Uncharted||End Of The Thief's...

Od TwistTheKaleidoscope

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f o r t u n e f a v o u r s t h e b o l d I DO NOT OWN UNCHARTED OR THE CHARACTERS THAT BELONGS TO NAUGHTY... Více

Chapter 1 - Panama
Chapter 2 - This Infernal Place
Chapter 3 - Is It All Worth It?
Chapter 4 - The Normal Life
Chapter 5 - Rumbled
Chapter 6 - Lights Out
Chapter 7 - Scotland
Chapter 8 - Runs In The Family
Chapter 9 - Trials
Chapter 10 - Road Trip
Chapter 12 - At Sea
Chapter 13 - All Part Of The Fun
Chapter 14 - Join Me In Paradise
Chapter 15 - Liar
Chapter 16 - Pickpocket
Chapter 17 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 18 - Realisation
Chapter 19 - Funny Idea Of Romantic
Chapter 20 - Family
Chapter 21 - Messing About
Chapter 22 - End Of The Thief's Road
the other brother

Chapter 11 - Rock, Paper, Scissors

2.9K 85 40
Od TwistTheKaleidoscope

Sam stops the car outside a market, pointing to the tower just the other end. "This is ours, princess ." He says, stepping out and (Y/N) follows suite.

"Do you think it could be here?"

"Could be. Might be at Nathan's tower." Sam replies, looking at the building that looms at the other end of King's Bay. She gives him a sorrowful smile and makes her way down the steps.

Squeezing past people, they waste no time in making their way to the doors, shoving their weight against them to get no results. "It's never easy, is it?" (Y/N) complains.

"I'm sure they'll be a way around. There always is."  Sam reminds her, making his way around the side. "See, there's a window." He points once she joins. He bends down, cupping his hands together and giving her a nod and hoisting her up.

"You got it, princess?"

(Y/N) nods, straining herself to push into the window and lands on a ledge with a groan.

"(Y/N)?" Sam calls and she murmurs, still lying on her back. "Yeah, just give me a minute." She replies, bringing herself to stand and jump down to the ground. Moving the debris out of the way of the door, she knocks to allow Sam to push them open and he smirks at her state. With a point, the woman glares at him.

"Shut your face."

"I didn't say anything!" He counters, holding up his hands. "Your smirk said it all." She huffs and he laughs.

"Where do you wanna start?" (Y/N) asks and he points upwards. With a sigh, she gives him an annoyed look. "Are you kidding."

Sam begins to make his way up the stairs, but they have other ideas as they crumble underneath him, breaking away at his feet. He topples to the ground with a thud. "Ah, not cool." He groans and (Y/N) frowns.  "Since when were you cool?"

"Ha-ha." He mutters, cupping his hands and motioning a boost, making her roll her eyes but letting him do it anyway.

Lying down on her front, (Y/N) grabs his hand and pulls him up onto the safe landing. "I knew you'd be useful." He states and she jokingly pushes him so he stumbles near the edge.

"That - that was not funny, I felt my heart go." He states, pointing accusingly at her and she shakes her head.

"This way." (Y/N) says, motioning for him to join her in climbing the tower until reaching the top, where a huge bell sits in the middle. Looking over the edge, back down to where they were before, she shrugs. "Maybe, if we ring it, something will appear?"

"Maybe." He mutters, checking the walls. "Rock, paper, scissors." He turns to her, his hand out and she smirks, facing him.

After a few games, the proclaimed loser is (Y/N) and she grumbles, stripping off her jacket and shoving it into his arms. Jumping across to the bar, she starts to swing, letting the bell slowly move back and forth. After a few tries, nothing happens and so she jumps back to Sam.

"Damn, nothing." He says, pulling out his phone. "Missed call from Victor." He adds, ringing him back. Putting it on loudspeaker, he holds the phone out between them. "Sam! Finally! You okay?"

"We just searched our tower. Got nothing."

"Yeah, well, we're definitely in the right place. Make your way over here." Sam's face lights up at the news and (Y/N) smiles.  "Are you serious? Okay, we're on our way."

He clicks the phone shut and (Y/N) makes her way to the edge, dropping down to the ledge below and it begins to creak under her.

Looking up, Sam finishes texting and without thinking,  jumps down and wobbles. It tips sideways, sending them both slipping off of it. He lands before (Y/N) does and just as she's about to fall past, he grabs her hand.

"I got you sister!" He shouts.

It's short lived as the momentum of the fall is enough for her to pull him with her, sending them crashing into a platform. That also starts to break and the pair jump, landing on the ground as the dust settles, the building's structure littered around them.

"Ah. Oh, my back." Sam grumbles.

"I think I've broken every bone in my body." (Y/N) whispers, groaning.

"Why do you destroy everything you touch?" He mutters, sitting up and she chuckles, coughing up a bit of dust. "I jumped on a platform." She breathes out.

His face suddenly appears over hers and she frowns. "I hate you." She mouths and he smirks before lifting her up. "I know."

Sam's phone vibrates and a picture comes through. With a confused look, he holds it up for (Y/N) to see and she shrugs. "Call him."

"Hey, you still in the tower?" Nate's voice comes through instead of Sully's and (Y/N) longs to see him again. 

"Yeah, just climbed down." Sam says and (Y/N) mouths 'fell'. "What's with the picture you just sent?"

"I'll fill you in later. For now, just tell me who's who."

"Well, the Dolphins are Richard Want. The trident is Joseph Farrell, and the two hands with the pearl is William Mayes.'' He answers.

"All right, great. Stay where there's good reception. I might need your help again."

"Wait, Nathan. Did you find the treasure?"

"No, not yet. But I got a mechanism to solve here, I'll let you know."  He leaves the two with that, the line going dead.

"Let's get going before somebody complains about the noise." (Y/N) jokes and Sam chuckles, taking the lead towards the door. In front, he stops and turns back to her, the jacket still gripped in his hand.

"Aw, you didn't let it go?" She questions and he throws it to her. "Pfft, as if. That's a cool jacket."

Brushing herself down, she laughs, pulling it back on and following him out the doors.

"Holy shit, (Y/N)." He suddenly states, his phone in his hand and he shows the picture Nate has just sent through. Just as she is about to study it further, Sully's contact flashes on the screen.


"For God and Liberty." Sam cuts him off. "Nathan, do you understand what this means?"

"Sam, listen to me." Nate's voice sounds worried and the two start walking. "Get off the streets right now. And destroy your phone."

"What's going on?" Sam asks, stopping just in front of a wall extended out of the tower.

"Rafe knows where we are! All right, you gotta find some place to hide." Nate yells, his voice desperate and (Y/N)'s eyes widen at the truck skidding to a stop.

"Shit! Sam!" She shouts, pushing him forward and making him drop the phone as the bullets impact the wall, narrowly missing them.

Sam jumps over a fallen pillar after the two had ran a safe distance away from the market and (Y/N) falls next to him. "Sam! We need to get out of here!" She yells over the gunfire.

"Yeah, I know!"

"What's the plan?" She asks and he looks around before looking back at her. "Working on it!"

"Well, work on it faster!"

His eyes sweep the area and then he points. "There! When he goes to reload, run for the motorcycle and don't stop. I'll be right behind you."

(Y/N) nods and he waits, his hand placed on her back. "Now!" He shouts, pushing her forward and she clambers on, speeding off with him behind.

Men jump into jeeps and on to bikes of their own as they start to give chase and (Y/N) can't help but the smirk. The rush of adrenaline allowing for it to be game on.

The chase goes on through straw and muddy roads, where they can spot Nate calling from behind, having stolen one of their jeeps. After getting rid of some of the enemy, he pulls up next to them.

"Hey, brother!" Sam shouts. (Y/N) smiles at Nate as his face relaxes and they try and get closer, swerving back at a shot coming between.

"Get closer!" He shouts and Sam rolls his eyes.  "Don't you think we're trying?" He calls back at him.

The brothers come beside each other and (Y/N) stays close to Sam.  "Hop on!" They say, simultaneously and she raises an eyebrow.

"Sam, (Y/N), get in the goddamn car!"

"I'm faster! Stop arguing!" Sam argues and Nate's eyes widen at the truck. "Watch out!" He warns and the pair pull back, but it slams into Nate, sending the truck flying. At the sudden stop, (Y/N) rolls off her motorcycle. "Nate!" She screams, clambering to get back on as Sam starts his up.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" He shouts, driving towards the jeep and Nate lies out of the door. He had shot down two men and was shuffling out just as another jeep appears.

"Hop on!" Sam orders, skidding to a halt next to Nate and grabbing his hand, pulling him on the motorbike.

"Let's go, boys!" (Y/N) orders, taking the lead over ledges and through containers. "How are we doing back there?"

"Not good! Not good at all!" Her husband shouts, trying to shoot at the truck. "Keep shooting!" Sam instructs and he rolls his eyes.  "I am! I hate this truck!"

"Hold on, Nathan!" Sam warns. (Y/N) speeds through a small container before swerving to the side, heading up a ramp and jumping off.

"(Y/N)! It's right up on us!" Nate yells and she nods. "I'm going as fast as I can!"

Noticing a block ahead, she spies the gap underneath and curse silently. "Hold on! This is gonna be close!" She warns before swerving, making the motorcycle tip on its side, just about going under.

The truck flies overhead in an explosion and (Y/N) comes to a stop. It falls in front of her whilst the brothers hastily stop next to her, breathing heavily. "Holy shit."

"Yeah..." Nate rests his arm on Sam's back, the gun drooping in his hand and his brother laughs. "You good?"

"Yeah. You okay, (Y/N)?" He asks and she nods as he waves awkwardly to the workers.

"Let's get outta here." (Y/N) breathes, starting up her motorcycle and driving off to the motel.


(Y/N) waves to Sully before parking up the vehicle. Getting off, Nate's arms wrap around her and she laughs.

"All right. I think the coast is clear." Sam says, turning back to them Nate walks himself and his wife to join the pair. He keeps one arm around her, using the other arm to pull out his book and drawings. He holds them in front and she stands between them and him, his chin resting on her head.

"Pro Deus quod licentia." (Y/N) reads.

"Looks like a simple cipher." Nate mumbles, drawing on the papers whilst Sully joins.

"For God and Liberty. It's their damn motto. All the 'paradise' references. I can't believe we missed it." Sam states and (Y/N) ducks under Nate's arm, standing beside him instead.

"See you three made it out okay." Sully says, hugging (Y/N) and Sam chuckles. "Way better than okay. We found Libertalia."

"Liber -- Liber-what-ia?" Sully asks, confused.

"Libertalia." (Y/N) repeats. "Seems Avery founded the legendary pirate colony." She continues and Nate begins walking away, making them follow him.

"It's more of a pirate utopia really." Sam corrects and Sully waves him off.  "Okay. But what about the treasure?"

The brother places a hand on his shoulder. "See, as the story goes... This place provided a safe haven for hundreds... maybe even thousands of pirates. And they shared everything. Property, resources..." Sully stops him.


"And they kept all in one common treasury building." Sam nods with a smirk.

"Okay... So... Where is this commie pirate sanctuary?" Sully questions, looking at Nate and (Y/N) before returning his gaze back to Sam.

"Right here." Nate says, hitting the mark with his pencil and passing it over to him. "That island. Just northeast of King's Bay."

He walks up to the door of theirs room and (Y/N) frowns. "And Rafe has a copy of this." She remembers, watching Nate pull out the keys to open the door.

"Yeah, well, by the time Rafe figures it out... we'll be well on our way to Libertalia. I'm tellin' you. That treasure - is as good as ours."

"Nate, you did what you had too. Let Sam and Sully go ahead, you've given them a head start. I mean, we got shot at for searching a few towers?" She tells him.

"How were we supposed to know that Rafe could track us? They can't do this by themselves." He replies, turning to face her, confused.

"Well, obviously, Rafe is smarter than we thought, we should've never underestimated him."

Sam and Sully stand quietly in the back as Nate stares at his wife, not backing down. "Sam could die if we don't get this treasure!" His voice rises.

"Yeah? Well so could we if we get closer towards it. Sam and Sully has this under control, they've been doing it a lot longer than we have." (Y/N) says.

He doesn't answer her, instead turning back to the maps strewn across the table. "You just can't help the adrenaline in you, Nate, but this is too much. My ears - they hurt and all these explosions are too much after the calm for years.'' 

"Nobody asked you to come. You can always go back to the quiet and calm life." Nate finally says, his voice low and Sam steps forward to interject but (Y/N) holds up a hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"I know. My husband lied to me so that proves I'm not wanted." She grits her teeth, her voice dangerously low. ''I'm sorry I'm such a burden after Shambhala.'' She whispers and his grip on the chair loosens. 

Turning away from him, (Y/N)'s cool demeanour shatters once she slams the door shut, sliding down the other side. One question demands to be heard and she listens to it, tears building up in her eyes.

Does Nate no longer want her?

Ngl I was deadass gonna have the reader hook up with Sam by the end of this like that was my initial plan 💀

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