Chapter 3

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  The streets of Seoul had already started to light up but I still hadn't found a place to stay. Soon people were swarming in for their day jobs and I was masked by a barrage of people walking in different directions. My eyes scoured the streets in search of a place that would offer me a job. So far there had been none and my heart was starting to twist. Had my idea to leave been a bad one after all?

   Then suddenly from the corner of my eye I spotted the flutter of a paper on the window of a large caffe. Even from where I was standing I could still see the words free job vacancy on it.  My heart did a little flip and I entered the caffe without a second hesitation. The bell rang when I walked in and I looked around. 

   It wasn't packed but it had a few people having a round of coffee before they went off to work. Waitors and waitresses glided around the room serving the customers as I made my way up to the till. A large stocky man was behind it and he stared blankly at me.

   I cleared my throat. "Can I speak with the manager I noticed the sign on your window and wanted to accept the job."

   The man craned his neck. "Boss! Come here quickly, we have a - err - what's your name?"

   "Key." I replied.

    The man's boss appeared at the counter. He was short and prickly looking with large calculating eyes. Despite this he seemed as fragile as an ornament.

   He nodded at me scrutinizingly. "Come with me."

                           *   *    *

"Oppa, don't I look cute in this?" Jae Hwa asked batting her fake lashes.

I didn't move my eyes away from my chocolate muffin. "Uh yeah." The girl had been annoying me since I'd began working a few hours ago. 

She made a strange sulking noise that sounded like an elephant giving birth. "But you didn't even look."

The girl was the attention seeking type. She was clearly older than me but seemed to get a kick out of calling me oppa and giving herself an eye infection.

I sighed and wiped my hands on the towel. "I'm heading back to work." 

"What about my top!" She called.

"The colour's not working out for you, hun."

    (Sae young)

   Mi Kyung and I were passing through the darkening high street when we decided to stop for coffee at my favourite caffe. I was just about to open the door when I saw them. It was such a horrible image that I almost trampled Mi Kyung from walking back so fast. 

  "Oww!" She yelped, throwing me a glare as I dragged her away from the window. It was bad enough I had to see that let alone her.

   My heartbeat seemed to jump on a running machine. Had that really been Key with that girl? Lee Jae hwa, the most obnoxious senior in the school. The one person that could make you feel as though beating the pulp out of her was not enough.

   Mi kyung snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. "Are you crazy girl? What was that for?"

  "J-jae H-hwa was with - with-" 

Mi kyung raised a flawless eye brow. "Jae Hwa? What has that drama queen done now? Come on I wanna see too."

   Before I could stop her she turned on her heels and walked back to the caffe. When I caught up with her, I noticed she hadn't went inside the caffe like a civilised person would do. Her face was plastered against the glass window. I shuddered thinking about how she smacked her lipglossed lips against the germ infested glass.

    "Wow he's hot." She breathed. "You said something about Jae Hwa?"

   "Yeah that's him now come on lets go. I don't want to be seen." I urged tugging at her sleeve but she stood rigid. 

  "Mi Kyung." I wailed. "I'm going I don't care, bye."

  "He's coming." She said slowly.

 My eyes widened. "What!" 

   I noticed she was right all too late. Key was already heading towards us. 

  "Sae young!" He opened the door to the caffe.

  I turned around slowly. "Oh hiya didn't see you there. How was your date with your new girl friend she isn't being too hard on you is she?"

What the dogs mess had I just uttered from my mouth? 

   His mouth molded into an "o" shape and he looked at me wierdly. "Girlfriend?" He replied in an amused voice. "Anyway I wanted to say thanks did you get my note?"

  Mi Kyung burst up from behind me grinning manically. "Hello hotstuff the names Mi Kyung nice to meet you. You may have noticed that I come here often so we'll be seeing a lot of each other soon." 

   "Actually I - err - just came here today." Key answered with a startled voice. Clearly disturbed at how fast she was speaking.

   I shot him an apologetic look before glaring at Mi Kyung making her back off. "So you fell for Jae Hwa's many charms."

    Key gave me the most disgusted look he could muster. "Please don't say that ever again. Jae Hwa will never be my girlfriend. How the hell did you get that idea?"

   I laughed awkwardly trying to think of something to change the subject with. "So have you got yourself a job?"

   We were interrupted by the loud sound of Mi Kyungs phone ringing. She hung up and shoved it in her pocket quickly. An annoyed expression spread across her face.

  "Sorry Sae young, got to go home. Nice meeting you, Key. Bye!"

  She raced off so fast I almost laughed. The girl was always in some sort of trouble with her parents. When she had disappeared from view, Key and I were left alone.

   A proud smile formed on his lips. "Yepp,I got myself a job. What were you saying about Jae Hwa's charms? Sorry she seems slightly kooky to me."

  I suppressed a smile. "Must have mistaken her for another person. So have you got a place to stay?".

   "Oh the manager of the caffe said I could stay in the flat above the caffe as long as I worked there. It's tiny and gross you wouldn't want to go up there." He laughed wrinkling his nose.

  "Want to grab a coffee while we're here? That Jae Hwa served me boiled shit but I doubt she will do that for you. Come on I'll pay."

     We entered the caffe and the familiar bell rang. I picked my favourite spot to sit. A table next to the window right in the corner where you got the best view. The waitress soon strode up to us and we ordered our drinks. 

  "Nice view." Key commented watching as flocks of people walked past. The street lights burnt bright iluminating the darkening sky.

  "I always used to sit here to clear my mind. Helps me to get idea's when I'm working on a song."

 "You write songs?" He said interestedly.

  "Haha yeah. When I'm in the mood I just sit and write down what's on my mind. I go to a music college down the road from here."

  "Really?" Key replied perking up. "I used to - err- I mean I like music too."

   His face was a knot of confusion and I felt bad for him. "Don't worry you'll get your memory back."

   "That's just it, Sae young." Key took a sip of his latte. "How the hell am I going to do that?"


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