DARK PARADISE. [ Currently Un...

By jolante424

12.2K 492 65

He is the masterplayer of this game. She is the prize in which he strives for.. In sinister ways, he moves an... More

Authors note.🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Chapter one [ Edited.]
Chapter 2 [ Edited]
Chapter 3[ Edited]
Chapter 4 [ Edited]
Chapter 5[ Edited]
Chapter 6 [ Edited]
Chapter 7[ Edited]
Chapter 8 [ Edited]
Chapter 9 [ Edited]
Chapter 10[ Edited]
Author's note {Part Two.}🌸
Chapter 11[Edited]
Chapter 12[Edited]
Chapter 13[Edited]
Chapter 14[Edited]
Chapter 15[Edited]
Chapter 16[Editing]
Chapter 17[Edited]
Chapter 18[Edited]
Chapter 19[Edited]
Chapter 20[Edited]
Chapter 21[Edited]πŸ”₯
Chapter 22[Editing]
Author's note
Chapter 22[Editing]
Chapter 23[Editing]
Chapter 24[Editing]
Chapter 26[Editing]
Chapter 27[Editing]
Sorry not an update!!!
Chapter 28[Editing]
Chapter 29[Editing]
Chapter 30[Editing]

Chapter 25[Editing]

118 8 0
By jolante424

" anything? " Max asked while heading towards Austin, who stood close to their rented boat.

" nah, I've tried everyone I know, no answer"

" shit" Max cursed under his breath.

" we should get a move on" Austin said.

" yeah, but Austin, are you sure about this?" Max asked for the last time now.

Austin gave a nod.

" like I said, I have my reasons and besides I care about Kate too "

After Max had been convinced, he motioned for Austin to go inside the boat while he sighed as he looked at the time. He then took out the little poem from his back pocket and with almost almost teary eyes, he put it back.

" hey man,are you coming?" Austin asked.

" yeah" he answered .

He knew that deep down he was eager to get to Kate.

Danny,Nick and Stacey each lost in their own thought, sat nervously and quietly in the living room. The silence suddenly got too much for Stacey as a stream of tears clouded her vision, she kept glancing at her tense friends direction. She suddenly shot up from the couch ,earning their attention.

" I can't do this, I can't sit here and pretend like my friend wasn't just murdered." She sobbed.

" we aren't pretending,"

" we have to so something though" Nick said while he took her in his arms and tried to comfort her, Stacey gladly took the place she believed that she she deserved, right in Nick's arms.

" that means Kate was right when she told us about seeing someone" Danny said ,thinking out loud, making Nick move away from Stacey and taking a seat.

" yeah, but she wasn't sure" Stacey argued.

Before anyone could argue, the door burst open, making them all jump to their feet, they let our sighs of uneasy relief when they saw Maddy.

" I can't find him anywhere, it's like he vanished into thin air" Maddie complained, while throwing herself on the couch. She glanced at everyone who sat ,looking at her in silence, she noticed Stacey's red puffy eyes.

" why are you all so quiet, have you seen him?" She asked.

" no" both Danny and Nick said in unison.

" okay, why are you -"

" guys?"

" something happened to Clara" Nick said.

" Clara, is she okay?" She leaned forward.

" no " admitted Danny.

" well will someone-"

" she's dead! Someone killed her in the jacuzzi." Stacey shouted.

As if Maddie didn't believe them, she rose to her feet and went out to the jacuzzi, not later did they hear her scream and all they could do was slouch in their places,in defeat.


" Kate, I've got the - " Anna stopped mid- sentence when she saw no sign of Kate.

" Kate? " Anna called out as she began moving forward, moving branches out of her way. She kept on calling out for her but Kate never answered. She was now getting worried and suddenly had a bad feeling ,like something was wrong , and it was true when she noticed something red on the grass and a bracelet. She picked it up and looked it over, she realized that it was not Kate's but Clara's ,that bad feeling never went away but increased as she turned around to find a man in combat boots, black pants, navy shirt and black jacket standing only a few feet from her.

Anna immediately saw a resemblance of Kate on him with the almost intense eyes but mesmerizing black eyes. She didn't have to guess who it was who stood before her.

Like he was reading her mind, he slowly moved forward and she reversed, the man seemed to move a bit faster now and when Anna saw his bloody hands, she didn't waste time in running away. She could feel him tailing her and with that she increased her pace, resulting to her to lose her balance and feel body dropping, the worst part is that she didn't just fall but dropped into a big open ditch/ hole. As she hit the ground and remained in an unconscious state, he stood from the too and watched her for a while before he slowly walked away.

" mmm." Kate moaned as her brows flickered , she moved her head from side to side, trying to clear her head. She slowly opened her eyes to learn that she was in a foreign place, she tried to move her arms and legs but then pain prickled on both her ankles and wrists, she tried looking at her hands and that's when she began panicking, when she discovered that she was tied up and not only that, but with wire, which was digging in her skin whenever she tried to move. She stopped moving and looked around to see something like a physicians table or something, a shuffling sound with metals clinking earned her attention, her eyes shot forward and slightly widened in shock when a figure stood in front of her, it's back facing her. Moving her head, trying to clear it again, she remembered that before her might have been the same guy she thought she'd seen back at the basement window. Her panic grew when the guy stopped what he'd been doing and turned around to face her, she couldn't see his eyes and half of his face, moving closer to her, she could make out some hair but the rest was covered by his hoodie.

" who are you?" She asked with her low tone, but he didn't answer.

" please, can you hear me?" Her heart beat faster now.

" shhh" he cooed and her eyes widened when she noticed what he'd been holding in his hand, it was a syringe.

" w-what are you -" he lowered it and inserted it in her harm, making her gasp and wince out in pain, once he was sure that that the drug had entered fully in her skin, he pulled it out and then placed it next to her. He lightly brushed her hair, shushing her while the drug took it's toll on Kate. She felt her body weight become heavy and exhaustion taking place that all she wanted was to rest.

" mine" he Mured against her neck, inhaling her scent.

He raised his head and placed a kiss on her forehead.

" rest now Amy" he finally said.


~ Short, I know but hope you guys enjoy it.~

* Lots of love *

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