Chapter 22 - End Of The Thief's Road

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They go into a stand off: Rafe and Nadine with two Shoreliners against (Y/N) and Sam."Hey, Rafe. Can we not just talk about this?" (Y/N) suggests, keeping an eye on him when he steps forward. "I mean... we were gonna share it. You know, before Sam died. Why - why can't we do that now?"

"Lower your guns... and nobody gets hurt." Rafe proposes.

"You really think we would give up that easily?" Sam counters, gripping the gun tightly.

"That'd be the wise thing to do." Rafe smiles.

(Y/N) eyes the other three and her gun drops, dangling on her index finger. Rafe takes it, his fingers longingly stroking hers and she grimaces whilst Sam gives her an incredulous look. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Just give him your gun, Sam." She orders and he hesitates but Nadine clicks the safety off her gun. "You heard the lady. Give me your gun." She states and he incoherently mutters something, but eventually hands it over.

Rafe passes them both to Nadine. "Now then -" He stops when a faint voice travels through the wood.

"Sam? (Y/N)!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widen but his own glow with anger. Footsteps sound louder above them, so Rafe grabs (Y/N) and Nadine grabs Sam, opening a door to push them inside.

"Holy shit." The Drake wife mutters, stumbling towards the two skeletons.

"It's Avery and Tew. They killed each other..." Sam's in a state of shock and he walks over to them.

"Nadine, go see where Nate is. I'll deal with these two. You can start loading the treasure too." Rafe instructs and once the last mercenary leaves, he steps on one of the wooden planks.

A trap.

"Sam, watch out!" (Y/N) shouts, going to push him but the explosion sends Rafe and her flying back. Sam doesn't move in time, a wooden beam falling on him and knocking him unconscious.

The explosion causes a fire to break out and crawling over to Sam, (Y/N) glances back to their enemy. "Rafe! We gotta get him out of here!" She screams, feeling the warm course of blood down her face.

"No! After everything, I am not walking away." He shouts, pulling himself back up with a groan and she grits her teeth. "Fine! But we are."

"I don't think so." He mutters, grabbing her hair and throwing her behind him. "I had high hopes for you, (Y/N)." He sighs, aiming his pistol.

"Go to hell." (Y/N) spits, kicking his hand and the gun goes clattering to the floor. Scrambling to her knees, she kicks it out of reach and Rafe lunges for her, pinning her to the ground. He hovers over her and she screams, clawing at his face, her fingernails just scratching above his eye.

Falling back, she gets on her knees, bringing her fist across his face and he coughs out the blood, laughing. "I didn't know you had this much fight in you." He states, running his eyes over her. 

Leaning over, (Y/N) starts to choke from the smoke and he lunges forward, bringing her back down. His weight holds her down, his fingers tight around her wrists and he leans forward, his breath fanning her face.

''You disgust me.'' She chokes out and he tuts. Her knee contacts his groin and he collapses to the side. She scrambles over to Sam, pushing the woof when an arm wraps around her neck, the barrel of a gun to her head.

Their names are called again and Rafe brings them out the smoke, revealing Nate in the doorway. "Hey, Nate." He says, happily, but he ignores him and keeps his eyes on his wife. "Where's Sam?"

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