Yugioh Gx Au special. The sha...

By Lumaking7

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A what if Yugioh Gx Alternative universe story. This is a Gx story of "What if the shadow riders won over the... More

A little note before reading the story.
Assembled meeting. The ruler of the 5 kingdoms.
Here comes "the resistance!" The rebels of this world.
Runaways! Chased by demons! The trouble in the Titan's kingdom!
Slaves, Vampires and Games.
Our Master, being soldier and dreadful missions.
Eventful meetings, Plot is thickening.
Fateful meetings and family part 1.
Fateful meetings and family part 2.
The battle against Chazz! part 1.
The battle against Chazz part 2.
Crystals and choices.
Loyalty and teachings.
Meetings and Shadows.
The Battle With The Hunters part 1.
The Battle With The Hunters part 2.
Prisoners and Blackmailing.
The Penitentiary part 1.
The Penitentiary part 2.
The Penitentiary part 3.

Plots and wishes.

104 3 12
By Lumaking7

I have heard a lot of rumors about Vampires and mythical creatures. That they are ruthless, uncaring beings, who would drink you dry in a seconds. However now I know differently. That all the rumors are all made up, and untrue. Why should they not be? Master Jaden is not like that. He is very caring master.

Thoughts from Marcel.

Vampire herald in Camula's kingdom.

Axel's p.o.v.

Axel sighed deeply, while looking at all the turmoil who was happening all around him. He was in the infirmary. He was treated by Sarina, who was doing a check up on him. She wanted to make sure all the poison was gone from his system. However even being in the infirmary didn't mean that he couldn't hear the loud voices and turmoil who was happening all around the resistance's headquarter. Axel sighed again and tried remembering the events that happened earlier on. Axel and his crew, who was Pegasus, Syrus,Chumley and Mokuba, had appeared here with the ring. Actually right in front of Kaiba, who had gotten really surprised by their appearance. Axel would surely have found it funny, if it wasn't for the emergence they were having. Axel and the others had quickly explained the situation and now everyone was running around like crazy. They needed to get ready for the infiltration on the Penitentiary. Axel rubbed his cheek a little. Delivering that message, hasn't been without bruises. Kaiba had slammed Axel with such a hard knuckle that Axel had been worried that his jaw was dislocated. Axel had never seen Kaiba that angry before either.

"You were supposed to protect her!" Kaiba had yelled at him. "You were the one who should have been caught. Not her..".

Axel was sure he would have yelled more terrible stuff at him, if it wasn't for the fact that Sartorius and Robot Crowler had grabbed him, and dragged him away, so he could cool off. Not that the words hadn't been true. Axel would gladly have taken Tara's place. Everything so that Tara could live on. He had sworn eternal allegiance to Tara after all.

"I believe the poison is gone Axel" Sarina then said and smiled "Your body is in tip top shape as usual". At that Axel smiled a little. He was proud of keeping his physically appearance. He was a warrior after all.

"Thanks Sarina" he then said and bowed his head in respectful manor. "I will do everything to pay you back".

"Just bring Tara back to us, and we are even" Sarina replied with a little smile "I do miss having the happy, ongoing Tara here".

Axel nodded. He missed Tara too. However he also knew they would soon see each other again. The question was just on how. In the Penitentiary where they saved her, or as one of Camula's vampires. Then he left the Infirmary.

Time skip.

"So this is what you see in my future?" Axel then questioned "Me, doing a lot of battles. It doesn't come as a surprise".

"Well I am sorry young man, but you are a warrior. It is not like it is avoidable not to fight" Sartorius said with a little smirk and looked at the tarot cards on the table. Axel sighed, but nodded slightly.

"I wouldn't have it differently, but..".

"You just want to be sure your lines follows Tara's" Sartorius interrupted him and smiled "I know, but the future is not set in stone. Your destiny inherits a lot of battles, and at some point you are gonna make a hard decision". Axel eyes widened. That made him rather puzzled.

"Decision? What decision?" he then asked. Sartorius shrugged.

"That the cards doesn't reveal" he the said "But for now your lines follow the shooting star card". Axel nodded slightly. He was glad to hear that.

"So anything that can help Tara out of the Penitentiary?" he then asked.

"I believe you have to face Kaiba to get her out of there young man. That and creativity" Sartorius then said "You have avoided him long enough. Don't you think?".

Axel sighed. He nodded and got up from the chair he was using in the common room. He turned around to see Syrus standing in the door to the room. The light blue haired male smiled a tiny smile.

"I was here to get you on Kaiba's orders" he then said.

Time skip.

"Okay, man all stations!" Kaiba then yelled and members were running in different stations.

Everything was actually chaos, when Axel and Syrus appeared inside the commando central. They found Kaiba staring at the monitors with cold glare, while Mokuba was actually standing beside him. Pegasus was sitting at the table together with Rebecka and Chumley. They were trying to decipher the code from Ace. Lorenzo was at an computer and looked like he was busy with hacking something. Everyone actually looked busy.

"I got a hang on Axel" Syrus then said and made Kaiba and Mokuba turn towards him.

Axel could feel the cold glare from Kaiba though. He was apparently not forgiven. Kaiba snort and turned to the monitors once again. Some of them was shown different sides of the mansion. Others were surprisingly shown the Penitentiary in Europe. How they managed to hack into it was beyond Axel. However it looked like it was only the outside camera's they had managed to hack into. Axel figured the inside was much more high tech. Banner was kind of proud of his different inventions. He always upgraded them. Especially at such places as the Penitentiaries. Axel clenched his fists. Would they be able to get Tara and the others out of there?

"Go get ready you two" Kaiba then said "We will soon attack". Axel eyes narrowed.

"What is your plans sir?" He then questioned. Kaiba sent him a cold glare.

"We are storming the place" he then said "It is that simple. We don't have that many options. I have a unit dispatched to give Sarina enough energy to move the headquarter close to the penitentiary. After that we just attack with all force we have". Axel and Syrus looked stunned at the leader.

"But that, by all due respect, is almost suicide" Syrus then said "We can't just attack them randomly". Axel nodded in agreement. Kaiba sighed at that.

"What else do we have? Lorenzo have tried hacking the systems on the inside, but without luck. Even if we have some devices to unlock the front door, we don't know what we are up against. Storming the place is the only thing possible" He then sneered "That or waiting, which is not in our favor, unless we.. We don't have the time!". Axel looked at the others in here. This was not the right way to do this.

"Creativity!" Axel then uttered "Sartorius mentioned you and creativity would get Tara out of the penitentiary". At that another cold glare hit him.

"That fortuneteller! He is of no use here. His predictions are useless. Just like always" Kaiba then said "How shall creativity help us in a situation like this?".

"Well Axel might be on to something Kaiba boy. Storming the penitentiary, would cost us the rest of our members to get caught" Pegasus then said "And what hope do when then have for this world". Kaiba sneered a little, but didn't object to anything.

"Mamma Mia, this is too hard!" Lorenzo yelled up and turned around to face the others "I can't break Banner's stupid firewall. We are done! World is at end!".

"Easy there Lorenzo. We will figure out something" Rebecka reassured "However this code drives me nuts too. What is this supposed to mean? All those Numbers and letters. A code I can't crack. Maybe the pressure is finally getting too me". Axel looked at the flock in here. In some way they had all actually given up.

"Mokuba, did this girl mention anything when she gave you the code?" Axel then questioned "She wanted Tara to have it right? That means Tara should be able to solve it right?". Mokuba shrugged a little. He was thoughtful for a moment.

"She did say something about we could use it when we hit a wall. Whatever that means" He then said "I have been thinking on that for a while".

Axel nodded slightly. Something was off. If Ace wanted Tara to have it, why then give it to Mokuba, when Tara was in the cottage as well. That and why was Banner so obsessed with getting Ace. They had sent Chazz the executer after her after all. It made no sense at all.

"Can I see that code?" Axel then said. Rebecka nodded and handed him the paper. It was filled with symbols. One of them looked like a star. The other a fire mark. Then a weird E and P mark. The rest was a long line of numbers.

"Now that you mentions Banner, I heard an interesting rumors, from one of the people at my father's tavern" Chumley then said "It had gone from mouth to mouth, so I am not sure what is fully the truth though. However a man proclaimed he had seen Banner's third man in charge, run through the streets somewhere in England. Accomplished by a girl of some kind, but he got caught by the police force. Some claim however he created quite a mess in Banner's systems, before he got caught".

"Well that would be a gift sent from heaven if that is true" Kaiba then said in a cold tone "Less new technology to worry about for a while". Rebecka nodded eagerly.

"Yes, that and Banner has his system operated to one server only. A powerful server, who is never been able to break into. I have tried". Axel hummed a little.

"His third in charge, isn't that this Misawa boy?" Pegasus questioned.

"Yes, Bastion Misawa" Syrus confirmed "Chumley and I went to duel academy with him. He is this guy who calculates everything". Axel hummed a little.

"Hit the wall, maybe this is not a code, but instead a password" he then concluded. "Lorenzo try using this for your hacking". Lorenzo shrugged.

"If you say so bada bing. I can at least try" he then replied. Then he clicked around on the keyboard a little. Soon his eyes widened.

"I did it!" he then yelled "I really did it! I am in the Penitentiary's server system". Everyone in the room rushed over to him. Even Kaiba.

"So what? This is Banner's code to his main server?" Mokuba then questioned.

"Must be" Rebecka replied "Bastion must have changed the system's password and given the code to Ace. She really was the girl on the run they saw. No wonder Banner wanted her back. Although why alive?!".

"Doesn't matter now" Kaiba then sneered "We need to get Tara out of there".

"And Aster and everyone else" Pegasus then said and smirked "However how are we gonna get inside even though we have hacked the security system? There are surely guards or monsters guarding the place". Axel were thoughtful for a moment.

"I think I have an idea. Tara's ring is still active right?" He then questioned "If we change the frequency a little, I could teleport beside her without anyone noticing". Kaiba's eyes widened in surprise.

"It is worth a shot. Just hope we are not too late to save them" he then replied.

Chazz's p.o.v.

Chazz groaned slightly and placed himself on the wooden bench in here. In the end he placed himself once again down on the stomach. Doing everything else would hurt too much. However lying like this was also uncomfortable.

"I deserve it" Chazz mumbled out to himself "I am master's soldier and I disobeyed. I deserve every punishment Master want's to dish out. It is only fair..".

Chazz shuttered a little by the cold. It was cold in the cell in the dungeon he was at. He wrapped himself up in the thin blanket he was having, while ignoring his noisy tummy, who was rumbling because it was hungry. Chazz shuttered again and moved carefully his back a little. It was aching like hell. So was the rest of his body, even though his master had made some Sorcerers patch him up pretty quickly from the arrow attack in the fight against the resistance. All so he could get punished even quicker. Chazz knew his master loved to punish him. Especially when he failed or when he was really pissed. Chazz believed he was both things after that failed mission with Ace, which was the reason why he wondered why his master hasn't been down here today. He had been down here every day this week, just to scourge his back. He had two week's punishments down here after all with little water and no food at all. So why not today? Chazz got slowly up from the bench and looked out on the bars of the cell. He wrapped the blanket around his bare chest. The blanket was the only thing shielding his damaged back after all. His coat was taken away from him and his shirt was ripped into so many pieces from the lashes, that he found no reason to wear it. It gave him no protection whatsoever.

Suddenly sounds of footsteps could be heard and Chazz rushed as quickly as he could to his feet's. He tossed the blanket off him at the bench and kneeled down really quickly at the bars of the cell. He waited. The sound of a door could be heard.

"Master, I am so sorry for talking your time" He then uttered pretty quickly "I am all yours. I will not disobey you ever again. I am your soldier. Do as you see fit with..".

"Chazz I am not him" a voice interrupted and made Chazz stop in mid-sentence. He looked surprised up. He could see the dark armor from a knight, as well as the dark long hair he was having. The only thing that was not black on him was the red scarf.

"Sensei? What are you doing here?" Chazz then questioned puzzled and stared at Armageddon knight. His and Adrian's sensei "You know full well, no one is allowed in here, when I am in lockdown. Master wants the pleasure.. of beating me himself".

"Oh do you believe I would break the lord's rule so casually?" Razz sneered "I am here on orders you know. I shall bring this girl down here. To your cell I might add. Something with that the lord, wants you to teach her the rules. So stop kneeling for heaven sake".

Chazz eyes widened a little but nodded. He got up from the ground while watching the bound gagged girl beside Razz. He hadn't noticed her before now. She was this blond long haired girl with blue eyes. Chazz was sure he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't quite remember where. The girl however sent them both evil glares with her eyes. Chazz actually felt rather naked now and quickly grabbed the blanket to cover his chest with his scars and wounds who was all over his body. At that Razz actually chuckled, but he didn't comment on Chazz's behavior.

"Who is she sensei?" Chazz then questioned "I am sure I have seen her before".

"You might. She is wanted after all" Razz then said slowly "But the hunters captured her. Which reminds me, I have a message from the lord. He will attend to your punishment after the party he is having tonight". Chazz eyes widened. The party was today?! Who is going with him? I'm usually with him so..

"Who is the master bringing with him? Not Adrian Gecko right?" he then said and clenched his fists. He was supposed to be there to please the master.

"No Adrian is still out of it, from his meeting's against the beasts" Razz then said and sighed "I have actually been chosen as one of his companions, although I am only there for safety. For the rules to be obeyed. He goes with two companions this time".

"Two?!" Chazz then said in a puzzled tone "You and who else?". Razz chuckled.

"Are you jealous?" the sensei then questioned slowly "The lord has recently acquired a new toy. That is the reason he hasn't been attending you yet. If you are lucky Chazz, you are getting replaced as his favorite". At that Chazz tensed a little. That couldn't be true right? No, Master wouldn't discard me that easy.

"Or he is will use me to let out some frustrations" Chazz said in a firm voice "Master won't toss me away that easily. But if he does, I will accept it. After all he can do with me as he pleases. I am his soldier and nothing more". Razz sighed deeply.

"Oh Chazz" the sensei sighed "I had hoped you would get at least a little jealous. That you would show you have a little defiance in there. Like the old Chazz".

"I told you the old Chazz died" Chazz just replied with dull eyes "Just tell me who the second companion of the master is, so I know if I shall serve them or not".

"Fine. The other companion is Yugi Muto. The hunters managed to capture him and several of his friends" Razz then replied "They continued on your mission, and were a great success".

Chazz froze for some few seconds. If they are successful, that means.. they must at least have some of the resistance members. A thought went to Tara for a tiny bit. Then he turned his head a little and locked eyes with the girl, who was still in his sensei's tight grip. Her defiant eyes were staring at him.

"A trophy eh? I understand. Master of course needs to show off his newest victory" Chazz then mused out "I need to congratulate him, whenever Master shows down here. I guess the girl is some blackmailing tool against the king of games right? That is why she is placed in my cell". Razz nodded slightly.

"That's right. She is Joey wheeler and Mai valentine's daughter" he then said "The lord apparently believes you are capable of keeping her here. Then he doesn't need to waste time on guards". Chazz nodded lightly. He could do that. Razz sighed again.

"I leave her in your hands then Chazz. Be warned though. She is rather wild" his sensei then advised and tossed the girl in here and closed the door. He also tossed rather casually two rolls of bandages in here too. "Here use them after your next punishment. I believe you are right about those frustrations. Rumor has it, Yugi Muto is defiant, without truly disobeying". Then he left the dungeon.

Chazz turned to the girl who he now apparently shared cell with. He sighed deeply but figured he at least could untie her. She was not able to leave the cell anyway. That was a big mistake though. As soon as he had loosened the ropes, a fist connected with his face, which surprised him that much that he lost balance.

"Ha, take that you jerk!" the girl yelled when she had removed the gag from her mouth. She looked pretty angry at him "Any soldier of Kagemaru needs to get beaten".

Chazz sighed deeply and grabbed this time her flying punch who was directed towards him. The girl struggled in his tight grip, which caused her to attack him again. Chazz locked now both of her hands.

"Give it a rest will you" he then sneered "I am not here to hurt you. Besides you can't beat me anyway, daughter of Joey Wheeler and Mai Valentine".

"For your information" the girl then sneered and got slowly up from the ground now "My name is Maiyo! Maiyo got it! Not daughter or girl". Chazz shrugged a little.

"If you say so Maiyo" Chazz couldn't stop himself from teasing her there "But you still can't win over me. I am an experienced fighter. I am Master's soldier". The girl, Maiyo glared at him. Then she snort coldly.

"I know. I heard everything you and that Sensei of yours were talking about" she then said in a cold tone "You doesn't look like a fighter though. Warriors have honor and stuff. You are just a creepy evil jerk. And so is that creep of a master you have". Surprisingly Chazz shrugged a little. This bothered him not so much.

"My master is my master. There is not much to it" he then said and sat down on the bench. "But I suggest you keep your thought to yourself. If master knows you are talking bad about him, he might order me to hurt you. I really don't want to. You are an important tool to him". Maiyo sent him an evil glare.

"Oh like you did minutes ago" she sneered "I don't believe you for one sec".

"I needed to defend myself" Chazz replied with a shrug. "You attacked me. If you behave nothing else will happen. You might as well get comfortable. We are stuck here for a while". Maiyo sent him daggers with her eyes. Then she snort.

"Fine. I will make myself comfortable, way over here!" Maiyo then sneered and sat on the opposite side of the wall. "As far away from you as possible!".

"Fine by me" Chazz then replied and laid down on the beach. However he had a feeling this would be a long stay down here.

Marcel's p.o.v.

Dear Marcel.

How are you doing? It has been so long since we have seen each other. Time flies by. It feels like it was years ago since we was in that hunter's game together. Even though I believe it has only been months. I really doesn't count the time you see. However my life has changed drastically. All in a good way. Tania is a kind ruler. At least to females. I don't think you are welcome here though. Tania and Alexis tells me there is no hope for you, because you became Jaden sama's servant, (Can't stop addressing Jaden differently even though he is a vampire) but I don't believe them on that. One of the reasons I am sending you this letter in the first place. To make sure you are okay. Please respond, so I can prove them wrong. You are still my best friend, even though we are kingdoms apart. Hope you are feeling the same way too. If you are, then sent a message back to me. Hawky (that is the Hawk) will then return my letter. I know this is kind of against the kingdom rules, to be friends with other people from other kingdoms. Especially the rivalry between the Amazon and Vampire kingdoms, but screw the rules! Hope you feel the same way!

However if I don't get any message in three days, I know it is over.

But enough about that. Let me tell something more interesting. If this truly is my last letter to you, I am not holding back. I became an amazon myself! A warrior just like Tania and Alexis. Alexis even says I have great warrior potential. They don't even have slaves over here. Although they have a hierarchy. Everyone is ranked, but since Tania claimed me, I am having high status. Alexis even decided to train me personally once in awhile, so I am surely getting higher rank at some point. However I hope I hear from you soon, and that the vampires are treating you with respect. Alexis says that is unlikely, since they are bloodsuckers, but I still cling to the hope they are not too bad. They were sort of nice to us when we were slaves there. Or most of them where, so yeah.

Hope I hear from you soon.

Love Blair.

Marcel looked surprised at the letter who was lying in his lap. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't know how to respond. He had been hanging out in Master Jaden's quarters. That was his home from now on. A Herald should be available at all times after all, if their master needed them. A person like Camula who had many to choose from, selected one to sleep in her quarters, while the rest of them was spread out between her children or living at the servant quarters. Marcel however, was Jaden's only Herold, so he was living here on permanent basic. He was sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor, with a few good pillows and a warm blanket. Not something fancy, but Marcel liked it anyway. It was ten times better than sleep on some hard stone floor, or other uncomfortable places, he had been sleeping at, since he became a slave. Master Jaden was a caring master compared to any other master he had. Marcel had been cleaning his master's quarters though, while his master was away to who knows where. Marcel didn't question where. It was his master's own business. However he had just been finished cleaning, when this hawk, flew in at the open window he was having at the moment. It tossed the letter in his lap and was right now sitting in the windowsill, waiting for him to respond to Blair's letter. Marcel looked over at the Hawk Hawky. It was so common Blair, to call things the most simple things. Like a hawk named Hawky. Marcel looked at the letter once again. He couldn't decide if he should reply her or not. He was happy Blair tried to contact him and still wanted to stay friends. He really was, but on the other hand, go behind the rulers back?! Go behind Master Jaden's back?! No he couldn't do that. he was devoted to him, and only him. That was the fate of a Herald, as the other Heralds explained to him. That was before Master Jaden had eaten from him of course. The others said he would understand as soon as his Master had claimed him. They had been truly right. He understood everything much better now. Marcel looked at the letter again. Well it would be rude not to reply her. He nodded eagerly. He would sent her a letter and ask her not to bother him anymore. He nodded again, and got up from the mattress he had been sitting at. He needed some paper and a pen.

However he had just gotten up, when the door to the room almost flew open and Master Jaden, rushed in there with anger burning out of him, and his eyes flashing dangerly red. Marcel froze instantly by that. Jaden sneered and slammed the door behind him. He used so much force, that Marcel was worried the hinges at the door would break or something. Jaden sneered again while ignoring Marcel completely.

"She turned me down again!" he then yelled "How dare she! That bimbo, that, that, Ahr!".

He let out a frustrated scream and kicked the nightstand in here. Luckily it was rather solid. In the end Jaden tossed himself at the bed, mumbling different curses, Marcel couldn't quite hear. Soon that turns to sobs though.

"Master" Marcel said in a low carefully voice. He didn't want his Master's anger flare at him now. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?". Jaden hissed a little.

"No, nothing!" he then sneered "Just leave me alone!". Marcel bit his lip. He was debatting with himself on if he should do as he was told or not.

"I.. I don't think that is a good idea.. Master you are clearly upset" he then said and slowly approached the vampire.

Jaden lifted angry his head from the pillow he was lying at. He sent Marcel an angry, cold glare.

"I told you to leave me alone!" He then yelled in his face and lifted his hand.

Marcel's eyes widened in fear. His master would surely strike him now. He closed his eyes and waited for the impact. It never came. Instead he felt a cold hand at his cheek. Marcel opened surprised his eyes at that. Brown eyes were looking at him.

"I am sorry Marcel. I shouldn't have let my fury out on you" his master then said and rubbed his cheek a little. "I should really learn to control my temper and my mood swings. Hope you can forgive me". Marcel nodded slightly. Jaden smiled a little.

"That is good" He then proclaimed and let go of Marcel. He slammed his head at the pillow again. "I am a terrible Master. I shouldn't hurt my own property".

"But I like you the way you are Master Jaden" Marcel said quickly and grabbed a chair and sat beside him at the bed. "You are not terrible at all".

"Maybe not to you Marcel, but lately I.." Marcel could hear his master sigh. He turned around in bed and looked up in the ceiling now "Lately I feel something escapes me. Something I am missing, but my head is one big mess".

"Maybe you need to talk about it Master" Marcel concluded "Like why you were so angry a minute ago. You were about to hurt me there". Jaden sighed deeply.

"I were at hers place. In the dungeon" he then said "But she turned me down again. She refuses to be with me. I don't understand why. I am a likable person right?".

"Very likable" Marcel mused and sighed inside.

His Master was still head over heels crushing (even though Jaden says he wasn't) on that vampire sibling of his. It was not unheard off that vampires in the same pack falls in love with each other. Especially since they are not technical blood related in any way. However Marcel couldn't understand why his master, were crushing on this unfriendly, cruel Vampire girl.

"I am doing everything I can to make her like me, but it doesn't work. Why is that? Marcel why is that?!" his master then asked in a panicked voice.

"Maybe you're not her type Master" Marcel replied slowly which earned a glare from Jaden. He quickly continued "I mean her first expression of you were not the best Master. You always defended Zane against her, so she doesn't see how good a person you really are. Just give her the time to know the true you. Be patient Master". At that Jaden sighed deeply.

"Patient eh? well I don't think I can do that Marcel" Jaden then replied "Not with my split personality and mood swings. One part of me, wants to kill and destroy everything in sight. Mother says that is my true vampire nature who shines. Then there is the second part. The depressed one, as my siblings call it. The mode I am emotionally hurt and crying all the time. Big brother Zane and mother says it is my connection to my twin. I believe them on that. Lastly there is that mode I am in now. The mode where I am usually myself. There I can control myself and my different emotions, even though my mind is still a big puzzle. I can see all those pictures of.. Yeah I don't know. Everything is roaming around in my head. It is all so fast and makes no sense to me. It is just so frustrating Marcel".

"Maybe this is the part you feel like missing" Marcel tried reassuring "Maybe the pictures are trying to tell you something. What is the last picture you can remember you saw? Maybe I can help you in sorting them out".

Jaden hummed a little and looked over at Marcel. He looked thoughtful, and that made the Herald worried. Maybe he had suggested something wrong. Maybe Master Jaden disliked him now.

"Only if you want to of course Master. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything" He then tried defending.

A hand flew through the air, and for a second, Marcel was worried Jaden would hit him. Years in the slave tribes made him just instantly think of that, even though Jaden had never hurt him. Not yet at least. However the worry disappeared as soon as it had been there, when Jaden placed his hand on top of his head instead and ruffled his hair a little.

"Sure, why not" Jaden then said with a big smile "Mom says you are there to please me anyway. So if you like, you can keep record of all those pictures". Marcel smiled back. He was happy to help Master Jaden, with anything he required.

"So what is the latest picture you remember?" Marcel then asked. Jaden was thoughtful for a minute.

"I have this picture of duel academy. Actually many of them are at duel academy for some reason" Jaden then began telling "I see those weird people. In my mind, the word 'Friends' appear, but they are all blurry. I can't seem to remember who they are. Mother says they are of no importance though. After all my true family and friends are right here, and she is right of course. But do you believe, I have had friends, before I joined Mistress Camula?".

"It is possible Master, but I believe Mistress Camula is correct. You shouldn't hang in the past too much" Marcel then replied "You are happy now right Master? So shouldn't we keep it that way?". Jaden hummed a little.

"Yeah true. I am very happy" He then mused "I just feel like I need to understand those pictures. To know if they are my true friends or not. Hope you understand that".

"Oh of course Master" Marcel then said "But I am your friend too". Jaden sighed a little.

"True you are my friend, but you are also my Herald. There is a big difference" His master then replied and sighed again. He looked up in the ceiling again. "There is also a picture of some card of some sort. I am not sure what they are, but I feel like they are imp..".

Marcel looked confused at his master. He had stopped himself in mid-sentence all of the sudden. He had just turned his head at Marcel once again, when he had suddenly stopped. Marcel wondered if his master was hungry or something. Then his master looked rather puzzled at him.

"Marcel, why is there a hawk in the room?" he then questioned and pointed at the bird in the windowsill.

Marcel instantly turned around, and looked at Hawky. Blair's hawk. It was still waiting for his reply, and had surprisingly not moved from the place. Even though Jaden had flipped out a minute ago. Marcel figured it was very well trained. He scratched his hair a little sheepishly. He had forgotten all about the letter and the bird, since his master entered in here.

"Um well my friend, or old friend Blair. You know the girl who didn't manage to catch in the hunting game a while ago. She is still trying to keep the contact between us. I was about to reply her and tell her not to disturb us. Um I mean me Master, I am your Herald after all". Jaden lifted his chin a little and made him look into his brown, cold, vampire eyes.

"So your friend eh? Why are you turning her down?" His master then questioned.

"I thought you would disapprove Master" Marcel said in a low voice "She is an amazon now. From Tania's kingdom. We are having this tight rivalry right? So isn't it against the rules to be friends with an Amazon? She wanted to keep this behind your back too Master. I could never do that". Jaden hummed again.

"You could at least asked for my approval Marcel" Jaden said in a firm voice and let go of him "Before you make assumptions on your own. True, we are having a fierce rivalry, but I don't think we have a rule that states you can't be friends with an Amazon. I will of course consult with Mother about this. Maybe she will agree, maybe not. However in the future, don't keep things from me, and if there is something resembling this here, that you want, don't hesitate to ask Marcel. I might or might not grand it. You are my property after all. My property and friend".

"Master Jaden!" Marcel uttered in happiness and tossed arms around Jaden in a big hug. Few tears were shown in the corner of his eyes. "You are so kind and caring. I wish to be with you forever and ever". Jaden tried to push Marcel a little away from him. He was way to close and clinging to him.

"Marcel, I am happy too, but that is enough" Jaden then uttered "And stop the water.. works..". At that last word, Jaden actually froze a little. Marcel let quickly go of him.

"Master you okay?" he then questioned "You not getting sick are you?". Jaden groaned a little and rubbed his head a little. It looked like he was in pain.

"That scene. It feels like I had this one before" he then uttered in a low voice "With another boy, as young and almost as tall as you Marcel, I..". Jaden groaned again and placed himself down in the bed. Marcel didn't like this. His master looked pale. His eyes changed slightly from brown to black now. Tears were running down his cheeks.

"Marcel give me something to eat" Jaden then whispered "I am not feeling so well all of the sudden. But not from you. I ate from you a little while ago".

"Of.. of course Master" he said quickly "I will be fast. I will be.. just rest a little Master Jaden. I will take care of everything".

He closed the window in here. He could see Hawky flew up in a tree outside. Then he tossed a blanket over his master and rushed outside the room. He needed to find one of the other, healthy Heralds in here, so they could provide his Master with food. If there were no one available for now, he had to ask politely for help from one of the packs. He just hoped he didn't have to. What Marcel however didn't notice was that there were already someone hiding in the shadows inside his master's room.

Zane's p.o.v.

Zane slink through the dark corners of the room, and moved easily out of the way when Marcel rushed out of his pack brother's room. He didn't notice Zane's presence, but that wasn't a surprise. Zane could make himself​ soundless. Even so much soundless, that his brother's and sister's couldn't hear him. He mostly didn't do it though. At least not to his family members. However this had been a special case. Zane had done as his Mistress requested, and gone to visit Jaden, before he rushed off to claim Tara Yuki from the Penitentiary. However when he had arrived at the door to Jaden's room, he had heard Marcel and Jaden talk. Vampire ears were able to hear sounds a lot better than common humans were. He had heard about Jaden's mood problems, and decided to sneak in instead of politely to ask for entry. After all, Jaden had given him permission to enter at all time. Zane figured he would ruin the conversation if he let his presence be known. Therefore he heard everything they afterwards talked about. About the moods, the pictures Jaden saw, and Marcel rushing out of room after Jaden got rather malaise. Something Zane didn't like at all, but he was glad he asked Marcel to get some food. Blood could cure a lot of problems for vampires. It could make them heal quicker and feel better and strong. In Jaden's case, also lock his human memories a little away, and let his vampire nature take over for a while. Zane moved closer to the bed in the room. He still moved around in the shadows for a little bit. That until he knew Jaden was sleeping soundly in his bed. Soon he was standing beside his brother. Jaden was really sleeping soundly in bed, but he had always been a fast sleeper, so it didn't surprise Zane at all. What did surprise Zane, was that Jaden was crying in his sleep. Tears were running down his cheeks. Here at close range, Zane also could see how pale, Jaden really was. Zane clenched his fists, and recalled one of his mistress's words around him. 'He is a very special vampire Zane. One of his kind in fact. Never heard of a vampire with human memories walking the earth. At least not for centuries. He has the humans kindness and caring for another human being, while also having the vampires malicious persona. Zane sneered inside. That might well be, but it also causes Jaden great pain. Zane was sure that whatever memory Jaden had seen now, caused him that pain, and maybe even drained him from more energy than usual, since his vampire persona, tried so hard to make him forget. Surely one of the reasons, he flips out, when past human friend says his name. Zane sighed deeply again. Then he took a quick look at his pack brother.

"I will bring her back to you Jaden" Zane then said in a low voice "I will bring Tara Yuki back to you. Then she will heal you from this pain. You will see". Then he left through the shadows once again.

A,N: Well that was that chapter part. Hope you liked it. Please give me some feedback if you like. Want to know what you think of the story so far. The next part is of course with the Penitentiary and the Resistance. And some few Extras. So hope it sounds interesting. I will update when I have the time.

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