A robins life

By loonylux

3.9K 146 32

I know the title is bad but I couldn't think of a better one Robin has one strange life filled with super he... More

The start of GA
The mission
Meeting the team
Lunch after a show
Meet the brothers

Supers in class

519 24 0
By loonylux

Dick woke up to the shrill noise of his alarm, sadly it was 6:00am on a Monday. Dick got out of his bed begrudgingly, the pain in his leg almost gone. He walked into his closet and put on his Gotham academy uniform then walked to his bathroom to deal with his hair, that whole process took about thirty minutes, but nevertheless, dick was ready for school. As he walked down the hall he noticed that his teammates weren't up yet so he went around knocking on their door telling them kindly to get up and it was time for school, that was until he reached his last door, Wally's " WALLY GET UP OR YOU WILL MISS BREAKFAST" dick yelled through the door knowing that a polite knock and sweet voice would not wake the speedster up. "Oh my cheese" dick could hear through the door as he walked down the stairs towards the dinning room to see Bruce already there. " so I hear you woke the team up" Bruce said not looking up from his paper "well how else did you expect Wally to wake up?" Dick asked sitting next to the man. Soon the team came down dressed in Gotham academy uniform like dicks "did you have to wake me up like that" Wally asked dick rubbing the sleep out of his eyes "are you saying you would actually wake up on time on your own" dick asked as Alfred placed breakfast in front of him "thanks Alfie!" Dick told the butler as he began to eat. When the team was all done they walked to the door as alfie pulled up in the limo "come on lets go I told arty and babs I'd pick them up" dick said quickly getting into the car, the team gave each other questioning looks as they climbed into the long car, inside the limo there wasn't much, there was a small bookcase that looked to hold one test book for every subject except math, which had multiple books for each element, even with the team and dick the limo wasn't cramped, dick sat on one side while the team sat on another. The car stopped in front of an apartment building and dick got out to greet the two girls standing out side, much to the teams dismay one of the girls was Artemis. A red head girl, also in the school uniform slid into the car, next came dick then Artemis. "Dick can you show me how you did question twelve in the math homework?" The red head asked either not noticing or not caring about the extra people in the car. "Oh yeah I need help on that one too" Artemis added waving at the team. "Oh um hi you must be the new transfers dick told me about, I'm Barbara and this is Artemis" dick could tell babs was acting dumb by pretending that dick hadn't told her almost everything about them. "Oh nice to meet you I'm Megan this is Conner, Wally and kaldur" m'gann answered using her 'earth name' "cool, now about that problem" babs finished pulling out her math notebook. After dick helped babs and Arty with their math they arrived at the large school, " thanks alfie" the three said almost simultaneously "thank you Alfred" the team said, slightly freaked out at the way the archer was acting around the two non-super heroes. "Ok you you guys have all of your classes with me so you won't like get lost or something" Artemis told the team as they walked to her locker as their lockers were placed around hers. " astfel încât aceasta este echipa ta?(so this is your team?)" Barbara asked dick as they stopped as their locker, they used Romanian as they knew about superboys hearing, after hearing this the team looked over to them confused "da, ele sunt toate supers (yes, they are all supers)" dick responded in the same language "guys I think your freaking out the new kids" Artemis told them closing her locker casually as she was used to the two randomly chatting in different languages from time to time to annoy their teachers "Nhưng nghệ thuật này là vui vẻ (but arty this is fun)" dick whined switching to Vietnamese which Artemis was fluent in "Có thể là những học sinh trung học bình thường không thể nói nhiều hơn một ngôn ngữ (that may be but normal high schoolers can't speak more then one language)" Artemis responded in the same language. "Lame" dick responded "what was that all about" Wally asked Artemis quietly "dick knows about twenty seven different languages and is teaching barb a few" Artemis explained as she lead the team to their first class separating from dick and babs. Soon it was third period, the first class Artemis had with dick and babs, when the team walked in they saw that they where going to sit in the back where as dick and babs sat in the front. 'Why isn't he paying attention to the teacher' m'gann asked Artemis through the mind link as she had noticed dick not even trying to act like he was paying attention as he was reading 'well he doesn't need to' Artemis replied casually "Richard what is the answer to thirteen" the teacher asked the boy "fifteen" he answered after five seconds of looking at the question on the board "correct" the teacher responded seemingly not caring that the boy was not paying attention to the lesson 'wow, how old is this kid?!' Wally thought 'he's thirteen' Artemis answered 'this is tenth grade though, and he's going right through these questions!' Wally practically yelled through the link 'he skipped two grades' Artemis said as the bell rang signaling the students to leave and get to fourth period, which for Artemis, dick, babs and much to the teams dismay the next class they all had, was gymnastics. "So why do we have gymnastics?" Conner asked for the whole team "because I have gymnastics for my gym elective and we have the same schedule so you get it too" Artemis told him before she left with Barbara and m'gann to the girls locker room "well I guess I'm showing you guys the boys locker rooms um follow me" dick said after waving to babs "cool let's go" Wally said following dick.

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