Always and Forever ➡ The Orig...

By -void_here-

116K 2.1K 353

"Always and Forever, littlest wolf." Hayley Marshall has a lot of secrets one of them being she's not who she... More



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By -void_here-


"Bilinski, where the hell have you been?" Coach Finstock asked as Stiles walked onto the lacrosse field with Davina and Josh. "Oh, you've had some fun. Congratulations, Bilinski."

"I did have some fun," Stiles told the older man watching the expression on his face turn to shock to disgust then he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "How's the team?"

"Greenberg still sucks," Coach noted pointing out his least favorite player. "I would ask you if you're going to be back on the team but your condition says otherwise. So, is it McCall's? You two were always up each other's butts. He's with Lahey now though. I'm sorry."

"It's not Scott's," Stiles replied with a shake of her head. Everyone always thought she and Scott were dating even when he was with Allison. It was gross, Scott was her brother. "The dad is not from here. Oh, Coach these are my two friends Josh and Davina. Guys, this is Coach Finstock. My old economic's teacher and lacrosse coach."

"Hey," Davina said shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah," Coach frowned then grinned at Josh who looked wary. "Are you trying out for the team? You look like you could be a lacrosse player."

"I'm twenty one," Josh explained and Coach grunted in disappointment. "Sorry."

"That's fine," Coach mumbled turning his attention back to the field. "Get your head back in the game, you stinking losers! Focus! I swear I am working with idiots."

Stiles giggled as Coach went off on Greenburg again. She so did not miss his rants. She caught sight of two players standing far away from Scott and the beta's. They were tall with long faces and wide noses. They were identical twins. Must be the alpha twins that Scott had told her about. The one on the right was sharing lingering looks with Danny. The other twin had his gaze on her, eyes narrowed. She stared right back at him with her eyebrow cocked. He looked away when Coach blew his whistle. Stiles glanced at Scott and her friend had his eyes narrowed at the alpha twin.

"There's Stiles Stilinski," One of the players said pointing at her. "Looks like someone finally decided to throw a dog a bone."

"Maybe, she'd be up to have some fun with me," Another jeered smirking at her. "Like she couldn't get any more knocked up."

"Shut up, Calloway! Richards!" Isaac yelled tossing his helment on the ground.

"All of you, shut it!" Finstock shouted blowing the whistle loudly causing the wolves and Josh to wince. "Yes, Stilinski is back and yes she is knocked up. But we're not here to discuss teenage pregnancy. Or what Stilinski gets up to in her spare time. We are here to get better at lacrosse. Get back to it!"

Stiles groaned shutting her eyes wishing Finstock had kept his mouth shut. She opened her eyes and saw that Josh and Davina were looking horrified. "Yep, that's Coach for you."

"He hasn't changed much," Lydia said as she joined their group. "What are you three doing here?"

"Watching lacrosse practice," Stiles remarked. "How was your first day of school?"

"Lame," Lydia declared tossing her hair over her shoulder. "How did you persuade the Sheriff to let you stay out?"

"He never asked if I wanted to sign back up," Stiles told her. "I should figure out what I am going to do about school. I don't know if I am going to stay though."

"Baby daddy will be here soon to drag you back home soon?" Erica asked joining their conversation. "Hey Josh. Hey Davina."

"Hey Erica," Davina grinned at her. "Cute top."

"Thanks," Erica beamed at Davina's compliment. "Stiles when will baby daddy be here? I want to meet him. I asked Peter about him. He's only heard of him never seen him."

"Yeah," Lydia nodded tapping her chin. "How hot is this guy? You've seen him, Josh? Davina? What are your opinions? Stiles does have good taste though. She was in love with me for years."

"I was," Stiles confirmed causing Lydia to grin. "Klaus is good looking. He's got dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. A jawline that could cut glass. Pouty lips. Sexy accent. Tall. Arrogant. Looks really good shirtless. He's an asshole. So I do have a type." She smiled. "When it comes to sex he definitely knows what he is doing."

"That would be because he has been around for centuries," Josh snarked. "He is easy on the eyes. Not really my type though."

"I don't like him at all," Davina stated gruffly. "But he's nice to look at. I can't see him being happy about being called baby daddy."

"I can't either," Stiles chuckled then laughed harder. The four looked at her questionly. "Just imaging him going to a daddy/baby play date. He would threaten everyone there."

"I know," Josh laughed. "The guy who had me bleed a vampire until he was drained of vervain changing diapers and going to a play date with his kids friends."

The three friends shared a look then laughed harder. Erica and Lydia just looked at them like they were crazy.

Stiles wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "Sorry, it's just hilarious. When you meet him you'll understand. What's the plan's for tonight? Do you all have to go to Derek's?"

"No," Erica said shaking her head. "Derek has a date planned with Jennifer. He told us to stay away from the loft tonight."

"Bleh," Stiles scoffed at the mention of Jennifer. "Do you two like her?"

"She seems okay," Lydia replied hands on her hips. "Quiet. Good teacher. I do have to say it is weird having our alpha date our English teacher."

"I'm happy for Derek," Erica remarked a sneer on her face. "He deserves to be happy and I think that Ms. Blake makes him that. Happy, I mean. He wasn't happy until he met her. Your disappearing act really messed him up. Don't try to ruin his relationship because you're jealous. Besides, you're pregnant with another guys baby."

"What's that have to do with anything?" Stiles inquired gritting her teeth. "I slept with Derek yeah but I am not going to try to ruin his relationship. There is something about her. This is not me being jealous."

"Leave them alone," Erica growled eyes flashing yellow and claws popping out. "Derek is happy. Boyd and I are happy for him. Just drop it and stay out of his and Jennifer's relationship. He doesn't need your baggage."

"My baby is not baggage, Erica," Stiles snapped hands shaking. "Don't ever talk about her that way again. I'll drop it just don't ever saw anything like that again, Erica."

"Okay," Erica whispered eyes turning back to their normal brown. "I just want Derek to be happy."

Lydia rolled her eyes and lowered her voice. "I believe you, Stiles."

Stiles nodded still angry at Erica. She glanced at the blonde and wondered if she had just imagined the blueish grey tint to her eyes before they glowed yellow. Yeah, her and Erica hadn't really gotten along before but she had no right bringing the baby into this discussion. She resisted the urge to slap the blonde and then brought her attention to the players on the field. Some of the guys were still staring at her but not taunting her anymore.

Her cellphone, the one her father had given her, beeped. She looked at it seeing that it was a message from her dad. He had to pull an overnighter because they had found another body. She quickly responded to him then slipped her phone back in her pocket,

"Your dad?" Josh asked. "Was there another murder?"

"Yeah," Stiles responded pulling her hair back from her face. "He said it was a doctor from the ER. They don't know anything else at the moment. Who do you all think it is? Behind the murders."

"Derek thinks that it is someone from the alpha pack," Erica commented softly. "He said that we should not trust them at all. Aiden and Ethan have already been taunting the guys. We haven't seen the other members. Just heard of them. They've stopped by to see Derek but we weren't there. Derek said everything was okay. They offered Derek a place in their pack and gave him a time limit."

"Practice is over!" Finstock bellowed blowing his whistle repeatedly. "Get outta my face you bunch of losers! Greenberg, I don't have time for your stupid questions. Now get out of my way. Good to see you back, Bilinski!"

"Good to see you too Coach" Stiles waved at his retreating form.

"Stiles!" Scott yelled wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up from the ground carefully. "Did you guys watch our practice?"

"I did," Stiles said holding onto Scott's shoulders. Yeah, their closeness was probably why everyone thought they were dating. "You've gotten better. Your control is so much better too. I won't have to lob anymore lacrosse balls at your head."

"You took way to much pleasure in that," Scott scowled placing her back on her feet. "Plus, handcuffing me in my room."

"You made out with the love of my life," Stiles snapped slapping him on the shoulder. "Of course I took pleasure that, dick."

"Scott's a good kisser," Lydia grinned causing Jackson and Isaac to scowl. She patted Jackson's cheek. "You're better, Jackson."

"Good," Jackson said then shot Stiles a smirk. "Stlinski's got skills too."

"Jackson!" Stiles yelled shoving him. "Shut up!"

Scott grimaced and Lydia narrowed her eyes. Boyd just shook his head like he was fed up with everyone and this conversation. Scott made another face. "Dude, please tell me that you didn't make out with the Jackass."

"I can't," Stiles declared glaring at Jackson who merely shrugged his shoulders. "Why'd you have to go and open your big mouth?"

"Sue me," Jackson laughed. "It was a good kiss. You have really soft lips."

"Has everyone made out with each other in your group?" Jackson asked interuppting Stiles response. "How many of you all have kissed each other?"

"I've kissed Scott and Jackson," Lydia piped up. "That's all, well out of these guys."

"I've kissed Boyd and Derek," Erica said wrapping an arm around Boyd's waist. "Derek was alright but Boyd was better."

"Thanks," Boyd said pressing a kiss to her temple. "Erica is my only one."

"Just Scott," Isaac mumbled quietly. "Though I always wanted to kiss Lydia. Stiles wasn't the only nerd to have a crush on Lydia."

"Just the loudest," Jackson admitted earning another shove from Stiles. "Face it, Stilinski. You love me and Lydia."

"I love Lydia," Stiles responded. "I tolerate you. You did have a restraining order placed on me and Scott."

"What?" Davina questioned. "Really? A restraining order?"

"Is that still in place?" Stiles asked. "Should I be one hundred feet from you?"

"It's over," Jackson explained. "I told my dad to drop it after you disappeared and Scott helped save my life. So, McCall who out of all of us have you kissed?"

"Isaac, Lydia, Allison, and Stiles," Scott boasted shifting his feet. "Stiles was my first kiss."

"I knew there was something between you and McCall," Erica snickered. "You always were so close."

"We were fifteen," Stiles explained. "I had already had my first kiss with Heather. Scott was whining because he hadn't been kissed. So, I just kissed him. It was awkward."

"It was sweet," Scott argued. "Not many people can say they shared their first kiss with their best friend."

Stiles rolled her eyes when Isaac kissed Scott. "Just Derek, Scott, and Jackson. Now, that we all confessed who we kissed can you four lacrosse loser's go hit the showers. You stink."

"Yes," Lydia said wrinkling her nose and pushing a sweaty Jackson away from her. "Go get cleaned up, I have plans for tonight and it doesn't involve boring things like bowling."

"Great," Jackson purred licking his lips, "Me and you alone time. Nice."

The four lacrosse players ran off the field leaving Stiles, Josh, Davina, Lydia, and Erica standing there. Stiles shifted on her feet and looked over at the parking lot. Most of the students had already left but a few cars were left. She spotted the Camaro and Derek standing in front of it. She stared at him noticing that he was staring back at her until he cocked his head to the side. Stiles watched him turn away from her and look over at Jennifer who was making her way to the Camaro. The brunette greeted Derek with a kiss that Derek melted into. Josh could be right, Derek might be in love with the teacher.

But how the hell did Jennifer disappear into thin air the other night? That had stumped her. She hadn't told anyone what she had saw because she knew no one would believe her and with the way that Erica just acted. She was going to keep it all to herself.

Stiles tore her eyes away from Derek and Jennifer to see a yong dark haired boy with a baby face flirting with Davina. The young witch was smiling shyly and biting her lip. Erica, Lydia, and Josh had moved to the bleachers with Josh keeping a close eye on Davina and the boy. Stiles grinned watching Davina, hoping the teen was getting somewhat of a normal experience while they were here. She deserved it after being locked up in the church attic and then the Compound.

Stiles turned to look at Josh when Davina went crashing to the ground. The lacrosse player dropped to his knees and Stiles ran over at a human pace to Davina's body on the ground. Josh was already there kneeling next to her.

"Davina?" Josh gasped holding her hand. "Davina?!"

"Is she okay?" The lacrosse player asked worriedly. "She was just talking and then she crashed to the ground."

"Move," Stiles urged pushing the boy out of the way. She bent down and lay her hand on Davina's forehead. She was burning up. "D?! Davina?! Come on, Davina."

"Do we need to take her to the hospital?" Lydia asked voice full of concern. "What happened?"

"I'm going to get the school nurse," Erica rushed out running off of the field.

Stiles breathed a sigh of relief when Davina's eyes fluttered open and she groaned, "Thank goodness."

"D, you okay?" Josh questioned. "What happened to you?"

"I just got a little woozy," Davina murmured holding her hand to her head as Josh helped her up. "I'm okay. Stiles. Josh. I am okay. I promise. It's probably because I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Are you sure?" Josh asked cupping her cheeks with his hands. "Your body feels like it's on fire and you've been shaky for the last few days."

"I'm fine," Davina snapped pushing Josh away from her. "It's like a thousand degrees out here that's why I'm hot."

"Why haven't you said anything about feeling shaky?" Stiles inquired getting to her feet. "You need to tell Josh and I when you feel weird. We're here looking out for you. Alright?"

" Alright," Davina nodded and looked down at the ground. She shook her head and glanced at the lacrosse player worriedly. "I'm alright, Liam. I'm sorry that you had to see me pass out. That was incredibly embarrassing."

"No," Liam blurted out grasping Davina's hand. "It wasn't embarrassing. I was worried about you. I'm glad that you are okay."

"Me too," Josh commented glaring at Liam. "I'm going to stop Erica from getting the nurse. Plus, find a vending machine to get you a snack. Stiles, do you want anything?"

"Reese's?" Stiles remarked handing him money. "Oh, and some Twizzler's. Ooo, and a bag of of those chili cheese corn chips and a mountain dew."

"Do you want the whole vending machine?" Josh joked quirking an eyebrow at her.

"Eating for two," Stiles huffed pointing to her stomach. "Go on. Davina needs food."

"I'll go with you," Lydia offered grabbing Josh's hand. "You don't know where anything is around here."

The two walked away leaving Stiles there with Davina and Josh who were having a silent conversation with their eyes. Stiles sneered at their puppy love and decided that she needed to know who exactly this big was. Davina was becoming like a little sister to her.

"So, what's your name number nine?"

"Liam Dunbar," The puppy announced holding his hand out for her to shake which she did. "I'm a junior. I transferred from Beacon Prep last spring. You were missing."

"I went away for a little while," Strikes replied letting go of his hand. "Stiles Stilinski. You were a beast out there on the field. I sucked at lacrosse."

"Thanks," Liam grinned then scratched the back of his head. "I need to go get changed my step dad will be here soon. Davina, would you like to go out with me tonight?"

"Oh," Davina frowned looking at Stiles who nodded. "Yeah, that would be good." She took of a piece of paper and wrote something down. "My phone is broken but this is Stiles number. Call me."

"Alright," Liam grinned taking the paper. "Calloway is having a party tonight. It's a blacklight party. It starts at seven. Would you want to go with me?"

"Yeah," Davina retorted voice full of excitement. "That sounds great. Right, Stiles?"

"Sure," Stiles said, not really wanting wanting to rain on Davina's parade but she had no desire to go to a rave or be anywhere near Calloway and his tools. "I know where Calloway lives. We'll meet you there."

"Okay," Liam said grabbing his gear. "I'll see you later. Bye Davina. Stiles."

Stiles chuckled as she watched Liam stumble his way across the field. She glanced at Davina and noticed she was watching Liam's retreating form. "He's a cutie."

"Yeah," Davina gushed. "And the best thing is that he knows nothing at all about our lifestyle." She squealed, jumping up and down. "I have a date tonight with a really cute boy. Wait, I don't have anything to wear!"

"I will help you out with that," Lydia declared as she Erica and Josh rejoined the group. Josh was carrying a handful of snacks. "I love to help out fashion victims. Stiles, you need to be there too. No offense but you're a hot mess."

"I am a mess," Stiles admitted gesturing to her outfit which was a plain black t-shirt , skinny jeans and her black boots. "When I left I had nothing so I had to borrow stuff then I made enough money to buy some clothes from the thrift store. Since I changed my name I decided to change my wardrobe. Bye Stiles Stilinski. Hello, Hayley Marshall."

"I miss the plaid," Erica told her as the guys jogged back on the field changed into their street clothes. "We're going to Lydia's. Davina has her first date tonight and she is getting a makeover. Calloway is having a blacklight party."

"Yay," Jackson sneered sarcastically. "That sounds totally lame. Calloway and blacklight parties are both lame. Have fun."

Lydia elbowed him in the stomach. "Shut up! We're all going don't even start complaining. Davina has a date with Liam. We're going for support."

"Liam is a cool guy," Scott grinned as they left the field together. "Good lacrosse player." Scott laughed loudly. "Is that good, Stiles? Dude?"

Stiles had been busy stuffing her face with the snacks that Josh had brought her. She looked at Scott mouth stuffed full of Twizzler's. She grinned widely at him showing off bits of red candy. "What?"

"That is so gross, Stilinski," Jackson grimaced wrinkling his nose. "I'll see everyone tonight. You coming Lydia?"

"No," Lydia answered shaking her head. "Stiles, Davina, and Josh are going to my place. See you when you come by my house and pick me up."

Jackson nodded and gave her a quick kiss before getting his Porsche and driving away. Scott and Isaac told them bye and took off on Scott's dirt bike. Stiles went to the SUV getting in the driver's side and slamming the door. Lydia got in the passenger's side while the rest of the group got in the back. Stiles ignored their conversation about Davina, her date and her clothes as she drove them to Lydia's.

She glanced briefly down at her stomach wondering if it would be acceptable to go to a rave when she was pregnant. It couldn't be anymore dangerous than being kidnapped by witches and having them do freaky spells on her. Right? Plus, if it made Davina happy she would do it and if anyone gave her any grief she would kick their fucking ass.


"Okay, this is the lame," Stiles groaned to herself as she eyed the crowded room. "I should have stayed home with my dad to watch a movie. I should've never came here."

Calloway's dad's empty building has been decked out with bright lights and tables full of glow sticks, drinks and food. In the corner of the room a DJ was on a platform playing some rap song that everyone seemed to like but Stiles didn't know.

The crowd of people were in various states of clothing. Some guys were shirtless and some were wearing wife beaters. The girls were in shorts and tank tops some were even i their bras. A few of the girls had stripped down to their underwear and she could swear one girl was nude save for the body paint which glowed brightly under the light.

Everyone was glowing brightly thanks to the ultraviolet paint that Calloway had for people to get painted with. They all had various designs on their bodies. Lydia had dressed Davina in a white shirt with short neon green shorts with a pair of green Converse. Davina's face had blue and green wings painted around her eyes shaped like a butterfly. On her lips was bright pink lipstick. She was dancing with a shirtless Liam who had a very colorful tribal design on his chest. Josh had his face painted with bright orange symbols and was dancing with a tall dark boy. Lydia and Jackson had minimal paint on their faces, a few green and yellow stars and dots. Erica had gone all out with a neon green wig, a hot pink floral design on her face and blue/yellow swirls up and down her legs and arms. Boyd was Boyd and went with a simple blue glow stick necklace around his neck. Isaac and Scott had simple lines of different colors around their eyes and noses.

Stiles saw a lot of different designs drawn on people. Stars, flowers, fireworks, suns, thick lines, swirls, moons, and galaxies. Anything that you could really think of. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.

She was currently hid out on the stairs holding a bottle of water. She was dressed in a black flowy tank top and a pair of denim shorts. On her feet were her worn out boots. She had allowed the girl who was painting people to paint her face. She had green, yellow, orange and pink fireworks painted on the right side of her face and her lips were a bright blue. She had wanted to blend in so she placed a bright blue wig on her head.

That had been going wonderfully until Calloway and his lackey's had noticed her. She sighed and tried to ignore them listening to the music that was being played. She thought it was a Lil' Jon song. He still made music?

"Look what we have here boys," Calloway said standing in front of her shirtless with bright yellow paint on his chest. "A lonely little skank."

"Lookee what we have here assholes," Stiles snapped glaring at the idiot's in front of her. "A bunch of juiced up lacrosse players with small packages and even smaller brains. Nice snapback, Calloway."

"You wish you could suck my dick, Stilinski" Calloway smirked while Richards laughed. "Looks like you've already had enough dick. So, is it Hale's baby? Did he make you leave town when you got pregnant? Not like he's stable enough to take care of a kid." Calloway guffawed at his own joke. "Oh, did he sleep with you and then dump you for Ms. Blake. You're hot now but you're still a dork. Hell, I'll throw you a bone wanna go outside to my car. I'll fuck you before you start looking like a balloon."

Stiles jumped to her feet dropping the bottle of water in the process. She pushed her through Calloway and Richards, her skin tingling. She could feel her wolf start to lash out and it was wanting to rip the two morons to shreds. She had to get away from them before she ripped their throats out.

Before, she could move farther away Calloway grabbed her right arm and pulled her body into his. "Where do you think you're going, little slut?"

"Let go of me, Calloway" Stiles growled twisting her arm around in his grasp. "Now!"

"Don't be like that, Stilinski" Calloway mumbled grinding against her body and holding her arm tightly. "Me, you, and Richards could have some real fun. Let's go upstairs. You can show me and my boy a good time. You'd know all about showing a guy a real good time. Wouldn't ya you little slut?"

"Get off of me," Stiles shouted jerking out of Calloway's grasp. The blonde looked surprised then he leered at her gripping her shoulders going to kiss her. She saw red and then her fist was slamming into his face hard.

Calloway dropped his hands from her shoulders and cupped his face. Blood poured down from his nose around his lips and hands. "You broke my nose you fucking slutty bitch."

Richards advanced toward her but Scott and Isaac pulled him back by his arms. Jackson had Calloway pushed up against the wall.

Richards sneered at the four of them. "Take your freaky ass friends and get the hell out of here, Whittemore."

"Don't you ever touch Stiles again," Scott snarled squeezing Richards arm causing him to wince. "We're leaving."

Scott shoved Richards away from him and they made their way to the front door. Stiles' body was still shaking from anger when she managed to catch a glimpse of a dark figure in the corner of the room. She narrowed her eyes then gasped seeing the figure's face.

It was human looking with a white head. Three long red scars covered it's face and it looked like it's lips had been ripped away from it's mouth. It's nose has been ripped away also and it's flesh looked melted. It's eyes were a bright whitish-blue it looked straight at her then disappeared into thin air.

A piercing scream rang through the building and Stiles spotted Lydia shaking in the middle of the dance floor. Jackson had rushed to her side and Allison was already there comforting the frightened girl. Stiles watched as they got Lydia out into the cool night air. Erica handed her a bottle of water which Lydia gulped straight down.

"Lyds, what happened?" Stiles asked squeezing her trembling hand.

"I don't know," Lydia whispered shakily placing the bottle against her forehead. "I was fine one minute and then I felt the need to scream. I couldn't control it. I couldn't stop," She sniffed and glanced up at Stiles with watery eyes. "What's happening to me? I'm not going crazy again, am I? I don't think I could handle it if I was."

"We'all figure it out," Sties promised thinking of the dark figure in the shadows of the party. "We'll figure all of this out and when we do. We will take it down."

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