The Monster's Wish...(A Narut...

By kendra5150

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Yoshiro Hatake was taken from the leaf, on the day of his father's funeral, when he was three years old. Kono... More

Yoshiro Hatake
Sequel coming out today.


581 9 8
By kendra5150

*Warning* This chapter is super long.

*Yoshiro's POV*

When Toru and I walked up to the north gate everyone was already standing there ready to leave for our mission.

"Lets head out." Jiraiya smiled as we began walking down the path towards the sound village.

Everyone had their own groups to talk to while we walked, mine being Toru and Naruto.

"What's your wife like Toru?" Naruto asked.

"Well, she's beautiful and smart. She had a good sense of humor and she was pregnant." he shrugged smiling widely.

"Do you miss her and your kids?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do miss them. I hope that they'll accept me into their lives." he smiled sadly.

"Why wouldn't they?" Naruto asked.

"Well I wasn't there for any of their childhood, I've never even met them. Hell, I don't even know their names." he sighed.

"Well, I think they'll be happy. They finally get to meet you and experience what having a father is like." he shrugged.

"How do you know that kid? You sound like you're speaking from experience. Is that how you met your father?" he laughed.

"I was just guessing, and no, that's not how I met my father." he shrugged looking down at the ground.

As soon as I heard the words come out of Toru's mouth I knew I had to somehow let him know that Naruto didn't have parents around. I quickly jabbed my elbow at Toru, hitting his arm, he looked at me confused as I stared wide eyed at him. With his attention focused on me I noticeably glanced at Naruto and began to shake my head no, hoping that Toru understood what I was saying. Toru's eyes quickly filled with regret, I could tell he was silently cursing himself by the way he frowned and looked at the ground.

"Sorry kid, I didn't realize...." he sighed before continuing. "I'm so fucking stupid. Here, hit me." Toru looked up at Naruto and turned his head to side, waiting for a punch that never came.

"Why would I hit you? You didn't know I didn't have parents. How were you supposed to know, I never told you." Naruto shrugged looking at Toru as if he'd grown a second head.

"Okay, so you're not going to hit me?...Well I'm still sorry." Toru sighed in confusion, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm not going to hit you, I'm not like the anbu in the prison or the other prisoners and don't worry about it. As long as you fight to be in your kids lives, even if they don't want you, then I forgive you." he smiled.

"Okay, I'll keep fighting for it." he smiled back.

"Guys keep up." Sakura yelled from up ahead.

"Sorry." Toru laughed as we hurried towards them.

When we caught up with the others duckass glared at me.

"What's his problem with you?" Toru laughed pointing at duckass, causing him to roll his eyes and turn away.

"Yoshiro doesn't even know. He didn't do anything to him so he don't know why he's so pissed off." I shrugged.

"Maybe it's a family thing. I think I met his brother once, Crow right? He was an asshole." he laughed.

"You met Ita?" I asked receiving a glare from the Uchiha brat.

"Ita? Is that his name?" he asked.

"It's Itachi, but Yoshiro calls him Ita. He's an important person in Yoshiro's life. Without him, he'd be dead." I smiled.

"Really, he tried to kill me....I think....maybe he was only trying to scare me. I heard if he wanted you dead, you'd be dead." he shrugged.

"Yeah, he's a 'traitor' of the leaf but he's really not all that bad, he likes to joke around a lot. Most of it with killing people but it's really hard to tell if he's joking or not." I shrugged.

"He always looks so pissed off." Toru laughed.

"Can you both shut up." Sasuke growled.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's always like that. It's best if you ignore him." I shrugged.

"Yoshiro I know this isn't my business, but I've been wondering this for a while now... why do you speak like that?" he asked causing some of the rookie nine and the jounins to look back at us in worry.

"Yoshiro was taught to speak like this." I shrugged.

"Like raised?" he asked.

I nodded causing him to furrow his brows.

"You were raised to have no backbone and to talk about yourself as if you are inferior? Why would your family raise you like that?" he asked in disgust.

"Yoshiro is inferior, he knows. It's okay though, he's learned to accept it." I smiled.

"Stop. Don't smile and act as if everything is okay. I don't know who told you that you had to talk like that but they can kiss my ass. You are a human being Yoshiro. You can talk anyway you want. You don't have to refer to yourself by using your name." Toru growled.

"It's okay really. Yoshiro doesn't really want to be punished anymore for disobeying their rules, just let it go. Alright?" I frowned looking at the ground for a while before looking back up.

Toru looked up and glared at Kakashi and the others causing them to take a step back.

"You are the worst broth....." Toru started.

"Toru, stop. It' wasn't Kakashi. It was Snake and Four Eyes." I sighed.

"Who?" he asked looking at me.

"A man named Orochimaru and a boy named Kabuto. Yoshiro can't say their names but they're the reasons why he is the way he is." Kakashi frowned.

"Well don't listen to them Yoshiro. Don't give them the satisfaction of winning. You're no longer in their grasps, don't let them control you still. If you keep acting that way they'll think they still have power over you." he sighed.

"Yoshiro can't help it. They'd kill him for sure if they caught him speaking different." he frowned.

"That's your problem Yoshiro. You can't show them that you're scared of them. By giving them what they want, you're showing them that they can still control and manipulate you. If you would grow a backbone and stand up for yourself they might leave you alone, and if not, that's why you're training. Even if you decide to do all of this training, if you face them the way you are mentally, not physically, you won't be able to fight them." he frowned.

"What should Yoshiro do about it? He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. This is all he knows." I frowned.

"Well you can start by talking differently. Get used to talking normal and that'll be the first sign that you're not totally scared of them." he smiled.

"Are you sure that'll work?" I asked.

"Positive. If you get used to talking normal, you'll learn to stick up for yourself...and you'll sound more intimidating." he smiled.

"Alright. Yoshi.....I will give it a shot." I smiled.

The rookie nine minus Sasuke, and the jonin smiled at us and continued walking. I started feeling a little uneasy, I wasn't sure why though. It was probably because we're getting closer to where I was held captive, but I have this weird feeling in my gut saying that something bad is going to happen soon. I felt someone staring at me, so I looked around the group. They were all busy talking to their groups, Naruto and Toru were talking so it wasn't them. I continued to look around the area to make sure no one was following us. As I looked around I noticed some bushes nearby move slightly, so I stopped walking. The others didn't notice and kept walking, I turned towards the bush and pulled a kunai out before taking a step closer to the bush and aiming my kunai at it.

"Yoshiro, what're you doing? Lets go, Kakashi would kill me if you got left behind." Jiraiya yelled.

"That one's mine, he's the only one that noticed us." I heard someone whisper as the wind blew in my direction.

I decided that it was time to tell Jiraiya that someone was following us. As I walked up to him I made sure to remain calm and act like I hadn't heard the whisper in the wind.

"We're about to be attacked." I warned falling into step beside him.

"What?" he asked mimicking my whisper.

"I heard them. One of them said they wanted to fight me." I informed with a shrug realizing that I could use the action.

"Don't worry, there's no one here, unless they're extremely good at masking their chakra. It was probably all in your head, you're just being paranoid. Don't worry that's normal for your first mission." Jiraiya shrugged brushing my warning off.

"Tch. Whatever, don't believe me then, see if I care, it's not like I need you guys to help anyway." I grumbled before falling back towards Toru.

"Do you feel them Yoshiro. We're being surrounded." Toru whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"You feel them too?" I asked.

"Yeah, my village specializes in sensory." he smiled.

"I wonder who they're after." I shrugged.

"Who knows, maybe they're scouting us out first. They don't seem that strong. Just ignore them for now." he shrugged, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Alright." I smiled as a kunai was thrown at Toru.

I caught the kunai in mid air as it was about to hit Toru and threw it back at the man it came from, hitting him perfectly in the center of his forehead and killing him.

"Yoshiro, why'd you throw that, is something...." Sakura started but was cut off by ninja jumping out at the rookie nine.

Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Tenten, Neji, and Lee got into their fighting positions while Sakura and Ino let out startled screams and Choji continued to eat his chips faster and faster. I instantly pushed Toru out of the way as another kunai was thrown at him. This time I caught the kunai with two fingers before instantly throwing it back in the direction it came, killing yet another one of the ninja. I started to feel a rush of blood lust course through me as a couple ninja jumped down and surrounded Toru. Just as I was about to kill them Toru smiled at me and shook his head.

"I've got this." he smiled, causing me to frown in disappointment until another man jumped down in front of me.

"All of you are going to die." the man laughed pulling out a kunai, causing me to smirk and hope that he may be a challenge.

"We'll beat you dattebayo." Naruto cheered.

I realized I was getting my hopes up for nothing and got into a defensive stance.

"You're quite cocky." he laughed.

"He's not really, but you do realize you just attacked a group that has a bunch of Jounin and two Sannin on it right?" I laughed causing the ninja to pale before smirking.

"Yeah right, why would they be with a bunch of genin?" he asked. "You had me fooled there for a second, but then I thought about why the genin were here. You need to learn to lie better if you're going to lie." the man laughed.

"Yoshiro's not lying." I shrugged.

"Are you gonna kill me?" he laughed.

"Who else?" I asked.

"You're really starting to annoy me. You really think you're that strong? Lets test it then." he laughed throwing the kunai at me.

I jumped to the side to avoid the kunai he threw as he pulled more out. He immediately lunged at me and tried to fight me with taijutsu. Unlucky for him, Guy and Lee trained me well enough that he was way too slow. I smiled at myself and noted that I would have to thank them later as I turned around to see that Toru had already killed his three and was in the process of helping Naruto and the others with theirs.

"Shakunetsu no honō no jutsu (Scorching Flames)." the ninja yelled releasing a large blast of fire at me.

'This is the same Jutsu Kabuto used...' I thought as my eyes widened and my mind went blank.

I vigorously shook my head, trying to keep the memories from flooding back. I knew that this wasn't the time or place for it. I narrowed my eyes at the ninja as I hurriedly jumped out of the way, just as the fire was about to reach me, and landed beside him. I kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying into a nearby tree.

"Who are you? Why did you attack us?" I growled walking up to him.

"We heard that the Snake Sannin of the Leaf was holding a competition, he'll train the person that captures you and brings you back to him. We all want to join him so we decided to give it a shot." he smiled as he leaped away from me.

He looked towards the others and smirked before throwing a kunai with a paper bomb on the end in between all of the rookies. They all jumped away from it before it exploded, leaving them all open for an attack. Most of them quickly realized this and made their way back together, but Ino was cornered. Toru threw three kunai, killing the men surrounding her as the ninja I was fighting looked at her and smirked.

"Shakunetsu no honō Reberu 2 (Scorching Flames Level 2)." he yelled as a bigger fireball shot towards her.

I'm not sure why, but my heart dropped into my stomach at the thought of Ino getting caught up in the fireball so I teleported in front of her and tackled her onto the ground. My fibula snapped in half and protruded out of my left leg. I knew Ino would still get hurt so I used my eye to heal her even before she started getting burned just so I knew that she would be safe and I would take all of the damage. My eye glowed a bright luminescent white through the bandages as the fire made contact with us and my healing power took effect. We both screamed out in pain, but when the fire cleared Ino was perfectly fine, I let out a relieved sigh as the white light from my eye faded. I stumbled as I attempted to get up, but quickly somehow managed to keep my balance and find my footing.

"Yoshiro, I'll take care of him. You go..." Toru started.

"Stay out of this. He is mine." I growled, my hatred and bloodlust spiking causing killing intent to seep off of me.

The ninja took a quick step back as his face filled with fear. I teleported behind him, slamming a kunai into his jugular, before he could register where I had gone, and watched as crimson blood squirted everywhere. He fell to the ground and I happily watched as he drowned in his own blood. Pleased with his death I noticed that my right shoulder had popped out of place. I continued to ignore it as I looked up to see Sasuke staring at me with a surprised look on his face and Ino crying to her dad.

"You good now?" Toru laughed.

"He burnt me." I pouted.

"You need some help?" he asked.

"Tsunade. Can you heal me?" I sighed at her cluelessness.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." she said coming over and healing some of my burns. "Hold still." she sighed grabbing my shoulder and popping it back into place.

"Just fix my leg." I growled earning a slap to the head.

"Don't growl at me." she huffed.

"Owww old lady, why'd you hit me?" I grumbled.

"I'm not old." she growled slapping me on the head again.

"If you don't stop, I'll have brain damage too." I growled.

"Shut up." she sighed pushing my fibula back into my leg before starting to heal it.

"You could have warned me old lady." I growled at the lingering pain from her pushing my fibula back in it's rightful place.

"You shouldn't be such a brat." she huffed before getting up and walking back over to Jiraiya.

"You okay Yoshiro?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah." I sighed.

After making sure everyone was alright we continued to walk towards the sound village, only stopping as the sun started to set. I still felt that annoying feeling of being watched and it was really starting to piss me off. I started to wonder if Toru noticed it too.

"Toru." I called, he looked back at me questioningly.

'Maybe I'm just imagining it. He doesn't seem to notice.'

I sighed and shook my head before looking around the area again.

"It's just my imagination." I sighed to myself.

"Let's set up camp here." Jiraiya yelled.

"I'll go get some firewood." Inoichi said before disappearing into the forest.

While Inoichi was out getting the firewood Tsunade did one more lap around the group to make sure that everyone was still okay. Rin started a fire as soon as Inoichi returned while everyone else set out their sleeping bags and sat down to eat whatever they had packed.

"I'll stay up and patrol." I smiled.

"Yoshiro..." Kakashi started.

"No Kakashi, you already know that I hate sleeping. I don't want to deal with that right now." I argued.

"Fine." he sighed.

"Alright, if anything happens wake us up." Jiraiya ordered.

I nodded and jumped up into a tree. Laying on a branch I began to look at the stars, blocking everyone else out. I didn't know how long I sat there staring at the stars, but when I looked down everyone was sleeping and the fire was starting to go out. I quickly got up from the branch I was laying on and jumped down, throwing a few more logs into the fire before sighing and jumping back up into the tree. I felt someone watching me again so I looked around to try to find where they were hiding.

"Who's there?" I called out, not too loud though. I didn't want to wake the others up.

"So you finally noticed me?" a ninja laughed jumping onto the tree across from me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm here to test your strength." he smiled.


"Lord Orochimaru wants to know how his vessel is doing." he smiled.

"He knows I'm here?" I asked eyes widening.

"Yeah, him and Kabuto are waiting for you. They've had people spying on you for weeks, although it was pretty hard when you were in prison for a while." he laughed.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Last I heard, they were waiting in the sound village. They didn't want to come here themselves because the Slug Queen and the Toad Sage. Lord Orochimaru said he isn't that desperate, he doesn't want to fight them yet." he shrugged.

"What do you mean by yet?" I asked.

"All in do time. Don't rush things." he laughed as he pulled a kunai out and leaped towards me. I pulled a kunai out and deflected it.

I noticed that the clinking of our kunai woke the Uchiha brat up and couldn't help but sigh.

'I don't have time to deal with that brat right now. I hope he doesn't bring the others into this, this is my mess, not theirs. I don't want anyone else to get involved.' I sighed before pushing the ninja away.

"Can we move deeper into the forest so no one else gets involved." I sighed.

"Anything you want." he smirked looking at the wide eyed Uchiha.

We leaped away from the camp and went deeper into the woods.

"How do you know Snake?" I asked.

"He saved me and made me strong. I owe him my life. I don't see why you ran away, they are amazing. All of their experiments loved it there until they failed, but then they went insane so it didn't matter." he laughed.

"Shut up. You're delusional, no one liked to be there." I growled.

"You know you did too, you seem pretty sadistic. I bet they taught you that. You should be grateful." he growled doing numerous hand signs.

"Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion)" he yelled creating numerous clones that ran towards me. I shoved my kunai into one of them, but instead of poofing away it blew up in my face.

I jumped back and was slammed against a tree by another clone.

"Basuto." he smiled causing the clone to blow up in my face.

I broke through the tree and slammed onto the ground.

"Crap." I growled as four more clones jumped at me.

'Maybe I should try out some of the Jutsu my clones learned.' I thought as I jumped away from the clones and jumped towards the ninja.

He jumped away and did more hand signs.

"Chakura Kyuin Jutsu (Chakra Absorption Technique)" he yelled before grabbing onto my shoulder.

I stumbled and pushed him away when I felt my chakra draining.

"You're chakra isn't like normal chakra. It's strong." he smirked "Thanks for letting me use it, now I can do more extreme jutsu." he laughed before doing more hand signs.

"Dokugiri (Poison Mist)" he yelled as the area filled with purple mist.

He jumped out of the way of the mist before it could touch him, leaving me sitting in it. My left arm started to burn and I thought I heard a snake hissing, I frantically looked around for a snake but couldn't find one. I finally snapped back into reality as my arm started to absorb the poison. I looked at my arm in confusion.

"Is this supposed to happen?" I thought as the mist cleared.

"What did you do to it?" the ninja growled answering my question.

"I absorbed it I think..." I shrugged.

"You think? I'm going to kill you this time." he growled doing more hand signs. "Katon: Karyu Endan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)" he yelled shooting a large dragon shaped fireball out of his mouth at me.

I dodged and did some hand signs of my own.

'I need to get some distance between us, so I can buy some time to think carefully about my next move.'

"Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)" I yelled blowing out a large blast of wind, leveling the area as the ninja flung through several trees before finally hitting one and stopping.

'I need to end this. I don't have much chakra left, this bastard stole all of it.' I growled in frustration.

The ninja started running at me so I started doing more hand signs.

"Kaze no Yaiba (Blade of Wind)" I yelled creating a blade out of wind and throwing it at the ninja.

He tried to block my attack with a kunai, but it went around it and pierced him in the stomach before tearing through his body and exiting through his back. He stumbled towards me and made another hand sign before falling onto the ground. I sighed and started to head back to the camp, until I was stopped by the burning of my curse mark. Unable to stand the pain any longer I fell to the ground and clutched my neck, desperately trying to lessen the pain.

"Nice Job Yoshiro. We didn't think you'd beat him that eassily." Orochimaru hissed jumping in front of me.

I struggled to stand up as the curse mark started to burn worse. When I finally found my footing and was able to stand up I took a step back only to be pushed forward, causing me to fall on my face.

"Yoshiro, why'd you run away. I wanted to play more games." Kabuto growled.

"S-Sorry." I stuttered pushing myself up off of the ground only to be kicked in the stomach, picked up by the throat, and slammed into a nearby tree.

"You seem more confident in yourself, I think we need to fix that." Kabuto growled pulling out a syringe full of a blue liquid.

"W-what is that. S-Stop." I begged.

"Yoshiro?" the Uchiha brat yelled coming into the clearing.

"No....Run. Go get Jiraiya and Tsunade, don't fight them." I yelled.

"The lassst Uchiha huh? I think I want him too." Orochimaru smiled evilly as his neck stretched and he bit Sasuke.

Sasuke fell to the ground and screamed in pain as the curse mark formed on his neck.

"Run, don't let them take you. I promised Ita, please run." I cried trying to pry Kabuto off of me.

"Now, where's that friend of yours, Toru. Was that his name?" my eyes widened and they were gone. I looked around to see Sasuke, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Toru, and Kurenai.

"Yoshiro, are you okay? Are you hurt? Why didn't you wake us up?" Kakashi yelled frantically.

"Forget about me, what about Sasuke?" I panicked.

"What? What about me loser?" he asked with wide eyes.

" Guys...ummm. What's going on?" I asked looking around the area, the ninja I stabbed through was bleeding out on the ground and coughing up blood.

"You were stuck in a genjutsu." Kurenai explained.

"Wait, so everything about Snake and Four eyes was fake. They're not here? They're not trying to kill all of you or take me and Sasuke?" I asked.

"I hope he's not. I don't want to fight him right now." Jiraiya sighed scratching the back of his head.

"Are you hurt?" Toru asked looking at the now lifeless man on the ground.

"No, I'm fine." I smiled.

"Then what were you thinking you idiot, you could have gotten yourself killed." Kakashi yelled slapping me upside my head.

"I didn't want you guys to get involved he was after me so why would I wake all of you up and risk any of you getting hurt?" I asked.

"Because Yoshiro, we're on a team. We fight together." Kakashi sighed.

"On most missions you do fight together, yes. But this was different Kakashi. They were after me so I didn't feel the need to get all of you involved." I sighed.

"Guys, can you two stop. Save it for the morning, Sasuke, go back to sleep. I'll stay up with Yoshiro and guard so you can go back to sleep too Kakashi." Jiraiya sighed.

We walked back to camp to see everyone was awake.

"What happened Yoshiro?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." I huffed jumping into a nearby tree before sitting down.

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, deciding to meditate to help rebuild my stolen chakra. I meditated until the warm rays of the rising sun started to reach me.

"Yoshiro." Kakashi called touching my shoulder.

I jumped up and pulled a kunai out, putting it to his throat and pinning him to the trunk of the tree. His eyes widened along with the others who were watching the scene unfold from the ground.

"S-Sorry Kakashi." I panicked dropping the kunai and stumbling away from him.

"I guess it's my fault for surprising you but what the hell?" he asked rubbing his throat.

"Sorry, just don't sneak up on me while I'm zoned out...or meditating. Just, I don't know, throw a rock at me or something." I shrugged.

"I'll remember that." he laughed while shaking his head.

"Sorry." I mumbled again.

"It's fine." he laughed. "Oh yeah, we're leaving." he sighed jumping off of the branch so he was standing down by the others.

I jumped down and we started walking towards the Sound. Today's walk was uneventful, but we did make a lot of progress. Apparently we should reach there by tomorrow morning, I could tell by the look on Toru's face that he was excited and nervous for tomorrow.

"Guys, we're closer to the Sound now, we're dangerously close to enemy territory, you have to keep your guard up. There are S-rank criminals that could be lurking around here. Stay focused." Jiraiya called over his shoulder as we continued to walk.

"Yoshiro, you seem really tense, does it have something to do with the sound?" Toru asked.

"I'm not tense." I lied.

"Okay, whatever you say." he shrugged.

"He's just scared." duckass laughed.

"Shut up duckass." I muttered.

He glared at me for a while before smirking.

"What's wrong, is this where 'Snake' lives? Are we finally gonna meet your made up villain in your 'I'm a victim' story?" he laughed receiving a glare from Kakashi.

"Why would you say that?" I whispered as I stopped walking.

"Yoshiro, ignore him, we can't stop, we have to keep traveling towards the mountains. It's no longer safe to set up camp in the forest. We don't have time to stop and fight with each other." Jiraiya sighed.

"What did that Uchiha brat just say?" Rin growled.

"Rin. Jiraiya's right, we don't have time for this. Ignore him." Kakashi whispered.

"No, you guys don't understand. You didn't have to break in there and get him out. That place reeked of blood and death. This Uchiha brat doesn't know anything. He has no idea what it was like their, hell, I was there for a max of ten minutes and I was scared shitless." Rin growled.

"Oh man, now the girl wants to add on to his ridiculous stories. Don't you know you aren't supposed to encourage his stories because of his active imagination." Sasuke sighed.

*Third POV*

"Shut up." Yoshiro growled. "You don't know what your talking about. Why do you continue to run your mouth when you know nothing of the situation?" he asked as the killing intent started to roll off of him.

"You don't scare me. A few days ago you weren't even a ninja, you don't scare anyone. You're weak and you always will be." he shrugged.

"This isn't the time to be fighting, both of you need to stop." Jiraiya sighed turning around.

"I happen to think this is the perfect time to be fighting. Please, do continue. It's quite amusing." a ninja that looked around Naruto's age giggled, crouched down on a tree branch.

"Surota, this isn't the time to be playing around." another man, this one had two different colored eyes, lectured a couple trees over.

"Sorry Rushifa." he pouted.

"Thanks for making our presence known...idiots." another sighed, he had a black hood on that had ears on it, he stood to the left of everyone.

"Kuro, tell Tsume to stop being mean to me." the kid pouted.

"Tsume stop being mean." A long red haired man sighed, from the right side of the boy, while rolling his baby blue eyes.

"Why don't you all stop being stupid." A long gray haired man with claws on his hands sighed from behind Yoshiro and the others.

"Kirisuto, you're always being stupid so shut up." A pale woman with a fox mask sighed, to the left of them.

"Akumu, you don't have any room to talk." a man laughed with a sickle and chain jumping next to her.

"Warui can you not get her started on a rampage." a pinkish purple haired woman sighed from the other side of us.

"Tora, everyone's being mean to me....except for Kuro." the kid pouted.

"I don't care. Rushifa, what're your orders." she sighed.

"Aren't you eager." the man, Rushifa laughed.

"I'm itching for a fight. Who can I kill?" she smiled.

"Well Surota?" he asked.

"I want to fight the nine kids, I wanna play!" he smiled.

"So childish." the pale girl with the mask sighed.

"Alright, listen up. Surota's got the nine genin, Tora, you fight those two girls, Warui, you fight the Green Beast and Copy Ninja, Akumu, you fight those three, Kirisuto, you fight the smoker and the woman next to him, Tsume, you fight those three and that man next to them, Kuro, you fight the one we're here to capture, do not kill him. We need him alive. He can be severely injured but you can not kill him. I'll handle the two Sannin." Rushifa ordered.

They nodded and jumped at us.

*Third POV* ~(With Kakashi and Guy)~

-Warui and his phoenix summon Aurora.

When all of the ninja jumped down to attack, the one with the sickle and chain jumped at Kakashi and Guy.

"Lets get this over with, I don't have all day." he growled before charging at them.

Guy's eyes widened as he looked around them, he quickly pushed Kakashi out of the way as one the sickles sliced through the air.

"He's too fast, even for me." Guy whispered. "These guys are way out of their league." he whispered motioning towards the rookie nine.

"Guy focus on our fight, lets just hope they can hold him off until we're done with this guy." Kakashi growled as he blocked one of the sickles while the chain wrapped around him.

Guy took his weights off and threw them to the side, creating a deep crater in the ground. A few seconds later he appeared behind Warui and kicked him away from Kakashi. Kakashi substituted out of the chains Warui trapped him in and hurriedly started doing handsigns.

"Kanashibari no Jutsu (Temporary Paralysis Technique)" Kakashi yelled temporarily freezing Warui.

He started doing more hand signs before yelling.

"Kuchiyose: Doton: Tsuiga no Jutsu (Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique)" summoning his ninja hounds from the ground.

His ninja hounds bit into Warui and held him in that spot, keeping him from moving out of the way of their attacks. Guy hurriedly kicked him in the face, shooting him into the sky before suddenly appearing next to him and forcefully kicking him in the face. Guys kick had Warui flinging through a nearby tree, but before Guy or Kakashi could reach him Warui jumped up and started doing hand signs of his own.

"Summoning Jutsu." he yelled summoning a huge phoenix.

He jumped onto the burning phoenix and disappeared as they circled the area, dropping fiery feathers, catching the forest on fire.

"Now you have nowhere to hide." Warui laughed as more of the phoenix's feathers shot into the ground and dove under, burying themselves in the soil.

Warui shot his sickles at Guy causing him to jump back out of range, he thought he was safe until he landed on the ground and there was a loud explosion. The explosion caused Guy to fling into the air as Warui jumped off of his phoenix. He kicked Guy in the stomach, slamming him into the ground, and creating a small crater. At the same time, the phoenix was shooting feathers at Kakashi. He dodged every single one the phoenix shot at him, but everything that they made contact with was bursting into flames. Kakashi decided at that moment that it was time to move his headband and open his sharingan eye. As soon as his sharingan eye was open he took a quick look around the area.

"I guess I need to use this." he sighed. "Guy, be careful. To your left there are three feather bombs and there's one directly in front of you." he warned.

"Alright, thanks Kakashi." Guy smiled.

The phoenix chose that moment to swoop down and swallow Warui.

"Did the phoenix just eat him?" Guy asked in disbelief.

Warui shot out of the bird's mouth, like a cannonball, with a flame cloak surrounding him. He kicked Guy across the vast, burning area causing him to crash through several different trees until he finally made contact with a boulder. Warui then stood up and faced Kakashi as he started spinning his sickle on it's chain.

"I'm done with this fight." Warui growled slamming the sickle towards Kakashi.

Kakashi jumped away and did some quick hand signs.

"Katon: Endan (Fire Release: Flame Bullet )" Kakashi yelled shooting a large ball of fire at Warui.

Warui laughed and absorbed the fire.

"Just a heads up. Fire jutsu don't affect me." he chuckled kicking him in the back, flinging him into a tree.

He took the opportunity while Kakashi and Guy were down to jump back onto the back of the phoenix.

"Turn up the heat Aurora." he yelled causing the bird to start breathing fire.

The phoenix surrounded Guy and Kakashi with a ring of burning hot fire.

"Now let's end this. Smoke screen." he yelled spitting out water onto the fire filling the area with smoke.

"Gate one. Gate of the opening release." Guy yelled as a blast of chakra surrounded him.

Guy looked around, but couldn't see anything because of the thick smoke screen surrounding them. Lucky for them, they had enough skill and energy to dodge more fire that the phoenix sprayed into the smoke as Warui started to swing his sickles around, slashing at them both and failing to hit them. The phoenix began to swoop down towards the ground allowing guy to quickly grab onto it and cling onto its side. The phoenix caught him on fire, but he ignored the burning as he started to climb up the phoenix' body to reach Warui. As soon as he reached Warui he saw water surrounding Warui's hand, causing it to harden into rock. Guy furiously punched toward Warui's face, but his rock hand morphed into a blade that he used to stab Guy in the shoulder with. As his hand/blade was stabbed through Guy's shoulder, fire started to spread down Warui's arm and caught Guy on fire all over again. Guy quickly sent a forceful kick to Warui's stomach, causing Warui's hand to tear out of his shoulder. His blade/hand morphed back into a hand as he flung himself off of the phoenix. The phoenix flew higher into the sky and started spinning, knocking Guy off of it before it turned and swung its wings towards Guy, creating a gust of wind that sent him crashing into the ground like a meteor.

"Aurora, meteor shower." Warui yelled causing the phoenix to swoop down and pick him up before flying into the sky.

Chunks of rock broke off of the ground and floated up into the bright blue sky where Warui and Aurora were flying. The rock chunks slammed together and started to compress themselves into one large ball. Aurora breathed fire onto the rocks, catching the giant rock ball on fire before swinging her wings and creating a large gust of wind that sent the meteor crashing towards Guy and Kakashi. Guy, despite his injuries quickly grabbed Kakashi and jumped as high as he could as the meteor connected with the ground, exploding and sending them flying further into the air towards Warui and Aurora.

"Primary Lotus." Guy yelled kicking Warui off of the phoenix and into the air before yelling "Dancing Leaf Shadow." as he appeared behind him and wrapped around him before they started to spin and plummet to the ground.

Guy jumped back as Warui stood up. The phoenix sent yet another gust of wind towards Kakashi, causing him to crash towards the grounds. Guy caught Kakashi right before he was about to hit the ground, however the impact still sent both of them smashing through a boulder. Before either of them could react, Warui appeared right behind Kakashi as he stood up and morphed his arm into a blade, he sliced Kakashi's back right before Guy appeared. Guy kicked him away, flinging him through nearby trees that somehow managed to escape the wrath of Aurora's flames.

"Lets end this." Guy panted earning a nod from Kakashi.

Warui slowly got up from where he had landed, as soon as he was on his feet Guy punched him in the back. In an attempt to keep Guy's hand from stabbing through him Warui hardened his back, but before he could react Kakashi appeared in front of him and performed a few hand signs.

"Raikiri (Lightning Blade)" he yelled plunging his lightning blade through Warui's chest.

Crimson blood sprayed onto the grass as Kakashi removed his hand from Warui's chest. Without the support of Kakashi's hand Warui fell to his knees, blood was filling his mouth as he was struggling to keep himself alive. Guy looked over to Kakashi with a worried look on his face, they were both panting heavily as Warui started to choke. This caused Guy to look back at Warui just in time to see his eyes roll back into his head and his body to fall lifeless onto the ground in front of them. Guy took that moment to look around them only to see that Asuma and Kurenai were also struggling with their fight.

"I'll help Asuma and Kurenai." he yelled to Kakashi who covered up his sharingan.

"Alright, I'm going to help Rin and Anko." Kakashi yelled as he looked up to see both of the girls knocked onto the ground.

They nodded at each other before running in opposite directions towards their friends.

~(With Rin and Anko)~

-Tora and her tiger summon Raibyō

When the ninja jumped down to attack, the pinkish purple haired one jumped toward Anko and Rin.

"I've been itching for a fight, please don't disappoint me." she smiled wickedly.

"I have a weird feeling about her, watch out." Anko warned.

"I do too." Rin whispered.

"Are you two done telling secrets, I want to fight." she pouted before jumping towards them.

She swung her sickle at Anko, but Rin blocked it with one of her kunai. As soon as her kunai made contact with the sickle Rin froze and screamed out in pain as an electric shock ran throughout her entire body. Unable to move, she fell to the ground. The sickle was slowly sucking her chakra out of her, but there was nothing she could do as the crippling electric shocks continued to run through her body. Anko quickly grabbed her and jumped away from the sickle, setting Rin on the ground and pulling out a kunai.

"Hyaku Bureido no jutsu (Wind Release: Hundred Blade Technique)" Anko yelled creating a strong wind around both her and Tora.

The wind surrounding Tora turned into swords and repeatedly stabbed her. As soon as the wind died down Tora stumbled, but quickly found her footing and began doing handsigns of her own.

"Doton: Dosekidake (Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot)" she yelled causing the soil to soften as rock in the area sprouted out in the form of four large spikes, piercing Anko.

Tora kicked Anko onto the ground beside Rin and smiled a sick, sadistic smile. Making quick work of it, Tora made a few more handsigns. However, before she could finish and do anything else Kakashi appeared and sent a bone crunching kick to her stomach, sending her flying into a nearby tree.

"Rin, are you alright?" he asked bending down next to her.

"Don't touch her sickle it electrocutes you and steals your chakra." she whispered shakily pushing herself up off of the ground .

"Alright, heal Anko a little and plan something, I'll distract her." he sighed

"Summoning Jutsu." Tora yelled, summoning a large white tiger with lightning sparking all over on it's back.

"Damn." Kakashi sighed jumping away from Rin and Anko as Rin healed Anko's wounds.

"So you managed to beat Warui huh? He was the weakest so I can understand why. Raibyō attack." she laughed as her tiger charged at him.

"So fast." he whispered as the tiger clawed at him.

Kakashi jumped out of the way of her tiger's claws as the lightning radiating off of the tiger sparked with his kunai and shuriken, shocking him and causing him to fall to the ground from the impact. The tiger slashed Kakashi's chest, electrocuting him in the process as the five claw marks turned into a light blue pentagram and began to slowly drain away his chakra. Kakashi looked up at Tora only to see the same light blue pentagram on his chest appear on Tora's neck, replenishing her chakra and forming a lightning cloak around her body.

"Finally." she smirked as Rin and Anko both got up and started to attack her.

She continued her taijutsu battle with Anko, electrocuting her in the process, while dodging jutsu from Rin and throwing some of her own at them.

"Raibyō, electric shock." she yelled to her tiger, who stopped jumping all over the forest and charged up an electric shock in his mouth before shooting at Anko, Rin, and Tora.

Tora disappeared into thin air as Kakashi tackled Rin and Anko onto the ground to dodge the electric ball. They looked up to see that Tora had appeared across the clearing. Rin stood up and the electric tiger jumped behind her, clawing her in the back and creating the same light blue pentagram that Kakashi has on his chest. She noticed that her chakra slowly started to drain too as another light blue pentagram appeared on Tora, this one appeared on her leg right as chakra started to seep from her body. Raibyō jumped around the part of the forest that Warui's phoenix hadn't burnt down, casting a small light into the ground everywhere he jumped. Tora took the opportunity of everyone's eyes on Raibyō to appear behind Anko and kick her into Rin, knocking both of them onto the ground. While Tora was preoccupied with Anko and Rin, Kakashi charged up the chidori and tried to drive it through her, but she noticed and just as it was about to hit her she yet again disappeared into thin air.

"What the hell?" Kakashi asked looking around the clearing.

Tora reappeared by the tree lining for a split second before disappearing and then reappearing next to him, sending a forceful kick to his back and flinging him into a nearby tree as Raibyō shot another iridescent blue ball of electricity at him. The electric ball connected with Kakashi's stomach and sent massive shocks throughout his entire body causing him to stiffen as the blast sent him flying through tree after tree until he finally stopped.

"Fuck this." Kakashi growled pulling his headband up as blood dripped out of his mouth. "What the hell?" he whispered as he looked around the area to see small light blue pentagrams all over the forest floor.

Tora teleported to different ones causing his eyes to widen.

"So that's how." he whispered as the tiger jumped in front of him and electrocuted him.

He quickly jumped away from the tiger and summoned his ninja hounds to distract Tora as the tiger went after Rin and Anko. He knew that the ninja hounds wouldn't distract Tora for long, but he hoped that it was long enough for him to set up his trap. As soon as he was done he nodded to Pakkun, who ran past the trap. Tora, still distracted by the ninja hounds ran after Pakkun and stepped right onto Kakashi's trap. She was instantly pulled onto a tree where she was pinned with kunai and bound with string.

"Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu)" Anko yelled breathing fire onto the cord, it ran down the cord and caught Tora on fire.

The tiger ran at Anko, but Kakashi quickly kicked it in the other direction. Raibyō chose that moment to shoot another electric ball at Kakashi, hitting him and separating him and the others as Tora teleported behind Kakashi and tried to stab him with a kunai. Luckily for Kakashi he saw it coming. He spun around and grabbed her arm, just in time, electrocuting himself as he struggled to push her away. Anko could see that Kakashi was struggling to keep the kunai away from himself and knew that she had to do something fast. Trying to get rid of the tiger first she sent snakes into the ground, they quickly and silently burrowed towards the tiger and broke out of the ground, biting into Raibyō's legs and holding him in that spot. Rin finished charging up a tailed beast ball and shot it at the tiger, causing him to poof away as it also destroyed the pentagrams all over the area, destroyed Tora's lightning cloak, and destroyed the pentagrams that were stealing their chakra.

"Katon: Sen'eijashu (Fire Release: Hidden Shadow Snake Hand)" Anko yelled shooting fire covered snakes out of her sleeve to hold Tora down as Kakashi knocked her off of him with a punch to the face.

Without her lightning cloak Tora wasn't as fast or strong as before. As Anko's snakes held her in one spot, it was evident that no matter how hard Tora tried she wasn't strong enough to break from their bone crushing grasp. Rin took the opportunity to sprout three scaly tails out of her slender back, they pierced right through Tora. With Tora attached to the tails, they stretched up into the blue sky before slamming Tora down onto the hard dirt ground, killing her on impact.

~(With Asuma and Kurenai)~  

-Kirisuto and his leopard summon, Yukihyō

When everyone jumped down to attack, the long silver haired guy with metallic claws jumped at Asuma and Kurenai. Unlike the others, he didn't say anything. He ran and slashed his claws at them, Asuma attempted to dodge the sharp curved claws, but despite his efforts he got cut on his chest.

"Asuma, he hit you? I thought you dodged that..." Kurenai gasped.

"I did dodge it, he has chakra blades too." he sighed as blood ran down his chest.

Asuma fused his brass knuckles with chakra before punching Kirisuto in the face, slicing a small cut in his cheek. Kirisuto jumped back as soon as Asuma's hand hit him, he took the distance as an opportunity to shoot ice shards at them, creating an opening for him to perform some hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu." he yelled as a snow leopard appeared.

As the snow leopard appeared Kurenai summoned several clones, within seconds they all charged for an attack.

"Ressenpū (Violent Whirlwind)" he yelled before shooting a powerful stream of wind from his mouth, dispelling all of the shadow clones.

Kurenai attempted to capture him in a genjutsu, but no matter how hard she tried it wouldn't work. Kirisuto's snow leopard wasted no time charging at Asuma and Kurenai, shooting large blue ice balls at them. Asuma quickly pushed Kurenai out of the way as one of the frozen balls made contact with his back, sending him flying into the trunk of a thick tree.

"Fūton: Atsugai (Wind Style: Pressure Damage)" Kirisuto yelled creating a tornado-like mass of wind that compressed until it had a very high density and then released.

The wind pressure raised to its highest limit and hit Asuma and Kurenai, sweeping them off of their feet and sending them flying.

"Katon: Zukokku (Fire Style: Searing Migraine)" Kirisuto yelled mixing a large fireball in with the wind.

The scorching fire spread to Asuma and Kurenai, consuming them in flames before the compressed wind slashed at their bodies. Once the wind started to die down they began to crash towards the ground as the blazing hot flames continued to burn them. Before either of them could react to the distance they were falling, Guy jumped up out of nowhere and caught them before gently setting them down on the ground.

"Don't worry my youthful friends, I am here to save the day." he smiled.

"Looks like you took down Warui, too bad he was one of the weakest." Kirisuto laughed as a blue chakra cloak surrounded him.

"What's that?" Kurenai flinched as she forced herself to stand up.

"I don't know but I don't like the look of it." Asuma sighed pushing himself off of the ground.

Kirisuto laughed as he ran at them, seemingly invisible, he sliced at them repeatedly with his chakra covered claws. Unable to see Kirisuto, they were practically defenseless and Kirisuto knew that. He took the opportunity to shoot blue ice shards from the tip of his claws, impaling an unsuspecting Guy with them.

"Gate two. Gate of Rest release." Guy yelled breaking the ground around him as he ran towards Kirisuto, who seemed to match his speed.

Guy landed a punch on Kirisuto's stomach that sent him flying into a nearby tree. Kirisuto quickly recovered from the attack, only to get up and begin spinning around in circles.

"Fūton: Shinkūha (Wind Style: Vacuum Blast)" he yelled as he took a deep breath and exhaled while continuing to spin around in circles, causing the released air to compress into a solitary blade of wind that shot towards Guy.

Guy couldn't dodge the wind in time, allowing it to cut through him as it whirled around the area, slicing numerous spots on his body.

"Yukihyō, Blizzard." Kirisuto yelled

Yukihyō's eyes started to glow luminescent white before it started to sprinkle. The sudden precipitation started out as a light drizzle before it started to come down as a heavy downpour. The wind abruptly started to pick up and the temperature dropped drastically as the rain turned into sleet and then hail with the plummeting of the temperature. As the temperature continued to rapidly drop snow started to fall, but before anyone could even realize what was happening they were caught up in a complete white out. Yukihyō took the opportunity to shoot a light blue ice bullet into the ground, instantly freezing the grass and dirt. Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy started to uncontrollably slip and slide all over the ice, no matter how hard they tried they couldn't keep their footing or recover it once it was lost.

"Aisu tsukisashi bokkusu (Ice Impalement Box.)" Kirisuto yelled as Ice walls shot up from the ground to trap them in a box of ice.

Guy pushed Kurenai and Asuma out of the small ice box through the slit of an opening before it completely sealed off. Needle sharp spikes shot through every inch of the box, impaling Guy from every direction. The ice stained with crimson blood as an ungodly amount of blood pooled around the outside of the tiny ice box.

"Guy." Kurenai yelled before summoning clones and running at Kirisuto.

Never ending ice walls appeared in between Kurenai and Kirisuto right as she was about to stab him. An extraordinarily large spike shot out of the wall and stabbed Kurenai in the stomach, keeping her suspended in the air as her legs gave out.

"Kurenai!" Asuma yelled jumping towards Kirisuto.

Ice mirrors started to appear randomly around the snowy area allowing Kirisuto to blend into one of the mirrors. Asuma gently pulled Kurenai off of the spike and laid her down onto the ground before turning towards the mirrors. He quickly jumped at one of the mirrors attempting to break it, only for Kirisuto to jump out of the mirror and stab Asuma in the stomach with his sharp claws. As soon as his claws met Asuma's stomach he shot ice shards completely through him, leaving a baseball sized hole in place of where his fist was.

"You're all weak." Kirisuto laughed coming out of the mirrors to pet his snow leopard.

Asuma fell onto the ground, choking on his own blood as Kurenai slowly pushed herself up off of the ground. She stumbled a few times before finding her footing and miraculously holding herself up.

"Asuma." she choked as blood erupted from her mouth.

Guy could feel himself slipping in and out of consciousness, but he didn't care about whether or not he died. The only thing he cared about in that moment was finishing the fight and protecting his friends. He knew Asuma couldn't fight Kirisuto, they have the same fighting ability. The only difference he could see between Asuma and Kirisuto is that Kirisuto has more to work with. Kurenai couldn't fight Kirisuto, she's only good at genjutsu and she couldn't get it to work on him before. That only left him, he was the only one that could do something to end this fight and save his friends lives.

"Gate three. Gate of Life release." Guy whispered as the chakra around him flared up and his skin turned a bright tomato red.

Guy busted out of the ice box with a loud boom as shards of ice flew everywhere and appeared behind a shocked Kirisuto. Before Kirisuto had any time to react Guy kicked him into the air, continuously striking him at an inhuman speed. Once Guy had determined that Kirisuto had, had enough Guy delivered his final blow. His last strike was a powerful open-handed attack with a bone crushing kick all at the same time. Guy's attack sent Kirisuto crashing into the ground. Kirisuto somehow managed to get up from Guy's attack, before he could even react Guy appeared in front of him and kicked him through one of his ice mirrors. The ice mirror broke into shards that stabbed into Kirisuto as he crashed through them and slammed into the ground, pushing the shards deeper and deeper inside of him. Before Kirisuto could register what had happened Guy reached him and picked him up by the throat before throwing him into the air and appearing above him. Flipping so he was on his back, Guy brought his right foot down on Kirisuto's stomach, sending him crashing into the ground and killing him on impact. Guy, unable to stay conscious fell from the sky. Kurenai, finding enough strength to stand and move caught Guy to keep him from getting even more injuries.

"Thanks for the help Guy, you've done enough, rest for now." Asuma smiled limping over to Rin, Kakashi, and Anko who just got done with their fight. "Rin, can you heal Guy?" he asked as Kurenai set Guy down.

"Asuma, you could die, let me heal you first. Then you Kurenai." she panicked as she started healing them.


You're officially at the half way point. Sorry guys, I warned you though. It's ridiculously long. Take a break if you need to, pick it up later, whatever, here's a little break before the next one.


~(With Toru and Guy's team)~

-Tsume and his Wolf summon

When everyone jumped down to attack, the guy with the hood and ears jumped down by Toru and Guy's team.

They all took defensive stances as the man charged at them.

Tsume sent a punch towards Lee, but he met the punch with a strong kick. Tsume and Lee moved away from each other as Tsume clapped his hands together.

"Yōton Chakura Mōdo (Lava Release Chakra Mode)" he yelled as a lava cloak covered his body.

He jumped towards a defensive Neji and yelled "Yōton: Shakugaikōken (Lava Release: Scorching Armoured Fist)" before punching towards Neji's stomach.

Neji dodged the punch, but the heat from Tsume's cloak started to burn him, causing his arm to start to blister. Neji hurriedly jumped away from Tsume as Tenten threw numerous weapons at him and Toru attempted to distract him in hopes that one of Tenten's weapons would make contact.

"Summoning Jutsu." Tsume yelled summoning a large black and red wolf.

The wolf got into an offensive stance as Tsume nodded towards it. Before Toru and the others could register what Tsume was doing he began performing more hand signs.

"Yōton: Kagandan (Lava Release: Fiery Rock Bullet)" he yelled as a large lava boulder shot out of both Tsume and his wolf's mouths towards Toru and Neji.

Both Toru and Neji jumped away and dodged the lava boulders thinking that the attack was over, but it wasn't till the boulders hit the ground that they realized it was an attack inside an attack. When the boulders hit the ground they created a shock wave that Tenten got caught up in, the shock wave burnt her and sent her spiraling into a nearby tree. The ground around Tenten started to crack, causing her to begin to fall into the bottomless pit. Knowing that something had to be done, Neji jumped down and grabbed her while Lee and Toru tried their hardest to hold Tsume off. Neji jumped into a tree, finding a sturdy enough branch, and setting the unconscious Tenten down before narrowing his eyes at Tsume.

"Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms." he growled jumping at Tsume, "Two palms." he yelled striking two of his chakra points, "Four palms." he struck two more, "Eight palms. Sixteen palms. Thirty two palms." he continued to yell as he struck Tsume's chakra points leaving the most deadly for last, Neji took a step forward before slamming his open palm into Tsume's chest, "Sixty-four Palms." he yelled flinging Tsume through a bunch of trees.

Tsume flew through a row of trees before landing next to Kakashi and the others as Kurenai walked up to them. Neji gently picked Tenten up and laid her down next to Kakashi and the others while Toru effortlessly finished Tsume off by stabbing him with a kunai in his throat. Seeing the condition that Guy was in Lee rushed over to him and began to fuss about his injuries as if Guy were the student and Lee were the teacher. While everyone around them couldn't help but chuckle at Lee, Neji worried about Tenten.

~(With older Ino-Shika-Cho)~  

-Akumu and her Chimera summon

When everyone jumped down to attack, the pale girl jumped at Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza. The girl didn't say anything, instead, she charged at them with unbelievable speed.

"Kagemane no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Shadow Possession Jutsu)" Shikaku yelled as his shadow stretched towards the running girl.

"Hurry up Shika stop playing around." Choza lectured.

"Ummm. She doesn't have a shadow?" he mumbled before pushing Inoichi and Choza out of her way.

"What do you mean she doesn't have a shadow?" Inoichi asked in disbelief.

"Is that even possible?" Choza asked.

"I didn't think so...but apparently it is." he sighed, "This is troublesome."

Akumu slid onto the ground as she turned around into a crouching position on all fours.

"You two distract her while I observe and think about a solution to our problem." Shikaku sighed crouching down and putting his fingers together to form a circle.

"Alright." Choza shrugged.

Choza expanded his arm and swung at Akumu as she began charging at Shikaku. Choza missed her because she was too fast and easily jumped around him. Inoichi ran at her in an attempt to intercept her as she held her hand up to slash at Shikaku. Inoichi jumped in the way and blocked her attack with a kunai. Her long nails scraped against the kunai as she snarled at him, Choza attempted to attack her from behind, but she saw it coming and jumped out of the way. As soon as she landed she charged at the trio with her head.

"What the....What is she doing?" Choza asked jumping away from her.

"Shika, do you have anything yet?" Inoichi yelled dodging her attack.

When Shikaku didn't answer Inoichi huffed and threw some more of his kunai at her.

"Shihōhappō Shuriken (All Directions Shuriken)" Inoichi yelled creating twenty shadow clones while they all threw kunai at Akumu.

She dodged all of the kunai and jumped away from Inoichi leaving her back facing North. He threw more kunai at her, but this time she didn't dodge them, she jumped up into the air and deflected all of them.

"Do that again." Shikaku ordered.

Inoichi did it again and she deflected them yet again. Choza expanded his arm and swung at her, but she jumped to the side of it and spit venom into his eyes. Temporarily blinding him. Choza rubbed his eyes and fell onto his knee as she charged at him. She rammed into him causing him to fling towards the trees in the North, she quickly appeared behind him and kicked him South. Her kick caused him to smack into the trees before standing back up.

"Inoichi, I want you to use your mind jutsu." Shikaku smirked.

"What am I supposed to be doing in there?" he asked

"Figure out what she's hiding over there in those trees." he ordered.

Inoichi nodded and put his hands in a circle, facing Akumu.

"Shintenshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu)" he yelled as he projected his spirit into her body.

Inoichi's body started to fall, but Choza rushed over and caught it right before he hit the ground. Unable to keep holding him up and protect him at the same time, Choza leaned him up against a tree as Shikaku joined him in front of Inoichi. Choza and Shikaku watched and waited until Inoichi was back in his body.

"So?" Choza asked.

"That's not a person..." he trailed off, "Give me a minute, I'll find the girl." he sighed "Kanchi no Jutsu (Sensory Jutsu)" he yelled as he opened his eyes he pinpointed everyone's chakra signature in the vicinity.

He looked over towards the dense trees that the animal was guarding and noticed a chakra signature.

"The real girl is behind the trees over there, to the North. This is just a summon." Inoichi sighed.

"Good. Let's go kill her and end this." Choza sighed.

"We can't." Shikaku sighed.

"Why not?" Choza asked.

"You see that ball floating above the summons head? I'm guessing that's the girl watching us. We have to distract the summon and her visual while one of us sneaks over and kills her." Shikaku explained.

"I'll distract the summon, you two try to get the girl." Choza sighed.

Choza expanded his arm again and swiped at the summon, it jumped over him before he could hit it and rammed into his back knocking him onto the ground. Shikaku quickly ran over to the trees while Inoichi charged at the summon next. The summon easily smacked Inoichi away and charged at Shikaku, causing Shikaku to run to the other side of the path in an attempt to find the girl in the trees. While the trio were fighting and searching for the girl, Kakashi and the others watched in confusion as Shikaku ran to the other side of the path with the summon chasing him. Shikaku jumped up into the tree and kicked Akumu in the face, knocking her off of the tree branch before turning around and getting headbutted by her summon. With the sudden impact Shikaku flung through a couple of surrounding trees before landing next to Kakashi and the others. Akumu's summon poofed out of it's transformation and in it's place stood a chimera next to the visibly pissed off girl.

"Shika, are you alright?" Choza yelled, worry clear in his voice.

"I'm fine." he sighed standing up and waving to Kakashi and the others.

"Need help?" Kakashi laughed.

"Nope, you just keep on sitting there Hatake." he laughed over his shoulder.

The chimera charged at Shikaku as he was walking away from Kakashi and the others, but with the ball no longer lingering above the summons head, Shikaku quickly stopped and connected his shadow to it stopping it in it's tracks. Choza expanded his arm and channeled chakra into his hands before jumping up into the sky and slamming his hands down on Akumu, completely crushing her into the ground and splattering her metallic blood all over the ground. With her dead, the summon disappeared allowing all of them to visibly relax.

"Damn, I need a nap." Shikaku yawned.

"I need one too." Choza sighed pulling out a bag of BBQ chips.

"Does anyone know how my daughter's doing?" Inoichi panicked.

"No, but when I woke up Lee left to go help them." Guy shrugged.

"I think the ten of them can handle one guy, you don't have to worry Inoichi." Kurenai smiled reassuringly.

~(With Jiraiya and Tsunade)~


"This'll be over soon." he chuckled before creating a barrage of rasengan and charging at them, hitting both of them and sending them flying.

When everyone jumped down to fight, the sharingan user jumped towards Jiraiya and Tsunade. He smirked sadistically and created a rasengan before charging at a defensive Jiraiya. Rushifa connected the rasengan with Jiraiya's stomach and sent him flying into a nearby tree leaving Jiraiya struggling to stand. After struggling for a while, Jiraiya was finally able to find his footing and stand up. Tsunade took the opportunity to jump into the air and bring her chakra infused fist down on Rushifa who jumped away at the last second, sending Tsunade skidding across the ground. Rushifa created multiple shadow clones and had them all create their own rasengans before sending them charging at Tsunade and Jiraiya. Each rasengan created it's own mini explosion as Jiraiya and Tsunade dodged them and threw them into the ground. Seeing that he wouldn't be able to hit them with his rasengan like that, Rushifa activated his curse mark, allowing it to spread up his neck and down his left arm.

"Damn this kid's good, I can't get a hit on him." Jiraiya cursed.

"I know, we need to find an opening or we're done for." Tsunade panted.

"Chakura Kyuin Jutsu (Chakra Absorption Technique)" Rushifa yelled grabbing onto Jiraiya's arm, draining his chakra drastically before switching over to Tsunade.

When both of them collapsed from chakra exhaustion, Rushifa looked around to see all of his comrades dead or dying. His mouth hung open as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"How is that possible. Are they really that strong?" he whispered causing Tsunade and Jiraiya to look up at him.

When Jiraiya and Tsunade noticed the look of disbelief on Rushifa's face as he looked around they began to look around to see what the fuss was about. That was when they noticed Kakashi and the others in a corner of the forest with the older Ino-Shika-Cho group finishing off the chimera and Akumu.

"The ninja of the Village Hidden in the Leaves shouldn't be underestimated. You may be strong but are you willing to fight all of them by yourself?" Jiraiya asked.

"What are you talking about?" Rushifa asked.

"They're all going to die. I'll admit you're strong, but that's expected of a leader right?" he smirked.

Jiraiya's smirk slowly faded as Rushifa started to laugh a deep guttural laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

" think I'm the leader..........That's a good one....I'm nowhere near as strong as he is...." he laughed uncontrollably.

"What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked standing up but fell back down from exhaustion.

"Our leader is probably stronger than all of you combined. Too bad, I'm not sticking around to find out who wins, though, It'll be a miracle if you guys do. Whoever beats him is truly unbelievable, they'd have to be like a god." he smiled proudly.

"What do you mean you're not sticking around?" Tsunade asked.

"I realized this was a death mission for most of us. I also realized that I'm not strong enough to kill you two and quite frankly, I don't want to kill you two. I'm done playing Orochimaru's games. I'd rather fight one Sannin anyday than fight two. That's just common sense, if he comes after me I have a better chance of surviving a fight with him than with you two. See ya around, if you don't die that is." he waved before jumping away and fleeing deep into the forest.

"Wait, If he's not the leader, than who is?" Tsunade asked causing Jiraiya's eyes to widen.

"We have to tell Kakashi and the others." he panicked as they shunshined to where Kakashi and the others were sitting.

"You guys are done?" Kurenai asked.

"That wasn't their leader. He ran away after telling us his leader was like a god." Tsunade explained.

"What? There's no way Yoshiro or the genin can handle their leader. Dammit we're all too exhausted to fight anymore, we wouldn't even be able to help, we'd just get in the way." Kakashi growled.

~(With Yoshiro)~

-Kuro and his panther summon, Shi.

When everyone jumped down to attack, the long bright red haired guy leaped at Yoshiro. Yoshiro quickly dodged the attack and jumped out of the way as Kuro slid on the ground on his hands and knees before leaping up and clawing at Yoshiro with another attack.

"What the heck? Is this guy even human?" Yoshiro whispered to himself as he jumped out of the way of his claws.

Kuro's claws created a sharp wind blade that shot forward and cut a single tree into five different pieces all at once. Yoshiro took a quick step back causing Kuro's bright red ears to twitch. Kuro turned and faced Yoshiro, smiling sadistically, just to show off his razor sharp canines. Yoshiro looked at him and turned his head to the side in confusion as Kuro let out a deep animalistic growl before leaping at him. This time instead of dodging the attack and jumping away, Yoshiro pulled out a kunai and blocked Kuro's claws before kicking him through a nearby tree and sighing in frustration as the human beast got back up with a playful smirk.

"Summoning Jutsu." he growled summoning a panther with purple markings on it.

The panther rubbed up on Kuro lovingly like a pet cat wanting it's owner's attention. However, unlike a pet cat, Shi was creating an acid cloak on Kuro while he was rubbing up on him.

"Lets play Shi." he smirked before both Shi and Kuro leaped at Yoshiro.

Yoshiro jumped away as Kuro and Shi slashed their claws at him. Without fully realizing what was happening Yoshiro's chest was cut by the wind. The strength of the wind flung him into a nearby tree as four purple slashes flew towards him from the panther. Yoshiro quickly mustered up what strength he could in a short amount of time and jumped out of the way at the last second, causing the purple slashes to connect with the tree, instantly disintegrating it.

"Acid." Yoshiro whispered as Kuro leaped at him with a kunai in hand.

"Acid blade." Kuro yelled slicing the blade through the air, giving it a purple acid coding around it as acid shot off of it in Yoshiro's direction. "Shi, spinning chakra blade." Kuro yelled causing the panther to jump up and swing its long black tail in Yoshiro's direction.

a bright purple chakra blade shot off of the panther's tail, destroying everything in it's path as it made it's way to Yoshiro. Yoshiro hurriedly jumped out of the way of the blade, but it followed him like a heat seeking missile. Yoshiro desperately repeatedly dodged the blade before running behind Kuro, the blade stabbed into Kuro's back imbedding itself there. Kuro stumbled a few steps forward before narrowing his eyes at Yoshiro.

"You'll pay for that." he growled spraying acid all over Yoshiro, Yoshiro screamed out in pain as it melted his skin off.

"San nīdoru ame (Acid Needle Rain)" he yelled throwing senbon needles into the air.

Acid started to rain down around the area, melting the ground and trees as the needles absorbed it.

"Sukyattā." Kuro yelled causing all of the needles to fling down into the ground.

Yoshiro created numerous shadow clones and used them as a shield so he could avoid being struck by the poison needles. When all of the clones had poofed away he looked around to see small craters in the ground where the acid had corroded the earth.

"Shi smoke bomb, we're finishing this." he growled.

Shi shot dark purple smoke out of his mouth, filling the entire area around them with poisonous gas. Yoshiro's eyes started to burn as he started to cough uncontrollably, falling to the ground as he lost control of the muscles in his legs.

"Now, acid balls." he yelled as the panther created large swirling acid balls.

Shi shot the large swirling acid balls into the poison smoke, missing Yoshiro each time he shot them.

"Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)." Yoshiro yelled dispelling the poison smoke.

"End this, now." Kuro ordered as they both started running towards Yoshiro.

Yoshiro dodged their claws and wind blades before he kicked the panther across the vast area, flinging Shi through a couple of trees before he skidded to a stop. Kuro dodged Yoshiro's punch and grabbed his arm, digging his sharp nails into it and secreting poison into his bloodstream. Gut Wrenching pain ran through Yoshiro's body as the poison started to move, but he had no choice, he had to overlook it. Gritting his teeth to keep the pain at bay, Yoshiro threw Kuro against a tree and kicked him repeatedly until he flew over by Kakashi and the others.

"Dammit." Yoshiro growled shaking his head to try to fix his blurry vision.

Kuro abruptly stood up and brushed the wood off of him as he held his arms up and created a large black chakra ball before shooting it at Yoshiro. Yoshiro was barely able to dodge it, but somehow found the strength to run up to Kuro take one of his kunai out and stab him in the stomach. Satisfied with the blood coming out of the corners of Kuro's mouth, Yoshiro tore the kunai out and created a mini rasengan before forcing it into Kuro's stab wound. The mini rasengan swirled around inside of Kuro, twisting his organs around before blowing him up and shooting blood and body parts everywhere. Kakashi and the others stared wide eyed at Yoshiro as he slowly walked over to them smiling and covered in blood while body parts fell from the sky and blood rained down behind him.

"Yoshiro, was he hard to kill?" Tsunade asked.

"Not too bad, the acid was annoying as hell though." he growled "Why?" he asked furrowing his brow.

"Then that means...." Tsunade trailed off.

"I have to go save my daughter." Inoichi panicked struggling to stand up.

"Why, what's going on? I'll get them." Yoshiro asked.

"They're trapped in that black ball with the leader." Kakashi explained.

"Don't worry, I'll get them out." Yoshiro nodded before running off towards the black sphere as orange chakra started to explode out of it.

"Naruto." Kakashi whispered with wide eyes.

~(With the rookie nine)~


When everyone jumped down to attack the child jumped in the middle of the rookie nine.

"Hi! I'm Surota." he smiled.

When no one answered him he frowned.

"That's kinda rude." he pouted. "Wanna play a game?" he smiled.

"Being a ninja isn't a game you idiot." Sasuke growled.

"That's not very nice." he pouted.

"You're our enemy, why would we be nice?" Kiba growled.

"I thought maybe we could play a friendly game of tag or something." he pouted as a black chakra cloak surrounded him. "Is there something wrong with me? Why don't you guys want to play?" he narrowed his eyes, shooting a black chakra bolt at Sasuke and Kiba.

Sasuke and Kiba jumped out of the way of the black chakra bolt, Sasuke tried to kick Surota while Kiba and Akamaru tried to tag team him. Despite their efforts Surota grabbed Sasuke's leg and flung him into Kiba before kicking Akamaru across the area, flinging him into a tree.

"Akamaru." Kiba yelled trying to get up and run after him but Surota pointed his daggers at Kiba and shot a small black ball of electricity out of the tip.

Hinata quickly pulled Kiba out of the way before getting into a fighting stance of her own as she shielded him from Surota's attacks as he ran to check on Akamaru.

"Why do girls always have to ruin the fun. Just stand on the sideline like a stupid cheerleader." he growled appearing directly in front of Hinata before punching her in the face and releasing some of his pitch black chakra cloak onto her, flinging her into a nearby boulder.

His black chakra cloak spread all over her body as she fell to the ground and began choking. Hinata was desperately gasping for air as the once bright green grass and trees around her started to burn and turn a dead brown.

"What did you do to her?" Kiba asked picking up an injured Akamaru before setting him down by an unconscious and barely breathing Hinata.

The chakra cloak absorbed into Hinata's skin as if it were merely lotion causing her to let out a strangled whimper.

"Hinata." Kiba panicked kneeling down and attempting to shake the Hyuga girl. "Hinata, wake up. Please open your eyes." he yelled, tears forming in his eyes.

"K-Kiba?" Hinata whimpered.

"That's it, open your eyes." he whispered pulling her head onto his knees and running his fingers through her hair.

"Kiba, is she okay?" Shino asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I think so." he yelled "Akamaru, watch over her." Kiba growled shaking the tears from his eyes as he gently laid her back down onto the ground and got up.

Kiba charged at Surota, but before he could make it anywhere near him Shino grabbed his arm, stopping him dead in his tracks. Kiba turned to look at Shino with a murderous look on his face.

"Don't be stupid, you know you can't fight him by yourself. Don't be reckless or you'll get all of us killed. We have to study him first." he sighed.

Kiba nodded in understanding as Shino's bugs surrounded Surota. However, instead of doing any damage what so ever the bugs slowly fell to the ground, paralyzed by Surota's black cloak.

"I hate bugs." he whispered glaring at Shino as his blood lust spiked.

"I'll hold him, you guys try to find out more information about him." Shikamaru sighed using his shadow possession jutsu to keep him from moving.

Surota's bandages wrapped around Shikamaru's hands and flung him through a nearby tree, breaking the jutsu.

"Shikamaru." Choji yelled before narrowing his eyes at Surota. "Nikudan Sensha (Human Boulder)" Choji yelled after using the expansion jutsu and tucking his arms and legs in as he used his chakra to propel himself towards Surota.

Surota laughed as his bandages hardened before slamming into Choji and hurtling him into Ino and Sakura. The three were shot back, breaking through numerous trees before skidding to a stop on the hard ground.

"Sakura." Naruto yelled throwing a couple of kunai and shuriken at Surota as the ground underneath of him cracked and one of Naruto's shadow clones jumped out of the hole, sending an uppercut to Surota's chin, "You really thought I'd just sit here and do nothing?" Naruto smirked deviously.

"Is that all you've got?" Surota smirked as his bandages grabbed Naruto's clone by the arm and threw him at the real Naruto, "You're all pathetic" he chuckled as Naruto flung through a boulder and slammed into a tree.

"Bastard." Sasuke growled.

"All I want is to play tag. Is that too much to ask for?" he pouted.

"Stop playing around, this isn't a game you idiot." Sasuke growled as the others slowly made their way back to where Sasuke was.

Hinata slowly and carefully pushed herself up off of the ground and joined the others with Akamaru.

"Fine, I'll make you play." he smirked. "Kyūkyoku no sunpō (Ultimate Dimension)" he yelled creating a large dome around them that completely blocked out the sun.

It looked like the moon and stars were behind the now floating Surota.

"How do we get out?" Ino asked, her eyes growing wide as panic flooded her instincts.

"Is this a genjutsu?" Choji asked.

"Release!" Sakura whispered before continuing, "I don't think so..."

"What do you guys think? Do you like my Ultimate Dimension?" Surota smiled.

"I'm leaving." Kiba growled walking through the seemingly never ending darkness.

"Not so fast." Surota laughed throwing his dagger and cutting Kiba's right cheek before pulling a chakra infused string and catching it as it flung back at him. "Lets play tag first." he smiled throwing one at Sakura and another at Hinata.

Naruto pushed Sakura out of the way of the dagger and got stabbed in the stomach, while Hinata jumped out of the way.

"Looks like you're it blondie." Surota smiled sadistically before yanking on the chakra string attached to the dagger.

"I'm not playing your stupid games." he whispered as the dagger was ripped out of his stomach.

Surota licked the blood off of the dagger and smiled wickedly

"You taste just like a demon. I think Apollyon would like you.....What was your name?" he asked tilting his head to the side.

"Go to hell." Naruto growled through clenched teeth.

"That's too bad, we could have been good friends." he frowned as Naruto jumped up and punched right through him.

"What the hell? How?" he whispered in shock.

"I already told you, this is my ultimate dimension, I'm immortal here. You can't touch me here." he smiled.

"Konoha Senpū (Leaf Hurricane)" Lee yelled kicking through the dimension and going straight through Surota. "I thought I hit him? What happened?" he whispered in disbelief.

"He's immortal here. You can't touch him, we have to get out to be able to fight him." Naruto sighed in exasperation.

"Really? I'm useless here." Lee whined before turning to Sakura. "Sakura, my eternal cherry blossom, I promise I will get you out, even if it costs me my life." Lee vowed.

"No thanks, Sasuke will get me out." she smiled lovingly at Sasuke.

"Hn." he muttered turning away, only to be stabbed in the shoulder by the dagger.

"You're it." Surota laughed as Sasuke was electrocuted.

Sasuke fell onto the ground, clutching the dagger as more and more shocks were being sent through his body.

"Dammit." Sasuke growled ignoring the electric shock he was receiving and tearing the dagger out of his shoulder.

"Let's play a dodging game now."Surota narrowed his eyes, shooting small black electric chakra balls at everyone.

One of the black electric chakra balls almost hit Sasuke, but Shino quickly pushed him out of the way. Shino didn't have time to react before one of the electric chakra balls hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground before starting to choke and continuously being electrocuted.

"Shino." Kiba yelled.

"Now die." Surota smiled throwing one of his daggers at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, watch out!" Naruto yelled as Shino pulled Sasuke to the ground.

Even after being pulled to the ground by Shino, Sasuke was still left vulnerable. Shino, not wanting one of his comrades to get injured quickly jumped up and began to push Sasuke further down onto the ground. The dagger Surota threw at Sasuke pierced Shino in the back, electrocuting him as Surota's black chakra ball hurtled into him. Shino, unable to withstand all of the electrocution and attacks began to cough and desperately gasp for the air that was knocked out of him. As he was attempting to push himself up, Surota appeared in front of him and kicked him in the face. The power behind Surota's kick sent Shino flying into one of the walls, electrocuting him as soon as he made contact.

"Shino, you idiot, why would you do that for me? Don't die...say something." Sasuke yelled as Shino's hand fell to the ground.

"You bastard." Naruto growled with tears in his eyes as the Kyuubi's chakra started to seep off of him.

"Me? I'm not the one that got in the way." Surota laughed.

"I'll kill you." Naruto growled as his eyes turned blood red.

"N-Naruto...." Sakura whispered as the others backed away from him in fear.

"You're going to kill me?" Surota laughed sadistically.

"How dare you. I'll tear you to shreds." Naruto yelled jumping towards him only to be slammed onto the ground.

"Who were you going to kill? You're weak. Try again little Fox, this time I'm down here." Surota laughed.

"Damn you." Naruto growled jumping at him and slashing at him with his razor sharp claws.

Naruto's claws went straight through Surota as he stabbed Naruto with his dagger and fused chakra through it, electrocuting Naruto as soon as it made contact with him.

"Damn you." Naruto growled falling to the ground.

"No. Damn you. Damn you all to hell." Surota laughed mockingly.

Naruto stumbled back a couple of steps, but quickly regained his balance as the red chakra bubbles seeped out of his skin and caused a dense fog of chakra to form around him, healing all of his wounds in the process.

"Stay down." Surota growled kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying into Sasuke, causing both of them to fling into the wall and get electrocuted.

"This is fun! Who's next?" Surota smiled as Naruto fell to the ground unconscious and Sasuke stumbled, trying to regain his balance.

"I'm done playing your games." Sasuke growled struggling to stand up.

"Sasuke don't. He's too strong." Sakura cried.

"I'm way out of your league. You are nothing compared to me." Surota laughed kicking Sasuke against the wall of the dimension again, burning his back even more as he was electrocuted again. "This is the end for you." he growled throwing his dagger at him.

Yoshiro suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke at the last minute as a loud popping sound was heard throughout the dimension. Yoshiro's left elbow was twisted completely around so it was facing the opposite direction, he gritted his teeth as the dagger entered him and he was electrocuted by the black chakra ball that was fused through it.

"Don't be so quick to give your lives away, you're just children." Yoshiro sighed looking down at Shino.

Yoshiro's bandaged eye started to glow a luminescent white as he put his hand on Shino's chest.

"He's still alive, good." he smiled before clenching his teeth as he transferred the wounds to his own body. "I'm gonna get you all out of here. When I tell you to go, go. Don't ask questions. There's a hole straight that way, I'll distract him and you get everyone that's conscious out. When everyone makes it out, throw a paper bomb in here to let me know you're all safe, then I'll get Shino and Naruto out and try to lure this bastard out before finishing him off, can you handle that you Uchiha brat?" he asked through gritted teeth as he pointed towards the direction of the hole.

"Why? What's the point? He's just going to kill you anyway. You're too weak to fight him." he sighed.

"Duckass, if there's one thing I learned from Ita, it's that Uchiha's are loyal. You may not feel that way about your brother but I promise I'll explain that to you one day. Right now I need you to turn into a leader and lead your comrades out of this damn Kekkei Genkai. I know it's a lot of responsibility but you're the best man for the job. I hate to say this but they need you right now. Get them out of here. Do you understand?" he sighed.

Sasuke nodded in understanding and stood up.

"Alright everyone, get ready." Sasuke ordered.

"Okay, Go." Yoshiro grunted as he grabbed onto the dagger and got electrocuted.

"What a touching speech you gave there, I was almost in tears." Surota laughed as he threw the daggers at Yoshiro, before a large black cloud formed above him.

He reached his hand inside the floating cloud and pulled out a long, thick black blade.

"This is one of my favorites." he laughed before pointing it at Hinata. "Die." he laughed as a large white ball charged up on the tip of it.

"Watch out Hinata." Yoshiro yelled as the ball shot towards her. "Crap." he growled running towards her and tackling her onto the ground causing the ball to hit the wall and send a large shockwave through the dimension, shocking everyone. "Keep moving towards the exit Sasuke." he growled as Surota appeared next to him and slammed his face into the wall, synging his hair and burning his face as he was electrocuted.

"You're all so weak. I thought maybe you'd be a challenge, I mean you did beat Kuro, I guess I was wrong. Kuro was just weak. That's disappointing." he pouted throwing his large black blade at the exit hole.

"Dammit, we're trapped." Sasuke growled.

"Nara, use that brain of yours to make a strategy, look for a way out or a weakness....Something that we can use. Everyone else try to move that sword so you can all get out." Yoshiro ordered.

Sasuke grabbed onto the sword and got electrocuted, but he continued to pull up on it. Kiba nodded to Yoshiro as he too grabbed onto the sword, getting the same results as Sasuke. The two continued to try to pull the sword out of the floor, as soon as the sword started to become loose Sasuke and Kiba dropped it, realizing that it had been slowly stealing their chakra the entire time.

"Dammit." Sasuke growled.

"Shikamaru, any weaknesses?" Kiba asked.

"None that I can tell. The only thing that's a little weird is that he isn't as transparent while attacking, maybe that means we can get a hit on him when he attacks, but I don't know if we should risk it. Any luck with the sword?" he asked.

"No, it's stealing our chakra now." Kiba sighed.

"This is such a drag." Shikamaru sighed.

"How long do you think he can hold him off?" Choji asked watching Yoshiro as he jumped in front of attacks that were sent at the ten of them while also trying and failing to fight back.

"Who knows, probably not long, his body will give out because of exhaustion eventually." Shikamaru sighed.

"Move aside everyone, I will get this sword out. If I can not get this sword out I must do 1,000 laps around Konoha on my hands." Lee smiled walking up the the sword and grabbing onto it.

Lee clenched his teeth as an electric current ran through his entire body. He continued to pull up on the sword and just as he thought it wasn't doing any good the sword slowly started to pull up out of the ground. Lee realizing that it was working gathered up all of the strength he could muster and threw the sword out of the exit hole.

"Alright, everyone out." Sasuke whispered so Surota wouldn't hear.

When everyone made it out of the dimension, they threw a paper bomb in. As soon as the bomb went off Yoshiro grabbed Naruto and Shino before teleporting out of the dimension. When they landed right outside of the dimension wall Yoshiro's right arm twisted completely around causing him to drop Naruto.

"We're out." he whispered as he was jerked backwards.

The colorful view of the setting sun blocked Yoshiro's vision of everyone's faces as he realized that he was being pulled back into the dimension he quickly dropped Shino onto the ground next to Naruto.

"Don't interfere. This is my fight." he yelled as he was pulled back in.

"Yoshiro, try to hit him while he's attacking. I don't know if it'll work for sure but it's worth a shot." Shikamaru yelled.

"Thanks Nara." he yelled before disappearing in the black sphere.

"Ooh, that looks painful." Surota smiled wickedly snapping Yoshiro's right arm and left elbow back around to face the right directions.

Yoshiro kicked him in the face, sending him flying into the dimension wall.

"My turn." Surota growled coming out behind him and slashing him with a scythe.

"My turn." Yoshiro smirked grabbing onto him and teleporting them out of the dimension.

~(With the rookie nine.)~

Sasuke picked up Naruto who was starting to stir while Shikamaru picked up Shino. They quickly headed over to where Kakashi and the others were and sat Naruto and Shino down.

"Did you guys win?" Kurenai asked in disbelief.

"No, Yoshiro's still fighting. He said this is his fight and not to interfere." Sasuke sighed.

"Why do you look shocked Kurenai?" Kiba asked as everyone else sat down by them.

"That kid is their leader." she whispered.

Everyone's faces paled as they saw a bright light flash and Yoshiro appear outside of the dimension with the child. Yoshiro kicked Surota away from him before jumping back a few feet.

~(With Yoshiro.)~

"Yoshiro." Ino yelled from by Inoichi.

"Oh, do you want to play little girl?" Surota laughed tilting his head and looking at Ino, firing a small black electric chakra ball at her.

Yoshiro appeared in front of the black chakra ball, taking the full force of the hit while his index finger bent completely backwards and snapped in half protruding from his skin.

"I'm your opponent bastard, leave her out of this." he growled.

Naruto woke up, but couldn't muster up the strength to stand. He slowly looked around, his eyes widening as they landed on Yoshiro and Surota.

"Yoshiro, he's too strong, don't fight him." Naruto yelled.

"Little fox is awake." he smiled. "Come play with me little Fox!" he smiled patting his leg in a 'come here boy' motion.

"I already told you, I'm your opponent." Yoshiro growled kicking him into a tree.

"That wasn't very nice. If you wanted to play, all you had to do was ask." he grumbled while doing some quick hand signs, "Meiton: Kyūketsukō (Dark Release: Inhaling Maw)" he yelled forcibly extracting the physical and spiritual energy from Neji from a considerable distance, absorbing it into the upper square of the mark on his left hand.

Kakashi threw a kunai at him, breaking the connection.

"Meiton: Jajimento (Dark Release: Judgment)" he yelled converting the absorbed from Neji into light blue flames, turning it back on Yoshiro with amplified strength to blow him away. The flames expelled through the lower square of the mark on his left hand.

Yoshiro desperately tried to jump out of the way, but was too slow. He was blasted through a row of trees before skidding across the ground. He jumped to his feet and quickly looked around the area, unable to see Surota.

"Where the hell did he go?" he whispered.

"Shadow shuriken." Surota's voice echoed through the wind.

Yoshiro frantically looked around trying to find Surota as he was impaled by transparent shuriken. He quickly threw shuriken in the direction that he was hit from, but more shuriken hit him from the other side.

"Dammit. Come out." he yelled.

"Wouldn't you like that." his voice echoed.

Yoshiro flung kunai and shuriken in every direction, deflecting incoming shuriken that he didn't see coming.

"You're really slow." Surota whispered from behind him.

Yoshiro whipped around only to be stabbed in the stomach with a kunai. He tried to punch Surota in the face but as soon as his fist was inches away from Surota he disappeared.

"Stop running you coward." he yelled.

"Fine." he laughed appearing behind Yoshiro.

Surota kicked Yoshiro in the back, sending him flying into a nearby boulder. As Yoshiro stood up and turned around, Surota disappeared into thin air.

"Stop teleporting." he growled in frustration.

Surota appeared a couple feet away from him with all of his comrades bodies.

"What the hell?" Yoshiro whispered.

"Wanna see something cool?" Surota laughed maniacally while picking up a kunai.

Yoshiro got in a defensive stance but instead of attacking him Surota mutilated his dead comrades bodies. He tore their heads off after stabbing them and cutting each of their limbs apart, throwing all of their organs around the area Surota smiled wickedly at Yoshiro as he was drenched in their blood.

"You ready?" he laughed.

The only thing Yoshiro could focus on was the look and scent of all of the blood around him. All of his other senses were drastically slowed to the point where he felt like he was in a drug haze. The metallic smell of blood was the only scent he could identify, Yoshiro's eyes grew wide as the only thing he could see was red. Everything around him was red and it was starting to make him feel sick as he wasn't able to focus on anything else.

"Watch this. Rise." Surota commanded lifting his hands into the air.

The blood on the ground followed his command and lifted off of the ground.

"Blood shuriken." he yelled causing some of the blood to morph into shuriken and fly at Yoshiro.

"Yoshiro, watch out. Snap out of it." Kakashi yelled as the others watched on in horror.

Yoshiro jumped out of the way at the last second, but as soon as he landed on the ground Surota smirked and made his hands into fists causing the blood to split up into small concentrated blood balls.

"Ketsueki dangan (Blood Bullet)" he yelled causing all of the blood balls to shoot towards Yoshiro.

Yoshiro dodged a bunch of the crimson blood balls, but one shot through his shoulder sending a searing pain through it. Blood pooled out of the wound and mixed with all of the blood being shot at him, as another blood ball hit him in the stomach. Yoshiro instinctively covered his stomach with his hands to try to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't working. He was starting to be able to taste the blood filling his mouth as he continued to dodge the incoming bullets.

"Ketsueki kanketsusen (Blood Geyser)." Surota yelled as Yoshiro stepped back.

A large boiling blood geyser shot up from the ground, raining boiling blood on Yoshiro. He screamed in pain and jumped away but another one would form wherever he jumped.

"How are you so strong?" Yoshiro whispered as the boiling blood stopped and the geyser died down.

"Since I'm going to kill you, I guess I could tell you this. I'm strongest at night." he giggled. "Isn't that cool?" his giggling turned into full blown insane laughter.

"That's stupid." Yoshiro choked as more blood came out of his mouth.

"Ketsueki supaiku (Blood Spikes)." he yelled narrowing his eyes at Yoshiro.

Blood spikes shot up off of the ground and impaled Yoshiro in the arm and stomach, causing him to spit up even more blood. Surota appeared behind Yoshiro and sent him flying into the air with an uppercut. As Yoshiro was in the air, the spikes began to cut deeper and deeper into his skin. Surota took that opportunity to appear behind him and punch him numerous time, shooting him farther and farther up into the never ending dark sky before kicking him in the head and causing him to plummet headfirst into the ground. Yoshiro rolled onto his back just in time for him to hit the ground. Blood shot out of Yoshiro's mouth as the air was knocked out of him, leaving him gasping for air and choking as blood started to fill his lungs.

"Lets end this, one final move." Surota smiled.

"I can handle that." Yoshiro choked struggling to stand up before conjuring up a black and red ball in his hand while Surota conjured up a pure black ball in his.

They ran at each other full speed, connecting the two swirling chakra balls and creating a huge explosion. Yoshiro threw a handful of shuriken and kunai at Surota before multiplying them as the two of them were flung to opposite ends of the area. Yoshiro flung through multiple trees before crashing into the ground while Surota broke through a nearby tree, stopping and falling to the ground when he hit another one. Surota looked up from where he had slid onto the ground and smirked.

"Looks like I win." he smiled before numerous shuriken and kunai imbedded themselves in his body. "Fine, you wanna play dirty, two can play at this game." he growled doing more hand signs "Summoning Jutsu." he yelled as a pile of burning dogs appeared with a demon on top of them.

-Surota's summon, Apollyon

"What is it that you need Surota? I was busy training my puppies." the demon growled.

"Don't be mean Apollyon. I need you to kill this guy for me. You can train your dogs with him." he pouted.

"You're so childish." the demon sighed before appearing next to Yoshiro. "This isn't even a challenge, why don't you do it yourself? Look at him, he's practically dead already." he sighed.

Yoshiro jumped away from him and got into a defensive stance.

"Wait, I just remembered. I'm not supposed to kill him, I'm supposed to bring him back alive." he sighed. "Do you think Lord Orochimaru would care if I killed him instead?" he asked.

"Who cares what that fool thinks. If you want him dead, kill him." the demon shrugged.

"Okay, kill him." he ordered.

"Fine." he sighed appearing behind him and putting a finger to his head.

Yoshiro fell to the ground and started to scream.

"What did you do to him?" Surota asked.

"Just showing him a taste of the past." he laughed.

"Like a genjutsu?" he asked disappointed.

"No you idiot, do you think I'm that weak? You think I can only summon illusions? Don't insult me brat. I'm making him relive it." he growled rolling his eyes.

Yoshiro's skin started to melt off, down to the bone but it regenerated and he shot up. He looked around the area frantically trying to catch his breath.

"Poo, it ended early." Apollyon pouted.

"Just kill him already, then finish off the others." Surota sighed.

"Why don't you?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.

"I'm tired. He cheated and I'm really upset about it. I'd really like to see that Uchiha brat die too. I'd like to see the look on Itachi's face when I tell him I killed his brother." he laughed.

Yoshiro narrowed his eyes at the small boy and ran at him, pulling a kunai out and trying to stab him only for his attack to be stopped by Surota's bandages. The bandages hardened and wrapped around the kunai before turning it around and plunging it into Yoshiro's already injured stomach, causing Yoshiro's curse mark to activate and spread down his arms, over his chest, up his neck, and onto half of his face. Yoshiro's bandages fell onto the ground, revealing his Yin Yang eye as he charged up the rasengan and mixed it with the chidori. Black chakra with red lightning streaks seeped out of Yoshiro as the killing intent rolled off of him in waves.

"This is getting interesting. Is he finally getting serious?" Surota smiled as Yoshiro charged at him.

Apollyon summoned a dog and it jumped in the way causing the rasengan chidori mix to collide with it's body. The explosion caused the dog to explode, flinging dog parts everywhere and spraying blood all around the area. Yoshiro appeared behind Apollyon, bringing his fist back to punch him, only for his punch to be blocked by Surota's scythe. Surota kicked Yoshiro, sending him flinging through a bunch of trees as his body was electrocuted and fried to a crisp.

"You almost hit me." he pouted as Apollyon appeared behind Yoshiro.

"So fast." Guy whispered as Apollyon grabbed Yoshiro with his long nails digging into his skin.

He held Yoshiro down as his demon dog skull's horns extended and stabbed into his neck and began drinking his blood.

"You bastard." Yoshiro growled kicking Apollyon away from him, ripping the horns from his neck.

"Sick 'em." Apollyon whistled causing all of his already summoned dogs to look up with drool hanging from their mouths.

They ran at Yoshiro, pinning him to the ground. Yoshiro screamed out in pain as the dogs caught him on fire while repeatedly biting into him and draining his chakra.

"Get off." he yelled creating a chidori and blasting all of the dogs away before stumbling and struggling to stand as he faced Surota.

"You're fighting me right now." Apollyon laughed appearing in front of Yoshiro and flicking him in the forehead, sending him flying into a boulder.

Yoshiro struggled to get up, looking up he noticed that the chain that was around Apollyon's neck had broken off. Apollyon smirked at Yoshiro before looking up at the sky. Yoshiro pulled a kunai out and took a stumbling step forward.

"Yoshiro, you won't win against a summon, especially not a forbidden one. You need to run, don't fight him." Kakashi yelled.

"Sorry guys, this is my fight. They're after me. Sorry you all had to get involved." he apologized before running at the summon.

Black scales started to float around Apollyon before shooting at Yoshiro. When Yoshiro dodged the scales they shot back towards Apollyon, cutting through Yoshiro from behind. The scales circled around Apollyon, deflecting every attack Yoshiro made towards him while slicing his arms and hands. The chain on Apollyon's left shoulder broke off allowing a large black and red wing to sprout from his back causing Yoshiro to fling back with a gust of wind. Yoshiro slammed into yet another boulder, falling to the ground before looking up to see Surota smirking at him as he lay in the grass.

"Dammit, I'm getting nowhere with this." Yoshiro growled to himself before teleporting behind Apollyon.

Yoshiro stabbed Apollyon in the neck with a kunai as his wrist snapped, he was smacked back by Apollyon's wing and flung through a row of trees. Apollyon grabbed a nearby hellhound before devouring it, ripping it to shreds and spitting it's bones onto the ground. Apollyon's stab wound healed as he continued to eat the dog, tearing meat off of their ribs and legs with his bare teeth. He didn't stop until the entire dog was devoured, leaving nothing but bones as proof of it's existence.

"How am I supposed to defeat a regenerating demon?" he growled in frustration as the chain on Apollyon's right leg broke off.

He appeared in front of Yoshiro and grabbed him by the throat before slamming him onto the ground.

"He's" Guy whispered as everyone watched the fight in horror.

"You'll pay for that you stupid mortal." Apollyon growled throwing Yoshiro across the clearing.

Yoshiro flipped into the air, kicking off of the tree he almost slammed into before jumping back at Apollyon. The chain on Apollyon's wrist came off as bones started to shoot from his arm. The bones shooting off of Apollyon's arm impaled Yoshiro before Apollyon grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the ground, creating a huge crater.

"Stay down you stupid mortal." he growled, venom dripping off of each word as his stomach started to collect red particles.

"No way. That can't be...." Rin whispered with wide eyes.

"What is it Rin?" Kakashi asked.

"I hope I'm wrong but that looks like the Tailed Beast bomb." she whispered.

Everyone's eyes widened in realization as Tsunade released her forehead seal, gaining more chakra. While Jiraiya started to meditate.

"Akuma Bakudan (Devil Bomb)" Apollyon yelled as the red particles formed a large ball that started to smash together and get smaller.

'This is the only way I'll be able to take both of them out. I have to do it no matter what.' Yoshiro thought as he teleported in front of Apollyon and drew his fist back.

"Yoshiro that's suicide, don't do it." Shikaku yelled.

Yoshiro turned his head and smiled at Kakashi and the others before punching the concentrated devil bomb and kicking away from Apollyon.

"Kuchiyose: Rashōmon (Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon)" Kakashi yelled summoning a large gate in between Yoshiro and Apollyon, to take some of the damage from the exploding devil bomb.

"Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Style: Mud Wall)" Jiraiya yelled creating a large wall in between Yoshiro and the gate, to take more of the damage from the explosion.

"Summoning Jutsu." Tsunade yelled summoning Katsuyu and ordering her to cover her and everyone else to protect them from the explosion.

The Devil Bomb exploded almost immediately after Yoshiro jumped away, leaving just enough time for everyone's jutsu's to work. When the gate and wall were summoned they instantly disintegrated and the blast sent Yoshiro flying through multiple trees and boulders before sending him crashing into the ground, creating a large crater. Yoshiro shakily pushed himself up, but fell back onto the ground as Tsunade and Kakashi shunshined in front of him.

"Take it easy Yoshiro." Kakashi panicked as he got a better look at his younger brothers condition.

"A-Are t-th-they...." he started but choked before he could finish and coughed up blood.

"Yeah, they're dead." Kakashi whispered.

"G-Good." he smiled before falling to the ground unconscious.

"Yoshiro." Kakashi yelled in panic.

"Don't worry, he's just unconscious." Tsunade explained with a worried look on her face. "He needs a medical ninja. I'll go get Rin, for some reason ever since that guy took my chakra, I haven't been able to heal. I think it might be a seal but I'm not sure." she sighed before shunshining back to the others.

She arrived a couple minutes later with Rin and healed some of Yoshiro's minor injuries.

"I don't have enough chakra, this is all I can do." she whispered.

Kakashi nodded in thanks and picked Yoshiro up, blood dripping off of him as he carried Yoshiro on his back towards the others.

"Is he okay?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, he just passed out from exhaustion." Tsunade lied, everyone knew she was lying but realized she was probably trying to make his condition sound better to keep everyone from panicking, so no one said anything.

"We need to find a cave to stay in until everyone's healthy again." Jiraiya sighed standing up.

"Naruto can you walk yet?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah." he said struggling to stand up.

"No you can't, don't force yourself." he sighed picking him up and putting him on his back.

"Shikaku, you grab Shino, Choza, you grab Guy, Inoichi, you help Asuma, Rin or Anko, you help Kurenai, and Neji, you grab Tenten. Lee you grab guys weights, everyone else just stay close and try to stay alert." Jiraiya ordered as they headed off towards the mountains.

They walked for a while in search of a cave, but it was already morning. The sun was making its ascent into the middle of the sky by the time they found a cave they could stay in. They made quick work of setting up their beds and sitting Shino, Guy, and Tenten down while Inoichi and Choji went out to get firewood. Kakashi put Yoshiro in his sleeping bag and sat up against the wall while everyone else got comfortable.

"Alright guys, who wants first shift?" Jiraiya asked. 

There it is guys, it's finally the end of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, besides it being super long. I'd love for you guys to tell me what you thought of it. Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Follow! Thanks for reading!

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