Secrets (TVD)

By Ana_Idou

247K 5.4K 791

||"Wounds heal, but they will always leave a scar."|| . . . Natalia Lucifson. That name holds many secrets. ... More

Secrets (Kol Mikaelson FanFic)
Natalia Lucifson
An Original
What Is Wrong With Me
Mikaelson Ball
On the road
The Beginning
Miss Natalia
Dance Back From The Grave
Long Way Back From Hell
Le Grand Guignol
Mystic Falls
Moon over Bourbon Street
The Big Uneasy
An Unblinking Death
A Closer Walk With Thee
Battle of New Orleans (Part 1)
Battle Of New Orleans (Part 2)
From a Cradle to a Grave (Part 1)
From a Cradle To a Grave (Part 2)
Alive and Kicking (Part 1)
Alive and Kicking (Part 2)
Every Mother's Son

Crescent City

7.8K 175 18
By Ana_Idou

Natalia's P.O.V

I was awoken this morning by news that something was discovered, quickly I put on some clothes, made sure I didn't look a mess and walked out. Klaus, Marcel, Elijah, Finn, Iannia, Kol, and me were currently standing over a body. And this wouldn't be your average 'I was bored so I ate them body' this was Papa Tunde. Apparently according to Diego it was left as a suprise. Elijah was examining the body while Klaus's patience was obviously wearing thin.

"Can I get you anything brother, a magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps?" He says sarcastically.

"You would be a great CSI agent." I mused.

"Do you two have a theory you would like to share with us?" Elijah replies calmly as always.

"Back in the day, the witches wanted to send a threat they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep." Marcel adds looking down at the body.

"It's rather a large and omones chicken don't you say?" Finn questions and we shrug.

"Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease almost got Klaus and Marcel as well, if he was supposed to be their prized fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?" Iannia says and I can't help but agree, as if on perfect que Rebekah walks in.

"Well don't you all look cheery, listen to this, a girl literally exploded from the grave today as Sabrina was giving her tour of the city of the was Monique Deveraux."

"What?" Kol asked with scrunched brows.

Rebekah continues "The tourists thought it was part of the show but the witches are celebrating like it's some short of bloody miracle."

"Maybe it is, they think that all hope is lost but now suddenly a harvest girl is resurrected, this is how were gonna get Davina back, kill the witch that took her place."

"I doubt that" I comment making everyone look at me "It's magic, since when have you known it to be that simple?"

"Why shouldn't it be, just kill the witch who was brought back instead of Davina." Marcel replies to me sounding a bit hurt that I had no hope in his idea.

I raise a brow "And who do you think that is? Why were they brought back? How powerful are they? I'm not stupid Marcel, if it is any worse than Tunde then why is your damn witch even worth it!"

Marcel lunged at me but right before his hand reached my throat he was thrown back, Klaus pulling one arm and Elijah the other, making him fly feet away, Kol looked concerned only for a moment when he thought Marcel was about to attempt to harm me, but as soon as the concern was there it was gone never the less I caught it out of the corner of my eye.

"Bad idea mate." Klaus said, he didn't want me getting hurt but that warning was not for him not to hurt me, it was for me not to hurt him. I can surely rip him to shreds. A voice stops any other confrontations a voice behind me spoke up.

"I have a theory about who one of the witches could be." Turning around I see Hayley standing on the second level waving what seemed like a painting of sorts "Celeste...I mean it's gotta be, Davina was trying to tell us, she was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a great evil is coming." We all stare stare at her considering everything she just said.

"So a witch Elijah used to have sexy nights with is back to kill us?" I thought out loud getting a few stares and a minor glare from Elijah.

"First Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores, now your murdered lover is back." Klaus says pointing at Elijah "This isn't witches attacking vampires. Their declaring war on us."


I was currently setting out some more snacks and a couple of drinks in the living room of the old plantation house. After our little morning meeting I went to get a 'bite' and wanted to see what the girls were up too. It was only Bekah, Hayley, and me. I was expecting to come and go but Hayley reminded me that it was the only day of the month that her pack are human and required my assistance to decorate for a party. Her and Bekah's damn puppy dog eyes are convincing, plus I wasn't in the mood to spend time with any of the Mikaelson boys today.

"So where are the clothes?" a deep voice said behind me, whipping around my eyes widen as they landed on six men who looked around twenty and were all very handsome.

Realizing I was staring I blinked and opened my mouth "Uh- I'm sorry what?"

The blonde one chuckled "Clothes?"

"Ah" I say scrunching my eyebrows "Those were set outside but I'll get you some" as I was about to call out for Rebekah I heard her reaction and face palmed to which led the guys to stare at me in confusion "My friend just discovered another one of you."

I then shrug as if she was not important in this equation anyway "Ok wait here I'll be back." I flashed out and came back in less than five seconds throwing clothes at them which they caught and started to put on.

"So you're one of them." the one with black hair and brown eyes said looking up at me as he pulled on pants "A Vampire?"

"Actually" I smirk "An Original vampire"

They scrunch their brows "I thought you would be blonde, the other one is I've seen her." the one with brown hair and brown eyes thought out loud.

"No no, that's Rebekah, I'm not related to the family I'm a very close friend, that's all you need to know." I answer as they finally finished getting dressed I raise both my brows "Well c'mon I'm sure you want to meet Hayley."


Sitting on a crate on the outskirts of the party was definitely not what I wanted to be doing. After I got the boys settled more of our hairy or at least for tonight un-hairy friends arrived. Sure we were having fun but after a while I got bored and sat on a shipping crate drinking tequila. Yay for the teenage years.

"You know you always do end up alone." Kol says as he came and sat next to me.

I look at him briefly before looking straight ahead "Please, I have been around more people than you, the main reason being you've got a habit of getting yourself stuck in a box for decades."

"If that's the main reason then if I didn't have a habit of getting stuck in boxes do you think I might be more popular than you?"

"I'm sure you can."

He looks surprised for a moment "Did you just admit I'm better?"

I snort "No you'll never be better then me let's admit that, but I do admit that maybe you would have more people that like you, let's face it I'm a bitch."

"Yes you are."

I shoot him a look and he laughs "You admitted it." he says raising his hand up in surrender.

We sit in silence after that, both of us looking straight ahead, at least until he breaks it. "I have two things I need to say to you."

I knit my brows "Shoot."

"Number one, I'm sure you guessed, is that I am sorry." He says quickly and takes a chug of beer at the end making me laugh but all he gives me is a small chuckle and then his look turns serious, all signs of fun leave my face and I nod my head.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" he asks looking at me with his chocolate eyes.

"Kol" I sigh "I was angry because you betrayed me, you watched me get daggered and didn't even care, you looked me in the eyes and watched me basically kinda die." I rolled my eyes "I care about you and you hurt me."

"I know and I'm sorry, now please accept my apology because I going to need it for what I say next."



I nod my head, but there was also an unnerving feeling that came about. "I forgive you Kol."

He looks at me before placing his hand over mine, sucking us into a flashback.

Kol's P.O.V (1428)

"Are you all prepared to continue on your journey?" I ask the the four men and one woman in front of me.

The woman turns pulling her hood down revealing beautiful hazel eyes "Yes, we thank you for your hospitality." She smiles.

"Well, I owed it to you but you should get going, if Klaus gets word of a family of vampires around he'd be very interested, and we do not want that."

"No we don't." The eldest man steps forward, who in reality is not the least bit old, at least in human years. "Once again we are very grateful for everything you have done for us."

"Oh now brother, let's not suck up." the third eldest brother says.

"He's not sucking up he has manners now shall we be on our way?" the second asks.

"Yes we shall." the youngest boy of the four states and they all begin to straddle their horses. With one last nod they each take off and I watch their retreating figures in the dark until I see no more of the family.

The Lucifson family

Present Natalia's P.O.V

"According to Eregon, they had been on a hunting trip with your brothers when he got turned by a new vampire close to our village who was curious of what he had become. The luck he must have had huh? Afterwards when the vampire saw that he could create more like him he turned Luen and Aaron as well. It was a terrible theft of life. After waking up the vampire that turned them explained everything, what they were and how they survived. Wanting to live, they all turned and before returning home, ripped the other vampire to shreds. They didn't want this. They stayed away from the remaining family for a while, trying to learn to control the bloodlust and when they did learn control, they returned.

After coming home and explaining what had happened to Thomas and your sister, despite them being scared they worked it out and Adrianna even made them daylight rings. Two years later they turned Thomas. He did want it. Nineteen years later they turned Iannia, making her twenty one forever.

After my family had turned and Mikael went on a rampage when our mother was killed, he slaughtered most of the village, including your family, Lucif, your mother, and your two youngest siblings. They had told me that Adrianna didn't want to turn and they respected that so they let her grow old and even stayed and took care of her until she passed...they told me you disappeared one night when you went in the woods, they assumed you died. When Iannia came back here, when I saw her I knew that they all knew you were alive, they're coming to New Orleans now, they should be here by tomorrow."

I stood there frozen in place replaying the memory and what Kol had just told me in my head, they're alive, all of them are alive. Adrianna had a choice. Half of my family was slaughtered. He knew they were alive. He knew.

"You knew!" I growled at him jumping off the crate and standing in a partially crouched position "You knew they were alive!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled back.

"No" I hissed "You're not because if you were you would have told me...if you cared-"

"I do care!"

"You don't give shit, about me, if you did you wouldn't have done this!" I say and begin walking backwards.

He attempts to follow me "Natali-"

"No, no, no, I want you to stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't do anything that involves me, anything I felt for you is gone, I'm done." I see hurt flash before his eyes but before he has a chance to say something I flash out of there. Overwhelmed with emotions.


After flashing out of that hellish nightmare I grabbed a bottle of vodka and followed my feet wherever they wanted to take me which happened to be the forest. I wanted to numb these feelings. To forget if you will. I think I was crying. The fact that they are alive is too much, that's why Kol was not mad yesterday, because he knew no matter what I did, nothing can relate to this.

As I'm walking with tears streaming down my face and a bottle in my hand I hear a twig snap. I freeze in my spot but eventually continue walking.


This time I whip around looking for any signs of what produced the noise but there was nothing and couldn't sense anything either.


I whip in the other direction "Rebekah?" I call, nothing.






"Kol?" I whispered.

"God honey you really are a mess." I whip my head and face a red haired woman along with a dark skinned woman whom I had previously seen in the Quarter.

"But I guess that's what happens after your boyfriend drops a bomb on you." the dark skinned one continues to talk.

"Who are you" I growled

"Oh I'm Celeste and this here is,'ll find out very soon..."

"Wha-" but before I can finish my sentence 'Celeste' turns her wrist and all I hear is crack before everything goes



Well comment. KOL DROPPED A BOMB. AND DONT HATE ME. Just in case you were wondering though, that crack was her neck, so basically Celeste broke her neck. Next update will be Tuesday or Wednesday since I have to watch the episode :/ maybe I'll give you guys a quote page, if that even helps. And totally random but there are spaces where I didn't put spaces, like when Kol spoke that long part, is that just like a wattpad autocorrect since it was too long?






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