dark souls

By darkangeldreams

111K 2.5K 909

this a Severus snape x reader you are abused and raised in a cell you start off a little rock at hogwarts bu... More

you are safe for now
making a friend and injures
please dont die
very late dinner with snape
stars little attack
snapes new room mate part one
meet bennu
i want the truth
hey everyone
end of the year part 1
your chance to ask
end of year part 2

snape new room mate part two

5.8K 177 87
By darkangeldreams

severus awoke when he felt the young girl start shifting around.
(y/n) was still on severus chest looking up at him.
"sorry"she yawned out and rolled over and plopped on to the floor.
"ouch" she groaned severus was suprised she didnt flip out on him for being in her bed.
he looked down to see (y/n) was just laying there one her stomache and face in the floor.
"you okay?" he asked holding back a laugh
"the floor looked sad i thought it could use a hug" she manged to say before letting out a long yawn and picked herself up off the floor.

"what time is it?" she asked in almost a whisper
"four thirty" he responded he watched her go to his bed and lay down.
"that my bed miss (y/l/n)" severus sneered
"your not using it" she mumbled as she covered her self in the blankets.
"your the one who clinged on me all night it the reason im on your bed" he said in a protest
"and i said sorry" she smirked
severus glared at the girl
"you wanna play this game" severus hissed "fine" he said getting up and walked over and pushed the girl to the other side of the bed and laid down.
(y/n) didnt seem to mind she let out a sigh
"your bed more comfotable" she said under her breath as she drifted off back to sleep as did severus.
they woke up a few hours later (y/n) was snuggled into severus chest and her leg wrapped around his waist and severus held her tightly. they both agreed to pretented that it never happend.
nether of them could truely hide the blush that filled there cheeks but both just thought the other was embarrassed.

"okay (y/n) and George are on my team and harry and ron are on Percy team" Fred announced
ron crossed his arms
"that's not fair you get percy we get (y/n)" Ron whined as he stomped his left foot

"dont be such a baby Ron" Percy said rolling his eyes
"yeah Ron don't be such a baby" the twins repeated percy
"i wouldn't be so upset if you didnt throw like a baby" Ron smirked as he relized he made a witty come back.
"why you little" percy hissed as he began chacing Ron arounded we all laughed as we watched them trip and fall in the snow.

"help me get percy!" Ron yelled
we all gave each other a look
"just run faster!" George yelled
causing fred to snicker

"we should help him out" harry insisted
"yeah i was thinking the same thing. so i just pat the snow in to a ball shape?" i asked
"yeah" harry responded

harry and i began to make snow balls as fast as we could we manged to make a nice little pile.
harry threw the first snowball it missed percy by a inch i threw one and got percy on the side of the head.
"nice throw" the twins said as they began to make there own pile
harry threw another snowball this time getting percy in his side fred got Ron in his leg and George got percy on the forhead.
after a few more snowballs were thrown Ron fell flat on his face which gave percy the perfect opportunity to catch Ron and he wasted no time on taking it.
Ron began to wail as percy got him in a head lock and gave him a good noogie.
i ran towards them tackling percy as he let go of Ron i quickly picked myself up and went off in a full sprint Ron right behind me.

"dont worry (y/n) will cover you!" harry yelled out i turned to see him and the twins bashing percy with snow balls.

"let try and get over there" i told Ron
"okay" he squeeked out still rubbing his sore noggin.
as we tried to run to harry and the twins percy got dangerously close to us causing both of us to abort are original plan and retreat to running toawards the quidditch field.

"i can't run anymore!" Ron called out to me i was close to giving up on running myself my legs burned and my lungs felt heavy.

we both stopped running and waited for percy to get us he came near he was panting just as hard as we were.
"your run like baby Ron" he said threw his gasps for air
"truce?" Ron asked percy nodded as he held his knees.

"i know little Ronald is scared of what i might do to him" percy taunted him
i walked off behind him as him and ron bickering back and forth and scooped up snow with both my hands and walked over to percy and smashing it in his face and quickly grabbing his ankle pulling back making him fall forward.

i sat down on his back and pinned him down by his shoulders

"how dare you i am a prefect!" he yelled i let out a laugh.
"yeah but your not my prefect" i responded calmly
"get off me!" he ordered me
i pated him on the head
"aww is percy upset" i teased him he began scream at the top of his lungs
"i am a prefect!"
me and ron laughed
"admit defeat" i said he shook his head no and tried his hardest to get himself up for a few minutes.
"okay you defeated me" he finally gave in
i snickered
"now say (y/n) is proof that girls are better than boys" i joked as i was about to let him go when he repeated my words
"(y/n) is proof that girls are better than boys" he said a loud roar of laughter came from behind i turned to see harry and the twins.
"i was only joking but thank for speaking the truth" i laughed as i got off him.
percy brushed snow off himself looking a bit red.
he walked over to me and gave a small smile
"i swear your gonna be worse than my brothers and that saying something" he let out a laugh
we stood there joking with each other for awhile.
"i cant believe so many people here acually like me enough to be my friend. i would have never in a million years would have thought i would be so close to harry and us have so many friends" i thought to myself


(y/n) had a good day playing with harry and there friends it was now dinner and they all laughed making jokes.
fred had wiped mash potatoes on (y/n) faces which led to a small food fight (y/n) mashed chocolate cake on fred face George launched peas at ron with a spoon Ron tossed jello at him harry got (y/n) with gravy before Minerva could put a stop to the childern fun they were able to get each other covered in food.
they all got a lecture but spared the wrath of detention and loss of points.
after dinner the childern said there good nights and were off to shower the food off themselves and go to sleep. (y/n) was happy star didn't show herself all day.
after she had showered went to her bed and began to continue her drawing for harry.
she wonder where professor snape was and at the same time glad she was alone she hadnt been able to face him much today.
he must have felt the same way or he be the first to stop the food fight.

a few hours had past (y/n) was excited that she was nearly done with her drawing.
she drew her and harry sitting on grass there arms around each other shoulders she drew it as if they were taking a picture and she happened to skeetch it.

she smiled widely at her work feeling pretty proud of herself.
as she put her work of art in her bag severus walked threw the door.
he scanned the girl she was in a (c/o/c) long sleeved shirt and (c/o/c) pj bottoms. he knew why she always wore long sleeve shirt and pants. he hated the fact she was ashamed of her own body he already made up his mind and won't let her go her whole life like this.
he walked over to his desk and pulled out a slightly large veil of a gooish grey paste that had a scent of burning rubbish and rotten fruit the smell would cause anyone to gag once he open the veil (y/n) cover her nose.
"ewww what is that?" she questioned him he looked over towards her.
"when i was sixteen i aciddently created this it can remove most scars i cant guaranty it can remove all your scars but it can remove some of them" he explained
"that is if you would like to try it" he added he saw her face light up.
"lets give it a try"she said as she walked over to him rolling up her right sleeve reveling nothing but scars severus placed as small drop on the girl arm and began rubbing it in.
the potion heated up the point where the girl blowing on her arm trying to cool it. a flash of anger wash over her facial expression as she punched severus in the jaw.
"this is a mean trick!" she yelled at him.
he held his jaw "it not a trick i just forgot to warn you it burns a bit" he said his voice dripped of anger.
(y/n) looked at her arm to see a scar free area.
with the joy over taking her she wrapped her arms around the potions master ingnoring the burning feeling.
"sorry and thank you" she said
as she looked back down to her arm tracing her finger across the now smooth skin.
"im afraid will have to keep going little by little each night the burning will get to much to hadle if use to much at one time"he explained.
she nodded her head
he placed his aching burning hand on her arm.
"you can tell me anything you know ill never betray your trust" he said in nearly a whisper
she stared at him coldly before pulling her arm back and walking over to her bed grabbing her wand and walked back over to severus pointing her wand at him.

"what are you doing miss (y/l/n)?" asked with his brow raised
"look me in my eyes" she order him he did as commanded
"im ask you something and if you lie i will know so answer wisely did you try to harm harry on the day of his first quidditch match?" she asked
"no"he said he did show any sign of lying she lowered her wand.
"ok but if i find out for a fact it was you ill kill you with my bare hands" she threatened him

"trust me i didn't harm your little boyfriend" he sneered at her
she could feel a fimailar rage fill her
"he isnt my boyfriend were just very close is everyone here so stupid they automatically assume a boy and a girl can't be friends!" she said in a burst of anger her
(e/c) eyes stared at him as he was clearly thinking about the next thing he was about to say.

"it just seems like you two are your always around him and protective of him" he explained she seemed to calm down

"we have known each other for a long time were both protective of each other" she sighed

"my apologies miss (y/l/n)" he simply said.
the young girl didnt care for his apologies she walked over to her bed and laid down.

"i really thought i had you figured out" she muttered before closing her eyes severus just stared at her.

he placed his head in his hands
"you got part of me figured out" he whispered he was shocked when the girl responded he thought she was asleep.

"what part did i figure out?" she asked with her eyes closed his jaw was slightly open.
"im not bad guy this is a false personality im differnt inside than what i show on the outside"

"ill have to see it to believe it" she sighed severus walked over and sat on the edge of her bed she opened her eyes and stared at him.

"What would i have to do to prove it to you and gain your trust?"he asked her without hesitation she replied
"you'll have to just find a way to prove it"
He leand down and whispered in her ear
"Your lucky your special to me" he hot breath hitting her sent shivers down her spine
(y/n) turned her head to face him there faces so close there forhead nearly touched she couldnt think straight her heart raced everything seemed to dissaper around her except for him.
All she could think about was her lips on his she tried hard not to think that way but she could no longer help her self. She finally manged to say
"Prove it"

Severus all to happy to began to move a little closer down to lips there forehead touched he stopped.
"You have no idea how badly i been want to do this" he whispered to cressing her cheek and slipping his finger under her chin bring them closer the both of them could feel each other breath there lip came very close to touching but before they could kiss they both got startled.

"Professor snape Dumbledore request you in his studies" a voice said causing severus to jump up he glanced at the wall where a panting was turn the wrong way

"Tell him im on my way" severus nearly hissed in frustration but manged to keep his voice normal.
He looked at over at (y/n) was looking at him her cheeks as red as tomato.
"Im sorry i should have never done that  rest now miss (y/l/n)" he said as he rushed out the room.
(y/n) sighed trying regaing her thoughts
"What the hell just happened" she said out loud

She tried her hardest to stay up for severus to return but fell asleep after the first hour.

A/n : im end it here i just have to say how much i loved reading your guy comments i love you guys so much

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