Jamilton Oneshots

By RhiNoThankYou

4.5K 104 245

I made this mainly because I was bored, but hopefully you'll love it. I just want to write my OTP for a lil'... More

Introduction To It All
OS #1 - Poor Pussy
OS #2 - The Jefferson Pamphlet

OS #3 - A Misdeed

926 22 70
By RhiNoThankYou

(A/N Warning: Tears and Physical and Verbal Abuse!

I've talked to this about a friend who doesn't ship Jamilton and I asked, "What kind of relationship would they be in?" And she responded with, "An abusive one, probably."

And then this idea popped into my head. I'm a terrible and edgy fucking person. I apologize, my babies~ Please, forgive your mother. ;-;

But enjoy Abusive!Thomas. God, I could be learning how to help the world but I'm writing this. (/).<))

"You can't do anything right! What do I mean, you couldn't even take care of yourself. Come on you fucking dipshit."

Alex could recall everything from last night.

He laid on the couch with a dark blackish-purple mark on his face. It was a bruise. A bruise he probably deserved.

He was wrapped in blankets. Alex didn't need or want them, but Thomas ordered him to keep himself wrapped in the sheets. Alex was sweating in the blankets now due to the rise of temperature in the living room. With one huge window, rays of sunbeams seeped through heating the room like an oven.

Alex didn't want to move and patiently waited for Thomas to wake up. After seeing Thomas freak out the first time since he moved in had petrified him into staying absolutely quiet. They have only been dating for three months, and Alex had moved in only two days ago. Such behavior from Thomas was both new and scary for Alex. It wasn't seductive, it wasn't anger from Alex doing anything drastically wrong. It was. . . Hatred. But Alex loved Thomas so much and he knew Thomas loved him, he couldn't consider it hatred. Maybe it was anger. Hell, Alex had no idea what to call those last night emotions. It was confusing.

His thoughts stopped as soon as he heard heavy footsteps, no doubt they were Thomas'. Alex could only think of Thomas as bad weather coming his way. Hopefully, the weather would be better.

Sure enough, Thomas walked in with pajamas still on and hair a bit messy. Alex stayed silent and watched him carefully.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about last night, Alex. I don't know what happened." Thomas quickly went to Alex's side and pulled him into a hug. Alex slightly flinched at his touch, but relaxed and hugged back. Maybe Thomas just had a bad day yesterday. That could be it. Alex has had his bad days, and Thomas knows that. But Alex has never seen any of Thomas' bad days. But now he has.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I promise you, this will never happen again. I just had to take my anger out on something, next time it'll be on something else." Thomas rubbed circles into Alex's back muttering words as he did.

"I forgive you." Alex sighed. Maybe he should forget about the incident. It wasn't like this was going to be daily.

Thomas pulled away from the hug and examined the bruise.

"It still hurts?" Thomas asked.

"No, it feels peachy." Alex chuckled, rolling his eyes. Thomas smirked.

"Don't get sarcastic. We better cover this though, we have work in an hour. I can go buy some makeup to help you cover it." Thomas suggested, looking at the clock.

"I guess. I'm just sorry for acting up last night." Alex said. Thomas shrugged.

"Maybe. Look, I'm sorry. You get ready, I'm going to throw some clothes on and head to the store and I'll be back before you know it. And you sure the bruise isn't that bad? I did throw that punch really hard." Thomas said, a little worried.

"I'm fine. I'm a man, I can take your weak ass punches." Alex said, pushing himself up so he could sit up on the couch.

"Well, you were crying. But if you say you're fine, I guess your fine." Thomas stood and looked down on Alex. Alex shrugged and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright. Just know that I love you, okay? I would never do anything like that again. I'll get ready, you should too." Thomas had quickly walked out of the living room. Alex sighed and tried remembering where he last left his phone.

Alex's heart hurt when he remembered trying to call the police on Thomas in the heat of the moment. Thomas had snatched it from him. Alex remembered Thomas had put it on a high cabinet in the kitchen.

Alex hopped up to go and retrieve his phone. Hopefully, his friends weren't worrying since they expect him to always reply to a text 98.99% of the time.

One day later. . .

Thomas (8:34 PM): Where the hell are you?

Alex (2:15 AM): Im on my way!

Alex was driving back home at 2:16 am. His friends had insisted that he should go out with them to the club. It was fun until he checked his phone to see Thomas was texting him. Alex had to reply to the text quickly and told his friends he had to go and leave.

He should've given Thomas a heads up before ditching him. They were supposed to go to the theater for a date. It was a bad habit, Alex would do this with everyone he would make plans with originally and he would forget or blow it off.

Alex pulled up to their driveway and parked. He quickly took out the keys and rushed to the front door. Alex turned the knob.


Alex sighed and rang the doorbell. He hated to have woke Thomas at this time, and he did skip a date. He couldn't imagine how mad Thomas could be.

Almost immediately, Alex felt himself be pulled in and then he heard the door slam shut once he was in. Alex tumbled back and saw Thomas turned to him. Thomas was red and he gave an angry huff.

"Thomas, I-I'm sorry-" Alex attempted an apology, but was quickly interrupted.

"Sorry? You call coming home late and not at least let me know you weren't coming?!" Thomas shouted. Thomas took a few steps to Alex. Alex quickly backed away in fright.

"I forgot-"

"Oh, and I suppose you forgot our date too!?" Thomas stared into Alex's eyes, making him cower in fear.

"John and-"

Thomas pushed Alex down onto the floor with a loud, BANG! Alex was frozen on the ground. He had his elbows propping him up and looked up at Thomas who was standing over him and looking down at him with eyes of fury.

"I don't give a shit about what your friends are doing. You should've been here with me and we would have gone on the date and come home happily! But you had to ditch me, didn't you!? I wasted money for this! And I waste money for you living here, and this is how you thank me!?"

Alex felt tears pricking at the edge of his eyes. He thought Thomas wouldn't handle it like this again.


"Shut. Up!" Thomas kicked Alex in the stomach as hard as he could. Alex screamed painfully and curled into a ball protecting his aching belly.

"Don't you talk unless I say you can!" Thomas shouted. Alex only nodded, feeling the tears slide down his face. Why is Thomas doing this?

"Find a blanket. You'll be sleeping in the living room on the couch. And I'll take your phone, if you don't call me, don't call your friends." Thomas bent and took Alex's phone from his pocket.

"Fucking slut," Thomas muttered as he walked away from Alex. Alex silently sobbed on the ground still in his own protective ball.

One week later. . .

Thomas had torn away Alex's voice, freedom, and safety. Alex was so worried and scared that he could accidentally blurt out what Thomas was doing, so he would barely say anything anymore. He never spoke against Thomas in debates or never at all.

Thomas convinced him that he was only doing this because he loved him. Alex's father had said the exact same thing when he was little, maybe it was the truth. But Alex was never sure if this was how it was supposed to be.

Now, Alex had to be home or work at a certain time and check in every hour with Thomas on his phone with a text. It seemed stupid, but his life was on the line for it.

"Dude, this is the third time you texted him. You think it's a little too much?" John asked, leaning over to look at Alex's phone. John, Laf, Peggy, Angelica, and Aaron were out at a restaurant for lunch. They invited Alex, and Alex had to ask Thomas about it before of course, and Thomas said sure and Alex tagged along. But Thomas still said to keep the text going.

"No, me and Thomas just have this. . . thing." Alex muttered, shoving the phone back in his pocket.

"Aw, you check on him to make sure he's alive?" Angelica chuckled.

"Be great if he wasn't-" Alex caught himself almost saying, alive. "-texting, but calling. Yeah, I'd prefer a call. Wastes my phone bill, you know."

"Ugh, I forgot to pay for that." Peggy groaned.

"Same." Aaron sipped his water. He was the only one to have just ordered water.

"So, how are you and Thomas doing? You've been living in the same house for a while now." Laf winked. Alex froze at the recently terrible memories but chuckled.

"It's been, great. Nothing too exciting." Alex shrugged. Alex took a drink of his orange juice he ordered. He didn't feel like having anything else.

"What? So you weren't getting slammed on the bed?" John said. Laf and Angelica choked on their food while Peggy almost spits out her drink. Aaron simply rolled his eyes.

"No. Not really?" Alex said, almost questioning if what he was thinking was what John was thinking. John was probably thinking sex, Alex was thinking being thrown on the bed and getting hit with an object a random amount of times. That's what he had to get used to.

"I bet you do, Alex," Laf smirked.

Alex shivered. Doing that with Thomas now would be, scary. What if Thomas turned on him and seriously injured him in bare skin?

"Maybe," Alex replied, his voice monotone. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Thomas (Now): Alex, lunch is over. Bring your ass to work or I will. <3

Alex replied quickly with an, okay.

"Um, guys I have to go." Alex slid his phone in his back pocket. Everyone looked at him oddly.

"Now? It's been about ten minutes though." Peggy said.

"Yeah, lunch break doesn't end until fifty more minutes. We have plenty of time." John said.

"And you barely ate. Well, you didn't even eat." Aaron pointed at the sub sandwich Alex had ordered.

"I just have to meet up with Thomas. I love him. And one of you guys can have it, I don't mind." Alex said and walked away.

As Alex walked off, John took the chance to snatch Alex's phone out of his back pocket.

"That's pretty risky of you, John," Laf said as he watched Alex walk out without noticing.

"Thanks," John smirked as he began to look through Alex's phone messages. Laf simply rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Angelica asked.

"I'm looking through his and Thomas' messages," John said.

"Why? Aren't those private?" Peggy asked.

"Yes." John kept scrolling.

"Why look through them then?" Peggy questioned.

"Haven't you noticed Alex has been acting differently?" John looked up from the phone to Peggy.

"I noticed," Aaron muttered, "he barely says anything anymore at work. I thought for the past week he was going to pull a sick joke."

"And he never eats around us anymore. And for that past week, Thomas has been his excuse for everything. He doesn't even party at all. Have you noticed that?" John asked. Everyone nodded.

"Read them then, since it seems serious," Laf said, drinking his margarita.

"Let's find out what's been going on." John angrily said.

John skimmed through the text until his eyes laid upon a suspicious looking conversation.

"Hm, I think I found a weird chat," John muttered.

"Read it out loud," Angelica ordered. John nodded.

"It starts with,

Thomas (3 days ago): You better be home in five minutes

Alex (3 days ago): Yeah, I am

Thomas (3 days ago): Guess who got home

Thomas (3 days ago): First

Alex (3 days ago): Shit!

Alex (3 days ago): Thomas! I'm out with friends! I'm sorry! I'll come back home! I'm sorry!

Thomas (3 days ago): You'll be really sorry soon.

And then one day after,

Thomas (2 days ago): I hope you learned your lesson

Alex (2 days ago): yes I did! I won't go ever again! I'll do what you say!

Thomas (2 days ago): Do you need more makeup?

Alex (2 days ago): yeah

Thomas (2 days ago): I'll let you wear the makeup like a slut for now. I miss you. You should come back home~

Alex (2 days ago): I'm coming

And that's all the text that gives you clues to what's going on." John sighed. He still kept scrolling.

"That sounds unlike them. Is there something happening behind the scenes that we don't know about?" Angelica asked.

"It just sounds like an unhealthy relationship," Aaron spoke up and peaked at the phone with John still scrolling.

"Unhealthy? I'm sure Alex would tell us if something was going on." Laf said. His voice had a bit of concern.

"Right? I know Alex, he wouldn't let someone just do this to him. Would he?" Peggy asked.

"It depends. Aaron, what do you mean 'unhealthy'? Like, abusive or about to break-up?" John asked, his voice becoming lower due to his focus.

"I'm thinking abusive. In the text, Alex came home late. Thomas had an overreaction of how he should've acted, and seemed to have threatened to hurt Alex. And in the text a day later, Thomas seems in a more controlling state of Alex and mocked him. And the mention of makeup was said. Makeup could be used for many things, like hiding injuries." Aaron pieced all of his thoughts into an explanation.

"Wow, way to go," Angelica muttered.

"It's the lawyer in me. I have to piece things together." Aaron said.

"That. . ." John shook his head. "Laf, grab everyone we know. We're going to have to force Alex into talking."

"Like, are we going to gather everyone into one room and then talk about it?" Peggy asked.

"Yes. I know he won't talk unless we pressure him." John turned the phone off. Eventually, Alex would come back for it. Until then John was going to keep it.

"Should we get James Madison? We can ask him about Thomas." Aaron asked.

"Good idea, we may need as many people to figure this out. I am not having one of my best friends have a miserable relationship." John got up from the restaurant table.

"Question, who's going to pay the check?" Laf smirked.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment.

"I think it's Peggy's turn," Angelica said.

"God damn it all." Peggy sighed, pulling out her credit card.

One day later. . .

John had gotten Mr. Washington to have a private meeting with everyone, excluding Thomas. Mr. Washington had gotten a suspicion from Alex's new behavior and figured John might've been right about the whole situation. And Alex was one of Mr. Washington's most prized employees and friends. Well, he treated Alex more of a son instead of an employee.

Laf had just finished up explaining to everyone about Alex's problem.

"And that's why we're all going to force Alex into cracking under pressure. And you all are friends or just know him, some of you must care." Laf said.

"I don't care about Alex, but I'm only staying for the drama!" Charles shouted.

"Why'd we invite him again?" John whispered to Hercules.

"Because he knows shit about everyone. And he did tell Laf and I a little about Thomas." Hercules shrugged.

"Alright, since we all know what is going on, Mr. Washington will proceed to call Alex for this meeting." Laf pointed to Mr. Washington, who immediately picked up the phone and began dialing the number.

"Poor Alex, I know how it feels," Maria commented.

"I dated him for a while, even though we broke up. I still care." Eliza said.

"I am surprised Thomas would even do such a thing. But I guess it makes a whole lot more sense for his past relationships." James said.

"Speaking of Thomas, I'll beat his ass." Angelica balled her hands into fist.

"Alright, Alex said he would be here in two minutes." Mr. Washington placed the phone down.

"Sweet. Everyone remember, don't be too brash." John said.

"I wonder if Thomas beats his ass when he fucks him," Charles muttered.

"God damn it, Lee. Why did I hire you?" Mr. Washington sighed to himself.

"Because I'm skilled at computers." Charles smiled.

The door burst open with Alex breathing heavily as if he just ran a mile to get here. Everyone looked at him with surprise.

"Uh, sorry if I'm slightly late. I got caught up in a slow ass elevator with Seabury. Um, what were you all discussing?" Alex made his way to an empty seat and sat down while he fixed his hair.

"Um, Alex. We were all wondering about you and Thomas." John began.

"And that a few bumps were in the road." Aaron continued.

"Hamilton, is what they are saying true?" Mr. Washington asked.

Alex was completely baffled. Out of everything he expected the important meeting Mr. Washington said to him on the phone about, was about him. And he started questioning how did they even find out, or even got the idea. He swore that he and Thomas covered up everything. Why Alex helped cover it all up for Thomas, he didn't even know. And they weren't hesitant about asking either.

"I-I-" Alex cleared his throat and mind, "-I don't know what you're all talking about."

"Alex, we know. John has read your text messages on your phone and most of them seem suspicious." Angelica spoke up. Alex shifted uncomfortably,

"When was that? And why were you reading my messages?" Alex asked.

"Yesterday at lunch. But Alex, a lot of them were very concerning." John answered.

"No, Thomas and I are fine. I love him, and he loves me. Since we're all talking about nothing-"

Alex was about to get up and leave, but Charles spoke.

"You know, him beating you around and then him telling you that he loves you isn't really love. Right?"

Alex froze in his place.

"How the hell do you know what love is?! I'm sure the last person to love you was your mother!" Alex slammed the table and snapped at Charles so suddenly. Charles didn't flinch, but everyone else did.

"Wait, Thomas is beating you!?" Laf asked.

"Yes- No! No, he isn't- I mean, maybe- Fuck me!" Alex shouted and sat back down his seat, grabbing his hair in frustration.

"Alex, if something is going on you should tell us! If you don't say anything about it, the problem will just get worse. I know!" Maria said.

"She's right, Alex," Hercules said.

"Guys, please-" Alex felt tears. Why was he crying? Is it the guilt he was caught in a filthy lie? Was it the horrible memories of him being beaten by someone he loved? Was everything just happening so fast?

"Alexander, if there is something going on you will need to say it right here, right now." Mr. Washington reached his hand across to hold Alex's and stared him dead in the eye. Everyone went silent, the only thing that was audible was the clock ticking.

Alex sniffed. He knew there was no way getting out of the mess he had just gotten into.

"Yes, yes. . . Thomas has been abusing me. I don't even know why! Is this normal!? I thought he just loved me and he needed to release the anger! I'm sorry, I was just so scared. . ." Alex released Mr. Washington's hand and started crying into his arms on the table. Everyone went silent, allowing Alex to cry as much as he could.

"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit," James muttered. James had his suspicions, but Thomas being abusive was definitely not one of them.

"Do we call the cops?" Aaron questioned.

"We should probably get proof first. Alex, do you have any scars or bruises?" John asked Alex. Alex nodded and sat up, pulling up his sleeve. Everyone grimaced seeing the huge purple scar on this lower arm. Alex also rubbed off the makeup from his eye, revealing an old bruise that would most likely never go away.

"Heh, Alex. We're twins." Maria rubbed off her makeup on her eye. Under it was a bruise that never really gone away. Everyone was aware of Maria's old relationship, which happened to also be abusive.

Alex smiled. He wasn't alone, and he was getting help.

"And Charles, how did you know?" Laf asked, almost impressed.

"I took a lucky shot. It was a hit or miss." Charles leaned back and set his legs on the table, obviously pleased with himself.

 "Well, we have three lawyers here to defend your case, Alexander. I think this is enough to take Thomas to jail. Maybe he can get help while being there." Mr. Washington said.  

Alex's heart hurt. Jail? He didn't want Thomas to go to jail. And that means he would be living alone again, and he won't have anyone in the bed with him, and he probably couldn't even take care of himself long enough before he gets back. . .

Alex couldn't just let Thomas go like that, he was already to attached. He should have just left, he didn't think about the aftermath of the issue. Of course, they were going to send Thomas to jail! And what if Thomas wants revenge? And Alex knows many of Thomas' family members, they're going to despise him after this and he knows it. There must be some other solution.

"Wait, do we have to?" Alex asked, concerningly, "We could do something else! Like, relationship counseling?"

"Um, Alexander Hamilton. Are you insane? You know we do have to do this. It's against the law, and we're supposed to make sure that we enforce and make them!" John said, silencing the chatty room.

"And if you forgot, look at your injuries for a reminder for what he has been doing to you," Aaron said monotonously.

Alex glanced back down his arm.

"Remember this next time you talk back. And if there is a next time, it'll be worse." Thomas whispered into Alex's ear. Alex was sobbing while in a ball wrapping his arm up with his other arm. He was shaking and could hear the blood rushing through his ears. He was shocked that Thomas would hit him with a broken table leg, and Alex thought he was only going to use his fist. But it just got worse.

"But remember, I'm only doing this because I love you." Thomas gave Alex a quick kiss. Alex didn't hesitate to return it, but Thomas pulled back and stared down at him with malevolent eyes.

Alex didn't know what to think. But he kept in mind with what Charles said, that Thomas saying he loved him after he would hurt him wasn't love. But isn't that what love is, getting hurt all the time whether it would be physical or mental? And Thomas probably did love him, and Alex felt like he was throwing away the love he was given.

"He probably just has his own way to love-"


"-And love is when you get hurt-"


"-And he's always been so nice, and this is how I repay him? Sir, I don't think-"

"Alexander!" Mr. Washington shouted, finally getting Alex to shut his rambling. It also got the rest of the room to grow quiet, and the atmosphere only got tenser.

"I need you to get yourself out of this illusion Thomas had created. Are you happy with how he's been treating you?" Mr. Washington asked.

". . . No."

"Then why defend this unstable relationship that has been damaging to you? You are a victim of a crime. I need you to understand that, son." Mr. Washinton said sternly. Alex gulped and nodded.

The door had suddenly opened making everyone jump out of their skin with the recent events happening in the room. And to everyone's surprise, it was Thomas with his smug smile.

Everyone had a disgusted expression, though Thomas didn't seem to care.

"Hello, everybody. I just wanted to check on my lovely Alexander that I so much adore. I hope I didn't interrupt anything." Thomas stepped into the room.

"You know, Thomas. You are a disgusting-!" Angelica was going to start shouting, but John quickly interrupted her.

"We were just finishing up anyway. Everyone can leave now. Laf, Aaron, Alex, Mr. Washington and I were just going to stay for only a tad bit longer to discuss one little thing." John said, giving Thomas a death glare.

"What are you doing?" Angelica whispered to John.

"Not yet," John whispered back. John also leaned towards Herc and whispered.

"Get the security guards, just in case." Herc quickly nodded and walked out of the room.

"Oh, well. Glad I came right on cue." Thomas shrugged, making his way next to Alex as everyone began leaving. Maria purposely bumped into Thomas when passing by him to leave, making Thomas scoff.

Thomas quickly grabbed a seat and sat next to Alex. Alex shifted slightly when Thomas wrapped his arm around him.

Once the room was empty with only the seven men left, John spoke up once again.

"Mr. Washington, would you care to summarize the meeting we just had?" John gestured to Mr. Washington.

"We are aware of the issues going on in you two's affair." Mr. Washington said simply.

Thomas immediately took his arm away from Alex and leaned on the huge meeting table.

"Excuse me?" Thomas questioned, seemingly confused.

"You heard correctly, Mr. Jefferson," Laf said.

Thomas looked at them and then back at Alex, and then back at them.

"I beg to differ, but these accusations must be false. I mean you all possibly couldn't have proof of such a thing-"

Aaron had walked over next to Alex and pulled up his sleeve, letting the bare skin show clearly to Thomas. Thomas had stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"But how can you tell if they are not self-inflicted?" Thomas asked.

"Alex, as a victim, are they self-inflicted?" Aaron asked.

"I- they- they're. . .-" Alex couldn't say they were. He almost felt, guilty. He looked at Thomas, and Thomas looked back at him with bewildered eyes. Almost as if Alex was the guilty one. Alex knew he isn't guilty, but he was tempted to say he is.

"Alex, you just said they were all Thomas' doing! Did you not?" John asked. John was a lawyer in this building and a pretty damn good one at that too. Alex knew he John was skilled, and with him having Aaron and Laf who were outstanding lawyers as well, they were going to crack Alex like their past cases.

"I did- did not- I don't think-" Alex was on the verge of having a panic attack, he was prone to them. And with the crushing knowledge of what was happening, he couldn't handle it.

 "I believe you are doing more home than good. Come on, darling. We are out of here."

Thomas got out of his chair and tried getting Alex to go with him. But Alex stayed in his seat.

"I- I can't. . ." Alex started to sob tears.

"What do you mean you can't? Alex, come on." Thomas grabbed Alex's arms and tried pulling him up into a standing position. Alex thoroughly refused.

"Thomas, let him go! Let him stay if he wants to!" John advanced towards Thomas. John had Laf, Mr. Washington and Aaron backing him up.

"What he wants? He's coming because I said so! Alex!" Thomas shouted. Alex shook and immediately stood up in instinct. Thomas quickly grabbed Alex's arm and tried pulling him out, but Alex resisted and refused to be dragged along.

"N-no! John, help!" Alex sobbed. Alex knew what was happening. Thomas was growing more frustrated with him, and eventually, Thomas would lose his temper. Alex figured if he could just get Thomas to swing at him once, it would be rock hard proof of the abuse. But at the same time, it was way too dangerous with four other people in the same room with them.

Thomas grabbed Alex by the front of his collar and held him to make sure they were face to face. Alex felt his breath leave his body and his heart had skipped a beat. He was frozen.

"You know, I loved you. I thought you would love me back. Guess not." Thomas then tossed Alex down on the ground. Alex hit his head on the table during the fall and fell completely dizzy.

"God damn it!" John had lunged at Thomas and gave him a punch right in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Mr. Washington grabbed Thomas' wrist and pinned him against the table putting them behind his back like a police officer would do.

Laf opened the door and two security guards had rushed in and arrested Thomas, while Aaron rushed over to Alex to look for injuries. John was trying to calm himself from the rush of adrenaline that was surging through him.

Alex allowed Aaron to help him up. Though, Alex was still in pain from his head brutally hitting the table.

Alex watched as the security guards pulled Thomas out of the room with handcuffs. His friends were coming over to check on him. Everything was happening so fast, Alex couldn't even grasp to what just happened. He just wanted to go somewhere safe and sleep for the rest of the day.

"Alex, are you dizzy? You hit the table really hard." Laf asked concerningly.

"Alex! Look at my fingers, how many am I holding up?" John held up a random amount of fingers in front of Alex.

"Son, we'll get you a doctor. I'll call one down right now." Mr. Washington said.

"Alexander, I am so sorry this all happened. Don't worry, I have your back in court." Aaron said.

Eventually, everyone's voices were combined with the crowd of people outside the office. The noise was getting so loud, Alex couldn't hear anything. People were moving everywhere, voices got even louder, the memories were flooding his thoughts.

Alex blacked out.

One month later. . .

"Thomas, I'm really sorry for what happened."

"For the five-hundredth time, Alexander. Don't be. It was time someone finally put my ass in jail. They also have been helping me treat my anger issues. So prison here isn't so bad." Thomas said on the phone from the other side of the glass window. They were in the middle of a non-contact visit. This was the fifth one Alex had scheduled during this month. The first visit was a bit awkward and stressful, but after the second one, they became used to it. And now Alex would tell Thomas about events happening outside of the jail, but he would usually have only thirty minutes to talk.

"Still. So, how's the food here? I heard it's pretty shitty." Alex chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ah, it's not bad once you get used to it. And I'm not doing too bad. I'm the third most intimidating guy here, thanks to my height and this new bod I've been working on." Thomas smiled, flexing his muscles he gained from the workouts.

"Don't make me feel bad," Alex muttered, smiling.

"I know you couldn't even survive a day in here without getting raped, just saying." Thomas shrugged.

"Whatever. I have no interest in going to jail anyway," Alex rolled his eyes, "and I came here to visit you, not for you to mock me."

"I'll always mock you when no one does," Thomas smirked.

One of the guards tapped Thomas on the shoulder, signaling him that he had five minutes to say his goodbyes.

"Um, I guess this goodbye for now," Thomas picked up and spoke into the phone.

"Oh. Well, I guess goodbye for now." Alex said sadly.

"Hey," Thomas quickly stopped Alex from hanging up the phone. Alex put it back to his ear and listened.

"Make sure to tell everyone I'm still alive and getting treatment. And tell them I'm sorry, even though I know no one will ever forgive me." Thomas smiled. Alex smiled back, seeing Thomas' gentle and kind smile before this whole situation had even begun.

"I love you." Alex finally said into the phone.

"I love you too, Alex."

Thomas was forced to put down the phone and the officer followed him out. Alex put the phone back in its spot and sighed. He had a meeting in an hour, he would have to start heading back to the building now if he wanted to get there on time.

Alex walked out but took a last look back. Alex had one more thought before he left. And that thought was;

I'm sorry, Thomas. I'll see you when you get out.



So, hope you all cried or felt emotions! I just feel happiness because I finished it, but depressed on how it ended. ;u;

And now, I need YOUR HELP!

I ran out of one shot ideas, and I need you guys to give me some! I'll shout you out for having the idea, no worries!

Now, let me rest now children. It's about midnight where I'm at, and I need sleep. qwq

[Total words; 5695])

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