Yes or Nah

By Jersie_Styles

546 34 21

lacie is an 18 year old girl with big dreams of becoming famous by auditioning for the X- factor in Ireland... More

Yes or No
what is going on--??
Niall's house
explaining our secret chapter 5
how?? 6
as time goes..
the night
'lock down'
trying to forget
things that go boom!
Utah ....
time to pick?!

school. √

60 5 2
By Jersie_Styles

lacies pov:

school, school is a different story.

everyone thinks and says I'm going to be famous, I have a few videos on YouTube but not a lot if views. just a couple hundred.

as me and Aubrie arrive at the school, as soon as I get out of the car everyone just kinda

'' oh my God OK its Lacie!!!! guys she's so pretty''

'' I'm going to marry her''

heck no you aren't I'm reserved. I thought to my self

'' Lacie do you umm, want to go out on a date with me? "mason the high schools player.

''No I'm busy''I replied then walked away

''No your not come on its just one date''he said as he kissed my cheek

''Um I said no!"I yelled and slapped his face. and it felt great, I love slapping people.

''Someone is on their period maybe I'll ask next week''

''The answer will always be a no, I don't want to go out with a jock who has taken ever girls virginity here at this school!" I yelled as he walked away

''I can take yours if you please'' he said running towards me once again

'' if I've told you once I've told you twice NO''I said walking into language arts

''Have it your way'' mason says as he walks after me. we have to have the same first period huh? yes yes we do. as mason walks over to me and pulls me on his lap (I was sitting on my desk trying to talk to Sara and lexi)

'' I love rejection ''


saved by that bell right now I would go on a date with the bell.

''Class take your seats we are going to be writing an assignment on anything that you pick so something interesting and write!"

Mrs. Avery my absolute favorite teacher ever. if you don't pay attention she'll throw her shoes and erasers and what not at you!

I laugh so hard she threw a shoe at mason because he was flirting with Bri.

I'm writing my fantasy about me and the one and only Niall Horan half way threw there is this anyoning voice and person keep poking me and talking to me.  I finally turn around mason has switched with Neil.





''What do you want?"

''A date me you one night'' he replied smiling his 'famous' smile

''No never in a million years'' I said smirking at my one direction "quote"

''Fine'' he huffs and gets back to work. sooner or later he switched back with Neil.

''Class we are doing seating arrangements right now''

ugh I hate seating arrangements. after a while she finally said my name

''Lacie you'll be sitting by lexi Sara and mason over here'' she said pointing to the four seats left. out of all people MASON really.

'' your stuck with me for the next i don't know few weeks?"  he said whispering in my ear.

as the rest if the day went on i finally got to get back I the car with Aubrie

''Lacie I'm going out with sage tonight, I also heard that you rejected mason?"

''Yes I did, and good for you'' I said really sarcastically.

''Will you drop me off at home?" I pleaded when she has a date she usually makes me walk.

''Yes I'll drop you off at home'' she said while starting the car, pulling out of the parking lot and driving home.

as I arrive home I walk into the door and hear yelling?

no screaming

no crying and screaming

PLOT TWIST! TRUST ME it will get better

alright! guys here is chapter two! if I get more reads then I'll start dedicating chapters to my favorite comments. tell me what you like so far..

as I said last chapter authers note I made and email for me and Lacie

email us with song ideas and we'll see what we can do..

Lacie put up my fan fiction that she's writing for me. her page is

xlacie_cakesx go and read and follow!!

email me btw my name is jersie.

in the subject put Lacie or jersie if you want one of us.

if you want both of us then do jersie and Lacie.

thank you tons!!

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