
By futurismfury

14K 690 60

Papa Emeritus III has reached his time to rule the Church. But the Ghouls aren't quite what he had expected. More

Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter One

1.6K 44 7
By futurismfury

"Wake up, little brother. It is your first day."
I didn't want to move. He was speaking in English, which was rare, but I still didn't want to get up. My bed was so nice and warm, and I knew that once I got out of bed I would have to take responsibility. I would have to finally become the next pope.
I felt something heavy smack my head. I let out a cry of pain and sat up. My older brother was standing there, fuming. He began to yell at me.
"Fottuto idiota! Che si sta per essere in ritardo e farmi sembrare ancora peggio di un esempio per quei demoni cazzo! Per una volta nella tua miserabile vita non puoi semplicemente fare qualcosa per me?"
I stared at him blankly. "Brother, you know I cannot speak Italian. At least insult me in Latin or English, please."
He glared, but sighed in defeat. "You will be late. Get dressed. Your... er, robes are on the chair near the wall. You have five minutes."
He exited, and I dressed myself quickly. The robes almost reached my feet, but stopped just by my ankles. I donned the tall hat over my dark hair, adding a few inches to my short height. I stepped into the bathroom to find a container of black and white face paints, along with a note from my brother.

"You know how to use these. Do not smudge, or you will look stupid."

Charming as always. I began to smear the cool, white paint onto my face. He would want me to replicate his paint, but I didn't want that. After all, he didn't match the first pope's decorations. Just because he was my brother didn't mean I had to do jack shit to make him look like a good influence.
"Less of an intimidating look, perhaps..."
I jumped, startled. The voice hadn't been mine or his, but there was no one else here. Maybe I had just imagined it, but it was a female voice. Clean and soft, but with a tiny bit of an accent I couldn't identify. Irish, maybe? Or was it Swedish like mine?
The voice had been right, though. Approachableness wasn't exactly my brother's strong suit. I applied the black paint to my cheeks and nose, and my upper lip. There. Perfect.
Once I was downstairs, I immediately noticed the look of disapproval that crossed his face. (He hated me and everything I did, but now I would be a higher rank than him in the Church. Suck on that, big brother.)
"We must go. You will be late."

I nervously tapped my foot as I waited outside of the sanctuary. My brother was talking to them- the Nameless Ghouls, that is. They aren't a particularly high ranking part of the Church, but I thought it was important to respect them. After all, they played the music that was integral to the songs from the band called Ghost. And soon, I would be their leader. And their lead singer.
The door cracked open and he slipped out. As soon as the door had closed behind him, my brother placed his hands on my shoulders.
"I know I am not always the kindest, but I have some advice for you, little brother."
I stared into his empty, soulless eyes.
"Be better... than I was. I will be so proud of you. I already am."
And just like that, he was gone. That was the nicest thing he had ever said to me. Ever.
I turned to the huge doors that led to the chapel. It was now or never.
I pushed them open and stepped inside, holding my head high just like he had instructed me to. I held myself with confidence and grace. Please, dear Satan, don't let me trip now!
I was at the pew. I stepped up and turned to face the five Ghouls who would accompany me onstage for the next period of time. They were all wearing their masks and uniforms, so I had no idea who each of them was. I tried to make out small details, but not for long. I had to make a very short speech now, introducing myself. It would be okay. Right?
"My name is Papa Emeritus the third. I hope I can be an unholy ruler, whilst still being fair. It is a pleasure to meet you all," I said, internally wincing at my Swedish accent. The Ghouls simultaneously stood up and filed out of their seats up to me, forming a line.
The first one took of his mask. He had dark brown hair and slightly tanned skin. His eyes were hazel, with flecks of green. He moved down onto one knee, making eye contact with me.
"My name is Fire, but I am often called Alpha," he said in a warm voice. His accent sounded American. "I hope I can be of service."
I wasn't sure if I should respond, when the Ghoul on the opposite end removed his mask and knelt as well. He had light blond hair and pale skin.
"My name is Air. I hope I can be of service." His voice was quiet and, well, airy. His accent was a soft British one, something that was quite relaxing. I liked it.
I nodded to him. The Ghoul next to Fire knelt and removed his mask. He had velvety looking brown hair and gentle blue eyes that seemed too kind to match his rugged, large build.
"My name is Aether, but I am referred to as Omega. I hope I can be of service," he said in a monotone, deep, rumbling voice with a heavy German accent. Something about him told me that he wanted to go back to whatever it was he had been doing before.
The Ghoul next to Air followed in suit of his fellow Ghouls. He was quite small, with fluffy brown hair and a sprinkle of freckles across his delicate nose. His eyes were emerald green.
"My name is Earth. I hope I can be of service," he piped in a sing-song voice. His accent was very Irish.
The last Ghoul was standing in the middle. He knelt and removed his mask. That was when I realized that he was actually a she.
The Ghoul had a puff of short, spiky curls that poofed out from her head. She had tan skin and brown eyes, but as the sunlight from the huge stained glass windows behind me shifted over her eyes, they seemed to flash sapphire blue.
"My name is Water. I hope I can be of service," she mused. There was something about her voice that sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. Maybe my brother had brought her home once as one of his little playthings. She might have talked to me while making pancakes, wearing one of his massive shirts. That was a situation that I knew too well. Anyways, her accent was strange, and rather neutral. Maybe Irish? Or a neutral Swedish accent?
"Sir, what are you staring at?"
I snapped away from my thoughts. Alpha had spoken calmly and carefully. I shook my confusions out of my head.
"My apologies." I turned to Water. "I was wondering, have we met before?"
She paused, pondering that. "Most likely. But I am not sure."
Yep, definitely made pancakes for me before.
"Thank you all for meeting me today. I hope I can get to know you all a bit. Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? My treat."
The Ghouls glanced at each other uneasily. I tensed up, nervous. "Is something wrong?"
Omega cleared his throat. "It is just that the Papas have never asked us to socialize with them. We are pieces of garbage to them."
I sensed silent agreement from them all. How tragic! The Ghouls were treated like nothing, yet they did so much.
"You are not garbage to me. I can assure you of that," I said gently. The Ghouls smiled at each other, but I noticed Water and Earth glance at each other uneasily.
These Ghouls intrigued me. And I knew that I would find a way to get to know them.

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