Finding Love With Him.

By IBeWhoIBe

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Trey Harrison is 18 and ready to start college. Get away from home, maybe find love. He moves 1,000 miles awa... More



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By IBeWhoIBe

Chapter 8-

I woke up slowly to sunlight streaming through the curtains. I turned slightly and saw Ethan sleeping peacefully behind me with his arm around my waist. I had stayed here last night because I didn't want to face Talon. God. I can't believe I almost slept with Ethan for all the wrong reasons. He's the last person who should receive that.

I hardly slept last night and spent a lot of time thinking. This didn't help much. I was so jumbled, troubled. But I knew the right thing to do was to be honest with Ethan, about the kiss with Talon and my feelings for him. I just hated it.

Why couldn't I have just fallen in love with Ethan and lived happily ever after? I know, I know. It's unrealistic. But one can dream right?

I gently pulled Ethan's arm back and crawled out of bed. He mumbled and I froze for a second. When he didn't move, I slowly picked up my clothes and carried them to the living room. I got dressed quietly. I should probably wake him up and say goodbye, but I decided to just leave a note; I needed to hurry back to the dorm and change for class.

I sprawled a note real quick telling him I had left to make it to class on time and to call me later so we could meet up for dinner.

With that I grabbed my keys and opened the door to make it to my car. I quietly closed it and jogged down to my car.

When I got back to the dorm, I noticed Talon was gone with relief but quickly grabbed clothes to shower and change. I showered in record time and made it back to the room to grab my books. As I was leaving, I saw a piece of paper on my nightstand with my name on it. I stepped over and grabbed it with a small feeling of dread. There was only one person it could be from.

I opened it and read it quickly:



I know you're mad and I'm confused but we can't ignore it forever as much as you want to. I'm going to go home for the week so that we both have space. When I get back, we should talk, I mean it. And... I'm sorry about everything. I really am. I'll see you next Saturday.



I closed it with a sigh and set it back down. I didn't have time to really think because I had to rush over to my Econ class. When I sat down, I was only 2 minutes late, pretty good, considering. After I got comfortable, I thought about his note and knew he was right. We did need to talk about it.

I guess giving us each space was a good idea. I needed it to think about Ethan and maybe he needed it to come to terms with his feelings. Either way, I was a little relieved. I sat in class for 50 minutes not really paying attention until he dismissed us.

I slowly walked back to the dorm and jolted a little when my phone went off in my pocket. It was a text from Ethan:

Ethan- Hey babe. Just got your note. Dinner tonight? Sorry I wasn't awake to say goodbye :)

Me- It's okay. You were sleeping peacefully :) You want to?

Ethan- I'd love to. Meet at Cicada on 7th St?

Me- Sure, see you at 8?

Ethan- Sounds good babe ;) See ya.

I looked at the time. Only 5 hours to go and I'd have to spill my guts to him. I was dreading it to be honest. I knew he would be hurt and upset. He wouldn't understand. Hell, I didn't understand. I shouldn't want Talon, but I did. I couldn't ignore it, that much was true.

I lay down on my bed to think for a little while and I must have dozed off. My phone ringing woke me up and I answered without looking.


"Hey Brosky. Were you sleeping? It's like 6 your time."

"Wha? Chloe?"

"Yeahhh. Did you have another sister?" she laughed.

"Shutup. I was napping. It's your fault."

"Rightttttt." She laughed again.

"What's up Chlo?"

"Nuthin. Just wanted to see how you are. What's new?"

"So, you wanted to butt in and get gossip?"

"Sounds about right?"

I laughed "Okay Chlo. Just ask."

"Did you work things out with Talon? Are you still dating that guy? Come onnnn. I need the gossip. I'm entirely too bored here without you."

I started laughing really hard "Nice Chlo. Well, you were right about one thing. He does want my bod."

"Ooooh la la." And then she realized "Ooooooooooohhhhhh."

"Yea. That's about it."

"Well? What happened?"

"He...uhh...he kissed me yesterday."

"WHAT?" she shrieked as I yanked the phone away from my ear.

"Jesus Chloe! I said he kissed me."

"I know! I heard you! What happened?"

"He just kissed me, and I left. I ended up at Ethan's, but I couldn't tell him. He'd be crushed. When I came back Talon was gone, said he'd be gone for a week in a note he left. That's it."

"That's it? You have to tell Ethan you know."

"I know, were going to dinner and I'm just going to have to be honest."

"Well I'm sorry bro."

"Yea. Me too. But I'm supposed to meet him in an hour. Wish me luck."

"Oh okay. Call me if you need to talk. Love you."

"Love you too Chlo. Bye." And I hung up. It was almost 7 so I decided to take another shower. I grabbed my towel and made my way to the showers down the hall.

As I was shampooing my hair, I realized I had no clue what to say to Ethan. I don't think "Hey Ethan, I sort of cheated on you and now we should probably break up because I think I might be falling for Talon." would go over thaaaaattt well. I was a flaming idiot. I guess I would just have to start from the beginning and be honest. He deserved that at least.

I finished rinsing and decided we should probably head over to his place after dinner to talk. I didn't want to cause anything in the restaurant. I didn't want to make it worse. Although, I don't that's possible at this point I thought bitterly.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel to dry off.

After I finished drying and brushing my teeth, I made my way back. I could dress in the room since Talon wasn't there.

I picked out a nice black button up and blue skinny jeans. Since my shirt was black, I decided on my purple vans. I styled my hair and put on some cologne. I grabbed my keys and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

I pulled up to the restaurant right at 8 o'clock and saw Ethan waiting at the entrance. He turned and smiled when he saw me. I met him at the door and kissed his cheek. "Hey E, sorry for the wait."

He laughed "It's okay, I'm used to it babe."

I winced inwardly when he called me babe. This wasn't going to be easy. We were seated 10 minutes later, and we order two waters before Ethan set his menu down.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yea E, I'm fine. But can we head to your place after dinner; I wanted to talk to you about something."

He gave me a look "Okay. What about?"

"Oh...We can talk about it later. It's no big deal" I said nervously.

He searched my eyes but let it drop "Okay babe. No big deal."

The waiter came back, and I ordered Fettuccine Alfredo while Ethan got a Cobb Salad. For some reason he loved those things. It made me smile.

After the waiter took our menu's and left Ethan grabbed a piece of bread to munch on and asked me "So how was class today? Anything interesting?"

"No, nothing is ever interesting in Economics." I laughed and swiped his bread.

"Hey! That was mine you monster." He chuckled.

"Sorry." I took a bite and returned it.

"Oh thanks."

"You're welcome." And I smiled at him. Why not enjoy dinner? Later was going to be hard enough.

We got out food and ate slowly while talking about random things. Music, books, sports. It was easy to talk to him about anything.

When we finished Ethan was rubbing his belly "God I'm full. That was good though." I laughed and teased "You and your weird salads."

"Hey! Those salads are delicious, I'll have you know."

I shook my head and paid for the bill. He argued but quit when I gave him a stubborn look. I grabbed his coat and we walked outside into the cold air. He slipped his coat on and turned to me.

"Thanks for dinner Trey." And he kissed me while putting his hands on my hips. He giggled and tickled me before running away.

"Hey! That's not fair." I laughed. He giggled again and came back

"Come on. My car is across the street. Let's just take mine."

He tickled me again and darted halfway across the street and turned back to me.

"I'm sorry babe!" he giggled.

"I'm gonna get you!" I laughed.

I started off the sidewalk and stared into his eyes when I realized his face was glowing. My eyes went wide with horror when I saw a car to barreling down the roadway too fast to our left.

I lunged forward with my hand outstretched "ETHAN!"

But it was too late. He looked into my eyes one second before he was hit and crashed into the windshield with a horrifying crunch and rolled off the hood.

The car slammed to a stop a few feet away but I was focused on Ethan. I rushed over to his body and saw blood. Oh god, the blood. The hostess from the restaurant rushed out and screamed.

"Call an ambulance! Call a fucking ambulance!" I yelled and she rushed away.

"Oh god Ethan. Ethan! Wake up. Please wake up." I was afraid to move him, but his head was bleeding. As was his chest and most of his body.

I touched his face and tried again "Ethan! Ethan please...please wake up!"

I started crying as I heard an ambulance two seconds before I saw the flashing lights. They screeched to a halt and shoved me out of the way. They started working on him and couldn't find a pulse.

I sat behind them bawling as they loaded him into the ambulance. "Will he be okay?" I yelled. One guy turned and said "I don't know. We have to hurry." "Meet us at Mercy General if you're with him." With that they slammed the door and rushed off in a blare of sirens.

I sped to my car and followed them. When I made it there I rushed into the hospital and ran up to the desk.

"Ethan Raines? He was just rushed here! Can you help me?"

She looked startled for a minute and looked at my clothes before replying "He's probably on the 3rd floor in emergency."

I ran to an elevator and made it up to the 3rd floor. Oh god, Oh god. He has to be okay. He has to be. I ran up to the Emergency Desk and asked again.

She looked at me "Are you okay?"

"What? No! I'm looking for Ethan Raines. Do you know where he is?"

"But you're covered in blood, dear."

I gave her a blank look looked down and that's when I realized I was covered in blood.

Oh god.

Ethan's blood.

I was covered in Ethan's blood.

And I blacked out.

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