Blood of a Pirate || Will Tur...

By Bringmebacktoreality

192K 6K 834

"Not all treasure's silver and gold mate." ~ During the 17th Century, the crystalline waters of the Caribbean... More

Stranger at the Docks
Sparrow in Flight
Attack on Port Royal
Freeing the Captain
Hard Truths
The Streets of Tortuga
To Find a Crew
Love and Betrayal
Tricked and Exposed
Stranded Amongst Rum
Jack Saves the Day
Grasping his Last Chance
Condemned to Piracy


9.1K 123 0
By Bringmebacktoreality

Hey guys! So the long awaited sequel is finally up! It is also complete. Thank you all for reading this story, voting for it and for those lovely people who commented thank you so much. It means the world to me. I love you all and I hope I don't disappoint with the sequel. Thank you, bye xx

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