Legends from the Warlock's Ch...

By DaveMorgan

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The Warlock's Chair. A place of magic and adventure. Long ago when the world wa... More

Prologue - From Below
Chapter One - Stryker
Chapter Two - The Daemon in the Woods
Chapter Three - A'trael of the Bloodclaw
Chapter Four - The Prime Tree
Chapter Five - The Key
Chapter Six - Decisions
Chapter Seven - Death Walks Among Us
Chapter Nine - The Night Witch
Chapter Ten - Oaktooth
Chapter Eleven - The Wolf and Blade
Chapter Twelve - A Dangerous Path
Chapter Thirteen - Howler Attack
Chapter Fourteen - Darkness and Lies
Chapter Fifteen - Into the Wildlands
Chapter Sixteen - Prisoner of the Wild Hunt
Chapter Seventeen - The Wizard and the Wyrm
Chapter Eighteen - Holt's Agreement
Chapter Nineteen - The Price You Pay
Chapter Twenty - Scavengers
Chapter Twenty-One - The Cave of Lachlan Torqe
Chapter Twenty-Two - The Key Stones
Chapter Twenty-Three - Between Witch and Wyrm
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Daemon and The Sacrifice
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Glamour and The Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Queen and the Cardinal
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deeper and Deeper
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Daemon Attack
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Charnel
Chapter Thirty - The Crypt
Chapter Thirty-One - Nightlures and Inquisitors
Chapter Thirty-Two - A Truce With the Wild Hunt
Chapter Thirty-Three - Within the Shadows
Chapter Thirty-Four -The Maegester, The Cardinal, and The Witch
Chapter Thirty-Five - Interrogate, Capture, Escape
Chapter Thirty-Six - Trapped Within The Hive
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Battle of the Daemon Arena
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Return to Ravengaard Manor
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Helven

Chapter Eight - The Portal Is Sealed

1.1K 125 3
By DaveMorgan

GEORGE PULLED THE KITCHEN DOOR shut and heard a gentle click as it locked behind him. 

He turned to Stryker. 'You ready then boy?'

The dog stood his tail wagging.

'Come on then, let's get this over with,' George whispered.

He pulled up the hood of the Elven cloak, and they set off. It was still early and the air was crisp and clear. Hoar frost covered almost everything in the garden with a thin layer of sparkling ice crystals. Above the Warlock's Chair, the sky was just beginning to show a new day was reluctantly approaching, driving away all but a few of the brightest stars that littered the firmament. 

Lower down on the valley floor he could just make out the tops of a few tall trees and the dark bulk of the Wiccanhyll, rising ghostlike from a sea of swirling mist. 

George and Stryker crossed the garden and entered the stand of overhanging trees and shrubs that grew alongside the wall. They made their way to the hidden doorway and out into the woods.

When he finally returned to his bed last night, George found that he could not sleep. One of the fearsome monsters from his nightmares was real and it was now hunting Elves in Whytewytch Wood. And when it had finished with them, he knew it would come looking for him. If the only way to stop it was to find the missing key, then that was what he needed to do. But he was sure Danielle would refuse to let them go on this quest. Oh, she would come with him to see the Elves, but that would be it. She would argue that they had done their bit in the war against Ravengaard, and she did not want to push their luck any more. 

But he could scarcely blame her, it was likely to be a long journey fraught with many unknown dangers. They had been fortunate last time. On several occasions, they could have been seriously injured, or worse.

But he had promised Meriol that he would help her.

He realized that there was only one thing he could do...if his sisters did not wish to help, then he would go on his own.

George took the torch from his rucksack, flicking it on he followed the pathway through the dark woodland. The path was virtually invisible in places, covered with a fresh layer of fallen leaves. Stryker stayed close this time, recalling what had happened yesterday. 

He kept one hand on the hilt of Frostblade ready to draw it from his belt if he was attacked. Not that it had proved much use against the Daemon. But somehow he felt a little safer knowing it was there.

Stryker stopped suddenly and let out a low growl. Up ahead something moved. George shone the torch in the direction its beam reflecting two pinpoints of light. He dropped into a crouch the sword held out in front of him. There was a flash of red and it was gone. 

'It's just a fox,' he mumbled, his heart hammering in his chest. 

They continued on and soon George soon saw the skeletal outline of the twin oak trees that marked the only place in the Veil—that he knew of—where you could enter Ellyonia. He noticed a lot of activity around the trees. A detachment of heavily armed Elven warriors stood guard at the entrance.

As he drew closer, he saw Captain Thrax talking to several warriors. Seeing George approaching he broke off and walked towards him.

'Greetings George,' Malin said looking around. 'Where are your sisters?'

'They will not be coming,' George told him. 'They...have other things to do today I'm afraid.'

He saw no reason to tell the Captain about Danielle's reluctance to join the quest; if he did so they would probably pack him off home.

Malin looked a little saddened by the news. 'That is a pity we could have used their help... Never mind I am sure we will manage.'

George looked passed the Elven Captain. 'What's happened?'

'Grave news I am afraid,' he said sombrely. 'The beast from earlier... it has broken through the barrier... killed a number of hunters.'

'What!' exclaimed George. 'How is that even possible?'

Malin shook his head. 'We do not know. The Veil only lets those in that it deems worthy. Somehow the creature fooled the barrier into letting it in. Now that it is inside we think it hunts the same as us. It is after the Key Stones. It means to try and free its kind from their prison.


Someone was calling her name, it sounded far away and for a moment, she could not place who it was.


She pushed the duvet off her head and blinked her eyes open. Except for a trickle of light seeping in from the hallway, her room was still in darkness.

Jessica was leant over the bed, shaking her gently.

'Dan, it's George, he's gone,' she blurted out.

Danielle sat up slowly. 'Wh...what?'

'It's George, he's gone. I just went to his bedroom, and he's not there.'

'He'll be around somewhere,' Danielle replied sleepily.

'No, he's not I've checked and Stryker's gone as well.'

Danielle glanced at her alarm clock. The display blinked red in the dark. Six twenty.

She jumped out of bed and ran to the window. 

He wouldn't have, would he?

Looking out over the garden and the misty field beyond, she hoped to see him walking Stryker, but he was not there. 

She glanced down and her heart sank. There, etched into the frost that covered the lawn were two sets of footprints, her brother's and Stryker's. They lead off into the trees and shrubs that led to the hidden doorway.

She recalled their conversation from last night. She had told him that they were not going to go on another quest with the Elves; it was too dangerous. But it seemed he had chosen to disregard her and go anyway.

'Go and get dressed,' she whispered to Jessica. 'We'll have to go after him.' 

If he wasn't killed on the quest then she would kill him herself, she thought. It was Sunday morning and they should be enjoying a lie in not chasing her brother through the woods before it was even daylight. 

'And do it quietly,' she added. 'I don't want to wake Mum and Dad. I'll leave them a note saying we've gone for an early morning walk.'

Malin Thrax escorted George through the portal into Ellyonia. Unlike the winter gloom of the outside world, it was daytime here and warm sunlight flooded the clearing. Elves were everywhere hunting for any signs of the creature but it appeared to be long gone.

At least, George hoped it was; the thought of it probing his mind sent a shiver down his spine.

Beneath the arched branches of the twin oaks, several purple robed Spellcasters were invoking a spell. Their hands wove intricate patterns in the air above their heads, then the magic broke from their fingertips. It crashed against the portal causing its surface to ripple and flow. Finally, it quietened and once again it looked just like any other path that passed through the woods.

Malin must have noted George's puzzled look. 'They have sealed the portal. Until this over it will not allow anyone or anything to pass in or out of Ellyonia.'

'Does that mean I'm trapped here too?' George asked worriedly.

'If you wish I will get them to lower the barrier and allow you to go home,' Malin told him.

George thought for a second. 'No it's okay, I promised to help and I'm here now. Let's get on with it.' 

Just then a squadron of Wolf Riders broke from the cover of the trees. The hackles on Stryker back rose and he gave out a low warning growl.

'Stay!' George warned, laying a calming hand on the dogs back. 'They're bigger than you.'

He had glimpsed the wolves before, but only from afar and did not realize just how big they were. The one in the lead, a huge shaggy black beast, stood a little taller than him. It regarded him with its yellow eyes, teeth bared in a snarl.

Its rider leant over and scratched the wolf between the eyes. 'Steady Harvest they are friends.'

The rider smiled down at George. He was clad in lightweight Elven armour, a blue cloak hung from his shoulder plates. He slid from the saddle and landed lightly on his feet. Removing his helmet, he stepped closer to George and Stryker.

'That is a fine looking dog you have there,' he told George. 'It is one of Fenrirr's litter if I am not mistaken.'

George nodded. 'Yes, that's right. We call him Stryker.'

The Elf held out a hand letting Stryker get his scent. 'A good strong name, with the right training he will make a good addition to our ranks.'

'No!' shouted George. Rather more forcefully than he meant too. 'He's the family pet and we want to keep him that way.'

'Do not worry George,' said Malin. 'I suspect Captain Myran is having a little fun with you. Am I not right Wyne?'

The captain looked a little embarrassed. 'Well, yes, I am sorry if the boy...' Wyne Myran hesitated, changing the subject. 'We have scouted as far north as Sulzor but no sightings of the beast have been reported. Others are searching out towards Stowenden and Egdmarden but again nothing. Our intruder seems to have vanished.

George saw Malin glance about as if to make sure no one else was listening.

'Wyne, I do not think it forced its way into Ellyonia just to unaccountably disappear again,' he whispered. 'It is a powerful adversary. At first, we thought it sought revenge for a long forgotten war. But even it; with all its power, would not be able to stand again the entire Elven army for long. We now believe it has another agenda. There is a key hidden somewhere within the Kingdom, a key that will unlock the magic that holds its race prisoner. We need to move swiftly and locate this key before the creature does and put an end to its plans.' 

Wyne Myran seemed to think for a moment. 'Then I would suggest that whatever it is you intend to do; you do it now. I will intensify our search for this creature. See if we can give it something to worry about while you try and track down this key.'

'Thank you,' said Malin. 'I am sorry that I cannot divulge more of our plans to you. We are concerned that the creature may be able to glean information from our minds. So the fewer people who know of them the better.' 

Wyne nodded in agreement. 'I understand Captain. I cannot tell what I do not know.' 

George watched the Elven captain remount Harvest calling to his men to make ready.

'Well... the best of luck with your quest Malin. We will take our leave now and try to buy you some time,' he called down to them. 'And George, when you return perhaps you and Stryker would like to visit the school. Some of his brothers and sisters are training there.'

George smiled. 'Thanks Captain, we would like that.' 

Captain Myran saluted, 'Malin, George, may the Bael'Vanna keep you safe on your journey.'

Shouting out orders he swung Harvest to the east and led his troops out of the clearing.

They watched the Wolf Riders until they disappeared into the trees.   

'Do you think they will be okay?' George asked.

'That I do not know,' replied Malin. 'But let us not waste time. The others will be waiting for us.'

 'Come on!' Danielle shouted. 'He can't have gotten that far.'

They had hastily thrown on some clothes and while Danielle scribbled a quick note to Mum and Dad—explaining they had gone for an early morning walk—Jessica retrieved their hidden weapons and cloaks from the shed.

Now they were both running along the pathway hoping to catch up with their brother before he reached the portal 

Danielle paused for a moment getting her bearings.

She should have guessed he would try something like this. George was too headstrong. Once he set his mind on something it was always difficult to talk him out of it. She should have tried harder, but she had been too tired to argue with him. She hoped that he would go to bed, think about it and come to the right decision. 

She should have known better. 

Jessica caught up, her face ruddy from the cold morning air. 'He's gone.' she said, breath fogging the air around her. 

'Then we'll just have to follow him into Ellyonia,' Danielle said determinedly.

They continued further into the woods until they saw the large oaks that marked the portal. 

There was no sign of George.

Racing forward they passed between the oak trees.

Danielle stopped so suddenly that her sister almost ran into her. 

'What's up?' Jessica asked.

'I don't know,' replied Danielle looking around. There were none of the subtle differences she noticed on previous visits. Instead of the sights and sounds, the warmth and greenery of the Elven lands, all was silent, cold and gloomy. 

Danielle walked back beneath the oaks. Stopped and looked around. Ahead, the trees still spread their autumnal colours up into the slate grey sky.

'Is this the right place?'

Jessica shrugged her shoulders. 'I think so.' 

But Danielle already knew the answer.

There was no mistake... ...they were in the right place. 

The portal had disappeared.

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