Makarovs New Student

By AngelHall6

5.1K 133 14

One day a little girl was dropped off on the steps of the fairy tail guild, Angelina was only 8 at the time... More

Welcome to Fairy Tail
A New Family
A New Family Pt. 2
Going away
Mount Hakobe
Jigoku Island
The Festival
Her Powers
Kaze Valley
Only A Short Job, I Promise
Raitoningu Temple
These tears
Their Adventures
The Harvest Festival
Ms. Fairy Tail Contest
Big Meanie Weenie

Hargeon Harbor

238 8 1
By AngelHall6

(Pic of the Salamander Faker lol) 

*Angelina's POV*     

The train I'm on rattles beneath my feet, after connecting with ice I went back down Mt. Hakobe, I didn't run into anymore Vulcan's, but I didn't run into Macao again either. It's too bad too because I really wanted to see him once more before I had to continue with my travels. "Hargeon Harbor!," calls out the conductor.
Hargeon Harbor, the only reason why I'm going to this place is that I need to catch a boat there to Jigoku Island, also for some supplies. The train screeches to a stop, the doors slide open and fellow passengers get off. I go to follow them when a small person collides with my side. Jumping I turn to find a small girl that looks to be about the age of 10 wobbling around trying to get out the door.    

"Sorry miss," she bashfully sighs gripping onto a nearby seat to steady herself, "I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm just a little motion sick."

I smile thinking of Natsu, he's the same way, always gets motion sick in any moving vehicle or moving anything now that I think about it. "It's alright, I have a friend like that, here let me help you," I hold out my hand, after a quick moment of contemplation she takes it. 

"Th-thank you," she blushes nervously as I help her off the train, once we're on the platform I make sure she's steady before getting down to her level and smiling at her.

"It's no problem, I'm Angelina, what's your name?," I giggle, she's so timid, it's honestly so cute.

"My name is Yami, it's nice to meet you," she smiles a little at me. Her outfit consists of a black dress with purple lace trimming, knee high white socks, and black Mary Jane shoes. She has very long dark purple hair and lavender eyes.

"It's nice to meet you to Yami, so where's your mommy?" the small girl quickly looks away from me with a frown.

"I don't have a mommy or daddy, but I have my kitty Eve," she turns around to introduce me to her cat, but freezes. "I FORGOT EVE!," she suddenly freaks out.

"Calm down I'm right here," a voice sighs from above me, curiously I look up only to find a black cat with purple eyes flying above us with a black dragon hair clip in her fur. WAIT FLYING?! ANOTHER CAT CAN FLY OTHER THAN HAPPY?!

"I'm sorry Eve I didn't mean to leave you on the train again!," cries Yami.

"It'll be okay, as long as you pet me and get me fish!" giggles Eve flying into her owner's arms.

"Okay!," Yami pets her cat gingerly on the head while purring resonates from the small creature.

"You two are so cute!" I gush reaching out and petting Eve myself. 

"Thank you! Your not so bad yourself lady!" beams the small cat. 

"Awe thanks, so why are you two in Hargeon?," I question standing again, I really hope she's not out here by herself with her cat. She seems too young to be by herself. Yet, she did say she didn't have any parents, maybe she's with a guild?

"We're here looking for a job and maybe some food, do you have a job for us Miss?!," Yami watches me expectantly, damn I don't want to disappoint her, but I don't really have anything for her to do. Also, I would feel really bad leaving a girl by herself. Guess she's not in a guild. I think over my options of what to do with her, I can't leave her by herself, and I can't take her back to Fairy Tail because I'm on my travels. Orphanages are also way out of the question because from what I've heard most of the orphanages in Fiore are terrible places and the closest guild that isn't Fairy Tail is still pretty far away.

"I'll do you one better, I don't want to leave you here by yourself so how about you join me on my travels? I'm going to amazing places all over Fiore and I'm sure you'll like them, and after we're done I can take you back to my guild, Fairy Tail, and you can join us!," I offer lifting my pant leg a little to show her my guild mark on my ankle.

Yami and Eve both look at me in awe. "Do you- do you mean it?! Y-you'll really take us in?!," asks Eve her eyes tearing, Yami just stares in shock also tearing. I gently nod my head yes, and they tackle me in a hug.

"Thank you so much miss!," cries Yami clinging onto my cloak. I look down at the small girl with a gentle smile, I'm sorry Master, I know I was supposed to do this mission alone, but it would be wrong of me to leave such a sweet girl on her own. I'll have to find her a cloak like mine though, she won't be able to handle the harsh elements where we're going.

"Please call me Angelina, miss is too formal," I chuckle, Yami merely nods excitedly and I take her hand gently in mine, Eve flies to sit on my head. 

"Okay Angelina, so where are we going now?!," Yami asks beaming up at me, I chuckle again at her no longer timid attitude, it must be once she gets used to someone she's more outgoing.

"A magical items shop, I need to get a couple things," I begin walking to the first one I see, Yami skipping next to me as we walk through the bustling streets of Hargeon. This is most likely the only shop in town since, Hargeons population is mainly humans, not mages. We enter the small shop and I immediately look around for what I need. Let's see here I need to get her a small cloak, a magical canteen so that way any water we bring won't evaporate, and maybe even a small item for Eve. The shop is quaint so it shouldn't be too hard find these things unless he doesn't have them. After a bit more searching I finally find a small bin with cloaks in it. "Yami, come here for a minute," I call over to the girl as she curiously walks around the shop.

"Coming!," she skips over with Eve following behind her. I pull out a lavender cloak that looks about her size, the magic radiating off of this one is the same kind that's radiating off of mine so hopefully, it's the right kind of cloak and it will fit her. Turning towards the dark haired girl I gently tie the cloak onto her small body. The lavender color brings out her eyes it looks nice on her.    

"What's this for?" she asks curiously taking the piece of clothing in her hands.

"It's a magical cloak like mine, the places I'm traveling to have the most extreme weather conditions so this will make sure none of them harm you," I explain, she stares in awe now at the clothing tied on her small body.

"What about me?! I want one too!" whines Eve. I giggle at the cats whining and go back to digging in the bin. Quickly I pull out a much smaller dark purple cloak and try it on Eve. "Purrfect fit!" she squeals hugging it to her body. 

"Yep, now give them back so I can go pay," I chuckle.

"H-huh? Pay?! You don't have to buy these for us Ange-sama," Yami looks down guiltily with Eve.

"Don't worry about it, like I said you'll need these where we're going and also consider these gifts for becoming my new friends!," I beam. Yami still looks a little reluctant, but eventually smiles handing her and Eve's cloaks to me. I take her hand and lead her to the store clerk Eve following behind us. In front of us, a blonde is arguing with the store clerk over the price of a celestial key, she must be a celestial wizard. The blonde is wearing a white shirt with blue trim, a blue skirt, black boots, and there are a key pack and whip attached to her belt. Eventually, the blonde agrees on a price on the key.   

"Thank you come again!" calls the shop keep as she leaves. She mutters something along the lines of 'never,' and exits. I giggle and place the cloaks on top of the counter along with the canteen.

"How much?," I ask taking out my pouch full of jewels.

"That will be 500 jewels," he chuckles. Only 500 jewels for both cloaks and the canteen?! What a steal! Way lower than what the blonde paid.

"Okay, here you go," I hand him the jewel which he takes gladly, and pushes the cloaks back into my hands.

"Thank you come again," he calls as we exit, Yami and Eve put their cloaks back on once we get out of the store.

"Now where are we going?" questions Eve flying around.

"On a boat, to Jingo-," I get interrupted by a certain blonde trying to run ahead of me, I fall on the ground with a thud.

"Oh! Sorry! I'm just excited, the Salamanders here! I'm Lucy by the way," she helps me up as Yami hides behind me.

"It's okay, I'm Angelina, and did you just mention the Salamander?!," I gasp, there's only one person who I know with a nickname like that, and that's Natsu!

"Yeah! Come on, I heard he's this way!" Lucy grabs my hand and starts running off in a random direction. I quickly latch on to Yami's hand so not to lose her and we all run off. Please let it be Natsu! I really want to see him one more time before continuing my travels. We get to where Lucy thinks is Salamander and stop due to a load of girls crowding him. This hasn't happened before with Natsu, must be he's collected some fans the almost month I've already been gone.

"Now, now lady's there's enough of me for all of you," chuckles a deep voice, wait a second THAT'S NOT NATSU! A man floats above us on a purple flame, he has dark blue spiked hair, a dark tattoo covering the right part of his forehead, black eyes, and is wearing a lot of ornate clothing, with a high-collared cape almost reaching his knees, a light short sleeved shirt with outlined edges, light pinstriped pants, and polished dark shoes, three large metal bracelets are also around his right wrist and forearms and rings also adorn all of his fingers. He's not Natsu! What a fake! I go to tell Lucy, but she's jumping around like a crazed maniac with hearts practically in her eyes. The phony Salamander takes notice of us and floats down beside us. "Hello you lovely ladies, would you like an autograph?" he grins producing a piece of paper and signing it, he then hands it to Lucy who hardcore fan girls over it. He goes to hand one to me, but I stubbornly refuse.

"Sorry I don't take autographs from phony losers like you," I state bitterly watching him he looks at me surprised, then with a cocky grin as all the girls angrily stare at me, even Lucy.

"Oh, but I am not a phony miss, I am the real Salamander," he makes a fist of fire in his hand as if to prove a point.

"No, you aren't! I know that because-," I get interrupted by a girl throwing a stone at me.  

"Just shut up already and leave if you don't want to be here!" screams Lucy. What a bitch! And she was so nice before!

"Fine! Whatever! Enjoy the company of your FAKE SALAMANDER! Come on Yami!," I angrily turn away and take the girls hand in mine again and we walk away from the crowd. 

"Ange-sama, how did you know that guy was a fake? And why were you so excited to meet him when that girl mentioned his name?," questions Yami as we sit on a bench that's far, far away from that jerk and those girls.

"You see I'm friends with the real Salamander, Natsu Dragneel, and I was hoping it was him so I could see him before we continued our travels, also I think you would have liked to meet him as well, he's like a big kid and even has a cat like Eve," I explain giggling.

Eve and Yami's eyes widen, "there's another cat like me?!," Eve gasps.

"Yep, his name is Happy," I grin.  

"I can't wait to meet him!," Yami squeals, I smile at them both.

"That may take a while, but you will eventually okay? I promise," I stick my pinky out and Yami smiles hooking her pinky in mine, we shake and I stand. "Come on before we're late for our ship," we begin going to the docks.

Before we board the massive ship Yami stops. "Wait, how long are we going to be on there?" she asks sounding nervous. Oh no! Her motion sickness! I totally forgot!

"About three weeks, I'm totally sorry Yami, I forgot all about your motion sickness," I frown.

"No it's okay," she assures, Eve suddenly takes the dragon hair clip from her fur and places it in Yami's hair. "This hairclip is special from my dad when I take really long journeys on moving stuff this keeps me from being motion sick, but it only works for long journeys," she explains gently touching the hair clip. 

"Oh cool," I chuckle, we finally go on the ship and are shown our quarters which is a small room on board with two beds and two lanterns. "This will be so fun! We'll get to see the ocean, help the crew, and maybe even see some dolphins!," I cheer, Yami smiles excitedly.

"Yeah! Okay!," the ship begins to move and we head off to Jigoku island. 

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