Bloody Rose: Grind Or Die(Maj...


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As Twenty year Old Diamond Baker Enter A New World Of Work, Family, Friends, Adult Hood, And This Thing Calle... Еще

BIG NEWS!! APRIL 18, 2018!!
Hey Y'all...


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Diamond Pov.....

"Kiyre?" I asked.

"Yes Ma'am?" He answered without removing his eyes from the TV.

He was in my bed, eating my food, and watching my favorite movie. This nigga.

"Why are you in my Room and in my bed, eating my food?" I asked.

"Cause I'm the head man of this bih, and the head man do what ever he wants" he said big cheesing. I laughed at his silly ass.

"Well head man need to head his ass out of my bed" I said.

"Nope, I'm going to stay right here with you. I'm not leaving your side."He said.

I gave a awe look, "Awe, okay fine you can stay in here tonight" I said, he smiled and continued to watch the movie. We was watching the player's club. That's why I think he didn't want to leave. He probably just wanted to see the nakedness. His little nasty ass.


Towards the end of the movie, I decided to call My bestfriend. I missed her so much, and I just seen her earlier today.

The phone rung for like a few seconds then she answered.

"TeTe! Tete!" DJ yelled over the phone and I laughed.

"Hey Baby, what's Tete baby doing with the phone?" I asked. "Nothing, I just watching sponge Bob on it" he said.

"Awe, okay go give the phone to your mama." I told him.

"Otay" he said.

"Here Mommy Here" I heard him say.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Bestfriend! I miss you pooh!" I semi-yelled.

"I miss you more bitch! What you doing?" she asked. "Girl nothing, Kiy and I over here watching the player's club" I said.

"Why you got him watching that shit Mo, you is a bad influence on little kids life, Chile' I tell you" she said.

I chuckled. "No I'm not, and Zane over there with Don?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No boo, why what's up?" She asked with a hint of concern.

"Oh Nothing, I just thought he would have been over there with Doney"

"Mhm, girl you think I'm a fool" she said."Spill it"

"Okay, okay, so Z came and picked me up from the hospital and he barely spoke to me. We get home and he says he gotta leave to go to his moms house, he won't be back till tomorrow" I said rolling my eyes.

"Do you believe him?" I asked.

"Hell no!" I yelled.

"Lord have Mercy Diamond don't do nothing crazy, unless we gon' do it together." She said laughing.

"Come and Bring my Nephew over, I miss y'all" I suggested.

"Sleep over?" She asked.

I put my mouth closer to the phone.

"Sleep over bitch" I whispered.

With that she hung up.


A Couple minutes later she busted in my room.

"We Here!" She yelled.

"Girl What the hell wrong with you bussing up in my shit like this" I said sitting up.

"Your Bestfriend, now move over so we can get comfortable. The pizza will be here any minute" she said as they got comfortable in my bed.

"Pizza? What kind? How many boxes? And, did you get the cookie, bread and wings with it too?" Kiy asked sitting up.

"I got all that nephew" she said smiling.

"Alright, bet" he said and turned back to watching the movie.

We laughed at him. He eat so much, it don't make no since.

India turned and looked at me, "So?" she asked.

"So what?" I asked.

"So, what did doctor say before you left the hospital?"

I looked at the wall before I spoke. "I mean he said that I was Lucky that I'm up alive and walking again. The only problem is, is that they found out I'm pregnant. But, due to my incident the baby is at harm. They told me if this pregnancy doesn't go right, umm it will be mostly likely that I won't be able to have kids nomore. There is a ninety percent chance that I won't be able to reproduce kids. My child is at harm and I don't know what to do India" I said breaking a little bit.

"It's going to be okay Mo. How do you feel about the whole thing? Did you talk to Zane about it?" she asked and I took a deep breath.

"I feel like it isn't fair, I feel cursed you know? I would love to have kids of my own, and to hear that my child is at risk and I may not be able to have none really hits me Hard. And, I haven't told Zane, because he had to go." I said trying not to cry.

"Aww Diamond come here man" Indi said and hugged me tight.

I couldn't help but cry. It was getting to Me.

"Listen fuck what them doctor's say. My God baby is going to make it and you are going to be able to have more kids too! Everything is going to be all right" she said.

"Mama Why Tete Cry?" DJ asked touching my tears.

"Cause, Tete arm hurts" She said and I smiled.

"Ma?" Kiyre said.

"Yes Baby?" I answered

"I love you and I hope I have a little brother" he said getting up to hug me.

"I love you more, baby" I said as u hugged him back.

There were a few Knocks at the door.

"That must be the food" India said before she got up to go get the door.

A few minutes later she cane back in with the food, some soda, cups, plates, and napkins.

It's definitely going down in Diamond's girl cave.

I love them.

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