Down Chick

By ThatOneUrbanChick

5.2M 129K 32K

At the age of sixteen Lakeisha Moss was abandoned by her mother and left to fend for herself on the streets... More

Down Chick
Chapter One: A Lesson Well Taught
Chapter Two: So We Meet...
Chapter Three: Sister of the Heart
Chapter Four: Come Again
Chapter Five: Memory Lane
Chapter Six: Don't Try Me
Chapter Seven: Down For You
Chapter Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Nine: Say Something
Chapter Ten: Persistence
Chapter Eleven: The Inner Circle
Chapter Twelve: The Meeting (Part 1)
Chapter Twelve: The Meeting (Part II)
Chapter Thirteen: Infatuated With You
Chapter Fourteen: The Club & the After Math (Part I)
Chapter Fourteen: The Club & The After Math (Part II)
Requited Chick (NOW POSTED)
Chapter Fifteen: My First
Chapter Sixteen: Don't Let Me Get You
Chapter Seventeen: Duty Calls (Part I)
Chapter Seventeen: Duty Calls (Part II)
Chapter Eighteen: Let Me Hold You
Chapter Nineteen: On the Low
Chapter Twenty: Revelations of Truth (Part I)
Chapter Twenty: Revelations of the Truth (Part II)
Chapter Twenty: Revelations of Truth (Part III)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reunions & Identification (Part I)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reunions & Identification (Part II)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reunions & Identification (Part II continued)
Chapter Twenty-Two: At Last
Chapter Twenty-Three: On the Rise (Part I)
Chapter Twenty-Three: On the Rise (Part II)
Chapter Twenty-Four: Promises Never Prevail (Part I)
Chapter Twenty-Four: Promises Never Prevail (Part II)
Chapter Twenty-Four: Promises Never Prevail (Part III)
Chapter Twenty-Five: Misconceptions and Fatality (Part I)
Chapter Twenty-Five: Misconceptions and Fatality (Part II)
Chapter Twenty-Five: Misconceptions and Fatality (Part III)
Chapter Twenty-Six: Going Crazy
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Adamant Not...
New Story
Down Chick 2: The Hunt

Chapter Twenty-Three: On the Rise (Part III)

74.2K 2.7K 287
By ThatOneUrbanChick


I had received the call that Keish was going somewhere with Rome, not even five minutes ago. I couldn't help but feel jealous about it. Yet, I knew she wouldn't fuck with him. Rome, on the other hand, I wasn't sure about. That nigga swore he was the shit. He was always claiming that he wasn't scared of me, but I found it vastly amusing to see that he was always doing crazy stunts to try and get my attention. Rome wasn't a bad person.

He just had a bad habit of longing for everything that I went after that was female. Admittedly, it might have had something to do with the fact that a bitch of his in the past had stepped to me and not knowing she was taken I had slept with her. That was over five years ago. I hadn't apologized for it, but when I heard he was in trouble I got him out of it.

To be honest, I couldn't even remember what the girl looked like. She was before Keish. Examining my surroundings, I inhaled deeply on the blunt that I was smoking. I was on the clock with Diablo, Pierre, and Quinn. These were the closest ring of people that I hung out with. I didn't do too many people because that was the downfall of many people in the game. They thought that because they were balling out of control suddenly that they'd be able to do whatever they wanted, when they wanted. It wasn't true. The game came with a huge price tag. If you weren't watching your back, then you were as good as dead.

The game made a man paranoid, but it was better to be paranoid then dead.

"Angel," Diablo called, his hands moving swiftly as he pressed money into a counter.

The sound of the machine filled the room. We all had and we were counting the last amount of money that we had received from a drop. See, I wasn't crazy enough to think that I could put this money into a bank account or even in any my places of business or residency. Who the fuck did that? When the Feds and those others law officials caught onto you there were three places they looked first: businesses, houses, and safety deposit boxes/storage units.

My money didn't make it to any of those. I drove my money far out and somewhere safe that I knew no nigga was getting to unless Diablo opened his mouth and started spilling.

The day that happened would be the day that Diablo keeled over and died because my pistol would give him one straight to the head. That was something that I didn't even want to do. He was my homeboy, but I still kept one eye open around him. I had to have at least one person, I trusted and for now it was him. An operation couldn't be run alone. You needed soldiers and faithful people. That didn't seem to exist in today's world.

"What?" I asked removing the blunt from between my lips.

I let out a cloud of smoke and stared at him with an arched eyebrow. I needed something stronger than this, but it wasn't going to come to me easy and I knew it. I couldn't get tipsy or high on the clock. I needed to keep a clear mind. Counting money wasn't a task that you could just let go of and then think that it was accurate. I was supposed to have a certain amount coming and if it wasn't there, then someone was going to pay the penalty.

Unlike, other niggas I didn't give second chances. If you didn't have my money when it was due, then you were as good as dead. Second chances didn't exist in my world because niggas with second chances were scared niggas, and scared niggas would do anything to save their life. This sometimes could mean snitching to the cops, betraying the bond and getting outside niggas to try and set people up. I didn't have time for that.

"Nigga, you've recounted that stack half a dozen times now," Pierre inserted, a chuckle escaping his lips.

I shook my head realizing that they were correct. I glanced at them sheepishly. I had a lot of things on my mind. The main thing being the fact that I was going to be a father. There wasn't anything taking me down from that. I had wanted Keish for so long and now I had her. Everything was going the way I had always wanted. The only thing that I noted that was when everything was going good then something always came and ruined it.

Darius would be that ruination. He hadn't forgot about me or Keish for that matter. He had resulted in his cousin being shot and one of my men. I had retialated, but Keish wasn't aware of that. I had rode out with Diablo, Pierre, Rome, Quinn, and some others to the north end of the city. Finding Darius's place of residence hadn't been too difficult. He stayed boasting about his status of wealth.

"What's up with you?" Diablo asked. "You're never this distracted."

I couldn't decide if I wanted to entrust them with this precious information or not. My Keish was having my child and I was excited about it. I was already imagining going shopping for baby clothes. In my head, I was imagining a little boy with big brown eyes that were just like Keish's. He'd have my hair and I'd be able to teach him anything and everything. I wasn't sure about passing my legacy down to him. I wanted so much more for a child of mine. I wanted legitimacy in business and success in life. My son would go to head start, pre-k, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school and college. There would be no in-betweens or breaks. He was taking his ass to school or I was going to tear into his ass.

I'd be the kind of parent that had no trouble beating my child's ass in front of their friends to prove a point. It wouldn't be to be cruel, but to teach a lesson and let them know that I was serious about them doing better than me in life. And if I found out that he was involved in drug dealing, he wouldn't want to deal with me. This wasn't the kind of life I wanted for him or Keish. It was too late for her, but it wasn't too late for him.

Running my hand over my head, I sighed.

"Angel, man take your ass home. Go to her. You ain't getting shit done, anyway," Quinn said, laughter in his voice. "Never thought I'd see this nigga this sprung."

"Ay, shut that shit up, homeboy," Diablo rebutted. "You can't even talk, every time a fine ass honey pays attention to you, you be sputtering all over the place and shit. You be sprung on sight, as soon as you see them hips sashaying towards you."

I laughed along with Pierre and Diablo as Quinn flushed and turned away slightly.

"Man, fuck you," Quinn retorted. "Fuck all y'all."

"See that's what I'm talking about. I knew that nigga was gay as fuck," Diablo responded.

That sent us all into a fit of laughter. Quinn hated being picked on.

"Man, why you always messing with me and shit?" Quinn complained.

"Look at you whining and shit," Diablo retorted, laughter shaking his voice.

I grasped my side as I laughed along with them. Quinn and Diablo were always into it. Diablo admittedly started it, but Quinn always rose to the bait. It was a friendship between them oddly enough. Smiling slightly, I glanced over at Pierre and saw that he had paused his counting to check his phone.

"Man, that bitch tripping," he said loudly, his expression scrunched inot a tight scowl. "I ain't even her baby daddy. Nah, she ain't even pinning that on me. I'll see that bitch drowned first. Fast ass running around sleeping with every nigga that turn her head and then gone come running to me with that shit."

Quinn laughed loudly. "And y'all thought that I had issues with me," he retorted, doubling over with laughter."

My bottom lip quivered with silent laughter as I saw Pierre's enraged face turn towards Quinn. I knew what was coming and I wasn't going to stop it. This nigga was about to fool. They both were.

"Man shut yo' pushy ass up. You're the reason why all these bitches be running to me, begging for me to give it to them. That's why yo last btich was calling my phone. Yo gay ass don't even know how to put it down on a girl and make her feel good about herself," Pierre retorted cruelly.

My eyebrow arched at that comment.

Admittedly, a few of Pierre's exes had come to me looking for some of that good good, but I had turned them down out f respect for my nigga. Quinn's last ex had tried to get into my pants too. She'd gone as far as shoving me against the wall of a bathroom stall and shoving her hand down my pants before I could stop her. It hadn't gone further than that because I'd shoved her away. So, if they were going that route than maybe both of them were lacking something. Although, I kept remembering Keish's reaction to seeing Pierre. She'd been eyeing that nigga up and down for a few moments. I knew why. It was his eyes. They were unique.

Not too many people had golden brown eyes, I thought suddenly feeling jealous of a memory.

Quinn's face became enraged. "You fucked her?" he snapped. "You fucked her knowing she was with me?"

He rose to his feet and glared down at Pierre. His breathing was heavy as he stood there, his eyes burning angry.

Pierre laughed. "And if I did?" he retorted, moving to his feet. "You better sit yo soft ass down and keeping it moving homeboy. Ain't nobody scared of yo generic ass."

Quinn's jaw muscles clenched as he balled up his fists and stared at Pierre. He took a hesitant step forward and Pierre followed suit looking at him in anticipation.

"You stepping to me over some two bit ho that wouldn't know how to keep her legs closed if they were super glued?" he asked, disbelief in his voice. "Nigga, that ho is long gone. She ain't even thinking about you. And nah, I ain't sleep with her, though she do got some good head game."

That was the last thing Pierre was able to say before Quinn launched across the space between them and sent his fist flying into his jaw. Diablo pulled out his phone without hesitation and started recording the fight, which sent me into a fit of laughter. Pierre didn't hesitate in returning the blows. He knew he was wrong as fuck for allowing Quinn's ex to even get near his dick.

I hadn't told Quinn because I knew he was emotional and would've probably went somewhere and cried. Quinn was the kind of man that what he felt he expressed, he didn't believe in that typical male model of men being made tough and therefore not showing emotions through tears or open affection out of fear of being viewed as weak. He was a man that as far as I knew showed what he felt.If he liked a female he didn't hesitate to show her that he did. That was why Diablo and Pierre were always clowning him.

Their fighting continued for a bit until Pierre shoved Quinn into the table and stacks of money went flying into the air and all over the place. Immediately, I picked up my blunt from the ashtray and shook my head. They'd be getting all that shit up to and recounting it before placing it in the duffel bags. Deciding that they'd had enough time to vent out their frustrations, I motioned for Diablo to grab Quinn, while I grabbed Pierre.

"Break it up," I shouted grabbing Pierre by the scruff his shirt and yanking him away from Quinn.

He stumbled back and landed on his ass. Quinn was shooting daggers at him and struggling to get free from Diablo. Looking at him indifferently and calmly, I spoke.

"Both of y'all can get my money off the fucking floor and get to counting it all over again. Then, y'all can place it in them duffel bags. If I hear about another fight when I get back, I'm gone beat both y'all asses."

Pierre just sat at the floor breathing heavily and running his hands through his black hair.. He nodded his head, before reaching and grabbing a handful of bills off the floor. Before long Quinn started following suit, even though he continued to glare at Pierre. Amusement coursed through me for a moment, before I decided to leave. Keish had gone off with Rome.

Another security car was tracking them, but I had other things that still needed to be accomplished. I needed to go and talk to a few of the dealers that were beneath me and get them set up with a plan against Darius. It hadn't been too long ago that I had managed to buy them and use them.

Darius wasn't aware that his connections were on my pay roll and to some extent I was controlling his buying portions. Stretching slightly, I turned and left the room.

Taking my phone out, I dialed Keish's phone.

Within moments, she was answering the phone. The sound of music played in the background and her laughter followed as Rome's deep voice spoke words clearly: "Ma, why you answering the phone for that broke down nigga? He can wait. Shit, if I'm going to be your new confident and best friend, then you'll learn that when we chill all else waits."

I narrowed my eyes at those words. New confident? New best friend? What the hell was wrong with this girl? Was she not aware that Rome tricked women into thinking he was trustworthy, then he seduced them and fucked them over. It was his style. He was one man that would never settle down and I knew it. He'd be fifty and still fucking anything in a skirt. Rome wasn't playing his cards on Keish, I'd shut his ass down and quick. That friendship wouldn't be proceeding beyond anything more than a few meetings here and there. He though Keish was going to be placing him before me? He had another thing coming.

"Boy, you stupid. You not gone be happy until Angel is kicking your ass around the block. I swear I'm gone laugh the whole time too."

I smiled slightly at that. "Hey, mami," I greeted. "Stop talking to him and come talk to your man."

She laughed at that, before she spoke. I imagined she was probably smiling at my words.

"Alright," she agreed. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see what you was doing with Rome," I answered. "You thinking about me?"

"Angel, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, especially not when my stomach keeps turning over. This better not be signs of morning sickness because if it is I'm beating your ass," she snapped.

I chuckled. "Aww," I teased, "you can always come to me and I'll soothe your unease."

"And how do you propose that?" she murmured.

"I can always give you a head to foot massage and taste you along the way," I said, imagining her nude and withering on the bed under my carnal ministrations and caressing to her body.

"You're always thinking about that," she told me. "You have yet to let me try anything remotely similar."

Her words had my body tightening with arousal in seconds. I had no idea that Keish was ready to move onto the best parts of sex. I let out a low groan at her words and the images that they were producing.

"You never indicated that you were interesting. I don't want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable," I said sincerely.

"When are you going to be done with your errands?" she questioned.

"In about an hour," I said, before saying aomething that I knew would rile her up. "And your ass better be there. "

"Nigga, please," she scoffed. "I wish I would be at the house on your command. Don't get slapped around this bitch."

I laughed. That was the reaction that I was looking for. Keish was easy as fuck to rile up.

"Only slapping that's gone be going on is me slapping that ass," I said biting my bottom lip and thinking of her phat ass. "Fuck that, lets not not. Come home and I'll make it worth your while."

She laughed before speaking. "I'll think about it."

"Nothing to think about, mami," I replied. "How about we trade places and you explore?"

"Boy," she replied breathlessly, "I'm with you--"

"Nah, chico can wait," Rome interrupted. "I got some shit to show you. You agreed to meet up with my niggas and them little toting man whores, Miguel and Ale."

I gritted my teeth at that. If she was hanging with Rome and his man whoring friends, then I was going to be present. They'd be all over my Keish and I'd be then killed one of them.

"Where are you meeting?"

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. I've set up a bet with a friend. If I can get to 3,500 followers then they'll owe me $20 and maintenance on my laptop the next time it's need, if not I owe twenty and I've got to help them with some other stuff.

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