Haunted By You

By sam07maurer

18.7K 795 91

When Lexa is hit with a stray bullet meant for Clarke, can she save her? If she can't, how long will she be a... More

Chapter 1: You Did It, Clarke
Chapter 2: Six Days
Chapter 3 Ai Hod Yu In
Chapter 4 Dark to Light and Light to Dark
Chapter 5 You're Sorry?
Chapter 6 Nowhere Visible
Chapter 7 You Are Not Atlas
Chapter 8 Do You Ever Miss It?
Chapter 9 Nowe
Chapter 10 Nightbloods
Chapter 11 Prisoner 319
Chapter 12 Breakfast
Chapter 13 Soul Bonds
Chapter 14 How Was She?
Chapter 15 No Matter Where You Come From
Chapter 16 Do Not Apologize
Chapter 17 Home
Chapter 18 The Meeting
Chapter 19 I Win
Chapter 20 You Cannot Take the Coalition
Chapter 21 What the Hell Were You Thinking
Chapter 22 Nerves
Chapter 23 Build a Brace
Chapter 24 Killer
Chapter 26 Pain
Chapter 27 Healing and Ink
Chapter 28 Bound
Chapter 29 Osir Keryon Ste Teina

Chapter 25 Prisoner

436 21 0
By sam07maurer

*This is the song I wrote the entire chapter to, so I would recommend listening to it as you read*

The sun was setting over Polis and even the beautiful colors over the city did nothing to calm her racing heart. Clarke didn't think there was anything that could prepare for all that was about to happen. She had accepted the pain, was ready for it. She knew the lashings would leave numerous deep scars, but she already had so many, the idea of a few more didn't really bother her.

Clarke sighed, as she sat on the ledge, her legs crossed her hands on her knees from where she had been meditating. The part that was bothering her was that she already had so many. And they were about to be exposed to all of Polis, to her mother and her friends, to Lexa.
Clarke wasn't naive, she knew Lexa had felt them under her fingertips and seen the faint outlines in the darkness of their bedroom before, but she had been very careful to never expose them to the brunette in bright light. They were ugly and she bore them with the same shame they had been beaten into her with.

Clarke heard the door of her bedroom open and close, though she didn't not turn from her perch on the ledge. Footsteps approached her slowly and she waited for the newcomer to speak, already having identified them by their footfalls.

"Octavia. What do you need?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to talk. Lexa stormed out of the meeting and you walked back here and no one really knows what happened. Is everything okay?"
"I killed Uzac."
Octavia put a hand on her shoulder, "I know."
"I don't feel sorry." Clarke whispered.
Octavia nodded again, "I know."
Clarke deflated, leaning into her best friend. "I'm scared, O."
"Did Lexa get you out of punishment?"

Clarke shook her head, which was on Octavia's shoulder, "I wouldn't let her. Twenty lashes. And now the sun's going down, which means i'll be collected soon."
"Shit, Clarke."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, each's mind swirling with thoughts of what was to come. Clarke chose to break it,
"I need you to do something for me, Octavia."
"Anything, Clarke. You know that."
"Don't let Lexa interfere. I don't care if I pass out, or scream until my voice is gone. She can't stop this and still be seen as a strong leader. You have to promise me you won't let her."

Octavia closed her eyes, instincts telling her a argue, to keep her friend safe. But she also knew that if Lexa stopped Clarke's punishment at any point, it could destroy the coalition. She opened her eyes and looked at the blonde solemnly,

"I promise."
"And one more thing? If it's not too much to ask?"

"When they bring me back here after, I want you to tattoo me. Before they start cleaning the blood and stitching the gashes. Octavia, I need you to mark me first."

Octavia wrapped Clarke securely in a hug, and both girls buried their faces into the other's neck. Octavia's voice was carried away by the wind, "Of course. I swear it, Clarke."


Clarke was led out into the streets, shackles around her wrists and guards on all sides. All of Polis was gathered at the arena to witness her punishment. It was the same place where Lexa had fought Roan while all the other Ambassadors watched. And they were all once again seated on the elevated stage, though this time, Lexa joined them in her throne. She was ushered slowly along, stopping once she was in the middle of the arena, between two large wooden poles.

She was kicked behind her knees, involuntarily forced to kneel in the dirt and she tried not to flinch when the rough ground tore into her pants. Lexa rose, adorned in full Commander gear and warpaint, and moved to the front of the stage. She looked around the space and met the eyes of her people, before finally gazing down at Clarke, hoping her love and strength were flashing through her eyes to the blonde.

"Wanheda. You are here because you have committed murder against Ambassador Uzac. You were tried and found guilty. You have been sentenced to twenty lashings."

Lexa paused, trying to find strength to say the next line. Her eyes caught Octavia's standing with Lincoln, the two trying to support Abby as she stood between them. Octavia raised her chin and nodded, telling her to continue. She glanced at Clarke, who did the same. Lexa knew she needed to do this, though she found no joy in it. She kept her head high and ordered the guards surrounding Clarke,

"Tie her to the trees."

-short one I know but I wanted to get something out there cause I haven't in a while-

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