Celsius [Completed]

By Ravenreaping

51.4K 2K 339

Sexual content 18 and older advised "Asher-" I tried but he tossed over my phone in my lap "Forget my number"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Is it too late A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter: 45
Chapter: 46
Chapter: 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter: Epilogue

Chapter 26

916 39 8
By Ravenreaping

Emma pov

it was dark again and I was in the forest just like my last dream, only thus time I was my right age

"hello" I called out in the dark cold night

"Jude" I shouted for him

"stop calling him" I heard a voice. I turned around only to see a younger version of myself glaring at me again

"what do you want?" I asked looking at her

"for you to stop messing everything up" she told me

"what am I messing up?" I exclaimed confused

"everything, stop calling him" she shouted

"he's my-our mate we love him" I told her still confused at what was going on

"I don't love Jude" she shouted

"he's our-" I started

"I don't care I don't love him and you don't either" she accused

"yes I do" I said annoyed

"you know who we love stop denying it and remember" she shouted

"I'm not denying-" I started till a memory of Asher on his bike showed up

'you're just a fucking idiot....and I'm an even bigger one for loving you' he said again

"i-i......" I stuttered not knowing what to say

"you're so stupid" she said pushing me again and I started to fall deeper and deeper into the darkness till I woke up with a start in my room covered in sweat and panting

"what the fuck is wrong with me" I groaned laying back down. did I use to have a crush on Asher? Yes, but love was a bit much wasn't it. I had a mate sure I haven't really seen him in a while which was driving me insane, but I still loved Jude. I loved the way the sparks felt when we were together, I loved the way he'd treat me like a queen, I loved how he was so kind and nice to me and everyone else around him. with Asher I could never have that all I'd have is a cold boyfriend...... who donates millions to hospitals and is always there for me when I need it

"I love Jude" I said positive of myself

"then why are you here?" mom asked coming into my room

"mom" I exclaimed

"I'm sorry it's just that I heard some noises and went to come check on you" she told me and I sighed

"you were eavesdropping" I deadpanned

"well it is your birthday so I did come to wish it to you" she said reminded me of how today was supposed to go. Jude was finally going to mark and turn me into a werewolf, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen

"thanks, where's dad?" I asked

"he's out getting your present, so you're having second thoughts about Jude?" she asked me

"no I love Jude" I told her

"mhm, how do you feel about Asher?" she asked

"he's my friend" I told her

"does he think that way?" she asked raising an eyebrow and I hugged my pillow closer to me

".......when he came here last time, he said he loved me" I told her and I saw her smile

"I knew it" she cheered

"mom it's not a good thing I don't feel that way about Asher" I told her and she gave me a 'really' look

"honey, you gave him the title best friend after a week and he's kept it since, you two are always sharing food, whenever he came here you'd get so happy, and I've seen you two cuddling while sleeping while watching movies all night" she told me

"that's what best friends do" I told her

"honey to be honest it was more like you two were in a relationship and you thought it was open" she told me

"mom" I exclaimed

"I'm telling you the truth, since you met him I haven't heard one story about a past girlfriend of his but you were always with a boy" she told me

"I wasn't always with a boy" I shouted. my mom just basically called me a slut when Asher no doubt had a longer history then anyone I'd know

"I know honey I'm just saying I think you and Asher are a little bit better than-" she started

"mom can you please get out" I groaned not wanting to hear that sentence

"alright I'll leave you at it, call me if you need me" she said leaving and I sighed

"........me and Jude are the perfect match" I said remembering what mates are.......... remembering

"just what the hell am I supposed to remember?" I asked myself thinking about my words before giving up and heading to my closet. I looked about 10 or eleven in the dream so whatever it was I probably wrote it in a dairy that I used to have. I took out the old dusty box before going through the book for the first time in forever only this time I actually read through all the writing looking for something significant.

while I was looking through all of the diaries I realized two things I used to have horrible handwriting and I sadly went through an emo phase as a kid. I kept reading baring the smell of dust till I final got to the bottom of the box and sighed there was nothing in there like I though. I started putting all the books back and was going to put away the box when I noticed that my pick shoe looked a little off I moved it a little only to see that it was actually counselling a small pink journal that I don't remember owning

"first journal" I said reading the front brushing of the cobwebs before opening it. the handwriting was even worse than the others and I thought it was pointless trying to make it out till I got to a page that was legible

"..........Asher and Emma forever" I said out loud looking at the poorly drawn heart.

"I met the most handsome man today while I went to go find daddy he......" I tried reading the rest but couldn't I went flipping through the other pages only to see drawing of me and a taller stick figure holding hands with hearts everywhere as I went further and further into the book the writing got better

"Asher told me that he's not from here so I shouldn't be around him so much, but I love him too much to leave. I asked him to marry me again but he said no" I read out loud before flipping through more

"today Asher taught me how to make a snow man it was fun and I didn't get sick cause he gave me a lollipop, I asked him to marry me again when I get older and he smiled but he still said no" I kept flipping past all the drawings and nonsense till I saw there was only blank pages so I turned on the last one with writing

"I asked Asher if he could go check on daddy today to see if he's ok and he told me he'll do it. when I asked him if I could kiss him goodbye he tried to make it on the cheek, but I turned my head and gave him my first real kiss it was nice and cold. he told me that I shouldn't do it again but when I asked him if he'd marry me and told him that this is the last time I was going to ask, he said he'll think about it when im old enough" I read it out loud. this should be impossible. I knew Asher back then? but I don't remember any of it. why don't I remember any of it?

"mom" I shouted running out my room and downstairs only I was running too fast and I ended up slipping and falling down. to me I felt like time stopped. nobody was going to catch me this time....... since Asher wasn't here........just like the last time

it was so dark I could only see the trees in front of me, I so cold that I was shivering and I was so scared that my teeth were chattering but my feet still kept going

"daddy" I shouted. mommy said that daddy was away but I was going to find him and make mommy better so she doesn't cry no more

"daddy" I shouted again

"dadd-ahh" I shouted as I slipped on mud and fell off a small cliff. my head was bleeding, my arms were all scratched up, and my leg really hurt. I couldn't stop crying it hurt so much I just wanted mommy to come and make it better, but she didn't know I was out here. then I heard something. I turned around only to see a man standing there

"stop crying" he told me

"it really hurts" I cried he was a Stanger and mommy said don't talk to them but I needed help

"I know but don't cry, it's really loud" the man said coming closer to me and I saw him better. he looked handsome with his short messy black hair and crystal blue eyes so I stopped crying

"c-can you help me please?" I asked him and he looked at me

"ok" he said getting a lollipop out of his pocket and put it in his mouth

"now" I told him feeling more pain and he took the lollipop out his mouth and tried giving it to me

"here" he told me

"I don't-" I started going to say no but he put it in my mouth. it was cold and sweet, but I needed help. I was going to tell him to call 911 but he stopped me

"suck on that till you feel like you can move" he told me. he wasn't mommy or daddy but I listened to him and soon I didn't feel any more pain

"h-how did you do that?" I asked the man getting up slowly

"don't worry about it. why are you here?" he asked

"i-i wanted to find daddy so mommy wouldn't cry anymore so I ran away" I told him

".......that was dumb" he told me

"not uh I don't want mommy to cry anymore" I told him angry and he stared at me

"I said it was dumb I didn't say it wasn't nice" he told me and I smiled he was a nice man

"come on" he said walking

"where are we going?" I asked running after him

"your mothers going to cry if she finds you missing" he told me

"you're going to help me back?" I asked him

"mhm" he sighed but I grabbed his hand. it was cold but I liked it

"thank you......" I tried but I realized I didn't know his name

"Asher" he told me

"thank you Asher, my names Emma" I said happy

"why are you holding my hand Emma?" he asked me

"so I don't get lost" I lied. he was really handsome I wanted to hold hands like I see girlfriends and boyfriends do

"I see" he told me while we walked

"you can see in the dark?" I asked him


"so you know where we're going?"


"what were you doing out here?" I asked

"you talk a lot" he told me

"you don't talk enough" I noticed and he was quiet for a while

"............your tears" he told me

"I'm not a cry baby" I told him upset

"I heard you were crying so I came to check on you" he told me and I felt my face get hot

"y-you came for me?" I asked

"you're only a child don't think that way" he told me

"b-but y-you said it" I pointed out . a handsome man came to come and get me when I was crying this was like a fairytale

"I know what I said, but I'm not your knight in shining armor" he told me. it was dark but I could tell that he didn't smile much

"y-you c-can be my prince" I told him. what was I saying he was a grown up........ but he looked handsome and mommy's friends said never let a handsome man get away. So this was fine wasn't it?

"we should stop talking" he told me and I was sad till he picked me up and started carrying me

"w-what?" I asked

"you walk to slow this is faster" he said walking at his own pace while I got to see his face better in the moonlight he really was handsome...... and cold

"Emma" I heard a voice call me but I snuggled closer into the pillow

"Emma" the voice called again

"mmm?" I asked looking up to see Asher's face

"we're here" he told me. we were in my room somehow. I must have feel asleep

"h-how did you get up here?" I asked getting out of his arms

"window" he told me and I looked to see it was open

"oh" I said looking at it

"bye" he said going for the window. this was it?

"w-wait" I asked pulling on his shirt

"what?" he sighed

"am I going to see you again?" I asked. I wanted to see him again

"maybe" he told me and I was a little sad till I got an idea

"w-well I can't go to sleep without a g-goodnight kiss" I told him and he raised his eyebrow like adult's do

"you want a stranger to kiss your goodnight?" he asked me

"y-you saved my life so were friends. its ok..... right?" I asked and he stared at me. my heart was beating really face. was I going to have my first kiss before my other friends?

"close your eyes" he told me and I gasped but did what he said and put my lips out only I felt a cold kiss on my cheek

"goodnight Emma" he said before jumping out of the window while I held my cheek after a while I quickly closed the window and ran to my diary. I wrote Asher and Emma forever in a big heart

"goodnight Asher" I said smiling happy. it wasn't on my lips, but I still got kissed by a handsome man

*time skip

"s-so can I be your boyfriend?" the boy asked me

"sorry I already have a boyfriend" I told him

"who?" he asked me and I smiled at the thought of him

"he's mature" I said before walking back to my friends who were waiting for me at the cafeteria table

"so what did jimmy want?"

"did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"did you say yes?"

"when are you going to have kids?" they all asked

"I already have a boyfriend remember" I told them

"here we go with Asher" they groaned. I've told them about me and Asher, but they still don't believe me they think that I just made him up and he's my imaginary friend

"he's real" I told them

"how come we never see him what grade is he in?" they asked

"he doesn't go to school" I told them

"our parents make us come to school Emma" my friend told me

"all kids have to go"

"well Asher's different" I huffed.

"only you can see him" one of them mumbled

"at least I've had my first kiss" I shot at her and we all started getting in a huge fight about who was more mature out of all of us. being kissed on the cheek counts too

when school was over I waited for everyone else to leave first before I started walking home by myself since I told mom that I was old enough now, but I knew I wasn't going to be walking alone the whole way there

"Asher" I called and ran over to him. he was waiting for me at the stop sign like he always does now

"what?" he asked and I took his hand even though it wasn't could outside anymore his hands were still cold

"today jimmy from fifth grade asked me to be his girlfriend" I told him while we walked


"I told him that I couldn't because I already have a boyfriend" I told him holding on to his hand more

"I never agreed to that" he told me

"you still wait for me at the stop sign" I pointed out

"because you start crying whenever I don't and it gives me headaches" he told me and I smiled more. the first time that I met Asher he didn't show back up for weeks and that made me sad so I went looking in the forest for him again and just like last time when I got lost and cried he came. he acts cold but he'll always come when I cry

"if you marry me I'll stop crying forever" I told him again. I keep trying to get him to marry me but he won't say yes.

"no" he told me

"why not?" I pouted

"your 9" he told me

"not now I want you to wait for me till im old as you" I told him serious I didn't want anyone but Asher

"you really need to stop being with me" he sighed

"you don't want me to?" I asked sad. I knew he was cold but mom told me that some boys sometimes pick on girls that they like

"I'm not from here" he told me

"I know that" I told him

"is that so?" he asked me

"you're a vampire right" I asked. Asher didn't get older, he looks a little pale, he's cold and he said he doesn't like the sun. but I don't care if he's a vampire I want to be with him forever

"not even close" he smiled a little bit making me happy he doesn't smile a lot, but when he does he looks even more handsome and hot

"tell me" I told him

"we're here" he said and I noticed that we were at the place where we usually leave each other making me frown

"fine, you'll come back tomorrow right?" I asked him and he looked at me with those beautiful crystal eyes before sighing

".....you'd cry if I didn't" he told me and I got so happy I hugged him

"thank you Asher" I told him

"mhm" he said petting my head and I looked up at him

"I love you" I told him smiling he sighed before breaking apart

"stop saying that" he said before turning to go the other way

"never" I shouted enough for him to here. I'm going to get him to say it back one of these days


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