The Monster Within - Avengers

By Iinsanecupcake

320K 9.5K 838

"If you're treated like a monster for long enough, you become one. But, I already was." ... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

37.2K 878 75
By Iinsanecupcake

     I stuck the key into the lock on the rusted metal doorknob and pushed the door to my apartment open with a foot, mainly because my hands were occupied. I peered over the large stack of books I was holding long enough to stumble over to the couch where I set the stack of reading material down. Running back to shut the door, I locked it and strolled over to the small kitchen, kicking off my worn-out sneakers along the way. There was nothing in the fridge except for a half-eaten package of strawberries, an almost-empty carton of milk and two cups of yogurt.
     "I really need to go to the store." After dicing up a few berries, mixing them into my yogurt and pouring a glass of milk I sat down on the couch with my dinner next to my month supply of books. The couch I was sitting on, the only piece of large furniture in the "living room", had a few holes and patches where the leather had been torn away but was otherwise still good. I had found it at a garage sale a few months back as well as the scratched-up fridge and the coffee table I sat my food on.
     I had found my apartment on Craig's List eight months ago and with the cheap rent of $800 a month, I took it. The walls were painted over with a cream-colored paint and the bedroom was painted with an electric blue, but I really didn't have the money for any other major renovations. After taking a job as a waitress at a cafe down the street, I lived a pretty good life. I bought my furniture from garage sales and Goodwill, and most of my clothes as well.
     "Alright, where can I put you?" I muttered to my books, kneeling next to the white bookshelf that stood in the corner next to the bar. The bookshelf was almost full, and I would need to sell some of the novels soon. I loved organizing the books by color but the red section was far too large for its own good. I took a few crimson books off the shelf, as well as some of the blues, and put the new ones on the shelf.
    "There you go." Sighing, I popped a strawberry into my mouth and stood, turning to the small television on the table.
    "Where's the remote?"
Going to Target at ten at night is, although obviously unsafe, probably one of my favorite things. Walking through the barren aisles when no one is around to judge and stare at you is truly a blessing. I picked up a bag of barbecue chips and placed it in my basket, next to the half-gallon of milk and the water bottle. I noticed there was a couple on the aisle with the candy, but didn't think much of it and walked past them, signing an 'excuse me' with my free hand.
I didn't talk in public, rather using sign language. It kept the cops off my back and more importantly kept me hidden. The man gave me a strange look but continued down the aisle with his wife. I picked up a kit-kat from the shelf, stretching my toes to reach the candy. After picking out my sweets, I tossed them into the basket and made my way to the produce section. I was seriously craving blackberries at the moment.
I saw a man, and possibly his sister, looking at the vegetables so I scanned the boxes of berries until I found one that I liked and set it next to the chips. The siblings were staring, probably at my hair, which fell in front of my face in short silver strands. I told people it was dyed, even though it wasn't. I ignored their stares, signing another 'excuse me' so I could get a bag of carrots and ranch. They moved, even though I doubt they knew what I was saying. Before leaving, because I never stayed in one place for long, I walked to the toy section. There was an assortment of Pokémon stuffed animals, and I chose a Vaporeon, tucking it under my arm.
"That'll be $23.77, miss." The cashier said as I pulled a twenty and a five out of my wallet, handing it to him. He gave me a slightly wrinkled dollar bill and a few coins and put the receipt in my bag of groceries. I signed a thank you and took off for my motorcycle, wary of the many eyes on me, searing through my skull one by one.
After tucking the items in the area under my seat, I pushed the cushion down and swung my leg over the bike. I secured my phone in a compartment at the base of the handles, latching the lid in place. After taking a quick look to make sure there were no cars coming towards me. I noticed the couple and the siblings walking out together. That was too much of a coincidence.
I started the motor quickly, almost breaking the ignition. The four then started to sprint towards me, and I panicked. I slammed on the gas pedal but was blocked from the exit by a car, which the wife was driving.
"Hey!" The husband yelled. I whipped around, my hat slid off, and the ponytail that held my hair in place fell, revealing the silver locks I tried so hard to hide. He walked towards me, but I hit the gas pedal and swerved sharply around the car. I felt something whiz by my head, a mere inch from my ear, and an arrow clattered to the ground in front of me. I lost control of the motorcycle, and it veered to the right before throwing me to the pavement. I tasted metal and spat blood onto the sidewalk, looking up at the archer who had shot at me. Only then, did I realize, there was an arrow in my shoulder. The shaft had lodged itself above my shoulder blade, and crimson blood ran down my arm, soaking my shirt.
'Why are you doing this?' I signed, and he replied, "You know why." I noticed a grey circle stitched onto the breast of his shirt under the jacket. Shield. He was from Shield.
I staggered to my feet and attempted to retrieve the knife from my pocket, and I saw it laying in the road a few feet away. But, I couldn't move. Red waves pulsed around my hands, holding them to the concrete. I glared at the girl, little older than me, who waved her hands, forcing me to my feet. A man with a shield strapped to his back ran up behind me and handcuffed my hands together, and the red energy faded. The black car rolled up beside us, and the archer unlatched the back. The soldier pushed me into the van, and slammed the doors, leaving me in darkness.
    I could hear the sound of three doors simultaneously closing, and the scuffle of weapons being dropped on the floor of the car. A faint light came from the backseat, where I could see two people glance back at me every ten seconds. The girl pressed a button on the seat and the middle cushion flattened, allowing access to the back, where I sat bleeding on the floor. I looked at them, before ripping the arrow from my shoulder, eyes locked on theirs. They didn't move.
    "Fury'll be here tomorrow, but he can't stay for long." The driver said, "How's our little criminal?" She cooed mockingly.
    "The fugitive is fine, Tasha." The archer stared at the blood gushing from my shoulder, before turning to grab a device from the floor. Before I could move, he clamped it around my ankle, and it fastened in place. I spat more blood on the floor of the van and wiped my mouth with an elbow.
    "Turn around." The girl said, and I hesitated but did as she said. The more they trusted me not to escape, the easier I would be able to later. I felt fingers on my wrists and heard the sound of a key being jammed into the lock on the handcuffs.
    The soldier had kept his eyes on me from the moment I was thrown into the car. The woman glanced back at me from the front mirror. "You try to escape," She held up a button. "You will receive this."
    I gave her a questioning look before I felt needles prick my ankles, and liquid being injected into my veins. It hurt like hell.
    I bit the inside of my lip until it ran blood, determined not to make a sound. Soon, the pain subsided, and it left me disoriented and dizzy. Black dots danced in my vision, and I leaned back against the cool metal of the van. Tearing several pieces of cloth from the sweatshirt that was tied around my waist, I folded one and put it against the arrow wound. I wrapped the other piece around my shoulder to hold it in place. After I had temporarily stopped the bleeding in all of my major wounds, I poked my head up to look out the front window, where 'Tasha' was pulling the car into the front of Shield headquarters.
    There were many people who were walking to different parts of the area, but all heads turned as I refused the soldier's help and jumped out of the van. I ignored the looks of horror and several glances of recognition from older agents and waited as the handcuffs were put back on my wrists and I was pushed down more halls than I could count. Before I could protest, the soldier threw, actually threw, me into a pristine white room, with no windows, one door, and no way to escape. After seven years of hiding, I had been found. Nick Fury had found me at last, and he was the one who should be afraid. Because I would kill a thousand men before I let one make me their slave. Because he wanted a monster, and I was going to give him one.

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