Surviving a Week with BTS

By Unicornsmeller

329 17 2

Kelsy and her friend get the opportunity of a life time after attending their first BTS concert. The two are... More

Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven

Day One

129 3 2
By Unicornsmeller

Day One

"Today's the day!" I squealed dancing on my bed as my alarm went off to the song "Run". Today I was going to my first concert. The artists I was going to see was BTS. I was extremely excited. BTS is a korean pop band made up of some very talented and very nice looking boys.

"Kelsy!" My mom threw open my door. "Stop yelling and get ready to go, Elsa is going to be here in about an hour."

"Sorry Mom." I apologized turning my alarm off.

So you're probably wondering how I became obsessed with BTS. Well, let me tell you. I have been fangirling over BTS for about two years. My best friend, Elsa, had introduced me to them. I wasn't that interested at first but, one day I looked up their music video "War of Hormone" and I realized that dang they were really good. After a couple days of studying who was who, listening to every song I could find, and binge watching all of the English sub videos on YouTube I realized I had became a huge fangirl. I even had started buying ordering merchandise online. I had all of the members sweatshirts with their name and birthdate on it. I also had a couple tshirts with their band name on it.

The day was April 1st, 2017 I had been waiting for this concert for about a year. Elsa and I were investigating when they were going to come to the states for a concert. As soon as we saw that they were coming about a year later we realized we had to go. We immediately started pooling money together. After about four months of purely saving and no spending any money we came across we had enough money to afford normal tickets. We decided if it only took that long to save money we might as well save up more money to get v.i.p. tickets. Another two months later we had met our goal and had enough money for the v.i.p. Tickets.

"Alright now, where did I put my phone?" I looked to my right and noticed my cellphone had somehow gotten on the floor. I picked it up and noticed it had about 10 text alerts. I laughed as I opened up my phone.

The background I had chosen killed me every time I saw it. The background was a picture of Namjoon in a flower crown. I really couldn't help myself when it came to Asian boys in flower crowns.

The multiple of texts were from Elsa. I was too lazy to check them and reply so I called her instead. She picked up on the second ring.

"Today's the day Kels!" She yelled on the other end. I laughed and made my way to the bathroom.

"It is!" I replied with the same enthusiasm. I put her on speaker then set the phone on the counter.

"I actually get to meet Jin!" She squealed. Elsa had been in love with Jin since day one. Every time she saw a picture of him she would grab me and almost rip what she was holding onto. One time she was holding onto my hair. You can imagine how much that hurt.

"I know I'm super excited that we get to meet all of them." I had started to put my brown and caramel highlighted hair into two little buns on top of my head.

"Oh, all of them, are you sure you're not looking forward to meeting a certain someone." I felt a blush beginning to creep across my face.

"Oh Rapmonster." Elsa began to teasingly mock me, her voice an octave higher. "I just love you so much can I have your children?"

I laughed with a snort. "Yes, that's exactly how my first conversation is going to go down with him. And yeah, I'm pretty excited to meet Rapmon."

"So I'm picking you up right?" Elsa asked while I had started brushing my teeth.

"I mean I can't drive so I was hoping you would." I answered with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Ew what are you doing?" She asked with a disgusted tone.

"Brushing my teeth, I really don't want to meet BTS with skank breath." She laughed in response.

"Alright Kels I'm heading over so I'll be there in about a half hour." She stated.

"Okay see ya later." I hung up then spit in the sink and rinsed it down. I pulled a pair of headphones out of my pajama pants pocket. I had left them there from last night. I plug them into my phone and put on the song "Converse High". I continued getting ready putting on a small amount of makeup. I kind of wanted to go natural but I at least needed some eyeliner and mascara.

I finished up with getting ready and went back into my shared bedroom. I carefully picked out my outfit. I decided to wear a black pair of skinny jeans and a black Bts shirt, had to show my Army spirit. To complete the outfit I put on a lace choker and black leather high top Converse. I exited my room and bumped into my 12 year old sister Emily. She handed me a picture.

"What's this?" I asked. Upon closer inspection it was a picture of Suga. For some reason every time I saw Suga I thought of a Panda.

"Can you have Suga sign this for me?" She asked an innocent look on her face.

"I don't see why not but it's gonna cost you." I stuck out my tongue and ruffled her hair. She glared daggers at me for messing up her hair and I laughed.

I entered the living room of my small trailer to be attacked by my big Labradoodle Brinkley and the tiny ferocious Blue heeler aussie mix named Jackie. A giggle escaped from me and I pushed them down.

"You excited to see Rapmonster today?" My mom asked.

I was proud that my mom knew all of the member's names. After I had shown my family BTS my mom decided to be cool she would memorize all of the names. Well, she got all the names right but, she could never tell Jungkook, Jimin, and JIn apart from each other.

"I am extremely excited to meet all of them." I danced around goofily then grabbed a monster out of the fridge and sipped it awaiting the arrival of my bestie.

A few minutes later a car horn honked meaning it was time to go. I grabbed my backpack and one of my bts member sweaters and started heading out.

"Be safe!" My mom called out after me.

"I will, I promise, Elsa will take care of me." I smiled and waved goodbye. I hopped into Elsa's Chevy Malibu. Elsa was wearing a black Bts shirt similar to mine a pair of dark blue skinny jeans some floral print converse and she wore her caramel ombre hair down. She also had a huge smile on her face. Seeing the excitement on her face made me even more excited.

"Dude I am so excited!" I yelled hitting the top of the car and throwing my backpack into the backseat.

"Me too! We've been waiting what seems like years!" She yelled back pulling out of my driveway. I connected my phone to her built in bluetooth in her car and started up the song "Dope" .

"eoseo wa bangtaneun cheoeumiji Ayo Ladies and Gentleman."

I picked up my sweater and reversed it to see what one I had grabbed off of the couch. Of course, it happened to be Rapmons.

"Wow, it's a sign from the gods." Elsa laughed pulling onto the highway.

"Shut up Elsa." I giggled.

Elsa and I got through about 20 songs by the time we reached our destination. The drive was super fun we sang and thought of scenarios that would never happen to us in a million years.

We parked our car in a parking garage and decided to walk to the theatre. We were practically running to our destination. Once we got close enough we could see the tour bus.

"Dude!" I yelled shaking Elsa. "Look its' their bus!"

"Dude look." Elsa grabbed my arm and lowered her voice. "It's V."

"Oh my gosh it is I wonder if he'd see me if I waved." I waved to see if I could get V's attention and he waved back then entered the building.

"He saw us!" Elsa laughed and shook me then pushed up her glasses. We showed up to the concert so early because we had v.i.p. tickets and we could get things signed by the members of the group beforehand.

We entered the building through the front door and there was about 50 to a hundred people milling around in the lobby. Elsa and I walked up to the place to purchase tickets and handed the sales clerk our online tickets we printed off. The clerk handed us back two v.i.p. badges. I proudly put the strap around my neck and so did Elsa. I had a huge smile on my face. This was going to be the best day ever.

Elsa showed me her lanyard badge complete with her name and what we were able to do with our badges. We had the meet and greet beforehand and we also had the ability to go hang out with the group backstage after the concert. I was extremely stoked that we spent the money to be able to see them.

"If you have a v.i.p. pass the boys are now ready to start signing please come with me this way if you have v.ip. pass." An attendant motioned for us to follow him and we did. It was Elsa and I plus a group of about 20 other people. It seemed that not many people bought v.i.p tickets. We were then led into a big open room and then filed into a line. There in front of us sat the seven boys we had been fanning over and together spent over a grand to get to meet. My heart started beating faster. I felt as if I was going to puke and or crap myself. I looked over at Elsa and she was tapping her foot nervously. At least we were last in line so I had time to compose myself.

"Oh my gosh," Elsa whispered. "We are in the same room as Bts."

I nodded in response too nervous to speak. The line to meet them kept getting smaller as people would have them sign objects they had brought with them. Sadly, I only had one thing that needed signing and it was for Suga.

As we approached the boys I noticed V elbow J-hope and then he pointed at me. Elsa looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. As we got closer they started getting louder and talking in korean. At this point Jimin had got closer to them to see what the commotion was about. They started to whisper once I started to stare at them. I was about to ask Elsa again but she had disappeared.

The first person to get things signed by was Rapmon. Dang it, I wasn't ready.

Calm down Kelsy , you really really don't want him to think you're a super annoying fan girl who can't control herself.

Rapmon looked up from the last thing he signed and smiled up at me.

"Annyeongaseo," I extended my hand and he shook it surprised that I offered. "I'm Kelsy ." I smiled proudly that I was at least able to form a coherent sentence.

"Namjoon." He answered. "But, I'm sure you knew that already." I took my hand back trying not to freak out that THE Rapmonster had just shook hands with me.

"Yeah," I awkwardly stated. I got in a little close and said in a quiet voice. "Do you know what they're talking about down there?" I asked pointing down to J-Hope, V, and Jimin. "They keep pointing and staring at me."

Namjoon looked down and yelled at the guys in Korean and they trotted over laughing. He started talking to them in Korean. I had no idea what they were saying. Stupid language barrier.

Jimin answered Rapmon laughing and once again pointing at me. A smile appeared across Namjoon's face.

"They think your hair is...interesting." He chuckled.

"Can I touch?" V asked in poor broken up English.

"Yeah go for it." I nodded with a laugh. V came from behind the table and then patted my hair. I laughed when Jimin and J-hope started to pat my head as well.

"Alright guys I gotta go get something signed for my sister." I grabbed someone's hand that wis still patting my head and it happened to be Jimin's. He gave me a smirk and I let go of his wrist. I wave goodbye and head over to Suga.

Well, that went way better than expected. Hopefully they'll actually remember who I am by the end of the show.

Suga was sitting in his chair with his head on the table.

"Excuse me, Suga?" I asked trying to get his attention. He lifted his head up and rested it on his hand. He nodded his head at me as if to say "What up?"

I smiled and pulled the photo out of my pocket and handed it to him. He took it signed it then handed it back to me.

"Thank you." I placed the picture into it's original place in my back pocket. I walked away but I was still close enough to the table. I took out my phone and sneakily took a quick selfie with the guys in the background then ran off in search of Elsa. She was standing near the exit waiting for me She had a huge grin on her face.

"How'd it go?" She asked. I was looking at the picture I had taken. I smiled at the results they all noticed me take the picture and made goofy faces. I smiled and showed my screen to Elsa. She gripped onto me and we both tried not to squeal.

"They liked my hair and about half of them were touching my buns." I giggled.

"You mean your hair right?" Elsa asked concerned. I laughed and held onto Elsa's arm as we exited the meet and greet room.

"Yes, I only wish they touched the other one's" Elsa looked at me wide eyed.

"I'm kidding, for the most part." I laughed and so did she. We had about twenty minutes until the actual show started so we made our way to find our spot. We were in the very front row in the middle of the stage. While we awaited for the concert to start I sent the selfie I had taken to my friend Brenda who also had a fascination with Bts. She was extremely jealous she wasn't able to go the concert.

"Oh my word I'm so jealous you actually got to talk to V?" She asked. I texted back an evil emoji in response. She was in love with V.

Elsa and I goofed around and chatted about the meetings and noticed the room had started to get packed. Finally the lights went out and there was cheering everywhere. I was smashed up beside Elsa but, I didn't care I had been waiting an entire year for this moment. The music for Dope started playing. Elsa and I squealed in delight. Rapmon came out first and waved. "eoseo wa bangtaneun cheoeumiji." The rest of the group came out they started dancing to the song. The energy was great Elsa and I danced to the music. Jungkook even came up to us at one point and high fived us.

At the end of the song the music stopped and Rapmon started talking. "Hello people of Michigan!" He exclaimed. "I'm Rapmonster!" He pointed to his chest referring to himself.

"I'm J-hope your angel" J-hope jumped in front of Rapmon.

"I'm Suga" Suga spun in front of J-hope.

"I'm Jimin." Jimin winked at what seemed to be Elsa and I then stood in front of J-hope.

"I'm V" V awkwardly waved and stood in front of Jimin.

"I'm Jin" Jin took a bow and stood in front of V.

"And I'm Jungkook." The guys dispersed . "And we are Bts!" I cheered loud and so did everyone else. The music for "Boy in luv" started to play and I could barely contain myself. It was on my favorite list. The beat started and I immediately started dancing. They sang the song and danced. It was spectacular. I especially enjoyed the part where they sounded like cars revving their engines. After that song had finished they started dancing around to no music in particular. They were just being goofballs.

The rest of the concert went fantastic. By the end of it I had danced more than I ever had before. And let me tell you I had no idea how to dance. I was a horrible dancer, I kind of just let the music move me.

The last song ended and the guys disappeared behind stage. Not before all of them came down towards the front and took a bow. They all looked up after we cheered for them. I smiled my attention focused at Rapmon. He winked at what seemed to be me then stuck his tongue out.

"Dude was that for me?" I yelled over the cheering at Elsa. She smiled big at me.

"I think it was Dude!" She gripped onto my shoulder and began to shake me. The house lights of the auditorium turned on and an announcer voice came on over the speakers.

"Thank you for coming to see BTS if you are a vip ticket holder you are welcome to stay afterwards and hang out with the members of BTS in the room you were in before the concert."

"Guess that means us huh?" I asked Elsa grabbing her hand so I wouldn't lose her in the crowd.

We made our way to the room we were in a few hours before. I checked the time on my phone and it was about 5 o'clock. It seemed like the concert was only about five minutes. Time flew by while we were having fun.

About ten minutes had passed and J-hope and V entered the room. A few huge fangirls ran up to greet them. Elsa and I hung back knowing that they probably didn't want a bunch of annoying girls in there face after performing.

They acted polite towards the girls and took some pictures with them.

"Bro look." J-hope pointed to me and V noticed me as well.

"It's bun girl!" V yelled running towards me. J-hope followed closely behind him.

"Hey guys awesome job per-" I didn't even get to finish before they started patting my head again and speaking in Korean.

"Elsa I don't know what's going on help me." I laughed.

"Hey guys leave the poor girl alone." I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Jimin and Rapmon standing beside Elsa.

"It's fine." I said shrugging my shoulder trying not to blush thinking about that Namjoon may or may not have winked at me.

Luckily for me the boys stopped.

"Hi I'm Kelsy ." I said introducing myself.

"I'm Elsa." Elsa waved.

"Bun girl has a name?' Jimin asked a smile spreading across his face.

"I could have told you that bro." Rapmon nudged his arm.

"You remembered my name?" I asked a little shocked.

"Of course." A smile spread across his face. I looked around the room and noticed that most of the fan girls were staring angrily at me. I was a little concerned for my well being with all the daggers being glared into my skull. I then noticed Jin, Jungkook and Suga walked in. Elsa noticed them too and headed towards them.

I grabbed onto her arm as if to say. "Don't leave me alone." She smiled and left me anyway. All the others guys except Rapmon left as well.

"You did great tonight." I offered up as a topic of conversation.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Except for the part where you stepped on Suga's foot." I said and a laugh escaped at the end.

He laughed as well then rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, it happens to be that I'm not the best dancer."

"No really?" I asked sarcastically. "I really did enjoy the concert though it was great and the song selection was top notch."

There was an awkward pause until I piped up. "So how do you like Michigan?" I asked bringing up another topic before he walked away and I never talked to him again.

"It is insanely cold here." He complained. "How do you live like this?" He rubbed his arms like he was cold for emphasis.

"I've been here my whole life and I'm still not used to it." I laughed.

"Really? You've only been in Michigan?" He asked.

"Yeah, I answered. Although, I've been to Canada twice and I also went on a road trip to Tennessee." I answered praising God that he hadn't gotten bored of our conversation.

"So have you used a plane as transportation before?" He asked another question.

"Nope," I answered sadly.

"Well," Rapmon stopped in thought. "Tell you what, since I feel bad that a pretty girl like you hasn't been able to travel how would you like to come hang out with me and the guys?"

My heart almost burst out of my chest. Rapmon just asked me to hang out with the rest of BTS. Oh my word did he call me pretty?

"When?" I squeaked out.

"Right now." He answered looking around. "It seems the rest of our fans left and we're heading to a club."

"I mean I'd love to come but, I need my friend Elsa to come with me." I said sheepishly.

"Oh yeah, she can come too." He smiled at me. He called out to the guys in Korean. They got up off of their chairs and came up to us.

"She coming?" V asked in his insanely deep voice.

"Yes I coming." I answered mocking him. Jimin and Rapmon laughed at my English but, V didn't notice I was mocking him. Elsa walked up beside me with Jin ,Jungkook and Suga tagging behind her.

"So how are we getting there?" I asked.

"Probably in a car." Jimin sassed back.

I rolled my eyes in response and Rapmon laughed. "Just follow our lead." The boys left the room and Elsa and I followed behind them.

"Dude, I never in a million years thought that this would happen." I said in a low voice so they couldn't hear. The boys were talking in Korean and shoving each other and laughing.

"Me neither, It's most definitely worth the money." She whispered back.

We walked to the parking lot and the guys started piling into a van. We soon realized there's not enough room for us.

"We'll follow you guys there?" I offered.

"There's room sit on my lap." J-Hope patted his lap and raised his eyebrows.

"I'll pass." I giggled. Elsa and I ran as quickly as we could to where we parked the malibu then drove to where the van was parked. Once we got there Elsa honked the horn and the van started to drive.

"I should call my Mom and tell her what's up." I said pulling out my phone.

"Go for it, I mean you don't want to worry her." She agreed.

My mom never picked up so I left her a voicemail. "Hey mom it's kels, you're never going to believe this but, Bts asked us to hang out so I'm not going to be home until later tonight. I hope you don't mind. I'll see you when I get home love you."

"Nice leaving out that we're going to a club." Elsa laughed.

"I can't tell her I'm going to a club with you and seven guys that are in their twenties!" I exclaimed. "She'd get too worried and wouldn't let me go."

Elsa turned up the radio to a classical station. It seemed embarrassing to listen to BTS while we were driving right behind them.

"Dude, I still can't believe this happening!" I yelled rolling down the window.

"I know!" Elsa exclaimed. "Who knew we'd ever get a chance like this."

"Dude, I talked to Rapmonster and he said I was pretty." The day's events were catching up to me and I realized how lucky I was.

"Oh, dang!" Elsa squealed. "I told you he'd think you're awesome."

"No you didn't." I corrected with a glare. "You said there probably wasn't even a chance he'd say 'Hi' to me."

"Well, I was wrong." Elsa followed the van and parked next to it. We hopped out of the car and waited for the guys to pile out of the van.

"Did you guys drive?" Elsa asked.

"No, we have driver." Suga answered looking at Elsa like she was an idiot.

"Ah, of course." She felt stupid for asking I could tell. We all entered the club. Lucky for me minors were accepted. I was 17 I'd be 18 In about a month. The club was pulsing with music and it was really hard to hear anyone. I felt insanely awkward. I can't dance and now BTS would have to witness my non dance skills in person.

Elsa pulled me excitedly to the dance floor and tried to get me to dance. "Elsa!" I admonished. "I can't dance when they're watching me!"

Elsa laughed. "Girl, just be you!" I muttered under my breath and tried to dance. It wasn't anything intense I kind of just swayed in beat with the music. I looked to my left and noticed J-Hope, V, and Jimin took up a corner of the dance floor and were dancing away. I had lost sight of the other ones.

Someone grabbed my wrist and spun me around. I was face to face with Namjoon.

"Hey what's up." I smiled trying to continue dancing as he danced beside me.

"Just dancing with a fellow horrible dancer." He gave an evil smirk and I bat him on the shoulder.

"Ow," He grinned. "Anyway, I came over here to see if you wanted anything to drink." He started pulling me towards the bar.

"Uhm," I awkwardly muttered. "I don't drink."

"Really?" He asked taking a seat at the bar and motioning for me to sit beside him. "Why not?"

I sat on the stool beside him. "Well, for one thing I'm underage, and two I've seen what it does to people and I'd rather not go down that road."

A drink was put in front of Namjoon and he took a swig. "It's water." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"How old are you anyway?" He asked.

"I'm seventeen, I'll be 18 on the seventeenth of next month." I answered stealing his water from him and taking a sip. Holy crap, I just drank after Namjoon. Holy crap, why am I being semi flirty with him.

"Oh so are you still in school then?" He asked yet another question.

"Yup, I'll graduate in the beginning of June." Namjoon leaned with his elbow on the table and his hand propped up his head. His eyes met mine and he always looked at me directly when he spoke. It made me feel a little embarrassed having him stare at me.

"What about future plans, you going to college?"

"No, I'm going into the dancing industry obviously." I replied sarcastically. Namjoon smirked.

"Nah, really I plan on going to a college in Northern Michigan for a year or two and then I'll see what happens from there." I shrugged my shoulder at the end.

"What about you Namjoon?" I asked and realized it was the first time I called him by his real name.

"What do you mean?" He asked his face changed into a look of confusion.

"Like, what do you have planned for the summer and fall?" I asked further explaining with a smile.

"Oh well, we're going to go back to Korea and start working on a new album. It's going to get really busy." He let out a sigh. "I'm kind of envious of you."

"Envious of me?" I scoffed. "I'm just a normal girl going through college and what not. You're a famous Korean Pop star."

"That may be true." He smiled trying to charm me. "But, it takes a lot of work, we have to practice dancing a lot and you know I cannot dance." I let a giggle escape. "Exactly, and I also work on lyrics a lot as well and that's also a pain."

"Oh yeah, well." I started to come up with a way for him to feel bad for me. "I have to go to a place where I don't know anyone and then I have to live with some of them!" I pointed out with a laugh. Namjoon snickered.

"Oh wow that sounds so hard." He raised his hands for emphasis. Namjoon and I continued talking for about an hour or so. We talked about some of the culture differences and what we did growing up. I told him about my family and also how my sister had a slight crush on Suga. We we're getting into the topic hobbies when Elsa came up beside me.

"Hey Kels, We should probably get going I promised I'd bring you home at before 1." She started tugging my arm.

"Actually, I should probably get the guys too. We have practice tomorrow and need to rest up." Rapmon called the guys over in Korean and they all ran up to us.

"Dang, you really are the leader." Elsa laughed.

"Yes, and I'd like to keep it that way." A wicked grin appeared across his face. We walked out with the guys.

"Well, thanks for inviting us." I thanked. "It was really fun and I'll never forget it." Elsa and I were about to hop into the car when Jungkook yelled out to us.

"You come to concert friday?" He asked.

"What concert?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we have a concert in Detroit on Friday. Would you two be interested in coming?" Rapmon asked us.

"Oh sure we'd love to but uhm, we don't have the money for another concert." Elsa frowned

"You'd be coming as our guest." Jimin took a bow.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. "We'd love too!"

"Alright, we'll see you." V waved goodbye and started getting into the van. I was about to hop into the car again when Rapmon grabbed me by the arm.

"Hey, I really had a good time hanging out with you today, do you think we could hang out tomorrow?"

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.

"Sure!" I said a little too loudly. "Do you want to come get me and then we could go hang out somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure, I'd come get you at about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning." He smiled rubbing his head awkwardly.

Since he didn't know where I lived I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen out of Elsa's car and wrote down my address and handed it to him.

"Can you read it?" I asked a smirk on my face.

"Yes, I can read it." He mocked back taking the paper out of my hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and held out my hand for a high five. He snickered and high fived me back.

"What was that about?" Elsa asked as I entered the car.

"Dude," I grabbed her shoulders. "I think I have date with Rap Monster tomorrow."

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