My Life As A Nymphomaniac

By lasaithewriter

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Robyn Jhene Williams ...I just can't help it ...Oh my God right there ...Please don't Stop ...Shit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Character Change
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Book 2
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Private Chapters
Chapter 46
Due Dates
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Its Over
Im Back
Marrying A Nymphomaniac

Chapter 47

791 17 2
By lasaithewriter

Robert POV

I woke up next to Robyn and there was a trash can next to the bed full of vomit. That shit was nasty as hell.

I cleaned up everything and went in the bathroom and looked under the sink for a new toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before taking off my pants leaving me in basketball shorts and my shirt.

Robyn woke up and went to her room. I sat down for a minute to gather my thoughts. I had a banging ass headache and I didn't remember shit from last night. I just laid back and relaxed for a little while. My stomach was hurting like hell and my throats was burning.

"You okay", Robyn asked coming back in the room. She had on different clothes now and she looked like she had took a shower.

"Hell no. I'm fucked over", I said making her laugh.

"Booboo your super loud right now", I said.

"Sorry", she said as her laughter died down.

"Come on so I can cook you something to eat."

I got up and felt dizzy but kept walking anyway. I realized that was a mistake when I got to the stairs and missed a step making me fall down every damn step.

"Aahhhhh fuck", I yelled while everybody laughed.

"Damn. That boy still drunk", Marlon said holding his stomach from laughing so hard.

"What the fuck bro? You good", Dylan asked helping me up.

"Hell nah didn't you just see him fall", Craig said quoting All About The Benjamins.

"That's my favorite part of that movie", Robyn said going around me.

I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the island smelling the scent of food.

"Who cooked", Robyn asked looking at all the food on the stove.

"I did", Kesha said coming in the kitchen with everybody else.

"Thank you. Usually Marlon just waits until I get up to cook him breakfast."

"I was the first person up and I had a bad headache so I just made breakfast for everybody."

"Last night was freaking crazy", Craig said holding his head in his hands.

"I don't remember shit", Dylan said

"Oh my goodness. You guys were out of it. I'll never go to another party with y'all again", Sade said making me a plate of food.

"My body hurts", Craig said.

"You did a triple back flip off the roof and landed in the jumper", Sadé said.

"You almost didn't make it", Kesha said laughing.

"Kesha you weren't any better. You were being so gay last night and you kept just fading in and out. Dylan was trying to talk to you and you just stared at the window. Marlon told you to move so he could bring Craig inside and you just stood there."

"You had to carry me in here", Craig asked Marlon.

"Yea. I should've let you sleep in the car."

"You guys are so unfair. Daedae little bitty self had to make sure all y'all were good and y'all probably acted an ass", Robyn said.

"Shut up you weren't even there", I said.

"So what."

"And y'all did act an ass. It took me twenty minutes just to get the keys from Craig and then another ten minutes to get them in the car. Robyn I'm telling you, you don't know the half", Sadé said.

"Were you guys shooting last night or was that a dream", Kesha asked reminding me about the countdown.

"Bro that shit was crazy. I let off six rounds straight", I said slapping hands with Dylan.

"On me. Them niggas was heated. He had seven fucking guns just sitting under the car in a bag", Dylan said.

"I can't believe you guys. You could've killed someone", Robyn said.

"We were shooting in the air Robyn."

"It was still irresponsible and childish. Guns are not toys. You don't just go around playing with them", Marlon said.

"But if we shooting in the air what's the worst that could happen", Dylan's asked.

"The worst that can happen is that it's a murder on the gun that you was shooting with and the police find it with your finger prints and now you in jail for life over a crime you didn't commit", he said.

"That means no more guns and no more getting drunk. It's okay to have a drink or two or to get tipsy but the way y'all came in here last night wasn't cool. Sadé wasn't drunk so she got y'all here safely but she was high as a kite. I could see it all in her face", Marlon said before he went upstairs.

"You got high last night?"

"Me and Dylan smocked a eighth", she said laughing.

"That white boy was passing that shit out for free", Dylan said shrugging his shoulders.

"I think it was his party", I said.

"Yea cause he had everything. Or either he was like the main promoter", Kesha said.

We finished eating breakfast and was about to leave so we could get dressed.

I got up and got that dizzy feeling again before I stumbled into the refrigerator.

"Damn. He really is still drunk", Robyn said laughing super hard with everybody else.

"Eww she peeing on herself", Dylan said pointing at Robyn's pants.

"No I'm not", she said looking down.

"Yes you are stupi-", I was cut off by her yelling and then covering her mouth.

"My water broke", she yelled panicking.

"Oh my God it's time", Sadé yelled.

Everybody was rushing around putting on their shoes and trying to make themselves look presentable while Robyn was just standing in the same place.

"What happened, what are y'all doing", Marlon asked coming back down stairs.

"Her water broke", I said calling my mom.

"Umm when was anybody gonna tell me", he asked running in the kitchen.

Marlon POV

"Are you okay", I asked Robyn who was just standing in one spot.

"Yea I'm fine. Just please tell them to calm down. Their making me nervous", she said sitting down.

"Y'all calm down please so we can get her situated", I said.

"AHHHH FUCK", Robyn yelled scaring the shit out of me.

"We gotta get to the hospital Marlon", Thing one said looking scared.

"I know. Just chill, I read in a book what to do when her water breaks and the first thing was not to panic. Robert, call your parents and Alicia and tell them to meet us at the hospital. Thing one call the hospital and make sure our room is ready, Dylan go start the car, thing two go upstairs and grab the diaper bag that's hanging on the door and the grab the Gucci duffle bag thats in my room. Craig help me get her to the car."

Everyone went and did what I told them to and things were going smoothly.

"Marlon the lady said who's delivering the baby", Sadé asked still on the phone with the hospital.

"Dr. Chance", I said while Robyn held onto my hand.

"Robyn let my hand go. Let me go. Please let me go", Craig said trying to get his hand out of her strong ass grip.

"Baby calm down and just relax."

"Marlon this shit hurts like hell. Why are we taking so long to leave?"

"Because I gotta make sure we don't forget anything", I said going back in the house. Kesha came running downstairs with the bags and I took them from her and waited until everybody was out the house to lock up.

Craig drove his car with him, Kesha Dylan and Sadé.

Robert rode with us because he just had to be with her the entire time.

"Marlon please hurry up. It's hurting so bad", she cried.

Robert kept wiping her tears as more fell and trying get her breathing under control.

At this point I wasn't worried about how I was driving, I was just trying to get to the hospital. I was flying through red lights, going over the speed limit driving on the wrong side of the street and a whole bunch of other illegal shit. Craig was right behind me and made sure he kept up. I just had to get to this hospital. I didn't park the car when we got there, instead I just helped Robyn out the car and told Kesha to grab out stuff. I tossed my keys to Dylan and told him to park the car next to Craig. Robert, Sadé and Kesha came with me inside and a nurse was already waiting for us.

Robyn sat in the wheelchair and that's when she started spazzing out again. She was crying so hard and squeezing the chair so tight.

It was literally making me not wanna have anymore kids if she was gonna be in this pain.

"OH MY GOD", she yelled crying harder.

The nurse had stopped moving and she was making me mad.

"Can you please move us to her room", Sadé asked with an attitude.

"I am sweetheart but we have to let her get through this contraction so I can calculate how far apart they are", the nurse said.

"She two centimeters dilated and they're ten to fifteen minutes apart", I said.

"Thank you", the nurse said continuing the journey to the room.

Robyn had calmed down and now I was helping her change out of her clothes and put on the hospital gown.

She had to get hooked up to the monitors and get a couple tests ran on her before she was able to lay down.

"Just to let you know, since this is a private room only two other people can be in the room with her when it's time to push, do you know who it is Ms. Williams?"

"My fiancé and my mom", she said.

"Okay. I'll be back to check on you in a little while", she said before leaving.

Everybody was just standing around waiting now.

"It's hot in here", Robyn said fanning herself.

Kesha took the hair thing off her arm and tied her hair up in a bun while Robert went to get her some ice. I changed the temperature in the room to cooler and she said thank you.

"Another one is coming", she said holding on to the sides of the bed.

I grabbed her hand and stood up while she slowly started to cry again. She let out a long and loud scream while squeezing all the the feeling out of my hand.

I looked at the monitor and the graph had went all the way up.

"That was a big one", I said pointing at the monitor.

"What the fuck man. This is the first and last, my sister ain't going through this shit no more", Robert said leaving out of the room.

"I can't do this", she said as she lowly cried.

"Yes you can. It's okay momma", I said wiping her face.

She went back to her normal position and stopped crying.

"Is it gone?"


She started eating her ice and Robert came back in.

"Why did you leave", she asked.

"Because I didn't wanna see you keep screaming and being in pain like that."

"Well it only lasts for a little while so don't leave anymore."


"Did you call my mommy, and where is my dad?"

"They're on their way and Alicia just got here", he said right before Alicia walked in.

"Aww hi baby. How are you", she asked smiling and rubbing Robyn's hair.

"I'm okay until these contractions come."

"How far are you?"

"I think four centimeters. Right", she asked looking at me.


"Oh man, you still got a lot of time", Alicia said taking off her purse and sitting down.

"Where is Aaron Ally?"

"Downstairs getting some food from the cafeteria."

"You guys don't have to just sit around and wait. I still have a couple hours before I can start pushing. Y'all can go home and take showers and stuff like you were about to."

"Alright then but we'll be right back after that", Kesha said kissing her forehead.

"You guys act like I'm dying", Robyn said laughing.

"I'm not leaving", Robert said sitting back in his chair.

"I'll bring you some clothes and you can just take a shower in her bathroom", Daedae told him and he agreed.

"Robyn do you need anything back?"

"I just need my charger."

"I grabbed it", I said giving her the charger out of her bag.

"Oh thank you."

They left out and another contraction came.

I held her hand like I had been doing but she insisted that I lay with her. Both of us in the hospital bed was uncomfortable as hell but I found a way to adjust it so it felt a little bit better.

"This is not fair", she said crying on my shirt.

I just rubbed her back as comfort because there wasn't anything else that I could do.

Dr. Chance walked in and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I was about to get up and shake his hand but another contraction came and Robyn held on to my shirt, screaming and crying into my chest.

She kept moving around trying to make the pain go away but that looked like it was making it worst.

"Baby stop moving so much. That's probably why it's hurting so bad."

"I can't just sit here and take the pain. I have to move around", she said still crying.

"This is freaking stupid. I feel like I'm dying", she semi yelled.

"Hello Robyn", Dr. Chance said looking over his clip board.

"Hi doctor. When can I get an epidural shot?"

"One more centimeter and I'll give it to you right away."

"How far apart do you think they're coming?"

"At first it was every ten to fifteen minutes but we've been here for about an hour and now it every five to eight minutes", I said looking at my watch.

"Good job. Your doing great. Mina explained to me that you've had a history of anxiety so if you feel like things are getting unbearable let me know so that this doesn't turn into something to serious", he said to Robyn.

She nodded her head okay he told us he would check back in a couple minutes.

"Did anybody call Kacey?"

I didn't say anything because I personally forgot and now she's about to have a fucking heart attack.

"I called when I got here because I didn't see her so I didn't know if she knew", Alicia said saving our asses.

"Thank you Alicia. None of these other idiots thought to call my bestfriend and godmother of my baby", she said glaring at me.

I just kissed her lips and finished rubbing her back. Now wasn't the right time to be on her bad side.

Ten minutes later the doctor walked back in but he had Rodger with him.

"Hi dad."

"Hey princess. How you feel", he asked kissing her forehead.

"Like crap. I want my mommy", she cried.

I'm in love with a little ass girl.

She grabbed my shirt and I knew another contraction was coming.


"I'm here. I'm here princess", Jaya yelled running in the room.

They need to stop calling her ass Princess. More like the devils spawn.

My shirt was two whole sizes bigger from her pulling on it.

"Mommy it hurts so bad", she said while Jaya just tried to calm her down.

"I remember those days", Rodger said.

"Doctor is she ready for the epidural", I asked.

"Yes she is. We just have to let this contraction ride out so the needle doesn't break in her back and so she's calm when the medicine starts to flow."

I tried to get up but she held on to me tighter.

"MARLON DON'T MOVE", she yelled.

"Baby I have to get up so they can give you the shot.

"Okay just wait a second."

I stayed in my same spot until she stopped crying and gained composure.

I got up and helped her sit up. Her back was facing the doctor and I stood between her legs while she still wouldn't let go of her grip on my shirt.

"You ready", the doctor asked her.


He went to call for his nurse but Robyn stoped him.

"No offense but she moves to slow. I would much rather you find somebody else", she said.

"Robyn he can't do that. All nurses have a job to do so he can't pull one from someone else's job", Jaya explained.

"What she said", he said pointing at Jaya.

"I'm her mother Jaya and that's her father Rodger", she said and they shook hands.

"Now is not the time for a meet and greet. She said she doesn't want that nurse so somebody needs to find her a different nurse", Robert said irritated.

Kacey came busting through the curtain like a mad man and she ran to Robyn making me move out the way.

"Are you okay. Have they been taking care of you. What did he do", she asked glaring at me.

"I didn't do anything and move", I said taking my spot back.

Sadé and Kesha came walking in with Dylan and Craig behind them.

"I'm okay bestfriend. I just wish they would they would give me this shot already", Robyn said to Kacey.

"Give her the damn shot. What's taking so long?"

"They apparently can't find a nurse", Robert said sarcastically.

Sadé sat on his lap and told him to be quiet and he looked at her like she was stupid.

"I'm not about to be quiet. We been here for hours and she still in pain and we all just sitting around looking at her waiting on a nurse. No I'm not gone be quiet", he said.

"Our sister is a nurse she can help you", Kacey said.

"That's against the law", Dr. Chance informed us.

"The law is out there behind the curtain. You stepped into a room full of criminals so f the law and let our sister help you", Kacey said making Alicia help the doctor.

"I like this family, I guess we should get started", the doctor said.

"Wait a minute. Do you even know what your doing", I asked Alicia.

"Yes Marlon I've been doing this for eleven years. I could do this with my eyes closed."

She washed her hands and put on a pair of gloves before they started the procedure and was done within a couple minutes.

"Okay your all done. I promise your little guy will be outta there in no time. You might feel the next contraction but after that you shouldn't feel anything", the doctor said before he left out.

Alicia took her gloves off and took her seat and we were all just back waiting.

"Robyn I'm going to get something to drink and I'll be right back", Robert said.

"Yo bring me a water", I said.

"I fly you buy."

"You can't buy me a water? I just bought you a car."

"Nothing personal just business."

I gave him a five dollar bill and he was on his way.


Her eyes were shut tight and she was reaching for my hand. I grabbed her hand and rubbed the back of it with my thumb.

"AHHHH", she yelled turning on her side.

"Marlon turn her back on her back", Alicia said.

"Baby, you can't lay like that", I said helping her lay back down the right way.

"Come on baby. Your gone be okay", I said wiping her eyes.

"This is your fault", Kacey said making them laugh.

"I think that was the biggest one she's had all day", I said paying attention to the monitor and the graphs.

Robert finally came back and sat my water on the table next to us. I felt her loosening up on my hand so it must have been going away.

"How much more time do you think it's gonna take before she starts pushing", Sadé asked.

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because I brought my makeup bag. You want your face beat", she asked Robyn smiling.

"Oouu yea, come on", Robyn said slowly sitting up.

"No. Your not putting all that on your face while your in labor."

"Why not. It's my face, I don't wanna look like a monster when our son gets here."

"Robyn please don't. I think you look more beautiful than anything right now."

"Maybe you shouldn't get your makeup done. That was really the sweetest thing I've ever heard", Sade said looking at us.

"Well then I guess I'm gonna look like a monster than because my fiancé said I looked beautiful", she said while I fixed the pillow behind her back.

"That was nice. Rodger told me I was ripped when I was in labor", Jaya said glaring at Rodger.

"I meant it in a good way", he said making us laugh.

Robyn laid her head back on the pillow and started concentrating on breathing.

"Does it still hurt?"

"No it's just a lot of pressure."

We watched the graph that showed us that it wasn't that big.

"I want a copy of the tape", Kacey said pointing at the camera that was in the corner of the room.

"I do to", Jaya said.

"I think I have to pay for those", I said.

"Then pay for them", Kacey said.

"I'll buy ours and Jaya's. You on the other hand, your shit outta luck", I said.

"All you guys do is go back and forth every time y'all see each other", Robyn said.

"She always talking mess."

"All of this is his fault."

"Look I'm ten centimeters. They must have been coming every two minutes and I didn't feel anything", Robyn said pointing at the monitor.

"It's time to push", Jaya said smiling.

"So do we have to get out", Robert asked.

"Not until the doctor comes back."

Dr. Chance poked his head through the curtain and asked if we were ready.


My hand started shaking and I tried to make it stop but I was nervous as hell.

Finally, I was about to get what I had been waiting for all this time. I been through hell and back with her during this pregnancy and I just was ready for us to meet our son.

"Okay. Right now I'm just gonna check her to make sure she's really ready and we'll go from there", he said putting on a fresh pair of gloves.

He propped her feet up on the stands and uncovered her lower half. I walked to the bottom of the bed to see and Jaya, Kacey, Kesha, Alicia and Sadé all surrounded me.

When I saw Majors head poking out of her wound I nearly died. I got light headed and had to sit down for a minute.

"Yep she's definitely ready to push", the doctor said. He called his crew in and I told everybody it was time for them to leave.

Robert walked over to Robyn but for some reason he had tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry Rob I'm gonna be okay", she said wiping his eyes.

"I love you", he said squatting down so they were at eye level.

"I love you to. I'm gonna be okay, I promise", she hugging him.

"Wait. Doctor I know you said only two people but can my brother please stay", Robyn asked.

"I'm sorry Robyn but it'll be to many people and it'll make it hard for my crew to move around.

"You act like she's about to get her head cut off", I said laughing.

"Shut up you acted the same way when I had Aaron", Alicia said.

"Really", Robyn asked laughing.

"Yep. Sheila kept making fun of him crying and he got so mad he called her a bitch", she said before she took Robert and they left out.

"I stood at the head of the bed holding her hand while Jaya stood at the foot watching everything.

"Ok Robyn give me one big push on three."

"One two three", we counted down and she screwed up her face pushing and making a loud noise in the process.

"Come on baby you got this", I said

After a while she stopped pushing and and fell back catching her breath.

Robyn POV

"That's was great. Your doing so good", Dr. chance said.

I felt him trying to stretch me out so it would be easier for Major to slip out.

This shit was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my life. The epidural was helping tremendously because if I didn't have it I would probably be screaming to the top of my lungs.

Marlon was right next to me holding my hand and helping me take deep breaths to keep my breathing under control.

"Ok Robyn another big push."

"Come on princess you can do it", my mom said making me push harder. I was pushing as hard as I could and I felt him coming out but every time I stopped pushing he would sink back in.

I kept squeezing Marlon's hand trying to release some of the pressure.

I kept pushing until I couldn't breath anymore.

"Your doing good baby just keep pushing", Marlon said wiping the sweat off my face with a towel.

"Does it hurt", he asked.

"A little bit, I just don't like all the pressure."

I felt my lips stretch and it hurt like hell.

"I'm gonna hold it open and I need you to push as hard as you can for as long as possible."

There was blood everywhere and I felt so nasty just sitting in all this liquid.

"Ahhhhhh", I yelled as I pushed and kept pushing and pushed some more.

"That's it Robyn. That's it. He's coming princess", my mom said jumping up and down.

"Come on Robyn please keep pushing", Marlon said finally looking under the cover.

I heard Majors cries and that was all the motivation I needed to keep going. I couldn't breath and I knew I was turning red but I didn't stop.

"HIS HEADS IS OUT", Marlon yelled.

I stopped pushing and I didn't feel as much pressure anymore.

I was sweating up a storm but I was happy that it was almost over. The doctors asked me to grab Major so I reached down and grabbed him pulling him up and laying him on my chest. It wasn't hurting anymore so I just smiled and pulled him up. Marlon sighed in relief while my mom left out the room to get everyone.

My baby was finally here. I laughed at how soft his little cries were and let the doctors take him to clean him up. Right now he looked blue and purple from crying and struggling to get out.

Marlon dried my eyes and kissed my forehead before telling me he loved me.

"I love you to", I said smiling.

He walked away and watched the nurse bathe Major while the doctor instructed me to push the placenta out. It was a little push but there was a lot of blood.

He cleaned me up and changed my bed sheets and everything before he went to tend to the baby.

"Did you want to eat the placenta", the nurse asked me.

I scrunched up my face and shook my head no.
She helped me take a quick wash up and change my gown then I had to get right back in bed to make sure I didn't damage anything.

"Mom did you want to put your own clothes on the baby?"

"Yea. Baby give her Majors clothes", I said to Marlon.

He was so busy staring at Major he wasn't even listening.

"Marlon, get Majors clothes", I said laughing.

"Oh sorry", he said turning around. He was crying tears of joy and it made me feel warm on the inside.

Once we were all situated I told my mom they could come back in and the doctors left out. Aaron finally came in and gave me a hug.

"Where were you at all that time?"

"I snuck into an empty room and went to sleep", he said making me laugh.

"You did it", Robert said smiling at me.

Marlon was still holding Major and just staring. I wanted my moment with him to but I knew Marlon needed to have this moment.

Kacey took a picture of him and showed me.

"Oh my God he's your twin", I said drying my eyes.

He had dimples like Marlon, he was Marlon's skin color and he had Marlon's head shape.

"My man", Robert said softly rubbing his head.

"He's the cutest", Sadé said taking pictures.

"Marlon stop hogging the baby", Kacey said.

He passed him to Kacey since she was the closet and she looked like she was about to cry to.

"This is your fault", she said smiling at Marlon.

They passed him around taking pictures of him and talking about how cute he was and I took that time to get some sleep.

Marlon POV

I couldn't explain what I was feeling right now. I was happy as hell. To happy to explain how happy I was. I wish we wouldn't have told anybody she was in labor so we could've just had him to ourselves for a while.

I watched Robyn drift off to sleep while everybody washed their hands and passed him around. He was a happy baby and I could already tell because he hadn't stopped smiling yet.

"Boy your a big deal", Rodger said looking at him.

"He's gonna be my bestfriend", Aaron said taking him from Robert.

Kesha's weird ass kept sniffing his neck and shit saying how good he smelt.

My sister was in love. She gave him the same look she gave Aaron when he was born.

Nobody left the hospital until visiting hours were over. I of course stayed but Robyn was still asleep.

The nurse came in after everybody was gone and told me she had to take Major to the hospital's nursery to get some rest.

I didn't wanna let him go but I did anyway because I needed to get some rest before people started coming back in the morning.

I tried to get as comfortable as possible in the chair and drifted to sleep.

Baby Major is finally here. He came early but I couldn't hold out any longer. The next few chapter will be all about Major and everybody adjusting to having the new baby.
The video is actually Draya Michele (Robyn) giving birth and I thought that was cool so I added it. Anyway I might take a break from the book because I've been really updating fast lately but I don't know sometimes I can't put my phone down but we'll see.


P.S Baby Major is the cutest

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