Fighters | Zelink Dystopia

By Princess-Zel

58.1K 3.2K 5.6K

"Ganondorf Dragmire - the tyrant that usurped the Hyrulean throne from the Lost Royal Family seventeen years... More

Zel-Bell (1)
My Village (2)
Mystical Melody (3)
Not a Child (5)
Fight and Attempted Flight (6)
Capture (7)
The Cobalt Wolf (8)
Captivated (9)
Here (10)
Master Ghirahim (11)
Impending Doom (12)
The Hero and His Sword (13)
A Rescue (14)
Full of Spirit (15)
Recovery (16)
Rivalry (17)
My Choice (18)
So She Runs (19)
In the Storm (20)
Holding My Hand (21)
Plan in Action (22)
Defeating the Pet (23)
In the Inferno (24)
No Longer Living (25)
We Move On (26)
Watching the Renewal (27)

Only the Beginning (4)

2.2K 108 136
By Princess-Zel

I can't wait until Link enters the story TvT ... but it may take... like six more chapters... this isn't your conventional Zelink story, lol, what can I say? xD

But this chap is a reminder to all of us, I guess. This is only the beginning of Zel's journey. There's more to come. :P

Dedicated to my big brother from Wattpad: Batcheler03 . Stop being an annoying jerk to meeeeeeeeee. xD just kidding, lol - love you, bro. xDDDDD

And... yeah. So, please read/follow/vote/enjoy/hate Dan cuz I'm a tired person. :P love you guys <3



Dan and I never do take that walk through the meadow, nor do I ever head over to the smithy to visit him. Instead, I'm stuck in my bed. At home. Bored out of my mind.

Most of the time.

Papa does his best to keep me up to date with all the news - anything from village gossip to what Ganondorf's suspected of doing next. Colin stops in every day like clockwork at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning, right after breakfast. He, too, tells me of the happenings of our little village and lights up my room with his smile. Also, it appears that Papa's been taking him out hunting even while I've been on bedrest.

Even though she tries to understand, I can tell that Mama really doesn't. She just doesn't get my need to run through the woods or the meadow. My head clouds up quite frequently now, and a good night's rest void of any nightmares is quite rare to me now.

In addition to the vicious nightmares that haunt my mind, so do the pan flutes - They seem insistent in not leaving me alone, and it's driving me mad.

Papa, Dan, and Colin are three of the only reasons why I'm still sane. Although I'm on bedrest, Dan stops by every day around dinnertime, sometimes even staying for some of one of Mama's homemade stews and baked bread. Contrary to most of the boys in my village, he's quite entertaining, always ready to meet my every request or to tell a story or two. He's definitely helped make my seemingly eternal time at home more endurable.

Now, I close my eyes and try to envision a meadow enveloped in sunshine filled with many fall crocuses, my favorite. I want so badly to go outside and just breathe the fresh air and feel the sun beating down on my brow and the wind blowing my hair about. It's now early autumn, one of my favorite times of year - The air is crisp and fresh, and the leaves begin to turn different colors, falling to the ground and creating a beautiful masterpiece of various shades of red, orange, gold, and brown.

I don't know how long I'm lying here in bed, but the next thing I know, Dan's here with a bouquet of fall crocuses. I'd told him a few days ago how much I'm dying to see some fall crocuses, and apparently he's found some for me.

A smile immediately lights my face as I accept the bouquet, and he responds with an easy grin. "Dan, these are gorgeous!" I exclaim, eyeing my purple blossoms happily.

"I'm glad you like them," he replies; out of the corner of his eye, he can see Mama, who's busy eavesdropping on our conversation. He catches my eye before sticking his tongue out goofily.

A laugh slips through my lips, and we both eye my nosey mother before lowering our voices.

My longing look doesn't escape his notice, and he murmurs, "How're you holding up, Zel? Are you alright here?"

I shrug before responding, my voice twinged in bitterness, "I'm as alright as I can be while being stuck in this cramped house in this dumb village. - Are you even kidding me, Dan?! You know me! Of course I'm not holding up well!"

Dan laughs, "I know, Zel... Is there anything you'd like me to get for you for tomorrow's visit?"

Thinking about things for a few moments, I then reply, "I don't think so... But if you can convince my parents to let me out for tomorrow, I'd be forever in your debt."

"I don't think that'll happen," he answers. It didn't hurt to try.

Shrugging again, I respond, "They like you way more than they like me - At least as far as Mama goes."

Scoffing, Dan says, "You're the apple of your dad's eye. You mean more to him than practically anything in the world, and it's plain to anyone that has eyes to see."

I don't speak for a few moments, and Mama takes this opportunity to swoop in, placing a wooden vase filled with water atop the crudely crafted nightstand beside my bed. I drop my flowers into the vase before dropping my head back on my pillow.

This. Is. Going. To. Kill. Me.

Once Mama returns to the kitchen, Dan and I resume conversation until Papa comes in, stomping his boots at the entrance and washing his face at the wash basin.

Attempting to wipe some of the dirt off my cheeks, I find that I'm only smearing it even more onto my face. Dan chuckles at my sorry attempt to rid myself of the dirt before helping me up out of bed, as is our routine.

I think both my parents like the fact that it's no longer just three of us sitting around the dinner table. Now, during most days, we have Dan with us too. It's less lonely around here with Dan's loud laugh accompanying Papa's guffaw, Mama's chuckle, and my occasional giggle. It makes me feel less miserable, in all honesty.

Our conversation this night is mostly centered around Ganondorf, my least favorite topic; my parents and Dan discuss how Ganondorf's army is slowly creeping down to our region - And what did we expect? We can't hide forever... He's going to find us eventually, no?

Picking at my food with my wooden fork, I choose to let their boring conversation float in through one ear and then out through the other. Then, I perk up, Dan's words catching my attention.

After complimenting my mother for the fifth time about her meal, Dan then begins, clearing his throat slightly, "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Hark?"

Mama and Papa watch him curiously, listening to him.

"Would you mind if I maybe took Zelda outside for a bit tomorrow around two in the afternoon?" he questions. "I think we all know how much she's dying to get outside, and I'd keep a close eye on her at all times."

I then snap my eyes to Papa, begging and pleading with him silently.

They mull over Dan's proposition for a few minutes before Papa speaks, and I hold my breath in suspense. "... I really don't see anything wrong with it... As long as you promise to take good care of her, Dan," my papa agrees with a wide grin.

Letting out an unladylike whoop, I quickly cover my mouth with my hand, "Thank you, Papa!" My gaze then turns over to Mama, who looks less than enthusiastic. "Thanks, Mama."

And then I glance at Dan, "Thank you, Dan!"  

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