So Glad You're Mine (From the...

Od GabbyPresley

58.8K 927 408

Sequel to From the Future? Elvis and Marie are officially Mr. And Mrs. Presley. The entire nation knows and... Více

So Glad You're Mine (From the Future? Sequel)
Chapter 2: Pain?
Chapter 4: Fast Forward
Chapter 5: Honey
Chapter 6: Two Loves
Chapter 7: Just For Two
Chapter 8: For Old Time's Sake
Chapter 9 What a Wonderful Life

Chapter 3: Wait a Minute

6.4K 107 27
Od GabbyPresley

• Marie's POV •

Friday September 2nd, 1964

I slip on my black hippie glasses as I step out of Graceland. Elvis holds the door for me with a serious face and follows right behind me. He holds his new favorite toy, a 1964, black, Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III's door for me. I smile small and thank him as I sink in to the big leathery seats. As he starts the engine he smiles, I watch him happily as he drives toward the gate.

I'm astonished since he's taking me to the doctor. I'm surprised we've spent so much time together, compared to him and Priscilla. For a few minutes we smile for a few photographers and quickly head to the main road. Elvis glances at me with worried eyes and grabs my hand.

"You know, you didn't have to take me." I mutter glancing up at him.

He stares at the road with a blank expression.

"I love you and you're my wife. I care about you and everything you do." He sternly says.

I stare back at the road. He'll probably end up staying in the car and smoke a few cigars. As we make it to the doctors office, he drops me off right in front. Before getting out, I turn to him.

"I'll- I'll wait here." He stutters quietly staring at the steering wheel.

I nod and kiss his cheek. I understand. I get out and head inside. I feel Elvis' eyes watching me. I sign in and sit myself down, bored. I look around, it's barely been five minutes and I'm already bored. Thankfully, a nurse calls me. I sigh relieved and get up to follow her. With a smile she leads me to the doctor's office. I cringe as we pass by the examining rooms. Women are tortured in here.

The nurse stops in front of the doctors office, smiling. I smile back as she knocks on his door. The doctor's head pops out and lights up as he sees me.

"Ms. Herrera! Oh! I mean Mrs. Presley! Happy to see you darling!" He exclaims opening the door wide. The nurse leaves and the doctor hugs me. He takes me inside, chuckling to his seat.

"Is there a reason ya need me? Or did ya just want to stop by?" He joked.

I laugh softly and shake my head.

"No, I'm sorry Phil. I actually need you to find something out for me." I ask with my smiling dropping.

He lowers his glasses and raises an eyebrow.

"I need you to see if I'm fertile. Or however you call it."

Still with a raised brow he gets up and puts his hands behind his back.

"Well, I don't know in your time but in today's technology, all I can do is make ya take a few broad tests to make sure you can have a baby, sweety." He says in a serious tone.

"Anything please." I beg nodding.

He scratches his head, dumbfounded.

"You seemed healthy last checkup. I might as well just start you off with a urine test." He says pondering.

Oh. I don't want to be let down by a pregnancy test. I already know I'm not pregnant and probably won't be. He takes me to an available room with a bathroom and makes the nurse give me a cup. I sigh, annoyed. I might as well get it over with.

After my shame and pity. I sit in front of his desk glancing around. I just want to get to the rest of the tests already! I stare at the clock, realizing poor Elvis must be beyond bored in the car. I sigh over and over again, impatiently. The door finally creaks open. The doctor slides his black framed glasses on and plops down his large black chair. He lifts up my medical records and carefully reads them.

"Well, I hope this solved your answer." He says lifting his eyes from my medical record up at me.

Confused, I raise a brow.

"I'm sorry?" I question.

I'm seconds away from pulling my records away from him. What the hell did they find out? He puts my records down on the desk and smiles wide at me.

"Congratulations!" He exclaims.

Confused I glare at him. What?

"Sweety, you're pregnant! Ain't nothing wrong with ya after all!" He reassures getting up from his chair.

My mind goes blank. I stare at his chair. Wait, am I really pregnant? Me pregnant? No I can't be.

"But I had cramps and- and-?" I mutter shaking my head.

"Well some women have different symptoms. You're just happens to be cramps." He says crossing his arms, proudly.

I look up at him, he's leaning on his desk.

"But-but... I'm pregnant." I mutter again.

He nods smiling.

"So that explains..."

"The mood swings?" He says finishing my sentence nodding again.

"But that doesn't explain me not being hungry." I exclaim looking back at him.

He laughs and pats my shoulder.

"Different symptoms for different women." He reassures smiling.

I stand up, I blink back tears. I hug him, laughing out.

"I'm pregnant!" I shout out.

"I know you'll be a great mother, Marie. And I hope you'll be bringing you and your baby's behind back her soon. I suggest in a few weeks." He says wagging his index finger at me.

I laugh, my happiness is brought right back to me.

"Ofcourse. Only for you Doc." I say smiling.

He nods and grabs my records and takes me back to the receptionist. I check out and say my goodbyes to the doctor. Ofcourse, I thank him and walk out, smiling from ear to ear in disbelief.

I run to the middle of the parking lot, frantically looking around for the Rolls Royce. I find it, but without Elvis inside. I sigh, smiling as I walk toward the car. I lean on it patiently, how am I going to tell Elvis? I find myself grinning like an idiot and putting my right hand on my stomach. I'm carrying a child. Holy crap.

I fix myself and take my hand off my stomach as Elvis struts over to me. I put my hands on my hip as I realize he's munching on a donut while holding a donut bag. I roll my eyes and smile at him. He pecks me on the cheek and opens the door for me. I get in and decide to wing my surprise. He gets in finishing the rest of the donut in one bite. I giggle as he opens the donut bag for me. I peek inside and look back at him.

"Got two more?" I ask sweetly.

Confused he lifts a brow. Then realization hits his face. His raised eyebrow drops, he had a blank expression. His eyes gaze at me. It's quiet for a few seconds, I smile wide.

"You're--?" He mumbles in disbelief.

I nod smiling. He puts his hands on his head.

"Baby! We're having a baby!!" He shouts out in glee.

I laugh excitedly. He moves around making the Royce shake. I smile as he laughs out. I cup his cheeks hoping to calm him down. He stops and gazes at me longingly.

"We're gonna be parents, baby." I whisper as a smile creeps up his face.

He nods and mashes his lips with mine. With glossy eyes he glances at me.

"I love you, baby. I love you with everything I have." He mutters softly in my hair.

A tear of happiness strolls down my cheek.

"Thank you. Thank god. Thank my Momma. Thank ya Daddy. Thank the pretty blue skies above us." He exclaims happily.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses my cheek. Thank the heavens.

After our celebration in the car, we drive back to Graceland, hand in hand.

"We gotta tell everyone!" Elvis begs.

I laugh as he glances at me with his dopey grin.

"No! Not until we get an ultra sound picture!" I replied playfully smacking his arm.

He turns to look at me with puppy dog eyes. I cross my arms and shake my head. He growls playfully at me.

"How long then?" He questions lifting a brow.

I giggle, playfully smacking his cheek.

"My appointment's in two weeks, hon." I reassure him.

He lights up and glances up at me.

"I need to go." He mutters chuckling.

I nod my head kissing his cheek.

"You better go." I playfully threaten.

He smirks, staring at the road. He takes his hand and places it on my stomach.

"You better keep this a secret, E." I mutter smirking back at him.

He chuckles parking the car in the driveway.

"I ain't gonna deny anything." He chuckles shrugging.

I glare at him.

"So you won't wait?" I ask lifting a brow, he gets so confusing when he knows a secret.

"You're a blabber mouth. I knew I shouldn't have told you." I exclaim rolling my eyes.

Once Elvis knows a secret, the whole mafia and the Presley family find out eventually. Elvis howls out, probably because he knows it's true.

"Come on darlin. They'll wanna know why we're so happy." He whispers kissing my neck.

Like always, he's right. He's thought this through somehow. I glance at his cheery face and smile. I'm glad he's back to his happy mood. He kisses me, surprising me and chuckles. He turns the engine off and wraps his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder. I'm relieved and overjoyed of the news, and I'm pretty sure Elvis is too.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. I pull away from Elvis with an evil grin. His eyebrows wiggle at me and I laugh.

"Why not tell them after dinner? With a video camera?" I ask proudly.

His furry eyebrows raise and he smirks.

"Perfect." He whispers before leaning close to me and kissing me.

I laugh out, trying to pull away but he only tightens his grip.

"You already got me pregnant! Isn't that enough!" I shout laughingly.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Hell naw honey! It's only the beginning!" He shouts back giving me one last kiss.

I cup his cheek, I'll kinda miss this one on one bond I have with him. I have nine months though, and it'll be a great next chapter for him and I. He gazes at me with his goofy smile. I roll my eyes as he finally lets me go. I run out his Rolls Royce with him chasing after me. We stop at the front door and laugh out.

"Shut up until tonight, got it?!" I snap at him, he nods obediently.

I giggle and glance back at him before opening the door.

"Good boy." I say smirking.

Playfully, he barks and smacks my rear end. I growl and turn the door handle. All eyes are on us as I open the door, Elvis and I make our faces serious and blank as we pass several of the guys up to our room. Before climbing up the stairs, we turn back to the guys.

"Dinner's at 5 alright? Red, I'm gonna need to know where that video cameras at." Elvis instructs.

All the guys nod as Red springs ahead of us up the stairs.

"What y'all wanna do with it, anyway?" He asks lifting a brow.

Elvis shakes his head as he glances at me, giving me a wink. Red catches him and smirks.

"Oh. Ya want it for that now?" Red says shaking his head laughingly.

I playfully punch him in the arm as we make it to one of the rooms upstairs.

"No, I want to see if I can use it today. I wanna see how much footage I can take in that little thing." I exclaim putting a hand on my hip.

He chuckles again, "You got that tiny little light up thing. That probably takes nice footage." He says smirking.

Red runs inside the room as Elvis and I wait for him by the door frame. Elvis taps his foot impatiently while I cross my arms.

"Come on, Red. Just hand it to the girl." Elvis mutters frustrated.

Red comes back with the video camera at hand. He smirks, glancing up at me from examining it.

"I don't know, E. Seems mighty shady." He says chuckling.

Elvis glares at him and yanks the camera from his hands.

"Don't you dare doubt her. Got it?" Elvis angrily snaps leaning closer to Red.

I put my hand on Elvis' chest, trying to pull him away. Red's face went blank.

"I'm sorry, Red. But thanks for the camera. I'll return it in a little while." I mutter as I tug a fuming Elvis toward our room.

I glance back at Red guiltily, his face shows it all. His smile was no more, it seemed as if he was struck with a belt like a little kid. I bite my lip as I shut the door. I turn to Elvis, furious.

"You shouldn't have done that. He was just messing around." I exclaim watching Elvis run a hand through his hair.

He gently places the video camera on the bed before glancing at me with a blank expression.

"I'll apologize later..." He grumbles heading to the bathroom.

I roll my eyes as I pick up the video camera from the neatly made bed. I examine it, this things like a brick. I click on the dozens of buttons, completely clueless of all of them. With tension already within the house, I'm not sure how this'll end up.

We end up eating steak, mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. Everyone laughed and joked around the table, Elvis and Red were the only exception, they kept at their serious, quiet tension. Before dinner was served, I asked if Mary would do me the honor of holding the video camera while Elvis and I give some news. She agrees without a question, just like a very great friend would. As everyone finishes their plate, I call out for everyone to sit down in the living room. A small, heart warming smile comes across Elvis as he helps me up from the table. Mary smiles wide and follows behind us with the video camera. Elvis and I smile back at her and take a deep breath before stepping out to the living room. I slip my hand in his and face everyone's curious eyes. I squeeze his hand as I decide to break the ice first.

"Well, Elvis and I want to tell you something..." I say with a smile.

I look up at Elvis as he confidently gazes at his father, Dodger, the guys, Patsy and Delta.

"Marie and I got a little one on the way." Elvis softly says smiling down at me proud.

I smile wide at him as we hear gasps and laughter from the sofa. We turn to them and softly laugh in unison. Dodger is the first to hug me, following Delta, Patsy, Vernon and the guys. Red hugs me last, and pats my shoulder.

"He's sorry about earlier, Red. I am too." I whisper in his ear.

He nods smiling warmly at me.

"Ya know I didn't mean what I said. You're like my little sis. I gotta know everything." He says shrugging.

I playfully punch his arm as he turns to Elvis. They both smirk and give each other a bear hug.

"You sonsabitch. I knew something was up." Red says laughingly.

Elvis howls out and glances at me, "Maybe next time you won't jeopardize the damn surprise."

I roll my eyes smiling. That's as good as it'll get when it comes to Elvis and 'apologies'. I notice Mary trying to wipe her tears. I grab the video camera from her hands and hug her.

"Congratulations sweetheart. I'm so happy for Mr. Presley and ya." She says sniffling.

I hug her tight, she basically helped raise me after Gladys passed.

"Thank you so much Mary. It means a lot from you. You're like another mother to me." I whisper making her fight back more tears.

She cups my cheek and smiles.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to handle ya when you were little." She giggles making me laugh.

"Very true. I was a little she devil." We laugh out, Elvis joins in the conversation and nudges Mary.

"Looks like you'll be raising another mini Marie, now!" Elvis laughs out and Mary pats his shoulder.

"It'd be an honor. No matter the case." She says smiling at us both.

"But don't you dare come at me with them crazy cravings, sugar pie." She warns wagging her finger at me.

Elvis and I laugh. I shake my head and place my hand on Elvis' chest.

"It's understandable Mary, that's why I tied Elvis down." I wink at Mary and she laughs.

Elvis rolls his eyes and pecks my cheek. The whole household decides it was time to feel my invisible belly. Finally, things were back to normal in this house. No one was angry at one another and there wasn't any gloominess hanging around.

As the clock strikes 9, Elvis excuses us and takes me up to our room, holding my hand. Confused I question him. He glances back at me with a hearty smile.

"You and the little one need rest, satnin." He whispers kissing my cheek.

I pat his chest as we make our way inside our room. He wraps his arms around me as I wrap mine around his neck. He kisses my shoulder and down my clavicle. He unzips my dress and kisses the back of my neck.

"Let's celebrate." He mutters kissing the top of my head.

I nod giggling as I unbotton his green shirt. He chuckles as he slips off my bra.

"I'm gettin' good." He mutters as he gently lays me on the bed.

I laugh out as he pins my arms down like old times.

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