eyes remained glued to the figure. "We make mistakes in our lives. It's inevitable. The thing is–what can you do about it?" He turned his head towards Si Jin. "Tell me, son. What are your real troubles?"

   Si Jin let out a loud exhale, feeling heavy-hearted to tell. It was too painful to even put it into words. Nevertheless, Si Jin tried. "I have a colleague of mine, who asked me whom I matter most."

   "If it is not too hard for you, can you elaborate it?"

   Once again, Si Jin hesitated. He knew where this was going. He wasn't afraid of being court-martialed, but rather, he was worried that by telling everything, he would become emotionally hurt. Most of the things he wanted to say are obviously not good. "I'm involved in this mission..." He paused for a fraction of a second before continuing, " take down a wanted terrorist. I'm in charge of my men, and I have to make quick, precise decisions. At the same time, I have to take care of my lover, who is here for a volunteer mission."

   "I see, you are torn between decisions." The priest summarised.

   Si Jin could only nod his head. "At first, I thought that I got it handled out, but it didn't turn out to be that way. Worst of all...." He paused for a moment as tears began developing again. He tried to fight back tears as best as he could, but the act of retelling the memories was too painful to bear. ".....I used her to get the bad guy." He finally broke down completely, his inner walls shattered. He covered his face beneath his palms. "I'm such an evil person, am I? who in the world will use his lover to fulfil his needs. I finally knew.....that all this while, I mattered about mission.....more than what's in front of me." Muffled cries can be heard coming out from his mouth. "And I even dared to ask her to marry me. Foolish, isn't it? I hurt her and yet I still dared to ask her hand."

   The priest could not help but feel totally sympathetic. Sitting next to the priest was another young man, young and smart, and yet he fell into a bottomless pit. It was like a flashback of the days of his youth, where he too suffered the same thing. He realised that people at this stage of life, will tend to have this kind of problems, and that's when they started to question God's worth. He said a silent prayer for a short moment, pleading to the Almighty Lord to grant this young Major some respite. He knew for sure that the Major had suffered much. "Dare I ask, young man, is that woman of yours an understanding person?"

   Si Jin removed the palms from his face, wiping away tears. "Why do you ask that, Father?"

   "Because if you think that she understands you, than I can confidently tell you, that you are wrong."

   That line caught Si Jin by complete surprise. Instantly, he stared at the priest, who was in a silent prayer, his eyes closed. He couldn't understand what the priest was trying to say right now. His words made Si Jin puzzled. "Wh...what do you mean by that?"

   "Young man, you are deluded." The priest concluded. He finally opened his eyes and stared at the Major back with a serious expression. "You believed that she totally understands you, that's why you've made such a disastrous move. If you really understood her heart, I believe that you wouldn't be using her in the end, and eventually brought grievous hurt to her, am I right?" The priest stared deep into Si Jin's eyes. "it takes two to understand, and not only that, it needs time and effort. There are many things in the world that can change one's perception about something. In your case, your mission has deluded you into thinking that you've got everything settled when in actual fact you don't. You believed that she understood you well enough, but in actual fact, do you realise that she was actually grieving inside? What does it take to be with a guy like you, and how much sacrifices one had to take in order to keep this relationship alive? Do you think that it is so easy for her to forgive you? "

   Si Jin simply stayed silent, as he allowed the words to take effect to his heart.

   "I'm certain that she forgave you, because she thought of you. It's not the understanding part that made her forgive you, but she might have seen how much trouble you are going through, and she wanted to help. In short, she wanted to contribute, to share your burden. She didn't want to be the only person in the world to be neglected, for because both of you love each other, she felt compelled to do her duties. She wants to be your pillar of strength, a place where you can put your heart on." The priest stopped for a moment to catch a breath. "It's love and duty that made her forgive you, not understanding. If she understood you well enough, she wouldn't be with you today, because she will know where this will lead in the end."

   Si Jin finally realised what the priest was trying to say. He got a clear picture now. It turned out that they were both duty-bound to protect each other.

   So that's the reason why Mo Yeon was willing to become Sun Yang's bait in the first place. She did it all just to ensure that he returned safely from his dangerous mission. That's the reason why she forgave him, because she wanted to share the burden. And that was why too, she was willing to marry him, despite all the pain she was going through. Si Jin felt wrong. After all this while, how could he never see her truest intentions? He exhaled with deep regret and frustration, totally angry at himself for being so careless. If only he had knew, the he wouldn't be suffering like this.

   However, there was one thing that was disturbing his mind.

   "Father..." Si Jin began. " you know so much?"

   All Si Jin received in return was a big smile on the priest's face. "Before I became a priest, I too had a family once. What you've shared to me, is similar to what I've been through during the pinnacle of my life. It was because of my deluded mind that I eventually lost the woman I loved, and the only daughter I ever cared about." The priest looked down, his face solemn. "My problem's the same as yours-assuming that we have it all figured out but we don't." He patted Si Jin shoulder in a friendly manner, flashing yet another smile on his face. "I can never offer you solutions, dear son. It would be unfair. The solutions lie in your heart. All I can ever do for you, is just to give you a better picture of the problem so that you won't repeat the same mistakes that I did." With that said, the priest stood up. Si Jin followed suit. "Remember, we are human. No one's greater than the rest. We are all bound by fate. It is up to us, to find that out."

   "I understand, Father. Thank you for your great insight."

   The priest smiled, before turning around and walked away. As slowly as he walked, halfway through, he suddenly stopped, which made Si Jin curious. The priest turned around with a gloomy expression. "One more thing..." The priest spoke. "The secrets that you are hiding, it would be better to let it out now, or neither sides will gain. There will come a moment where you will have to be truthful to the person you love. Don't be ignorant, and suffer in the end, young man. You don't deserve such fate."

   Finally, the priest walked away, disappearing within the walls of the church.


Haesung Hospital, Republic of Korea
Director's Office

   "I've certainly heard of the report, Jungjangnim, but I didn't expect them to go to this measure." Hospital Director Jo Su Yon, in her formal greys, sighed as she slouched on the sofa, crossing her legs. She was deeply worried about the incident involving one of her own staff, and the fact that the volunteer team might not be able to return home just yet.

   Lieutenant General Yoon, in his usual army greens, could not hide his concern. Sitting on the sofa in front of her, he ubderstood what the Director was feeling. She was as anxious as he was. "Mianhamnida. Our Government isn't doing a good job in this." He spoke with that usual militaristic tone. "However, I can assure you, that we will do whatever we can to bring them back home." He avowed.

   Lieutenant General Yoon took the trouble to meet the hospital Director at this late hour, more specifically, two in the morning, in order to discuss this matter. He was lucky that the Director was still present when he arrived there,and he had to admit that this Director was indeed a person of hardworking character. While most Directors usually return home after work, Director Jo proved to be a special kind of woman. It took only a single glance on her paper-filled table to know that she will never stop her work unless she got it done. This was his first time visiting the hospital, and he was quite pleased with the hospitality of the staff.

   Although he never knew the previous Director much, that night during the emergency meeting at the Blue House to send aid to the stranded team in Uruk after the earthquake, had taught him much. There's a wide difference between the two–one was adamant and controlling, while the other was friendly and patient.

   However, the word 'patient', might be the worst word to describe the current situation. In cases like this, even the most patient will break.

   "What are you going to do, Jungjangnim?" Su Yon asked with curiosity. "I thought that you can't do anything, because the Government didn't allow you to, am I correct?"

   Lieutenant General Yoon simply smirked upon hearing those words. To him, there's no such thing as 'can't do'. He had a plan, and he will do it, with or without the Government. "Well, I do have a plan, to get our people back safe and sound."

   That caught Su Yon's attention. Out of the blue, a solution came. "What plan? How are you going to do that? Did the Government know this?" She asked with a serious tone. Somehow, she felt a little bit uneasy with what the General had said. She had to admit that despite meeting him for the first time, she sensed the strange aura surrounding the General–an aura of a strategist at play.

   "The Government didn't know this, but I'm doing so for the sake of the people in this country. If I can at least bring them back, then what I did is worth it." General Yoon replied. "I have planned everything. Geokjeonghajima." He assured the Director.

   And General Yoon could only pray silently.....that his daughter can make it back safely as well.


   Meanwhile, thousands of miles away near the Uruk airspace, Myeong Joo sat patiently on the seat of the C-17. At one moment, she heard the voice of the pilot echoing through the headset.

   This was it. She's entered Uruk airspace.

   As the plane descended to the ground, she only had one person in mind.

   Dae Young.
Questions, answers, forgiveness, and regrets–this is what this part is mainly all about. What is right, and what is wrong. When we do know it, in a desperate situation, will we choose to maintain our values, or will we forgo all morals for the sake of reaching our goals?

Moral dilemma is a thing that affects most of us. It brings us to the edge of the cliff, where every decision we make will ultimately affect the course of our lives in the future.

How will they overcome this obstacle? Only they know how.

Happy reading!

Korean military ranks
Jungjang=Lieutenant General

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Mianhamnida: I'm sorry
Ye: Yes
Gwaenchana: Are you okay
Sonsaeng: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss
Geokjeonghajima: Don't worry

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