His Fierce Control (Liam & Co...

By Fiercestronghearts

162K 2.5K 317

Liam & Colina's story... I knew him all my life, I've loved him for a few of those years, but I walked away w... More

1. My loss
2. My Gain
3. My Innocent's
4. My Claiming
5. My Fight
6. My Strength
8. My Will
9. My Freedom
10. My Future
11. My Surrender

7. My Fall

12K 205 18
By Fiercestronghearts

Colina POV...         
"That was for your disobedience of running off when I told you to wait in my room!  You will obey Colina if it's the last thing you do," he shouts while squeezing my jaw tight.  He flings me away on the floor before I feel his hand in my hair.

          He dragged me over to the wall slamming my back against it.  He released my hair for a minute pushing me onto my knees with my back against the wall.  His cock is bouncing in my face and I'm such a mess I don't know what to do.

        Within seconds, Liam pushed his dick against my lips.  When I refused to open, he pinched and twisted my earlobe until I gasp. I felt numb as if I was watching my demise on TV, not actually living it.

      "Open up!" he hissed.

        I did.  With little regard, he jammed his cock deep into my throat. I gagged, and slapped him on the hips, but nothing could stop him.

        "Is this how you sucked there cocks, Lina? Did you love there cocks in your mouth, gagging, choking with tears," he spat out as he tangled his hand in my hair and pulled my mouth off and on his cock leasurly.

         His pace was relaxed as he used my mouth at first sliding in and out while fisting my hair. Once he found a rhythm he sped up making it more difficult for me.  To go faster he tightened his hold on my hair forcing me closer to his groin.

           His other hand was braced against the wall, his flat palm supporting his weight as he plundered my mouth again and again.  My tears were pouring down my face and I glanced up at him to see his head lull back in his own pleasure and panting hard. 

I doubled my efforts and actually swallowed him deeper wanting to end this.  That seemed to work as he slammed into my mouth harder.

        My head hit the wall with a thud.  He didn't notice, but bent his knees a bit on either side of my head and thrust into my throat, literally riding my mouth. Then just when I was sure to suffocate after all, it happened.  He released my hair and pressed his hips into me fully holding his cock deep in my throat with my head tight to the wall.

"Aaah, fuck," Liam shouted as he came hot and hard against the back of my throat, forcing me to swallow or choke.  I thought it would never end with the amount of fluid he was releasing as he made low sounds that was a mix of growls, grunts and a moans.

         Liam pulls is cock out of my mouth taking a step back. My throat is raw and sore along with my body. I look up at him with a good amount of fear and trepidation. He looks at me for a few seconds than I see him smile. What the fuck could he possibly be smiling about!

          "Go clean yourself up and get dressed we are going to dinner at Aleck's with my parents and Kenzy," he said. I just stare at him in shock. What the hell is going on. I'm not understanding any of this.

          Liam squats down in front of me taking my chin and lifting my face up to him. "My cock is the only cock that has been deep inside your virgin pussy," He whispered, gently, "You're mine now."

           I blinked a few times, my eyes welling up with moisture from a mix of emotions; I was pretty sensitive and all the new experiences and crazy emotions was probably getting to me.

       In a trembly voice, I asked, "You want me for your whore?" How could this be happening to me? How will I get out of this?

       "No, not in the least! I want you...completely....mind body and soul," he said as he released my face standing up. Tears were freely falling again, my lip quivering as I diverted my gaze from him to look towards the door. Where freedom could be. "You are mine now," he said with finality.

        "Now, go clean up and get yourself together," he said nodded at me to get up. I grabbed the wall using it to steady myself as I got up. Everything is so sore and my mind feels foggy with everything that's happened.

          As I walk away going to my bathroom to shower he said, "After you shower and clean up, get dressed quickly so we are not late."

        All the thoughts of the night before come back to me as I get in the shower. One thing he said I remember clearly "This changes everything" he said right after he tore through my virginity.  What did he mean by that? I've tried not to think about it deeply.

  I rinse myself off than shampoo my hair trying to remember everything he said. As images of him flash through my mind his words come back slowly...("I was your first, and I will be your fucking last,") I rinse the shampoo and start to condition my hair.

       I close my eyes leaning against the tile trying to remember ("Shut-up! I'm going to have what I should of had all along!") I gasp opening my eyes as his words ring in my head. What does he mean by that!

        I rinse the conditioner out of my hair as an image of his face comes into my head ("You. Belong. To. Me and Only Me!   "You. Are. Mine Now!) he said to me with determination. Oh my God! He just said that again to me! Does he think he owns me now?

Well clearly he does considering what he has just done to me. (I want you...completely....mind body and soul), flashed through my head. Oh, God! I'm scared to think of what that meant! He can't possibly think I'm going to be with him now! Right?

            I turn off the water, grabbing a towel drying myself off gently. My body is sore all over especially my ass.  I grab my lotion putting it on trying not to pay attention to the bruises on me.

            Wrapping the towel around me I open the bathroom door looking around. Thankfully he's not in my room, I hurry over to my closet grabbing a bra and panties putting them on in a rush.

        I grab a nice cotton wrap dress that falls to my knees and feels ok on my abused skin. I get the dress on just as Liam walks in my room. Ever hear of knocking asshole I'm thinking.

         I look up at him as he prowled toward me stopping about a foot away. Don't back up, don't show fear, I tell myself. He looks me up and down than smiled "Your almost ready I see. Good to see you can following orders Lina," he said lifting his hand to touch my cheek. I force myself to hold still and not flinch away. He runs his fingers over my sore cheek gently.

          "I hope you learned your lesson," he declared, dropping his hand to his side. "I'll let you finish getting ready. I'll be in the living room waiting," he said before turning around and exiting my room.

        Twenty minutes later I put the finishing touch to my hair and realized I did a great job. I look like any other day except I have a lot more foundation on than usually, but I blended it just right to look natural.

         Well at least now I won't have to field questions about what happened to me. I just have to get my mind on board and I'm set to go. Grabbing a pair of nice wedges from the closet I walk out of my room heading to the living room to get this fucked up show on the road.

        Walking into the living room I see Liam lounging on the couch watching TV. I look around and notice the picture that fell off the wall and the mess that was made with our struggle have been cleaned up. Good, It makes it easier to put the whole incident out of my mind like it never happened.

       I head to the kitchen to put the rest of the food away when Liam gets up from the couch. "I put the food away and cleaned up the kitchen, so your all good," he said walking toward me. I stop in the doorway turning around and nod my head.

        "Ok, I'll just get my shoes on," I say going to walk by him heading to the couch. He reached out grabbing my arm pulling me into his body. My lord he has gotten so big and muscular. I feel his arms slip around my waist to my back pulling me flush against him.

        I get nervous putting my hand up to his chest to keep some distance. I'm met with all muscle and warmth. I feel a heat come over me and pull my hand away as if burned. I look up at him and have a moment of horror as I realize I still find him incredibly attractive. My face heats up red in a deep blush when I feel aware of him as a man.

         He's looking down at my with lust and another emotion I can't place. "I do not wish to have to discipline you once more today Colina," he said in a husky voice. I nod trying to pull away a bit.

        He tightened his hold "But let me make myself understood. If you do not obey me or act up in any way this evening, I won't be so forgiving, I promise you that," he stated in a serious voice.

         With not much else I could do, feeling trapped in his arms "I understand, I will behave," I whispered hoping that that appeases him so I can get out of his arms. He places a kiss on my forehead before releasing me and I step back moving around him to put on my shoes.

        He throws his shoes on and motions me to the door. As he opens it and I walk through he stares at me like I'm prey.. "You look beautiful Colina," he said closing the door putting his hand on my back ushering me to his car.

     As we drive over to Aleck's I discreetly take a look at Liam behind my sun glasses. He has definitely changed from the handsome guy he was to an absolutely gorgeous man. His jaw has filled out to a squared chiseled look and his lips are fuller. His dimples on his cheeks are more pronounced and when he smiles...what the fuck am I doing!

         "Do you like what you see?" He asked throwing me a smile. I jump from the deep rumble of his voice. My face heats up when I realized he caught me looking at him. I just shake my head turning to look out the window.

        What is wrong with me! How can I still feel such attraction to him? It's even worse now that he's a man. A good looking viral man I might add. I mean his body is a work of art and a sight most girls would melt over.

       I think about him driving into me that night with such force and aggression. I cringe when I think of the pleasure I found along with the pain. My stomach knots up when I remember screaming his name as I had one of the biggest orgasms that I ever had. How could I have found pleasure...

        My thoughts are cut off as we pull into Aleck's driveway and I notice one of the guards wave. I wave back with a smile sitting up straighter until Liam grabbed my hand in a tight grip. I look over at him and see the tic in his clenched jaw and put my hand in my lap.

         I don't want to set him off again, I don't think my body or mind could take it this evening. He parks the car turning it off looking over to me "remember what I told you before we left, behave," he said opening his door getting out. I roll my eyes getting out also "I remember," I snapped out walking in front of him to the door.

         We walked in the door just as Kenzy was coming down the stairs. "Hey you, you came back for dinner?" She asked me with a question in her eyes which I ignored. "yeah, I wanted to be here for you. Plus we can hang for awhile after dinner," I say with a smile.

       "Good, we need to have some girly time," She said with a wink dragging me away from Liam into the dining room. When we enter Peggy, Aleck's housekeeper, cook, etc, is setting the table. Kenzy asked if she needs any help and she said "no, just call everyone in to sit." We leave to go get everyone in the living room but it's only Kenzy's mum Bonnie in there.

       Kenzy apologizes to her mum for being so mean earlier to her and they start to hug and make up. I'm happy for them because I think Kenzy will need her mum more than anything right now.

       "I just want to see you happy and settled with a good man," Kenzy's mum said looking at her with worry. I try to keep my look of disgust from showing. Yeah, like she would of been allowed to pick her own guy.

        Kenzy chuckled and said "Yes mum, I know but not everyone needs a man to be settled and happy." I gave a small cheer inside. "But you do sweetie, that's been your dream since you were a little girl," her mum said. And there you have it! It has been Kenzy's dream since she was little. I'm still sure she would of liked to pick the guy herself though. I cleared my throat "umm, where are the men? I will go get them for dinner while you two make up," I said with a forced smile.  I didn't want to hear anymore, I was trying to behave today.

       I leave the living room heading to Aleck's office since I'm sure that's where they are when I hear my phone ping. I look at my phone and see it's Derek texting. I open my phone and read his message
                        hey baby, I have to work late and get to
work early tomorrow so I'm going to have
to cancel tonight. I'm so sorry sexy!
Can we do tomorrow night and I will get
your favorite take out?'
       I smile to myself when I read it. Derek is such a hard worker and always so sweet to me. Plus he's sexy and strong with a good head on his shoulders. I don't think I've ever seen him lose his temper. I get to the office door texting him back quickly.
"Hey sweetie, I understand it's no
Problem. I have some things I have
to get done anyway. Tomorrow sounds
great. We can do take out a movie
and some much needed snuggling.
I miss you and can't wait to see you baby!
       As I put my phone away I hear Aleck laugh loudly "how she will take it, or if you can handle her when she finds out," he said laughing again. Then I hear Liam "Oh, I can handle her alright! I can't wait to have her under my control," he said.

       I wonder who there talking about? It didn't sound like Kenzy by the way aleck was laughing. Why did Liam's voice sound so determined? Poor girl who ever it is..I shudder, I wouldn't want to be under his control ever, I'm thinking as I knock then open the door telling them dinner is ready.

        We finally all sit down and start eating with Liam sitting next to me of course. Kenzy starts to apologize to her dad for being sassy and he smiles at her "It's all good, sweetie! I know your in good hands and that makes me happy," her dad said giving Aleck a nod.

           I look at Aleck's hand's and smirk looking at Kenzy, "yeah, good hands go along way," I said starting to chuckle which of course made her start laughing thinking of a private joke we have!

            We both find mans hands extremely attractive, so one day in one of our lectures we did a scan of all the male hands in class looking for the most attractive ones. We figured out the sexiest hands and they belonged to the professor who was about sixty seven and not attractive at all! We laughed all the way home at ourselves!

        While we are cracking up laughing Liam clears his throat squeezing my leg hard in a warning, so I yelp stopping my laughing. "When were you and mum going to the lake house this summer?" Liam asked his dad. His dad looks at his mum and she smiles "we were thinking this year taking the boat cruising around and letting you and Aleck use the lake house for the summer," his dad said with excitement.

           Go figure, it's not Aleck's house but hey since he's the owner of Kenzy now.. it's his decision. This is why I could never be with a man in the clan. They think like fucking cavemen.  "That would be nice, I'm sure we will use it right Aleck," Liam said looking at Aleck.

           Of course the Neanderthal had to speak. I look at Kenzy rolling my eyes letting her know I'm thinking the same thing. At least her and I are on the same page.  "Yes, we definitely will," Aleck said looking at Kenz. "Why, is that a problem Kenzy?" He asked instigating her.

      That's the other thing I can't stand about Aleck and Liam, both of them push there authority on you than when you push back they bite and take a chunk out of you.          

         "No, I guess it all up to the men if we do or don't go to the lake house, right?" Kenz said with a bite. I see Alecks face get hard and I almost laugh, but realize that wouldn't do me any favors right now.         

       "Actually your right Kenz, your learning fast," Aleck said with a smirk and my blood boiled. I have no idea how she is going to put up with a lifelong relationship with him. We finish dessert and I can feel my anxiety rising. As Liam's parents left I started to feel sick. Please God, I don't want to be alone with Liam yet..

          I think he heard me because next thing I know Liam and Aleck are going to the office to talk business and Kenzy grabbed me pulling me into the family room saying "good we can have some girl time."

        "So, what is going on with you and Liam?" she ask me as I sit down on the couch and she grabs the remote to the tv. "Nothings going on he is just being a dick cause he's afraid I will say stuff to you, and you will fight Aleck more of something," I said while sitting on the sofa looking away cause I felt my eyes tear up at her concerned tone of voice.

        "Colina you've been my best friend since we were five! Do you really think that's going to fly with me! You looked terrified when you dropped me off earlier," She said with her eyebrows raised!

         I knew if I talked about it, it would not be able to stay in the box I put it in, so I just shrugged my shoulders "I don't really want to get into it right now Kenz, I want to watch a movie and chill," I said with a pleading look. She stared at me for at least a minute than nodded her head and started searching for a movie.

         She almost made me cry because I know I can count on her to always have my back and she must of known it was something I can't discuss right now. She found one of our favorite movies (steel magnolias) and I was relieved to zone into a movie for awhile.

       It seemed too soon when Aleck came in telling Kenzy it was time for bed. I jumped up telling her I would see her later as I went to the front hall. Kenzy and Aleck went upstairs and I was standing there alone. I sat down in one of the comfy chairs and waited for Prince Charming...Not.

        I pulled my phone out of my purse seeing that I had a few messages from people. I text my friend Katie back letting her know I was alive. Then my mum telling her we will talk tomorrow. Then I opened a message from my brother asking me how I was doing. Hmmm, that's kinda strange. Then I see a message from Derek telling me he misses me and can't wait to wrap his arms around me tomorrow. I sigh with a smile going to text him back when my phone dies. Ugh!

        Liam comes bounding down the stairs with a duffle bag. "You ready to go princess," he said going to the front door. I role my eyes getting up grabbing my bag "I'm more than ready," I say.

       The car ride is silent which I'm thankful for. We get to my condo and I go to say goodbye, but he turns the car off getting out. Fuck, what is he doing? I open the door climbing out as he grabs his bag from the back. I immediately have a feeling of dread.

    "Umm Liam, what are you doing?" I ask. He turned around locking the car taking me by the arm "We're going inside getting undressed and going to bed," he said ushering me to my door. We get to the door and I stumbled as I came to a stop.

      "Umm, aren't you going home," I asked feeling flustered while I looked for my keys. I found my key pushing it in the lock opening the door. Walking in I drop my bag on the couch turning around "well," I said.

        He puts his bag near the door than shuts the door. "I already told you, we are going to bed," he said walking toward me. I jump back, "umm, yeah I'm Going to bed so you should leave," I said sitting down taking my shoes off.

       "I'm not leaving Lina," he said sitting on the couch to take his shoes off. "What, why," I said starting to feel anxious. I jump up from the couch looking at him.

        "Lina, I'm not going to argue with you anymore tonight! Go get ready for bed," he said standing up. At my look of horror he said "just to sleep, I'm tired and don't want to drive back tonight." Well I guess I understand that I thought as I walked to my room to change and get ready for bed.

         When I was through in the bathroom I came out to my room to find him laying on my bed. "Umm, I can get some pillows and make the couch up for you," I said walking to the linen closet to grab some bedding.

        "Lina! Come here," he states in a strong voice. I stop in my tracks turning slowly and when I see his face I blanch. I don't move as I'm thinking of ways to get out of this. "NOW," he said in a loud voice. I jump and start to move slowly toward the bed. Fuck, I need time to think and find away to get out of this without setting his temper off.

           When I get to the side of the bed he raises the sheets and comforter with a nod of his head. "Get in," he said. When I hesitate he sighs lifting the blankets higher "just to sleep," he said in a sardonic voice. What choice do I have I think to myself as I climb over him under the blankets and try to scoot to the other side quickly.

        He shuts off the lamp laying back down. I feel two big arms grab me pulling me into him tightly my back to his front. I gasp when I feel his erection poking my back. I don't move since I don't want another fight. I certainly don't want anything to do with the steel pole poking in my back. Right?

         My thoughts are so scattered as I lay here in his arms. My mind drifts off as my memories come back..

// "Hey, what are you two doing," Liam asked Kenzy and I as we are splashing around the pool. I look over to Liam and Aleck and My breath stops for a minute. God, he is so hot! He only has swim trunks on and his chest and abs are breathtaking. I feel those stupid butterflies again in my stomach as I look at him from his feet to his head. When my eyes meet his I realized he's staring at me and I'm caught drooling over him. He lifts his eyebrow with a smirk I immediately duck under the water to hide. I feel a splash right next to me as I come up for air and I gulp a mouthful of water. I start coughing and choking trying to swim to the side. I feel arms wrap around me lifting me up "hey you ok," Liam asked holding me to his chest. When my breathing gets normal I look up and nod at him. "Yeah, I swallowed your splash," I say feeling stupid. He starts to laugh and that's when I realize I'm still in his hold plasters to his body. I start to squirm and he tightens his hold "stop squirming baby, or you will be swallowing more than water," he whispers near my ear. I immediately stop moving as My face flames red.
"Hey Cole, are you ok," Kenz said popping up next to us. "Yeah, she's ok. She choked on the water from my splash," Liam said letting me go moving away. My heart was beating so fast and I felt hot all over. "Well, come on Cole we will lay out and dry off for a bit," Kenz said climbing out. I climb out behind her going over to the towel on the chair setting it up to lay down. I quickly put my sun glasses on getting comfortable in the chair next to Kenzy. I close my eyes, but I feel like I'm being watched so I open them looking toward the pool and I see Liam floating on a floaty just staring at me. I get the stupid butterflies again and look away from him rolling on my stomach. Why is he staring at me and what is that look he has in his eyes? I hope he doesn't know that I secretly lust after him or dream about him. //

       I snap out of my memories when I feel him shift behind me moving his hand up until it's on my breast. I can feel my nipple pebble and heat flood my core to my absolute shame. I hope he's asleep and can't feel it. I take my hand pushing his down off my breast and I hold it so he doesn't slid it up again as I drift off to sleep.

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