Always and Forever โžก The Orig...

By -void_here-

116K 2.1K 353

"Always and Forever, littlest wolf." Hayley Marshall has a lot of secrets one of them being she's not who she... More



6.2K 121 19
By -void_here-


"Are you ready?" Klaus asked as he rolled his eyes at his sister. "Rebekah, you'he had plenty of time to pack your things. The planes leaves in an hour. What are you packing? The whole compound?"

"I'm packing the rest of Hayley's belongings," Rebekah explained as she placed another bag in the pile. "You know she'll need her clothes and things. She's with her father. She is not going to come back with you."

"She will," Klaus stated gruffly. "If she doesn't I'll kill everyone she has ever loved. Her family. Her friends."

"Thought you told Elijah you wouldn't harm her?" Rebekah scoffed rolling her eyes. "Don't go back on a promise to him. Especially when everyone of us is getting along."

"If he didn't have feelings for her I'd be a little more tolerant," Klaus mumbled softly though he knew she could hear him. "Hayley likes him too."

"Hayley likes Elijah because he treats her like a person and not an object," Rebekah said placing her hands on her hips. "Maybe, if you hadn't tried to lock her up here, she'd still be here. But no Nik has to be so damn stubborn and try to lock us all up here. Why? Because you're so afraid of being alone. We're here Nikolaus. Elijah and me. We're family. We've been there for you always and forever. Yet you treat us as little puppet's. Trying to control everything. Hayley was right to runaway. This place, these witches using Hayley and your child to get to you. No wonder she got the hell out of here."

Klaus frowned at his sister's words. He agreed with her. The witches had used Hayley and their unborn child to get to him. Hell, he had even been physical with her. Though in his defense she had admitted to wanting to kill their child. It had pissed him off when she told him that. She couldn't take part of him, apart of his family away. Deep down he wanted the child. If Hayley came with the child then he wanted her too. She was something and she had gotten to him. She had even drove Caroline and Camille out of his mind.

He crossed his arms over his chest and Rebekah a deadly glare. "Pack it all and hurry up. If not I will leave with out you."

He stormed out of Hayley's room and blurred down to the front of Compound. He got in the SUV and waited for Marcel and Rebekah to join him so they could head to Beacon Hills. Klaus growled at the thought of Hayley being with someone from her hometown. He wondered exactly what she was up too at the moment.


"Hey kid," Stiles dad greeted her when she walked in the kitchen. "How's the last few days been?"

"Stressful," Stiles admitted grabbing a glass and the bottle of orange juice from the fridge. "Scott said that Deaton is okay. I'm actually going to talk to him this morning. This afternoon after Scott gets out of school, I am going to hang out with him and the pack."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," John said and gestured for her to sit down which she did. "Your senior year?"

"What about it?" Stiles asked pouring juice in the glass. "Yeah, it's here. Never thought I'd see it."

"Are you going?" Her dad inquired frowning. "It would be good to see your only child graduate high school."

"You want me to go back?" Stiles questioned furrowing her brows. "How exactly are we going to explain my disappearance? Or the baby bump that I'm currently sporting. Plus, what about me not completing my junior year?"

"I've already discussed that with the principal," John explained. "He said with your grades that you will be okay. It was only a few weeks that you missed. You'll be starting with a tutor. I guessed you wouldn't be comfortable going back to school."

"I figured you'd march me right into the school," Stiles said taking a drink of the juice. "Thanks for not making me go. Who is going to be my tutor?"

"Now, don't get too aggravated," Her dad started. "It's actually Natalie Martin and she has assured me that you'll be fine. You will have to go to school one day a week though. For one class."

Stiles pouted. "Mrs. Martin does not like me. Why one day? For one class?"

"For attendance," John retorted. "Also, it's for Finstock's class. He failed you. That essay you wrote? Yeah, not the subject for his class. He acted like he was traumatized." Her dad snorted. "Cupcake."

"I can't believe that he failed me," Stiles scowled. "I was doing great in his class I had an A."

"What are you complaining about?" Davina asked walking in the kitchen. She was still in her Pajama's and hair up in a messy bun. "Good morning Mr. Stilinski. Hey Stiles."

"Hey," Stiles mumbled putting her hands over her face. "I failed Econ. I have to go back and finish the class. I don't want to."

"Oh, sucks to be you" John snarked walking in the kitchen already dressed for the day. "So, you're going back to high school? Ew."

"I want to see my only child graduate high school," John told Josh and Josh winced. "She's just being dramatic. It's only for one day a week. For one class. The other day's she is going to be home schooled. Finstock wouldn't agree with tutoring."

"Of course he'd wanna ruin my life," Stiles muttered. "One class. Will that's good. Isaac, Scott and everyone will be there."

"Can I go?" Davina asked softly. Stiles quirked an eyebrow at her. "I'd like to go to school. I missed being around everyone when I was cooped up in that attack. We can sign me up as Davina Claire Stilinski. I can be John's niece."

"Davina," John sighed patting the young witch's hand. "You- It's not possible. Honey, you are a runaway. We have nothing of your transcripts. ID, social security number. Nothing."

"Oh," Davina whispered sadly. "That's alright, John."

"I'm sorry," John apologized and Stiles could tell that her dad was upset. "Do you all want some waffles?"

"Yeah," Davina nodded and turned her attention to Stiles a fake smile on her face. "What are we doing this today?"

"I don't know," Stiles answered thinking about Davina's predicament. She was going to help the young brunette out. "This morning I may go to Deaton's." She looked at her dad and saw he was preoccupied with cooking. She lowered her voice. "When my dad goes to work, I am going to Jennifer's. It's good. She'll be at work. I can snoop."

"S'not a good idea," Josh whispered. "What if someone sees you?"

"I have werewolf powers," Stiles said. "I can totally be stealthy now."

"Please tell me this is not a jealously issue," Josh pleaded. "I know you love Derek. You totally talk in your sleep."

"Trust me," Stiles assured him rolling her eyes. "There is something off about this woman. I'm going to find out what it is. This isn't jealously."

"Waffles," John announced sitting a platter filled with breakfast food on the table along with the syrup. He pointed his finger at Stiles. "Don't get into trouble. Don't get the cops called on you. Don't get arrested. Don't speed. Don't cause too much trouble."

"Take all my fun away why don't you," Stiles joked causing her dad to glare and laugh. "Thanks for breakfast. I promise to not do anything too bad. Have fun at work."

" Sure," John stated grabbing his keys and coffee mug. "Remember no trouble. Keep her out of trouble. Goodbye."

"Bye," The three called out to him as he left.

Stiles ate her food in silence until she looked up and over at Josh and saw that he was wincing. "What is wrong with you?"

"This is gross," Josh gagged, sneering at his coffee. "Your dad can cook but he can't fix coffee. I need a Starbucks."

"Good luck finding one," Stiles snorted and she turned to Davina. "I'm sorry about school."

"It's okay," Davina said. "It's not like I expected anything else. I can't go to school. I'm a runaway. I just wanted to be normal for a while. Hang out with friends. Go to football games. High school parties."

"They're not all that great," Stiles muttered thinking of Lydia's birthday where there had been wolfsbane in the punch. That night those hallucination's of her dad were awful. She frowned at the sad expression on Davina's face. "You know I may be able to get you in school here."

"How?" Davina asked giddly then narrowed her eyes. "You better not be making fun of me."

"I'm not," Stiles promised pushing her plate away. "If I can you will be enrolled by tomorrow morning in Beacon Hills High School."

"How exactly?" Josh inquired sceptical.

" Hey, I had a driver's license with that states that I am from Tennessee and my name is Hayley Marshall," Stiles exclaimed. "I can figure this out. What did you say your name was going to be? Davina Claire Stilinski?"

Davina giggled shaking her head. "Yes, I am your cute little cousin from the south. I've come to live with my uncle John because uh-,"

"Your family was murdered by a crazy satantic cult?" Josh suggested and Stiles shook her head. Davina just sighed and rolled her eyes. "Too soon? Yeah. Sorry D. Wait if she's your little cousin. Then who am I going to be?"

"The gay uncle," Stiles chuckled and got up from the table. "I'm going to go snoop around Jennifer's. See if I can find any clues."

"Good luck," Davina told her. "We'll clean up the mess. Can I borrow the phone to text Liam?"

"Yeah," Stiles said handing her the cellphone, "I'll use the old one. Call me if you need anything."

"Are you sure they won't track us down?" John asked furrowing his brows. "Is the spell working?"

"Yes," Davina breathed closing her eyes. "My magic has hidden us." She opened her eyes. "They won't be able to break it and they won't find us. Remember, how powerful I am?"

"Yes," Josh winched touching his temple. "That night wasn't pleasant. While you prowl around Jennifer's house this morning, I am going to the high school to keep an eye on her."

"Good thinking," Stiles nodded and then glanced at her clothes. She was still in her Pajama's which consisted of one of Klaus' old shirts and a pair of sweatpants from her dad. "I should go find some clothes. Wondering around town in my pajama's people will think I am crazy."

"I should do some laundry," Davina mumbled. "I'm starting to run out of clean clothes."

"Me too," Josh frowned at his borrowed Beacon Hills shirt. "We should go do some shopping. You know if we do stay longer."

Stiles nodded in agreement. Most of her clothes that actually fit were still in New Orleans. She went upstairs and to her room going over to the closet and pulling the door open. She stared at her clothes then glanced at her stomach. Her clothes were pretty baggy on her months ago but now with her baby belly all of these old clothes wouldn't fit. She pushed the jeans aside and pulled out a blue flannel shirt. She narrowed her eyes at the shirt and leaned it sniffing it.

A flood of memories rushed back to her. That night in the Sheriff's Department when Matt had taken them hostage, a gun in his hand. Jackson standing in the doorway in his half human half Kanima form. Derek showing up and Jackson paralyzing him. Jackson dragging his claw against her neck, her body going stiff and falling down. She had landed on Derek rather hard. He had groaned and told Scott to get her off of him. Matt taunting them. Derek sticking his claws in his leg while they lay side by side listening to the around of gunshots, roars, and the Kanima screech. She lay there terrified they were gonna die, her dad was gonna die and Melissa. She was so damn happy when Scott had carried her out of the building. She had been so happy to has control of her body again. She had just started running and didn't stop until a car horn blew. She stopped in her tracks and looked back at the vehicle. She breathed a sigh of relief seeing that it was just Derek's Camaro and he was walking toward her slowly.

Stiles held onto tightly to the shirt remembering what had happened next.

"Stiles," Derek whispered holding his hands up palms toward her. "Hey Stiles. Are you okay?"

Stiles shook her head and let out a choked sob. "No, I am not okay, Derek! Matt could'be killed everyone. My dad. Melissa. Scott. You! Me! We were helpless. I don't ever want to feel like that again. Jackson has to be stopped. We have to stop Matt. He needs to die, Derek. He's got to die before we all die. My dad- I can't do this-"

"Hey," Derek murmured pulling her into a hug wrapping his arms around her tightly. "You're okay. Everyone is okay. I promise. I am not going to let anyone hurt you again. I won't let anyone hurt you ever."

Stiles held onto Derek tighter burying fer face in his chest. He hugged her tighter running his hand up and down her back. She sniffled and leaned her head back to look up at him. He smiled at her and the next thing she knew she was leaning up pressing her lips against his. Derek's body froze against hers and she made to pull away but he finally moved his lips against hers. She felt tingles all over her body. Derek's hands ran down her back and settled on her hips and his thumbs rubbed against her stomach under her shirt.

She pulled away from him gasping. Derek placed his forehead against hers and smiled. Stiles bit her lip and let out a shaky sigh. "Take me home?"

"Yeah," Derek answered and moved away from her only to grab her hand and entwine their fingers together. He led her to the car and opened the passenger door for her. He shut the door behind her band hurried around the car to get in himself.

"Starting right now, Stiles. I am going to protect you. Me. Not Scott. No one else. You're part of my pack. I'm sorry for going after Lydia."

Stiles stayed quiet listening to Derek as he drove down the road. She nodded along with his words then frowned. "I don't want the bite. Ever."

"I'm not giving it to you," Derek stated looking over at her. "You're not-. I don't want you to be a werewolf. I don't want anyone to go after you because you're a werewolf. You're gonna be with us. I will protect you. I promise."

"Stop the car!" Stiles shouted.

"What?" Derek inquired looking over at her worriedly. "Stiles, you okay?"

"Stop the car," Stiles repeated and Derek did. They were stopped in front of an abandoned building. "I'm fine."

"Then what-,"

Stiles had crawled over to Derek and cut off whatever he was going to say by pressing her lips against his. Derek reacted feverently slipping in her mouth. Stiles let out a whimper a Derek pulled her into his lap. She could feel the steering wheel dig into her back. She placed her hands on his shoulders running her left hand up Derek's neck. He deepened their kiss when Stiles tugged on his hair.

Stiles let out another whimper as Derek shifted underneath her. She tore her mouth away from his and pulled her flannel shirt off and tossed it in the backseat.

Derek's eyes widened briefly and he furrowed his brows. "Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Positive," Stiles whispered cupping Derek's jaw and grinding down him which earned her a low throaty moan for the alpha. "I want to do this. I want to do this with you."

"Okay," Derek breathed leaning forward and placing his lips against her cheek.

He pressed feather light kisses against her jaw and down her neck. Stiles threw her head back and moaned softly as Derek nuzzled, kissed, and licked her neck. His hands tugged at the hem of her green t-shirt and she lifted her arms up. Derek tossed her shirt in the backseat and pulled his shirt off as well.

He cupped her cheeks again and his eyes flashed red. "Are you one hundred percent sure that this is want you want tonight?"

"Yes," Stiles answered and frowned when Derek pulled her out of his lap and placed her back in the passenger seat. She shivered when her bare back hit the cool leather. "What?"

Derek winked at her but didn't say anything. He merely got out of the car and walked over to her side and opened the door. He kneeled down, pushed the seat back and turned her body so her legs were hanging out of the door. He pushed them apart and leaned up looking at her.

He trailed his fingertips down her face. "Are you sure you want your first time like this?"

"Yes," Stiles whispered unbuttoning her jean and letting Derek pull them off of her. She reclined back in the seat and Derek hovered over her. She smirked at him and ran a shaky hand down his stomach to the edge of his waist band. "I want this."

Derek had quickly peeled her bra and panties away from her body and removed his jeans. He had made sure she was ready bringing her to an orgasam thanks to his talented fingers. When he had slipped inside of her it had twinged but after a few shallow thrusts the pain turned into pleasure.

She remembered the feel of him inside her, his moans, her moans, and the touch of his hands on her body. It was an amazing night. Derek had taken her home kissed her again and promised to call her. She was gone from Beacon Hills before she even knew if he had called her.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked and Stiles jumped in shock dropping the shirt. "Were you sniffing your shirt?"

Stiles scowled bent down and picked the shirt up tugging it on over Klaus' shirt. It still fit her. "I'm not answering that Davina."

"Oookay," Davina drawled out. "Is it hormones?"

"I'm thinking about Derek," Stiles admitted face flushing. "My first time with him. He was my first."

"Was it amazing?" Davina asked plopping down on the bed and pulling the Grimiore toward her. "Was he good? He looks like he knows what he's doing."

"My night with him was amazing," Stiles confessed tugging the pj bottom's off and a pair of cut off jean shorts. "They still fit? Huh."

"Good," Davina mumbled phone in her hand and book in her lap. "You be careful." She huffed. "I think I may have found a way to stabilize my magic."

"Really?" Stiles asked putting on a pair of her old sneakers. It felt weird to wear something other than boots. "How exactly?"

"I don't have the specifics," Davina sighed running a hand over the book. "Stiles, I don't want to be sacrificed. I don't want to die."

"We'll figure it out," Stiles promised patting her shoulder. She grabbed her keys and 'Hayley's' cellphone. "I'all ask Deaton today. Don't flirt too much with Liam."

"Not possible," Davina chuckled. "Jennifer is dangerous I can sense it. Be careful, Stiles." She wrinkled her nose. "That's not really weird now but can I still call you Hayley?"

"Of course," Stiles assured her. "I'll be careful. I'll take care of the littlest wolf and make sure Josh doesn't watch anything stupid."

"Hey Laguna Beach isn't stupid," Josh argued as he came into the room. "Dishes are done. I'm going to be watching Jennifer too. See you later."

'Well, I know when I am not wanted" Stiles laughed leaving the room. "Bye."

'That's why the call me bad company and I can't deny, bad company until the die I day,"

Stiles sang as she pulled the SUV up in a parking lot of a busy store miles away from Jennifer's house. She got out locked the doors and glanced around the parking lot to make sure no one was around. The coast was clear and she used her supernatural speed to blur away. She was in front of Jennifer's house on 5108 Shore Drive before she knew it.

The place was empty. She tilted her head focusing on listening for any heartbeats. She couldn't hear a heartbeat or breathing. No one was around. Jennifer's red car was gone. Stiles took a deep breath and blurred around to the back of the house. She took a lock picking kit out of her pocket. She could've used her strength to break the lock but she didn't want Jennifer to know someone was checking her out.

After what felt like an eternity the lock finally clicked and Stiles twisted the doorknob. The door opened and she stepped inside easily. The room she entered was the kitchen. It lookeed pristine almost like it was unlived in. She made her way slowly throughout the house but didn't find anything suspicious.

Random bills, books, movies, and clothes. She was busy going through her closet when she heard a noise from downstairs. She stopped and listened closely but didn't hear anything. She spotted a box in the corner of the closet and went to grab it when a door slammed shut in the house loudly. She heard footsteps on the stairs and heard someone breathing. She dashed to the bathroom in a flash and leaped out the window. She landed on her feet, rushed to the woods behind Jennifer's and waited to see who it was that was there. She didn't see anyone so she turned to the right to head back to the house. She screamed when she saw the person standing in front of her a glare on his face.

"You scared the crap outta me," Stiles growled. "What are you doing following me?"

"Curiousty," Peter said shrugging his shoulders. "Why are you snooping around Derek's place?"

"No reason," Stiles responded the narrowed her eyes at him. "Does Derek know what I am up too?"

"No," Peter snorted. "You're not exactly my nephew's first priority right now." He chuckled when she made a face. "I don't tell my nephew everything but I'll tell you. You're wasting your time. I've already looked over her. She's clean. Normal really. I guess that's what my nephew wants. After you and Kate."

"You're a dick," Stiles snapped crossing her arms over her chest. "If she's normal then you're a saint. Back off of me."

"So hormonal," Peter laughed shaking his head. "You're clearly jealous when you have no right to be. She's normal. You're pregnant with another guys baby. Get over my nephew."

"You're an ass," Stiles spat turning away from him. Then she glanced back at him. "When Klaus gets here I'd watch your step with me." Peter's face blanched but he didn't say anything. "When Jennifer gets what she wants. What she's after. I hope that she sends yo back to hell where you belong."

"Good day, Stiles" Stiles heard Peter call out as she walked away.

Stiles blurred back to her vehicle where she stood in silence waiting to calm down. Peter had royally pissed her off. She just knew Jennifer was up too something. She could feel it. She looked at her phone and saw it was already two o'clock. She breathed deeply and exhaled slowly her nerves finally calm. She got in the SUV and drove to Deaton's. She parked and made her way inside stopping in front of the door.

"I'll be out in a minute," Deaton called out from the other room. A few seconds later he was walking in the lobby. The vet stopped in his tracks and grinned. "Ms. Stilinski, Scott told me that you were back. What can I do for you?"

"What do you know about the Harvest?" Stiles questioned stepping forward only to be stopped. Deaton cocked an eyebrow at her. "Scott didn't tell you everything, huh?"

"No," Dragon laughed opening the door. "You're a-,"

"Werewolf," Stiles answered passing through the door easily. "I wasn't bitten. I was born. Not like the Hales. My gene didn't get triggered until I accidently killed someone."

"Okay," Deaton mused. "Like the Lock woods?"

Stiles stopped in her tracks. "How much do you know?"

"I know enough," Deaton said skeptically. "Now, what do you want to talk about? The Harvest Ritual? Are you in trouble with the witches in New Orleans?"

"I was," Stiles admitted truthfully leaning against the wall. "But I got out of that. Now though I sort of rescued one of their witches and everyone is angry. The witch who is here with me, she's part of the Harvest. A harvest girl."

"It wasn't completed?" Deaton asked. "The magic is still within this girl? You do know that for the Harvest to complete this girl will have to be sacrified. There is no other way. She will have to die."

Stiles sighed. She had hoped Dragon would know of another way but it seemed that there wasn't. "Great. I'll have to send a good friend back to New Orleans to die. That's freaking awesome."

"I'm sorry," Deaton apologized and then he glanced down at her stomach. "Scott never really tells me everything does he? I suppose congratulations are in order."

"Thanks," Stiles noted patting her stomach earning a kick from the baby. "I'm happy. Since there isn't a solution to my problem. What do you know about these murders? Scott told me that it's a Darach. Deucalion said it could be one of their old emissaries. Do you remember their names? You were Talia's. You should know them."

"Luke, Brett and Julia" Deaton answered. "They were all murdered though. So, it can't be one of them."

Stiles rolled her eyes. Today had been a complete waste. She hadn't accomplished anything. Deaton hadn't helped. Peter had stopped her investigation of Jennifer's house though she had found a piece of paper with a date on it, it still pissed her off. She wondered if Peter and Jennifer were working together to cause problems. She wouldn't put it past the ex alpha. He was probably trying to steal the alpha power back from Derek. She needed to keep an eye on him too. Another name added to that list. She rolled her eyes again and glanced back up at Deaton who was watching her closely. Somewhat warily.

"Are you afraid of me?" Stiles questioned the older man. He stayed still but his heart skipped a beat. "I'm not going to harm you. For me being so hyperactive I am in complete control of my wolf. I have total control of my shift too. You don't have to worry about me."

"I'm not worried about you," Deaton explained and his heart skipped again. "I'm worried about what you've brought with you. A vampire and an unstable witch."

Stiles gritted her teeth and put her hands on her hips. Scott must've told him about Josh. "Josh has good control. He doesn't drink from humans and he hasn't killed anyone. Unlike Peter. The alpha's. Matt. Jackson. So don't worry about him. Davina is fine. You have absolutely nothing to worry about." Stiles glared at him. "You should worry about Jennifer Blake. I know she's evil but no one is listening to me."

"That tends to happen when you leave and don't try to contact them," Deaton told her calmly. "I'll check things out Stiles. You just take care of your friends." He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a little black jar. "It's Mistletoe. You'll know when you need to use it. Don't let it out of your sight. It's harmful to humans and werewolves. Be careful with it. I'll look out for anything suspicious. I'll look out for you as well."

"I can take care of myself," Stiles announced picking up the jar of Mistletoe. Don't worry about me. Thanks," Stiles waved at him. "Bye Deaton."

"Bye, Ms. Stilinski," Deaton acknowledged as she exited the room and made her way to the front door and left the animal clinic and the vet behind.

Stiles climbed in the SUV placing the mistletoe in the console, never noticing Peter hid behind a vehicle watching her closely his eyes glowing a bright blue and a calculating expression on his face.

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