When He's Abused (Avi Kaplan...

By PTX_is_life_

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This is based off a one-shot I have in my Avi x reader one-shots book (idk are these even considered books?)... More



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By PTX_is_life_

"Will your parents like me?" Avi asked, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as you packed.

"Avi, it doesn't matter what they first think of you, because I love you, and you love me, and they will just have to deal."

He swooped your hair to the side and pressed a kiss to your neck, "If you say so."

You nodded, "I do say so. Avi, you're a great guy, and we are going to have great children."

"That's true," he whispered into your ear.

"Avi, don't you need to pack?" 

He simply shrugged, "I have learned to pack quickly, I did it last night, after you fell asleep."

You sighed, "I love you, baby."

Avi picked you up after you finished your packing, and placed you on the bed, hovering above you.

"We should sleep babe, we have to get up early tomorrow."

You sighed, "You're right."

With that, you moved yourself up, feeling Avi's weight rest next to yours, and he pulled you toward him, and pressed his front to your behind, wrapping his arms around you, making you warmer.

"Goodnight," you whispered to each other in unison before falling asleep.


The next morning, the obnoxious alarm went off at 6, and Avi didn't wake up, so you had to climb over him to turn it off, which then woke him up.


"Avi, time to get up, we have to drive to meet my parents by noon."

He sighed, and sat up, pulling you into his lap.

You hugged him tightly, before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He smiled, and pressed one to your lips.

You pulled away smiling, and climbed off him to get dressed.

Somehow, he got dressed within five seconds, so before you could pull your shirt on, he had wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Avi, I love you, but how are you so obsessed with me?"

He nuzzled his head into your shoulder, "I love you, you're my everything, and our nugget will be so beautiful, just like you."

You smiled as he rested a hand on your stomach.

"I can't wait," you replied, and turned around in his arms, pressing a kiss to his lips.

He kissed back sweetly, before smiling, breaking the kiss.

Avi gathered all your bags, and loaded them all in the car, before packing a snack bag.

You got into the car as he brought it out, sitting it in the backseat.

"Did you take the entire pantry?" 

He smirked, "Maybe, maybe not."

You laughed, and put on your seatbelt.

You weren't sure how your parents were going to react, but you knew Avi would stay with you, no matter what.

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