So Glad You're Mine (From the...

By GabbyPresley

59.6K 943 410

Sequel to From the Future? Elvis and Marie are officially Mr. And Mrs. Presley. The entire nation knows and... More

So Glad You're Mine (From the Future? Sequel)
Chapter 2: Pain?
Chapter 3: Wait a Minute
Chapter 5: Honey
Chapter 6: Two Loves
Chapter 7: Just For Two
Chapter 8: For Old Time's Sake
Chapter 9 What a Wonderful Life

Chapter 4: Fast Forward

6K 99 16
By GabbyPresley

• Elvis' POV •

Saturday March 5th, 1965

In Marie's eyes, she's rounder than a basketball. I chuckle as I watch her fascinated as she stares at herself in the mirror. I lie back in the king sized bed in our Bel Air home. She sighs, sitting down next me.

"I'm fat." She mutters rubbing her stomach.

I shake my head, I can argue this all day if she wants. I stare down at her belly, it's like a tiny watermelon, it's far from a basketball.

"It's barely noticeable." I mutter placing my hand on her stomach, I feel a kick and I glance up at her.

With a smug look she gazes down at me.

"I make him listen to you." She exclaims proud.

I chuckle and kiss her stomach. She places her hand over mine.

"Don't brand the poor kid." I mutter smiling up at her.

She shakes her head.

" I want a boy." She exclaims giggling.

I set my head on her lap, she smiles and strokes my hair back. I gaze at her pretty, warm smile. Before her pregnancy she was beaming, and now she's glowing brighter than ever. I kiss her stomach again.

"Little nungen." I mutter as she giggles.

"More like big nungen." She says patting her stomach.

I softly sing, I Can't Help Falling In Love to her and my baby. She smiles wide. As I mess up the ending, she giggles.

" I think you set up a party in here." She says biting her lip and rubbing her little belly.

I sit up and place both my hands on her stomach, concerned. Noticing my worry, she giggles and shakes her head fighting the pain.

"I'm ok, honest." She smiles reassuring me.

I shake my head, no.

"I'll call the Doc." I say getting up from the bed.

She laughs, and stops me, grabbing at my arm.

" I did the same thing with my mother. Let's just hope this kid puts their legs to good use." She exclaims kissing my cheek.

My heart beats fast, I chuckle and caress her cheek. These past months have been amazing. As if our wedding and honeymoon weren't great enough, now there's a life I helped create within her. And he or she's ready to pop out in a matter of weeks. I wrap my arms around Marie and her tiny figure.

"Have you decided where ya wanna do your baby shower, yet?" I ask softly kissing her temple.

She sighs and laughs. She shakes her head and leans her head on my chest.

"It looks like we're stuck here until you finish Harum Scarum, Frankie And Johnny and Paradise, Hawaiian Style." Marie mutters sighing.

I kiss her temple again, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

"Then, you'll be in Hawaii by August." She mutters blankly.

I sigh, this ain't how I wanna raise a family. As if reading my mind, she gazes up at me, longingly.

"What if I just go back to Memphis?" She quietly questions with hopeless eyes, making my stomach sink.

I shake my head, frantically. She can't, I won't be able to function, I need her with me. I let go of her and place a hand on her stomach. But the baby.

"I don't want you to.." I mutter out without thinking.

She looks down at the floor, " I don't want to either." She confesses placing her hand over mine.

"We'll be a family circus then." I whisper chuckling.

She glances up at me and rolls her beautiful, eyes.

"As if, Tigerman." She giggles kissing my cheek.

I cradle her in my arms, she kisses my cheek again with a bright smile.

"We'll have a nursery built here first, then before heading back home, I'll send the guys to build one back at Graceland." I exclaim excitedly.

She laughs and nods.

"Alright, alright. We'll do the baby shower here then." She says with a smug look.

I kiss the top of her head, "That's right woman."

She laughs out and gets up from the bed.

"Come on, Pelvis. We gotta start planning the babyshower." She warns tugging at my arm.

I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Or what?" I ask smirking.

She rolls her eyes, lets go of my arm and puts her hands on her hip.

"Or else the baby will beat us to it." She laughs out.

I give in and get up myself, fixing my light yellow sport coat. With a raised brow, Marie watches me and scoffs.

"You're more of a girl than I am." She laughs out.

I wrap my right arm with her left and kiss her cheek.

"Right now, babycakes. I think you still hold that position." I chuckle rubbing her belly.

She giggles and kisses my cheek. There's yet to be a dull moment with her or the little one.


• Marie's POV •

I read the clock beside our bed. I yawn and rub my eyes. I glance back to Elvis, he snores out loudly. I roll my eyes and sit up. I rub Elvis' chest, and mutter his name softly. His eyes shoot open, he blinks a few times and sits up quickly.

"What? The baby?!" Elvis questions with desperation.

I shake my head and cup his cheek. His nerves calm down and he stares into my eyes. I smile warmly as his eyes droop.

"What do ya need honey?" He mumbles softly.

I giggle and peck his lips. I feel guilty for waking him up for the tenth time this month but, I can't control my cravings.

"I'm dying for some hot wings and white rice." I whisper, in an innocent tone.

Elvis rubs his eyes and opens one eye.

"The doc said to calm down with the hot sauce." He mutters out, annoyed.

I blow on my bangs.

" I want broccoli too." I mutter crossing my arms.

Elvis yawns and lies back in bed.

"Elvis." I whine making him groan.

He sits up frantically.

"But it's three in the morning!" He shouts out instinctively.

I tug on his night shirt. He sighs and gets out of bed with weary eyes. I lie back down and breathe in easy. Elvis walks over to me and rubs my stomach.

"This better be the last time I do this for you and your Momma." He sternly says.

He glances up at me before kissing my stomach.

"You lucky I care about you both, a lot." He mutters walking to the bathroom.

He turns on the light and shuts the door. I rub my belly and scoff.

"He better." I mumble before closing my eyes.

My eyes flutter open as I feel Elvis plant a kiss on my forehead. I smile as he pulls away, with a smug look on his face. He shows me 2 white take out boxes and places one my lap and the other beside my legs. I sit up and cup his cheek.

"Thai beef with broccoli, white rice and boneless mild wings in only half an hour, a new record." He exclaims proud.

He kisses the top of my head as I rub my eyes. I smile wide as he walks away stripping off his clothes.

"Oh look, a dinner and a show." I giggle out.

He glances back at me and sticks his tongue out.

"You're on my last nerve." Elvis chuckles out.

I smile innocently and watch him.

"This is what you wanted. A fat, old hag that has crazy food cravings and an aching back." I snap with a smile.

With only his white undies, he walks back to me. He cups my cheek and softly kisses it, making his warm lips surprise me.

"And I love her. A whole lot too." He softly whispers in my hair.

I playfully smack his chest. He didn't disagree with what I said. He smirks and chuckles his way to his side of the bed. I lift the the white take out box on my lap's cover. The smell slaps me awake, I smile at Elvis, he watches me with a smirk. I take the fork that was carefully placed inside the box and grab a piece of broccoli and beef. I feed Elvis and he smiles, satisfied. He lies back, chewing. He sighs and opens the white box next to my legs. I laugh quietly as he pops a boneless wing in his mouth.

"Thank you, love." I whisper smiling at him.

With a sly grin he nods.

"I can finally eat some of your damn wings." He mutters chuckling.

I scoff and push the wing box closer to him.

"They're not hot. Ofcourse you can eat them, you're a gringo." I mutter giggling.

Elvis lifts a brow, from his movie and our honeymoon, I think he's catching up to my Spanglish.

"Excuse the hell out of you. I can handle it if I want." He mutters sitting up and popping another wing in his mouth.

I scoff, he growls taking away the box on my lap. I shrug and rub my belly.

"I want some pizza now anyway." I exclaim jokingly.

He groans and shoves beef and broccoli in his mouth. I kiss his cheek and his eyes light up.

"I love ya darlin, don't forget that." He whispers caressing my cheek.

I kiss him again and he chuckles.

"I love you more, silly." I say pecking his nose.

He smirks and grabs a hold of my stomach. He leans down and kisses it. I stroke the back of his hair, smiling proudly.

"Good thing my pj shirts fit ya." He mutters unbuttoning the shirt.

I gently pull his hair, making his eyes meet mine.

"I'm hungry not horny." I whisper smirking.

He wiggles his eyebrows and looks at the curtain-covered windows. Sunlight is beginning to shine through, giving our room a gleeful tone.

"I'll help ya finish your food then." He mutters shoving another boneless wing in his mouth.

I laugh, feeding Elvis and my baby.

"It's like I have a kid already." I exclaim as Elvis opens his mouth wide.

He sneers and takes my fork away. I giggle and yank it back from his grasp laughing evilly.

"The rest is mine." I mutter as he chuckles.

He kisses my cheek and lies back down with his arms behind his head.

"Sure got a lot of nerve baby." He howls out.

I giggle and finish the rest of the food. Hey, I'm eating for two anyway. As I finish, I place the empty take out boxes on the floor, beside the bed. Elvis turns his head to me with a sly grin. He sits up and opens his arms. I lean on his chest as he kisses the top of my head. He gently pats my stomach and chuckles.

"Happy now?" He asks in a low tone.

I kiss his exposed chest.

"I'm always happy, when I'm with you." I mutter sweetly.

He tightens his grip on me and glances down at me with a heart warming smile. He kisses my forehead. I wrap my arms around his neck, making him grin a dopey grin. My stomach brushes against his and he chuckles.

"I feel her move." He whispers as his lips make their way down my neck.

I nod slowly as he unbuttons my shirt, well his shirt. I unbotton the rest of his shirt as he gently lays me down. He towers over me, staring into my eyes longingly. I grin up at him as he smirks.

"Let's just stay in bed all day." He mutters slipping off my satin pj pants.

I nod as I run my hands through his hair. He smiles a sly grin as he mashes his lips with mine.

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