Stranger - A SHINee Key fanfic

By 4everFighting

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What is SHINee? Why does the word sound so familiar? How did I end up in the middle of the storm with hardly... More

Chapter 1 - Stranger at the door
Chapter 2 - The Amnesiac
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

1.1K 25 9
By 4everFighting

Chapter 4

    I stared at Sae young dumbfounded as she retold her dream to me. Her warm brown eyes glittered as she spoke and glanced up every few minutes to see my expression. When she spoke the last word of her dream, a million thoughts were pacing around my mind. I didn't know where to began.

 "It's just a dream, it can't really mean anything." said Sae young quickly.

"I wish I knew what he meant though. The name sounds so familiar but my mind is completely blank. How did Taemin look like?" I said ignoring her.

 She placed a finger on her forehead as if trying to remember. "Hmm well he had caramel like hair, sort of a golden colour. Really like fluffy and he seemed a big younger than us. As for his clothes I honestly don't know. All I remember is his face."

   Sae young bit her lip. "Maybe we can investigate and get some clue's, the police are obviously not going to help us. Who in their right mind would believe a pair of teenagers with a dream for evidence?"

  I tried to laugh but it came out hollow and silent like it had died. "Maybe we can try to search up what SHINee is?"

  Sae young nodded slowly stirring her cold latte absent-mindedly. "I can bring my laptop on Tuesday or we can go to a local internet café. How about we meet up at two, my classes are ending early on Tuesday so it’s convenient."

   I grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Do you want me to pick you up from college?"

  She raised an eye brow in a comical fashion. "I can go there myself mister. See you at the internet café opposite from here. Bye."

   There was the scraping of a chair, click of a door and Sae young had gone. I,however, was baring a stupid lopsided smile.


   Thirty minutes had gone and Key still hadn't turned up on Tuesday. I was beginning to think the idiot wouldn't ever show - even if it concerned him. By the time he strolled in, I was already seated at a computer, slurping a cold slushy with a deep scowl.

     Key was looking tidy and refreshed his SHINee top, ironed and a new leather jacket slung over his shoulders like a model. His hair had been done - well it certainly looked like he had spent hours grooming himself. The single thing that got me irritated, though, was that he seemed pretty careless as if nothing happened to be wrong.

  "What's with the expression Sae young sunbae?" He drawled pushing a chair next to me.

 I balled up my fist and was about to punch some sense in to him when I suddenly stopped. "Sunbae?" Had he just called me sunbae? Why the respectful tone all of a sudden?

  Key smirked flashing me another one of his bright smiles. "I just thought that Sae young sunbae would deserve some respect after I so insensitively turned up late. Please do forgive me."

  I pouted when I noticed his over exaggerative sarcasm. "Stop it Key. We've only got half an hour thanks to you."

  "OK."  He fixed his eyes on the screen. "You've already started without me!"

  I rolled my eyes. "Well that’s what you get, you lazy git. Besides I hardly found anything useful. I typed in SHINee and a bunch of other useless stuff came up. Maybe you work for a glitter company, eh."

   He pondered on the idea. " No sorry absolutely not. Isn't there anything else?"

  I shook my head scanning the endless list of websites. "Well there is the possibility, that it could be some sort of organization or group. Hahaha maybe you’re from a hot group like mblaq or super junior." I went a bit la la then and Key gave me a weird look.

  "But if I was in a group wouldn't people know I was missing.” Key wondered. "It's like I've been wiped from existent along with this so called SHINee."

  "Not really." I cut in.

 "Unless you haven't figured this out, I don't remember the slightest thing of my parents and I doubt they even know of me."

  Key frowned when he noticed me transfixed to the computer. "Are you even listening to me?"

 "Key." I exclaimed.

 "What?" he asked.

 "I think we've just found out our first clue."

               *     *       *        *      *

    "Sae young this is a bad idea." I muttered. The girl had made us rush out of the internet café and buy tickets for a train. A train that was heading straight for god knows where. "What do you think you're doing? What are we going to do if we get lost?"

   Sae young however looked relaxed and was chewing gum like there was nothing to worry about. "Don't worry Key, we're only going to-" She frowned trying to remember the name of the town.

   "We're doomed." I announced, sinking back into my seat.

  She laughed. "Don't get your panties in a twist; we'll be there in a few stops."

 I didn't feel like laughing along with her. I was too nervous to do much but watch as the train slid along the track leaving the station behind. From the moment Sae young had told me she had found my parents, a sick feeling had formed in my stomach. What if she was wrong? I didn't want to find out. The lost people's site was never very helpful and it made me feel like a lost pet. Why was I, the one who had to lose their memory?

     The train ride was fairly quiet, only a few people were sitting in the compartment with us, Sae young however was intent on breaking the silence with her bubble gum blowing. I winced every time she blew a large bubble and it popped loudly in an old man’s ear.

   "Want some?" She asked.

  I shook my head and sat there sulking. A few minutes went passed and I began to get fidgety.

   "All right, pass some."

  She grinned and passed me a packet of Jung’s extra bubbly strawberry gum. The horrid stuff nearly clamped my teeth together but I was happy to have something else to think about.

  "We're here, Key."


 Hope you enjoyed reading please tell me if you liked it. Determined to give this fanfic my all so please give me all your support too. Kamsahamnida xx

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