Precious Secret

By DiannaGee_

534K 26.2K 2.7K

In love one day, heartbroken the next. Krystina and Stephen were newly graduated college sweethearts, when th... More

1. Congratulations
2. Disbelief
3. That day....
4. Unavoidable
5. Liquid Courage
6. 2Bad
7. You're just a client
8. Superman
9. Daddy Dearest
10. Confrontation.
11. Oh No.
12. BBQ
13. No Finding Dory For You
14. Stumped.
15. The Big Bang
16. Revelation
17. Admit.
18. How?
19. Hug it out.
20. Getting to know. (Part 1)
21. Getting to know (part 2)
22. She Went There.
23. Surprise Visitor.
24. Pressing Question
26. Dinner
27. Uninvited Company
28. Moving Foward.
29. Parental Duties
30. No Regerts
31. Long awaited Weekend
32. Boys Night
33. Feelings

25. Almost In-laws

13.2K 644 37
By DiannaGee_

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Stephen asks me for what seems like the hundredth time.

"Steph, I'm perfectly fine. I don't mind at all, really." I reassure him.

Stephen, or more specifically his mother, invited Bryan and myself over to Stephen's place for a "movie night". What Stephen was unaware of, at least until 20 minutes ago when he found out, is that his father will also be in attendance.

"I'm honestly shocked that you're okay with it. I almost called the whole thing off when she told me. How can you be so calm about it? I thought you, like me, held a deep dislike for the man."

I breathe heavily into the phone, sighing. "I do dislike him. A lot, actually. But like I said the other day, I really don't want to rehash the past. If your dad honestly, truly, wants to make amends, and start anew, I'm not going to keep flinging his past mistakes into his face. Don't get me wrong, I really would appreciate an apology, in fact I hope he's planning on giving me one tonight, but I'm done holding on to this anger. It's exhausting, Steph." I tell him.

His end of the call remains silent. He ponders over what I says before replying. "I guess you're right. I want to move past this whole thing as well. I just think it's a lot easier to do in theory, than it is to do in reality.

Anyway, enough of the heavy stuff. What do you and Bryan have planned for the afternoon?" He switches gears.

"I'm taking him out for a play date with some of my girlfriends and their kids. We're going to go to the Kohl Children's Museum, and then maybe Panera for a small lunch."

"Aw man. That sounds like fun." He takes a deep breath, and by the frustrated sound that comes from his mouth, I imagine he's haphazardly running his hand through his hair. "I wish I could come with you guys, but I'm swamped at work right now. Not that I'd want to intrude on your time with him or anything..." He starts, but I cut him off, already knowing where his thoughts are headed.

"Hey, its fine. I know you didn't mean it in any additional way other than letting me know that you want to spend more time with him, especially outside of my living room. As soon as your schedule is freed up a bit, you'll be able to have all the father-son adventures you want."

His sigh once again comes through the phone. "I know. You'd think I'd be able to at least take off on weekends. It's like these people have no idea what they're doing. Every time there's a pitch, and I leave the associates in charge to handle it, like I should be able to, things go to shit."

A honk from outside momentarily interrupts me. I make my way off of the carpeted floor in the living room, and head towards the window. Taking a peek out, I see that Kyisha's van is outside and that everyone else has already been picked up. We're carpooling today. Go green. Save the earth.

"You're too nice sometimes, Stephen. If your employees and colleagues are acting like they can't do their jobs, then maybe they shouldn't have one. Fire them, and hire better staff. Look my rides outside, so I'm going to get going, but Bryan and I will see you later on, yeah?"

"Yeah. See you tonight." He says before I disconnect the call.

I call Bryan downstairs, and then we're out the door and into the van.

"Hey, girl. It's been a bit since I've seen you!" Rory, our wonderfully English friend exclaims when she sees me.

"I know," I say apologetically, "Things have been hectic lately."

"Tell me about it." Both she and Kyisha say in unison, causing the three of us to laugh, and our children to give us funny looks.

I turn around in my seat to greet the kids, and get a chorus of "Hi, Auntie Krystina" is response.

Both Kyisha and Rory are happily married with children.

Kyisha and her husband, DeVante, we're high school sweethearts, who got married right out of high school. They ended up going to UIC together, and starting their family after they graduated. Their son, Tobias, is a year older than Bryan, and the two happen to be best friends.

Things happened a little differently for Rory. Before she moved to the USA, she was in a seemingly healthy relationship with an investment banker, until things took a turn for the worse. Her fiance, Jack, became verbally and physically abusive when he found out she was pregnant. She called off the wedding shortly after, and took out a restraining order against him. Before she left Sheffield, she petitioned for, and was granted, full custody of their daughter, Elisa.

Despite her abusive relationship, she never let that deter her from finding love. Which is why, she's only very recently come back from her second honeymoon. Her husband Diego, who is a music producer, even adopted Elisa as his own daughter.


"So how are you handling the "feelings"?" Kyisha asks me once the kids have taken off.

"What do you mean? And why'd you put quotations around feelings?"

"I mean, your college sweetheart, and the love of your life, has just come crashing back into your life, and it hasn't cause you to feel some type of way?" She questions, her disbelief evident.

"Besides the relief I'm feeling now that Stephen knows, and the joy I feel when I get to witness just how happy Bry is about him being in his life, there are no other feelings being stirred. Besides the negative ones concerning our meddling parents." I tell her.

"We're not talking about how you feel concerning Calvin, or Bryan." Rory cuts in. "I'm glad that Bryan is enjoying having a father, but you haven't been on second date in years, which we can insinuate is because you're not over Steph. There's no need to play dumb. You might want to deny it to yourself, but I see right through this facade. You need to admit, process, and then deal with what you're feeling."

I look at her in mild shock. "Let's not be too dramatic here. Even if there were feelings in the mix, now would not be the time to explore them. At all. I get where you guys are coming from, being concerned friends and all. But thinking that I'm going to admit to still being in love with my ex, and that we'll just pick up where we left off, like the last five years haven't shaped us into different people, is insanity." I try to explain to her.

"We're not saying that you should jump right back into a relationship with guy." She says as she reaches across the table to touch my hand. "We're just saying your due for a reality check. And the reality is: you still have feelings for your baby daddy. Whether or not you act on it is completely up to you. However, denying it is pointless." She says with finality.

After the museum and lunch, I spend the entire ride home thinking on what Rory said.

Do I still have feelings for Steph?

I don't know.




Even so, you can't just be separated from someone for years, and then try to pick up where things left off.

You aren't even the same person you were all those years ago, and neither is the other person.

That's just wishful thinking, and I am so beyond that.


When we arrive back home, later than I originally planned, I rush into the house to get Bryan and myself ready.

It's only at this point that I realize I have nothing to bring to the dinner. It's not a potluck, or even formal, but I was raised to always bring something, even if it's desert, or wine.

Knowing now that I'll need to stop at the store, I speed up my procession. Slipping on a black blouse, dark jeans, and my black flats, I make sure Bryan is dressed appropriately before getting into the car.

I stop at the Garrett popcorn shop downtown to pick up two large bags of popcorn, before getting back on the expressway.

Considering how behind we were earlier, I'm more than pleased when we reach the building that Stephen resides in with a few minutes to spare.

Immediately after Bryan and I are buzzed up, the nerves start to settle in. I try to remind myself that the stakes are different this time around. That I'm no longer trying to impress my ex-boyfriend's parents. That I no longer have to feel intimidated by them or their wealth. I'm a successful, independent woman who has made a name for herself in the ad business here in the city. I'm a boss.

When we reach to top floor, the penthouse to be more specific, Mrs. Sims is standing in the doorway sporting a flour covered apron and a large smile.

"Oh my goodness!" She squeals, barely able to keep still.

As we come closer, she tries her hardest to compose herself. She squats down to Bryans level when we reach her.

"Hello, darling." She greets him. Her enthusiasms is contagious, prompting Bryan to give her an exuberant "Hi" in response.

"This is Stephen' dad's mom." I tell him. "Which means, that she's your grandmother."

"But I already have a grandma." He scrunches his face in confusion.

After I explain to him that he can have more than one grandparent, he eventually gives Larissa a hug.

She ushers us into the foyer, taking both bags of popcorn and thanking me for being so "thoughtful".

We walk into the living room where Stephen is currently tampering with television. As soon as he spots him, Bryan rushes over to Stephen to greet him. "Hi, daddy."

Stephen, who must've not known we were here yet, spins around and bends down just in time to accept Bryans embrace.

Larissa clasps her hands over her mouth, tears in her eyes, as she watched duo interact.

The display of affection brings the conversation I had earlier with the girls to the forefront of my mind.

I can't deny that seeing the two together touches some hidden away part of me. My mind seems to pick those moments to reminisce about out the life I once envisioned for Stephen and I.

Hearing loud footsteps from my left, I tear my eyes away from the adorable scene in front of me, and turn my head to see Calvin, Stephen's father, coming around the corner.


Peep the length

A/N: I finally updated!!!

Wow. When I tell y'all ya girl was SWAMPED.......I mean all my teachers must've convened and decided that they were all gonna give out hella projects that would be due between mid march and the beginning of April.


I honestly can't believe I made it through this week sjdjfbnsmsm.

I was like 90% sure I'd have some sort of mental breakdown before Wednesday.


Anyway......what do you think about the Chapter?

Krys' friends names seem real familiar don't they..........👀

Is Calvin gonna be cordial? An asshole? Qué?

How do you think dinner with progress?


160+ votes for next chapter.

And as always, thank you for your continued support!! It is much appreciated.

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