Lines In The Sand (Avengers V...

By JokeWasOnMe

22.1K 393 33

Ferris Maguire is a part of a super hero team called the Avenegrs. What happens when the team splits into two... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
The End

Part 5

1.5K 37 0
By JokeWasOnMe

Over the next the next three days Tony, Rhodes, and Vision all signed the accords. Natasha was heading Vienna to sign the accords already. Steve, Sam, Thor, Bruce, and I had yet to sign the accords.

Both Tony and Vision had tried hard to get me to change my mind but I was kind of teetering on yes or no. My mind was still clouded with guilt from Lagos. While the accords had helped with getting my mind off of what happened in Lagos it wasn't exactly a great counterfeit. I hadn't slept very well in the past three days either. All of the dreams I had involved screams of terror and that blow up building. And most of my thoughts during the day were just swirling around the accords. Like a whirlpool that simply had no center.

I hate it.

Because on one side of the spectrum I knew I would never be happy being controlled by the goverment. Not being able to make discions for myself. But after Lagos people may never be able to truely trust me again. Did I really need their trust anyway?

I laid in my bed, my hair wet from the warm shower I had just taken and I looked up at the ceiling as though waiting for answers to appear. I took several deep breaths feeling my body relax when a familiar scent suddenly hit my nose. A scent that reminded me of a place I hadn't been to in years. A place called home.

I stood up slowly, the scent was wafting softly through my open door. I walked through the hall until I came into the kitchen to see Vision struggling with several ingredients. He stirred a saucier pan that had some sort of red in it with a confused look on his red features. In his other hand he held a paper recipe of some sort.

Several peppers, eggplant, mushrooms, and squash were strewn around him. Olive oil and two different green plants could also be seen along with different cook utensils. I'm pretty sure he was trying to cook one of my favorite dishes called Ratatouille.

" Is that Ratatouille?" I asked curiously, a small smile forming on my features. Vision looked up a little startled but nodded a small grin appeared. " I thought it might... lift your spirits" Vision conceded as I walked close to him. I felt a happy feeling settle upon my shoulders that I hadn't felt in a while. Vision was always so kind to me.

" Spirits lifted. I remember my mother used to make this all the time" I reminisced. Old memories of my family of four came to mind. Sitting around a wooden table, laughing with each other while eating the famous French dish Ratatouille. Now that family, if you even want to call it that was down to three.

" In my defense I have never really eaten anything before so..." Vision explained awkwardly. I smiled again " May I?" I asked and he nodded as I gently took the wooden spoon from him. Mixing the red sauce with the same delicacy as my mother always did.

"Ferris?" Vision asked.

" Yes?" I asked tasting the sauce that I noticed was a little too sweet.

" No one dislikes you" Vision claimed and I rose a brow while putting a tablespoon of pepper into the sauce.

" Thanks?" I said back questionably. I knew Vision was never the most socially adequate but I continued listening to his words.

" Oh, you're welcome. No. It's a... involuntary response in their amygdala they can't help but be afraid of you" Vision explained giving one of his signature science lessons he always liked including in our conversations.

"Are you?" I asked curiously and continued to gently stir the sauce. The rich scent made my head feel a little clearer.

"My amygdala is synthetic so...?" Vision said awkwardly causing me to giggle softly.

I paused for a second and thought. " I used to be afraid of what I could do. Of being a mutant. For the longest time I just wanted to go back to being normal since my power is rather concealable. But with my family the way it was I didn't know where I could go" I explained while looking down at my fingers that conjured mini force bubbles in shimmering waves. I could remember the day that my parents had found out I was a mutant. I had stopped a glass vase from shattering on the floor without even touching it. Then the look of surprise and then horror upon my mother's face that followed. She knew that I was a mutant freak.

Vision sighed and then gestured to the golden gem on his forehead "Do you know, I don't know what this is. Not really. I know it's not of this world. But... its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me" Vision began.

"Are you afraid of it?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day, who knows, I may even control it" Vision said hopefully. It was always nice to have a chance to talk to someone who was as optimistic as he was. To not truly know what it is you were but still be happy about it was not something everyone could do. Then again Vision was always different from everybody else.

" I hope one day you will" I said simply and tasted the red sauce again. It tasted good but there was something missing. A certain spicy herb. Thyme. That's what I needed. Maybe a tad of rosemary as well.

" Well this sauce tastes good put I think there's a few spices and herbs missing. I'm just going to run to the Kroger and get them. I'll be back in a few" I told Vision and began to walk towards the door when Vision suddenly phased in front of me. Directly blocking my path his his larger form.

" Alternativly, we could order a pizza?" Vision suggested innocently but I could see straight through his offer. I rose a brow looking up at him since he was at least 6'3 while I was just 5'8. "Vision are you not letting me leave?" I asked.

" It's a question of safety" Vision replied.

" I can take care of myself thank you" I said back and went to go around him but his long arm stopped me. Gently pushing me from leaving. " Not yours, Mr.Stark would like avoid the possibility of another public incident. At least until the accords are in a more secure foundation" Vision explained.

I took a breath as I listened to his words. Basically he was saying I couldn't leave until I signed the accords or until Steve and Sam signed the accords witch would never happen.

" And what do you want?" I asked looking straight up into his strange black and blue eyes.

He met my gaze staring into me own pure green eyes. " For people to see you... as I do" Vision answered softly.

His words hit a certain cord. A cord that hadn't been strung in a long time. I knew he meant what he just said entirly.

" If I sign the accords it will just give humans false security that they think they control me" I told Vision. It was true, if push did come to shove and I decided I disagreeed with the governments discions then I would do what I thought was right. I always did.

"Perhaps that is correct... but please, I insist you stay here. I don't want you getting hurt" Visison insisted sincerely. I sighed " Fine, we can go ahead and just order a pizza, besides to comeplte the ratatouille we would need more zucchini, Parmesan, and onions" I pointed out with a small smile.

He nodded seeming happy that I decided to not put up a fight " Well I doubt I will ever pride myself on being a good chef" Vision admitted.

" Maybe some day"

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