Hidden Secrets || A Jaded Fan...

By adoringthirlwall

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COMPLETED - 7th April 2017 - 29th December 2017 - - - Jade and Jed are totally in love, but how will Jades e... More

Part 1 || 'We're number one!'
Part 3 || 'Those Brown Eyes'
Part 4 || 'see you tomorrow:)'
Part 5 || Aladdin
Part 6 || The Breakup
Part 7 || It was who?
Part 8 || "its a date"
Part 9 || The first kiss
Part 10 || Just Friends
Part 11 || Corrie to Coffee
Part 12 || The Catchup
Part 13 || "He's Coming"
Part 14 || Does he trust me?
Part 15 || "do i still love her?"
Part 16 || "whats going on here?"
Part 17 || do i love her?
Part 18 || Aladdin...
Part 19 || "i have to speak to her"
Part 20 || Forgiven
Part 21 || another encounter
Part 22 || for her
Part 23 || The fight
Part 24 || Change?
Part 25 || The (kind of) rescue
Part 26 || Back home
Part 27 || I love you.

Part 2 || Lady and the Tramp

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By adoringthirlwall

Jades POV

I was scrolling down Instagram when I received a text from Jake.

Jake: Hey Jade, Jed said that he's free on Wednesday so he'll be up then.

Me: Oh okay, what did you ask him?

Jake: I just asked if he wants to catch up whenever he's free.

Me: Okay great, thank you so much!

Jake: It's not a problem. Now, he'll be up at 3pm and he's coming to the studio since that's where we are most of the time.

Me: That's perfect, again, thank you.

Jake: Again, it's no problem.

I smiled as I went back onto Instagram and searched 'Jed Elliott'. I had already stalked him but why not do it again? He's super handsome.

I scrolled down till I was at July of 2012. Wow, I need actual help.

I heard a few knocks at my door. With a sigh I turned my phone off and walked over before looking through the peep hole.

I opened the door to Perrie with millions of bags.

"Where have you been?" I asked her looking at all the bags with shock.

"Town" she said before picking up all the bags out of breath and walking inside.

"That's a lot of bags" I said.

"Well you don't say" she replied sarcastically, making me laugh slightly.

"So, when's your man coming to see you?" She winked at me.

"One, he's not my man i've never even met him" I began. "Two, Wednesday" I said in an excited tone.

"Two days!" She squealed.

"Yep!" I squealed with her.

"Yay!" She screamed running over and hugging me.

I hugged back and jumped up and down with her for about 20 seconds.

"Okay, can you help me put all my clothes away?" She asked.

"Ugh Pez that's a lot of clo-" I began, instantly getting the puppy dog eyes from her. How could you say no to those eyes? "Oh okay fine" I sighed getting a hug from her.

"Thanks Jadey!" She said before grabbing some of the bags and running into her room. I then grabbed the rest of them and followed her.

After an hour of putting all the clothes, makeup and food away, we were finally finished.

"Finally!" I said.

She laughed. "Sorry, I kinda went over board a little" she said.

"A little?!" I said pretending to be shocked.

We both laughed.

"Can we watch a movie or something?" She asked me.

"Lady and the Tramp?" I asked.

"Yes!" She said in excitement.

"Okay! Let's get changed into our matching Lady and the Tramp jammies!" I squealed.

"Yay okay!" She said before getting up and running to her pyjama drawer.

I ran to my room and got changed into my jammies.

When I was finished, I took off my make up and walked to the living room and saw Perrie setting up the movie.

"I'll get us some treats" I said walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed a bag of popcorn, a few bars of chocolate, crisps and a bottle of coco cola.

I walked inside and saw Perrie on the couch with blanket. Her face lit up at all the treats in my arms.

"Fooooood" she said getting excited.

I giggled. "Man, no wonder you got excited at watching this film. You're acting like a total dog!" I said.

She giggled the grabbed some of the treats from me.

"Wait, we need a cute Instagram post. Our Jerrie shippers need it" I winked hearing her giggle.

I took a picture of us in our matching jammies before posting it to Instagram and captioning it 'shes a tramp, but I love her'.

I then shut my phone off and snuggled with Perrie and watched the movie, taking a handful of popcorn.

Hi guys! So this is the second chapter (obviously) so if you don't mind, comment down below if you're enjoying it so far! Also, comment down some ideas (if you have any) that I could put in to improve it!
P.s. Sorry, I know this is more of a Jerrie chapter but I just didn't know how to bring Jed into it:(( but your welcome to all the Jerrie fans reading this :)

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