Always and Forever ➡ The Orig...

By -void_here-

120K 2.2K 359

"Always and Forever, littlest wolf." Hayley Marshall has a lot of secrets one of them being she's not who she... More



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By -void_here-


"She is so beautiful," John grinned as Stiles held her baby girl. "I don't understand though. You were only four months pregnant. She's not too small."

"Vampire-werewolf witch hybrid," Klaus explained from his spot beside Stiles. "Seems that she is a special little girl. She is going to have everything a little girl could ever dream of."

"She is going to be so spoiled," Stiles groaned rolling her eyes. "Between Klaus, grandpa John, Nana Melissa, all of her uncles and aunts. Not to mention me. She will never want for anything."

"Of course she won't," Rebekah piped up walking into the room with several bags in her hands. "Baby clothes. Can't believe that we weren't prepared."

"We don't have anything," Stiles mumbled looking around her crowded front room. Jackson and Lydia were busy talking with each other. Scott and Isaac were cuddled up together on the extra couch her dad had gotten. Erica, Boyd, and Derek were absent. "We'll have to go shopping. Lug some stuff up to my room. Maybe, we should build another room on the house. Josh and Davina are going to need a place to sleep. She is not going to stay in New Orleans when she has declared herself a Stilinski."

"We'll build some more rooms," John assured her patting her shoulder. "Well, more rooms for everyone who wants to live here."

"Maybe, you should buy a bigger a house" Rebekah suggested going through the bags with Melissa. "Niklaus and I will need a room for when we visit the two of you."

"No, too many good memories here," Stiles declared with a shake of her head. "We'll be fine."

"Hey," Jackson mumbled finally tearing himself from Lydia. "What exactly happened between you and Peter? You just popped up covered in blood. Freaked me out."

"It was terrifying," Melissa admitted, her whole body shuddering. "Peter, he looked awful. His face was distorted and he was lunging toward Stiles. She, he was trying to kill her. He wanted to tear her apart. Stiles went-,"

"I went crazy," Stiles whispered staring down at her baby girl. She yawned snuggling deeper into Stiles' chest. "I had one thing on my mind and it was protecting her. I had too protect my baby. Peter jumped toward me, he grabbed my arm and held onto it tightly. Blood was dripping down it, he ripped my skin apart on my arms. I finally jerked away and that's when he slashed my stomach open. I ripped his heart out of his chest and I was in agonizing pain. She was coming fast."

"It was," Melissa nodded in agreement. "We got through it and now here she is. Sweet little bundle of joy. Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Yep," Stiles answered sharing a sly smile with Klaus. "Guys, I'd like you all to meet Hope Melissa Mikaelson."

"You named her after me?" Melissa gasped hands flying to her mouth. "Wow, Stiles. Thank you. That means a lot."

"You saved her life," Stiles explained and Klaus nodded. "Of course I would name her after you."

"Are you ever going to let anyone else hold her?" Scott whined poking out his bottom lip. "Come on, dude. Let me see my goddaughter."

"You named McCall her godfather?" Jackson asked scowling. "What happened to me? Isaac? We would be better at it."

"You're so dramatic," Stiles laughed reluctantly handing Hope over to Scott who cradled her in his arms carefully. "Scott's my brother and best friend. Of course I chose him for her godfather. You're her uncle."

"Fine," Jackson grumbled. "That works for me."

"Who is her godmother?" Lydia asked tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Hmm?"

"Rebekah," Stiles told her. "She was there for me when we were in New Orleans."

"Oh," Lydia murmured. "Okay. So, how are you going to decorate her nursery? Pink? Purple? White? Baby blue?"

"Ew," Stiles remarked leaning back into the couch and snuggled closer into Klaus' who wrapped an arm her shoulders. "No pink. It's going to be Stars Wars."

"Oh lord," Scott mumbled wrinkling his nose. "Really?"

"Yes," Stiles answered holding her phone out to Lydia who took it. "I want it. It's cute. Plus, Stars Wars is one of my favorite movies."

"Yeah and it was your mother's favorite movie too," John chuckled fondly.

"Stars Wars?" Rebekah questioned frowning. "For a nursery? That's weird."

"It's unique," Isaac commented rubbing a finger gently down Hope's cheek causing her to coo. Isaac broke out into a smile. "Like Stiles."

"A Stars Wars nursery?" Klaus questioned cocked an eyebrow at her. "That is not what I would expect." He cleared his throat and took his phone out of his pocket. "I actually created her a nursery at the Compound. It's between our rooms."

"You created a nursery for Hope?" Stiles asked stunned. Last she knew in New Orleans he didn't want the baby. "Really?"

"I did," Klaus confirmed fidgeting. He was nervous. He held out his phone for her to take. "Here. Look. I took some photograph's."

Stiles didn't say anything just took the phone from him and flipped through the pictures. The room was adorable. There was a painting of the French Quarter, which she knew that he had painted. The walls were a pale pink with designs that she couldn't make out. There were a couple dressers that she knew Rebekah had loaded down with baby essential's. In the middle of the room there was a wooden crib with a crystal mobile hanging over it. Several stuffed animals were in the crib including a little gray wolf. Stiles smiled fondly at her daughter's room and handed the phone back to him which he took silently.

"It's beautiful, Klaus" She mumbles not knowing what else to say.

"Well," John announced getting to his feet. "I think that Stiles, Klaus, and the baby need to relax. That means everyone needs to go home."

"But sheriff," Scott argues as Rebekah took Hope from him. Melissa shot him a glare and he deflated. "Fine. Call me, bro. I want to come back for a visit."

"I will," Stiles promised him. Her five guests left leaving herself, her dad, Hope, Klaus, and Rebakah. "She is beautiful. Isn't she?"

"Yeah," John responded. "Beautiful."

"She looks like her mother," Rebekah quipped staring down at the baby fondly. "Maybe, there is a god after all."

"She has a hint of the devil in her eyes," Klaus smirked as he stood next to his sister. "That is all me."

"If she is a mix of you and Stiles," John exclaimed snorting. "We're all in for some serious trouble."

"I was an Angel," Stiles argued with her dad. "I was a good kid. I was framed, I tell ya."

"Your halo wasn't crooked it was broken," John commented causing Rebekah and Klaus to laugh. "From what I've heard Klaus has been a handful too."

"My brother has a nasty tempter," Rebekah stated. "But we'll take care of them, Sheriff."

"Right," John said through a yawn. "Keep them both in line. I'm heading to bed, it's been a long day and night."

"It has been," Stiles agreed with him. "I guess I should call it a night too. Try to get some rest before she wakes up."

"Here," Rebekah murmured handing Hope back to Stiles and then kissed her cheek. "I've got a meeting in New Orleans with a certain handsome vampire. I'll be by to see her very soon. Love you all."

With that she blurred out of the house. Stiles dad disappeared up the stairs calling out a good night to them. Stiles didn't say anything just continued to stare down at her baby in her arms. She had lingering doubts but didn't know how to ask the hybrid for fear of him being angry with her.

"She's mine," Klaus said seeming to read her thoughts. "I can feel the pull toward her. She come's from my bloodline. She is not Derek's. She is mine."

"Alright," Stiles whispered. "I didn't, I just, she was born way too early and she, I just-,"

"Magic, love" Klaus explained moving closer to her. "She just grew faster than we assumed she would. With us anything is possible. I mean I am a vampire and a werewolf. I somehow managed to father a child. Who knows what we are going through next."

"As long as it's not zombies or ghouls we're good," Stiles snorted eyes still looked on Hope. "She's amazing. I never want to let her go."

"You won't ever have too," Klaus promised. "Hope will always be protected by our family." Klaus held out her hands and she handed the baby to him. He stared down at her awestruck. His blues eyes shining with happiness. "Please, remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired, the promise we fought to protect. You are and always will be our Hope."

A few days later a knock sounded on the door and Stiles blurred down to the front room opening it. Derek and Erica stood there they both looked nervous. She cocked her head to the side hearing Klaus talking to Hope in her bedroom.

"Hey," Stiles greeted the both of them. "What do you two want?"

"To apologize," Erica stated clasping her hands together. "Most of what I said to you was because of the Darach. The other part was jealousy. Derek and I didn't sleep together. I just kissed him. I thought that he wanted me too. My transformation went to my head. I'm sorry, Stiles, for the way that I treated you. You were right."

"I was," Stiles confirmed harshly. "Erica, you're not quiet forgiven but I am over it. I do understand parts of it were magic but the jealousy, that is fickle. We're teenagers though I could have been a little more understanding. I mean I disappeared for months and I just popped back up months later, pregnant." She took a step back when Erica moved toward her. The blonde looked crestfallen. "I don't want to be touched. I am sorry."

"It's alright," Erica assured her though Stiles heard her heart skip a beat indicating she was lying. "Um, your baby looks beautiful. She looks like you. Issac showed me her picture. Take care of yourself and I am truly sorry for everything. Do you think we'll ever be friends?"

"Maybe, one day" Stiles grinned and watched her nod then walk back to Derek's Camaro. She looked at Derek who scowled at her. "You have your murderous eyebrows directed toward me. Sour wolf, whatcha want?"

"You're a hybrid like Klaus?" Derek questioned. "How?"

"I died," Stiles explained quietly. "Your uncle attacked me and Melissa. He almost killed my baby. I died and now here I am. A hybrid. Hope's blood changed me. I know that is not all that you want so what else?"

"To apologize," Derek confessed nervously. "I, once again chose someone who was using me for something. She kidnapped you. Tried to kill you. My uncle was in on it too. I apologize for how I talked to you when you tried to warn me about her. If I could go back and change I would. I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Stiles sighed leaning against the door. "I'm sorry too. You know for expecting you to be okay with me and to automatically choose me when I left you. I'm sorry for breaking your heart when I came back pregnant. I'm sorry that I had to kill your uncle to save mine, Hope, and Melissa's life." She cleared her throat. "Scott said that you used me because you wanted him in your pack? I know I was the one to instigate the sex but it's not true is it? Or was it? Some of it was true, right? Please me tell me the truth."

"I'm sorry," Derek breathed raising his hand to her face but she knocked it away. "I was jerk and I shouldn't have done it. I just wanted to keep all the beta's together. Keep them from the Argent's"

"And I got a pity lay," Stiles scoffed eyes turning golden, veins traveling down below her eyes, her new hybrid addition. "Nice. Real nice. Well, Derek, I hope that you have a good life. Meet someone who doesn't use you and tries to screw you over. Live a good life."

"Stiles," Derek begged reaching for her again. "Don't let us end on a bad note."

"We've always been on a bad note," Stiles admitted noticing his eyes flashing red. "Be happy, Derek Hale. I plan too."

"Wait," Derek protested going to grab her again but as stopped when a hand shot out from behind her gripping his arm. Derek winced and gritted his teeth. "Klaus?"

"Yes," Klaus growled letting go of Derek's arm. "Now, Derek, I do believe that Stiles wants you to leave her alone. Please, do so. Or shall I make you leave?"

"No," Derek grunted and stalked to the Camaro getting in and squealing tires as he pulled away from the curb.

Stiles rolled her eyes at the alpha's departure and shut the door turning to see Klaus standing her Hope in his arms. Hope stared up at her father with wide blue eyes.

Stiles closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she reopened them, Klaus was staring at her sadly. "You realize?"

"Yes," Klaus nodded mouth tight. "I think that I knew the moment that you kissed me, a goodbye kiss. It's going to be a long time. A long trying time as well. New enemies will make themselves known."

"I can protect myself," Stiles told him confidently. "Her too. Are you upset?"

"No, I am not" Klaus replied though Stiles could tell it was a lie. "But I always knew that it would come to this."

"Yeah," Stiles sniffled hugging him. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, love" Klaus replied placing his chin on the top of her head. "I'm quite used to disappointment."

Stiles didn't reply to his statement she just hoped that she made the right decision for herself and her daughter. It was for the best she didn't need Derek or Klaus. She just needed her dad and Hope. It was for the best. Everything was going to be great.

Epilogue: 8 Months Later

"There is your mum," Klaus told Hope as Stiles walked toward the stage in red robe graduation gap on her head. Hope squealed loudly when she saw her mother. "She is graduating high school today with your aunts and uncles."

"Mama," Hope mumbled shaking her stuffed gray wolf. "Mama?"

"She wants Stiles?" John asked from his place beside him. "It's almost over Hope. We've just gotta watch her graduate and then we can go home. Oh, and Jackson too."

"Jay?" Hope cooed looking around causing Klaus to groan.

"She adores Jackson," Melissa said. "Who would've guessed that she would. I thought that Scott would be her favorite. It breaks his heart."

"Jackson says that Hope just has good taste," Davina giggled. She was sat next to Melissa and Liam. "I just think that he is a jerk."

"Stiles and Jackson have an odd friendship," Josh pointed out. "They share a mutual hatred for each other. I'm honestly surprised that they haven't gotten together yet. Asshole tends to attract asshole. Sorry, Mr. Stilinski."

"It's alright," John retorted with a laugh. "My kid can be an asshole. She's got you to keep her in line now though."

Klaus scoffed bouncing Hope on his knees. "I don't keep Stiles in line. She is always one foot over the line. She'll be dragging Hope along with her. Our future is going to be eventful."

"Marszalek Genim "Stiles" Stilinski!"

Klaus heard Coach Finstock announce Stiles name. He shot to his feet propping Hope onto his hip and clapped loudly for her. Hope squealed though she did not know what for. Klaus sat back down and glanced to the left spotting Derek Hale sitting a few feet away. Next to him was a young dark haired brunette was scowling around at the people.


"What baby?" Klaus asked turning his attention away from Hale and back to Hope. "What's wrong, Sweetheart?"


"Your mama will be here in a moment," Klaus told her. "She has to graduate and then we get to go to her party."

"Congratulations to the graduating seniors!" Coach's voice boomed through the microphone and cheers erupted in the building. "Now get outta here you bunch of losers."

"He's so pleasant," Klaus noted and spotted Stiles being hugged tightly by Scott and Lydia. "Let's go see your mum."

"Mama?" Hope babbled excitedly. "Jay?"

"Your Jay too," Klaus groaned rolling his eyes as he made his way over to Stiles and her friends. The sheriff, Melissa, Davina, Liam and Josh were behind him. "Little wolf."

"Biggest bad," Stiles laughed rushing over to him a huge grin on her face. "Baby wolf." She pressed a kiss against Hope's cheek causing her to giggle. "I am now officially done with my high school education. I can start Tulane in the fall. I am so damn excited."

"We'll be worlds apart," Scott grumbled burying his face in Stiles neck. "Why can't you stay in California?"

"Hope needs to be with her father," Stiles responded and Klaus smiled at that. "I need a change too. Certain people hate me here."

"We love you though," Isaac breathed side hugging Stiles. "Don't leave again. Say that you will visit us."

"Of course we will," Stiles assured him and Klaus nodded his head in agreement. "Hope will have to see her Jay."


"Can not believe that my godchild likes Jackson better than she does me," Scott pouted. "Unbelievable."

"She just has good taste," Jackson said joining the group with Lydia's hand held in his. Hope squealed loudly and made grabbing motion to the beta. "There's my little girl. Come here darling."

Klaus reluctantly handed Hope over to Jackson. He watched the two of them interact for a moment. Jackson had his forehead pressed against Hope's and Hope was patting his cheeks. He smiled at the two of them. He saw Stiles and Lydia cooing over the two of them as well. Allison was busy chatting with Scott and Isaac who were both flirting with her. Davina and Liam were talking with a couple of Liam's friends. John, Melissa, Josh and Chris Argent were looking at each other awkwardly. Argent staring hard at Josh hand held on his side. Klaus knew there was a weapon there.

Erica and Boyd were with Derek and the brunette was standing beside Derek. Next to him. Closely. Hadn't Derek and Stiles started dating? He assumed it was rekindled when she had chosen to stay in Beacon Hills and he had returned to New Orleans. Those months without her and Hope were dreadful. He made many trips to California. He was glad that she decided to move to New Orleans.

"Whatcha looking at?" Stiles asked wrapping an arm around his waist. "Oh, I see."

"What's her name?" Klaus questioned looking down at her. "Love?"

"Cora," Stiles replied with a smile. "Derek's little sister. She found the pack a couple of months ago. She dislikes me more than Derek does now."

"Huh," Klaus noted. "I though that when I left you would-,"

"No," Stiles responded biting her lip. "It was all too much. That day he came by the house ended it. Showed me what I really needed to focus on. Hope, my dad, and school. I fell out of love with him these last few months. We're not. We wouldn't work. Besides, I am dangerous to him now."

"What do you mean?" Klaus inquired curiously. "My bite, our bite is only lethal to vampires. Not werewolves."

"Different type of wolves," Stiles remarked. "There was an omega that came by months ago. He tried to attack me and I bit him. He died after twenty four hours. So, yeah my bite is dangerous to these werewolves."

"Odd," Klaus hummed and then groaned. "Rebekah and Elijah are outside wanting us to hurry up. They've got a surprise for you."

"No surprises," Stiles told him. "Nope. No gifts."

"Try telling my sister that," Klaus chuckled. "She said to get your ass out here before she starts rolling heads. Her words not mine."

"Tell Rebekah that she'll be out after we take pictures," John said holding up a digital camera. "Stiles, come on."

"Fine," Stiles muttered pulling away from him She smiled widely as the sheriff took the picture, "How many?"

"You with all of your friends," John responded causing all of the supernatural teens to grumble. "Melissa and Chris want to take pictures too."

"This is good side," Jackson smirked turning his head to the right. He didn't hand Hope back to Klaus just readjusted her in his arms. "Smile for your papa, Hope."

Klaus laughed as each of Stiles' friends demanded their own picture with their little girl. Hope was currently in her mother's arms giggling at the faces Scott was making. Melissa taking her Stiles' picture with John and Hope. Klaus moved to go outside to speak with Elijah, Marcel, and Rebekah when John stopped him. "What sir?"

"Family picture," John explained. "Come on over here."

"Yeah," Stiles agreed with him. "We do need a family picture."

"Alright," Klaus responded moving to stand next to Stiles who handed Hope over to him. He smiled at the both of his girls as Melissa snapped the picture. "Thanks."

"Now one with just the three of you," John ordered moving away from them. "You three haven't got a picture together. Come on say cheese."

"Cheese," Stiles smiled and Klaus heard Hope giggled at her mother as John took the picture. "Okay that is enough pictures. I want out of this ugly robe and back into normal clothes. I hate this dress. I want out of it too."

"I'd like to see you out of it too," Klaus whispered causing Stiles to snort. He saw the teen wolves especially Scott make a disgusted face. Derek gave him a death glare. "Let's get out of here. Party at Stiles tonight."

"Food," Scott shouted grabbing Isaac's hand. "Mom, we'll meet you at the Stilinski's house."

"Those two," Melissa laughed shaking her head as Scott dragged Isaac out of the gym. "John you need a lift to your house?"

"Yeah, that would be great," John replied. "Thanks Melissa. Stiles will want to spend time with Klaus' family. That way she can't yell at me."

"Hey," Stiles shouted as John and Melissa left the gym. "Why would I yell at you? Dad?" She turned to him and poked him in the chest narrowing her eyes. "What did your sister do?"

"It's nothing bad," Klaus insisted grabbing her hand and linking their fingers together. "Come along, little wolf."

"Hey Davina," Stiles yelled causing Davina and Liam to break away from their kiss. "Liam, watch where you put your hands. Or I'll break your fingers."

"Stiles," Davina protested face turning bright red. "You hush."

"Keep an eye on her Josh," Stiles instructed as Klaus led her out of the crowd and out of the school. "I can play big sister. Liam better watch where he puts his hands. He better not hurt her either. Or I hurt him."

"You're going to be worse when Hope starts to date," Klaus mused leading her over to Rebekah, Elijah and Marcel. "Sister. Brother. Marcellus."

"Niklaus," Elijah greeted him. "Hayley. Hope."

"Hey, Lijah" Stiles grinned at one of her favorite Original's. "Are you ever going to call me Stiles?"

"Stiles," Elijah corrected with a smile reaching for Hope. He took her and kissed her forehead. "Hello, sweetheart. You have gotten bigger. It will be good too see you in person and not from a computer screen."

"It will," Klaus agreed with his brother. "The five of us living together thought it shall be a grand adventure."

"Be ready for screaming toddler tantrums," Stiles informed. "She has her good days and her bad days. Her days where all she wants is to be held and days where she doesn't want anyone but my dad. Her Jay too."

"Then she shall have a village," Elijah declared. "Now, let's get to your graduation present, Stiles."

Klaus laughed at the flabbergasted look on Stiles' face as she caught her keys from Rebekah. "My present is my own Jeep? Um, thanks I guess."

"We had your Jeep completely worked over," Rebekah said pointing to it. "John said that you wouldn't accept a new ride. So we redone your Jeep. She's better than a brand spanking new car. Niklaus got the best mechanic that money could buy."

"Okay," Stiles sighed then rolled her eyes fondly. "Thank you for the gift. I love it. I'll be driving her down to Louisiana."

"Wrong," Klaus told her. "We'll be hauling it back. That is my lackey's job. You, Hope and I are going to fly. I have a surprise of my own for you."

"What?" Stiles eyed him curiously. "What is it?"

"A surprise, little wolf" Klaus answered. "We'll have fun. Your dad is joining us. As well as Scott, Davina, Isaac and Josh. Melissa as well."

"A family vacation?" Stiles asked. "Really? Where?"

"I have a home in New York," Klaus admitted seeing her eyes light up. "It'll be fun." He cleared his throat and tilted his head to the side. "You have someone wanting to have a chat with you."

"Who is it?"

"Derek," Klaus muttered wishing that Hale had already left. He was standing next to his Camaro looking down at the ground. "We'll be here if you need us."

"Okay," Stiles nodded squeezing his hand then letting go.

Klaus watched her walk over to Derek. He allowed her her privacy and didn't eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hey," Stiles said when she got to Derek. "What do you want, Hale?"

"You're leaving?" Derek questioned. "Isaac said that you have been accepted to Tulane University. You're moving to New Orleans?"

"That's right," Stiles confessed. "I applied several months ago with Ms. Martin's help. She really freaked Klaus out. He thought that she was Carol Lockwood. Convinced that he killed himself another Hunter." Stiles saw him frown. "Sorry, off track. Um, I got accepted. I'm really excited for it. A new start for me and Hope."

"How does your dad feel about the move?" Derek asked nervously. "He was happy that you came back home last fall. Scott said that he has been happy with you and Hope being here. He will be upset when you both leave."

"He's going too," Stiles responded. "Yeah, he decided that it was time to retire. I never thought that I would see the day. He said that he wants to spend more time with me and Hope. Plus, he wants to go fishing. I think that he will really like it there."

"So, he is going to New Orleans too?"

"Uh huh," Stiles nodded watching Derek's face close off all of his emotions. He was stoney faced. "We're selling the house. Klaus has a place in New Olreans. I am going to leave here. My dad is going to stay in an apartment across from our building. Give him some privacy from us and the supernatural. Only he can invite vampires in."

"Right," Derek muttered then laughed shaking his head. "I really thought that this would be easier. Hearing that you are going to leave."

"It's been planned for months," Stiles explained glaring at Derek. "I thought that Scott and Isaac would have told you. Even Jackson and Lydia know all about my plans."

"Lydia is angry at me," Derek sighed. "She hasn't gotten over the face that Jennifer tried to kill her and kidnapped you."

"Haven't really gotten over that either," Stiles grumbled crossing her arms over her chest. "And I did die."

"Right," Derek said uncomfortably. "Seems that Jackson has a new alpha."

"A new alpha?" Stiles inquired confused. "Who?"

"Your daughter has him wrapped around her little finger," Derek exclaimed. "She's a beautiful little girl. I am happy for you."

"Thanks," She thanked him. "She is perfect. An amazing little baby who loves Jackson which is weird. My child would like him. It's hilarious. Scott is so jealous. We like who we like I suppose."

"Yeah, we like who we like" Derek agreed rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah."

"How's your sister?" Stiles asked after a few seconds of awkward silence. "She okay?"

"Good," Derek stated glancing at Cora who was scowling at the people around her. "We are going to South America. Me, her, Erica, and Boyd. They deserve a vacation from everything."

"Isaac, Scott, and Jackson didn't want to go?" Stiles asked. "They didn't want to go on their alpha's pack trip?"

"They left the pack," Derek commented closing his eyes then reopening them. "Yeah, they were all upset about Peter, you and Jennifer. They don't want to be near me. They'll be okay. I believe. Scott is a good guy to follow. He did lead you, and Allison well."

"Scott, Jackson's new alpha?" Stiles guffawed thinking of Scott's newly gained 'True Alpha' powers. He had been kidnapped and came back an alpha. He didn't kill anyone he just became an alpha. It was weird but according to Deaton it could happen and it did to Scott. Who was she to judge she was part vampire and part werewolf. "Scott will do a good job. He'll take care of everyone. He's trustworthy."

'Yeah," Derek nodded. "He'll be good. About us, Stiles? I am in love with you. I just realized it after we were apart for all those months and these last few months. I know that you still care for me."

"Not anymore," Stiles admitted and he sighed his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I told you Derek that I wasn't going to be used. My feelings for you as of eight months ago are dead. They died when I died. Goodbye, Derek. I want you to be happy. Find happiness. I plan on it. Bye. Stay outta trouble. Okay?"

"Wait," Derek pleaded and grabbed her hand which was pulled from his grasp by Elijah sans Hope. "Who the hell are you?'

"Hope's uncle, Elijah" Elijah introduced himself voice calm. Stiles heard the unspoken threat in his words. "Stiles' friend. Klaus' older brother. An Original. Now, Mr. Hale, Stiles wants you to leave her alone. So kindly remove yourself from her presence before I have to and we would not want me to do that."

"Fine," Derek snapped and got in the Camaro where Cora, Erica, and Boyd had moved to.

Stiles watched him drive away angry and knew that it wouldn't be the last time she would see him. It would be a long time before she saw Derek Hale again and she was okay with that. She wanted Derek to be happy because she was determined to be happy. She glanced over to Klaus who was holding Hope in his arms talking to her gently. She smiled widely at the two of them knowing that she made the right decision for herself and her family.

Klaus noticed her staring at him and Hope and he waved at her. She waved back and started humming a tune that had been stuck in her head for months. She didn't know where it came from but that it sounded sad. She walked back over to Klaus knowing that nothing or no one would tear them apart.

They would be together, Always and Forever.

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