So Glad You're Mine (From the...

By GabbyPresley

59.6K 943 410

Sequel to From the Future? Elvis and Marie are officially Mr. And Mrs. Presley. The entire nation knows and... More

So Glad You're Mine (From the Future? Sequel)
Chapter 2: Pain?
Chapter 3: Wait a Minute
Chapter 4: Fast Forward
Chapter 6: Two Loves
Chapter 7: Just For Two
Chapter 8: For Old Time's Sake
Chapter 9 What a Wonderful Life

Chapter 5: Honey

5.3K 95 75
By GabbyPresley

April, 17, 1965

*Expected Due Date, May, 5, 1965*

• Marie's POV •

As Elvis started filming for Harum Scarum, word got out I was beginning to plan my baby shower. On a random, sunny day, Ann had called asking if she could organize my baby shower. Thankfully, I made Joe answer for me. He gave her a lame excuse as to why I couldn't come to the phone. We couldn't stop laughing as he hung up. But then the next day came, I answered foolishly in the living room.

"Oh- is this the infamous Marie? My you sound so odd on the phone!" She patronizes with a squeaky tone.

I roll my eyes faking a laugh.

"You sound just like a toy as well." I exclaim sweetly.

Her laughing that just began, quickly ended. I smile evilly as I twirl the telephone cord around my finger.

"Well then doll, let's get to what I called for..." She breathes in deep and giggles.

I roll my eyes again, I sit myself down on the cream colored sofa and cross my legs. This is going to take awhile.

"I know we might not have been properly introduced, but you might have heard of me..." She giggles again.

"I just wanted to ask if you needed any help with your little-uh- babyshower, perhaps?" She asks pompously.

"Well Ann- I--" I begin right before she cuts me off.

"I'd be honored if I'd organize it for you." She exclaims with a light tone in her voice.

Jerry walks in and stops. He shakes his head trying to hold in his laugh. As his howling grew louder, I notion him to get out of the living room. He nods and waves with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and tap my nails on the telephone.

"Well I'd hate to break the news, Ann. But I have everything under control. Thank you, though." I say with no mercy.

I smirk as Ann hesitates to reply. She's knocked off her high horse, good.

"But honey, you don't have to be untruthful! Whenever I organize a party, I need help!" She says in a bothered tone.

I fake another laugh and roll my eyes. I stare up at the ceiling smirking, ofcourse she does.

"I'm a little more prepared, I think. After setting up a few of my own, it's not that difficult. Even a pregnant lady can do it, I mean look at me." I say shrugging.

She gasps, patronizing me.

"Honey! You shouldn't even be lifting a finger! More than usual I mean. After all, you've been taking advantage of probably all of Big E's workers." She says in an innocent, child like tone.

I clutch the telephone, the grip on the phone tightens.

"They're not his workers, Ann. They're his friends. I'll have you know I've probably done more than you in a humble manner than you ever will." I snap.

She giggles mockingly.

"Marie. Marie. Marie. If only you knew what I've done with your 'committed' husband. He's in my territory now. You better watch where he goes, because he might just slip back to me." She mutters.

I hold in my breath, I bite my lip. She's lying.

"You.... You liar..." I mutter as I blink away tears, my heads spinning.

She laughs in her pompous, evil tone.

"Am I, honey? Oh I'm sorry, doesn't he call you satnin, as well?" The last few words burn my ears.

I slam the phone on the receiver. I glance down at my stomach. I'm sick, I'm physically sick. I run up the stairs and push open the hallway bathroom door. I stare at the toilet, waiting for something, anything to come out. I stand there for what seems like minutes;nothing but tears slide down my cheeks. Red catches me, sobbing hysterically as he passes by the bathroom. He grabs a hold of my shoulders, his wide eyes stare at me confused and petrified.

"He really did cheat on me. He's cheating on me, West!" I cry out as one of his hands makes it's way behind my head.

He gently pushes me close to him.

I sob on his chest as he strokes my back. I can't think straight. I wrap my arms around my stomach. I don't know what to do.

After a few minutes, Red guides me to my room. He helps me up the large, pillow covered bed, gently. As I make myself comfortable on the bed, I wipe a few tears off my cheeks, forcing myself to regain my composure. I have to, for my little one. Red cups my cheeks for a brief second and runs out my room, frantic. I sigh as the insanity bell rings in my head, that's it. I'm full blown insane and everyone can see it. Jerry runs in to my room with Red following right behind him. I sigh deeply, realizing the rest of the guys are with Elvis.

I tilt my head back, leaning on pillows as I stare up at the ceiling. I sniffle and wipe my tears away. I hear Red and Jerry's footsteps come closer to me.

I look at them, disappointed and hurt. Frowns and concern spread across their faces.

"He's cheating on me, still. Ain't he?" I mumble looking down at my stomach.

Red and Jerry's eyes roam around the room.

"Tell me." I demand placing my hands on my stomach.

"We don't got a clue, Mary..." Jerry softly says hanging his head low.

Red sighs, shaking his head.

"We'll find out for ya sugar pie." Red sternly says in a serious tone.

I cover my face with my hands. This can't be happening. After a brief moment of silence, I feel Red and Jerry kiss the top of my head, meaning they'd be leaving. I glance up at them.

"Please, don't.." I quietly beg.

Jerry turns around to me, getting his car keys out of his pocket.

"We're doin' this cuz we need to find out ourselves." Jerry mutters with a furious look on his face.

I sit on the bed, completely still as I hear car doors being slammed shut. Jerry's engine starts and soon fades away in the distance. My heart's breaking again, I fight back hundreds of tears, but I give in after the millionth tear.

With tears strolling down my cheeks, I say I'm sorry over and over again to my little one. I don't mean to bring him or her any pain. I weep to myself as hours pass, I'm cold to the bone and it feels like my heart's been ripped out of my rib cage.

As the sun sets, I find myself under the covers, hugging a pillow. Headlights shine on the curtain covered windows, making the lights light up half the room. I shut my eyes, hoping it wasn't him. I squeeze my pillow tight as I hear footsteps running up the staircase. Here we go again: with the I'm sorry, forgive me, and then the please believe me cycle.

The light flickers on, a heavy sigh follows after. I wipe my last tears from my face as anger grows within me. I sit up, furious.

"How could you!?" I shout throwing the pillow at him.

He catches it instinctively. His eyes show hurt. My hands shake as I throw another pillow, aiming for his face. I get up from the bed in a rush, I stomp toward him, he shuts the door and shakes his head in sympathy.

"I'm leaving you! You hear me!? I'm sick and tired of this fucking shit! I mean it this time! There isn't a damn thing you can say. " I shout at him as he hangs his head low.

His head shoots up as he hears my threat. He takes a tight hold on the sides of my arms. A tear slides down my cheek as I push him away.

"Don't you fucking touch me. Go touch your skanky ass bitch of a mistress!" I shout out with a shaky voice.

I glare at him, he doesn't say a word.

"It's true. Isn't it?" I mutter aggravated.

He runs both his hands through his hair, desperately.

"I can't believe I've believed you this far. I can't believe I made all these shitty exceptions for you. I should have known, you were a cheater with Priscilla, and you're a fucking cheater with me." I spit out.

He glares up at me with fire in his eyes for the first time in years.

"Shut up..." He murmurs.

I shake my head, the hell I am.

"I could be fine on my own without your ass. I don't need a man. I have myself. I shouldn't have fallen for your tricks and your crap. And I'm the stupid one for believing you! Over and over again! You were the only exception! And look what happened?! You took advantage of that!" I choke out, starting to cry.

Elvis runs another hand through his hair. He glances at me and at my stomach. I sit myself on the bed, forcing myself to stop the tears from falling. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain go through me. I wince, putting a hand on my stomach while the other squeezes the fragile-ness out of the bed sheets. This pain is unbearable, hopeless, I turn to look up at Elvis. All I see is him running toward me, with a terrified expression. My eyes start to droop as I hear muted shouting from Elvis. I struggle trying to open my eyes again, I catch a glimpse of Elvis gazing at me with distressed eyes. I decide to stop fighting my droopy eyes and let my eyes close. I feel everything else just stop soon after.

• Elvis' POV •

I hold Marie with all the strength I possibly have. My hands are complete icicles and they're shaking up a storm. Adrenaline is kicking in as I run outside with her in my arms. Joe opens the backseat door for me. I carefully sit down with Marie in my lap as quickly as I can. As the door shuts, I cradle her in my arms, I place both our hands on her stomach. I can't lose neither of them. I can't.

I'm more heavy hearted than I've ever been in years. I gaze at Marie's, peaceful, flawless face. How could I have done this to her? Why? I glance down at her small round belly, I did this to both of them. My heart's racing a mile per second. I cup Marie's face desperate for her to wake up.

"Marie. Marie. Baby please. Open your pretty brown eyes for me. Please." I softly beg making our foreheads touch.

"" I quietly plea beginning to sob.

It seemed like hours until we finally arrived at the emergency room. I dash out making use of my legs. I frantically look around.

"She's not responding. Help her dammit!" I shout furiously in the middle of the waiting room.

A nurse runs towards me with a stretcher, I lay Marie down as gently as I can. Her sweet face quickly disappears inside double doors, hands stop me from running in behind her. I put my hands on my face, hiding my tears. Without sight, the hands lead me to a seat. There, I hang my head low, hiding my face in shame.

Her last words linger in my head. I shake my head, sobbing. Guilt completely fills my thoughts. The rumor was a stunt by Colonel and I. If I could take it back, I would in a heartbeat. Hell I'd much rather take a gun shot than suffer through this. This is hell. Knowing the love of your life might not wake up with your unborn child is hell. This is what all the religious books describe as hell. Being able to perform the pain and watch the suffering than suffer oneself. My hands tremble as a doctor jogs out of the big, double doors. As I glance up at his frantic face, his eyes meet mine, my stomach turns into knots.

"Mr. Presley. You're wife- and the baby-"

My heart stops, drops down into my stomach. This isn't happening, damn it. I try blinking back tears. I shake my head, stubbornly.

"Get her doctor here now! Fly him in a private jet for fucks sakes! Money isn't a concern!" I shout viciously at the doctor.

He nods calmly and runs back inside. I pace the room, anxiously. How the hell can he be so calm when there's so much shit at stake!? My family is in jeopardy and his ass is clueless of what to do. I glance up at the guys, their heads hang low, their eyes watch the floor shunning me from their little group. I sigh, it's all my fault, once again. Silently, I pray to the heavens, momma and everyone else for the well being of the love of my life, and my child.

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